President Trump is the 19th President of the Republic of the USA ( not the corporation). The Military ( White Hats installed him in Jan 21). John F. Kennedy Jr is the temporary VP.

The above is from Truth Social.

You probably already know this.

Thanks for everything.

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Please could you (or even a Badlands writer) explain to the French I'm this story of Republic of the USA ?

I've been unable to find any trustful and well-documented article about that. Much writings often stink dark theories...

Thanks to those who can help !

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FYI- Is the above what you are asking? If not, you could ask Badlands, or go on Truth Social and ask: TommyMac171, Dean1776NCSWIC, Quarham17, or the 17thLetter. All four of the above are very helpful.

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Thanks you for trying to help !

That's the meaning of your statement "President Trump is the 19th President of the Republic of the USA (not the corporation)" I'm looking for a trustful explanation...

I made a firm and hard choice to never have any social media account: that doesn't belong to my life, nor my believes !

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FYI: You can read through the above documents

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Excellent Sean

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Everything in the United States and world changed on November 22, 1963.

Everything that is happening now had its genesis in that moment.

Twitter August 17, 2017 (pinned tweet)

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Nov 22, 1963 the day the music died in America

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Thank You

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Thanks excellent article

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I love it, JFK and Jr. Live on, today in our landscape we have these two strong pillars as a reminder, the fight is still alive. I love this article, just like I love Erik’s article, we were chosen for this time. Badlands Media hits another one out of the park!!

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"Once in a lifetime the longed-for tidal wave of justice can rise up, and hope and history rhyme."

— Sophocles

— Philoctetes

I turned 71 last week and have witnessed two opportunities for the "tidal wave of justice to rise up" in my lifetime. The first was stopped by a high velocity bullet when I was 11. Sixty years have passed since that fateful late November day and we're now riding another wave. But this one's enormous and it's seemingly growing larger by the day. It simply won't be stopped as easily as the former wave and, I hasten to hope and suggest, it cannot be thwarted in any manner whatsoever at this point. There are far too many of us now who are awake, alert, informed, and clamoring for justice.

The Great Awakening has been a brilliantly executed, principally military, psychological operation. We can all confidently say: 'This time we win. This time hope and history will truly rhyme...'

For the record, I personally believe that JFK, Jr. is alive and well and intimately connected to this Plan to save the world. It's a fascinating time to be alive...

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May I respectfully ask why you believe JFK Jr is still alive?

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It's well known that John Jr. and Trump were close friends and we also know that the Plan to return this country to its founding principles (aka Devolution) goes all the way back to the mid-60's when military leaders discovered the truth about who assassinated JFK and why. I believe that both Trump and John Jr. were well aware of the military Plan and agreed to support it in any manner needed. There's evidence that when John Jr. threw his hat in the ring for the New York Senate race, a seat that Hillary also coveted as a springboard to propel her to an eventual run for President, Deep State operatives decided to sabotage Jr's plane. I believe that both Trump and Jr. were tipped off by military intel contacts and they assisted in the operation to thwart the planned hit. How that was actually done remains to be publicly revealed, though I've heard credible accounts which involved transferring the sabotage device to an identical plane which would be flown by remote control. Retrieval of the wreckage and the arranging of burial services with closed caskets would have been fairly easily managed by military divers and associated White Hats.

But I always reserve the right to be wrong. Only time will tell...

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The circumstances surrounding the plane crash that killed JFK Jr, et al, is very suspicious, to say the least.

HRC sabotaging a plane would not be outside the realm of possibility, certainly. Many reckon, myself included, her kill list is long.

JFK Jr, et al, being buried at sea from a USN vessel was highly unusual. I can't think of any civilian being afforded they honor.

Could you tell me more of these credible accounts involving the 'sabotage device being transferred to an identical plane'? This is something quite interesting that I've never heard before!

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Unfortunately I can't provide a link for you, but I listened to a podcast account some time ago featuring someone who'd done a deep investigation into the JFK, Jr. story. As I recall, an individual with direct military knowledge of the operation reached out to him, corroborated many of the elements of his developing theory, and encouraged him to continue sharing his findings with the public. This researcher (the name given escapes me) laid out a very detailed and believable chronology of how the entire counter-plot was hatched and executed. If memory serves me, I think I heard it on veteran Navy Seal Michael Jaco's podcast on Rumble. Best I can do for you...

If you haven't seen it already, there's also a tantalizing clue from Robert Kennedy Jr.

Make of it what you will.


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Yes! I've seen that clip when it came out. Hardly compelling; too much room for interpretation.

I couldn't find anything on JFK Jr on Michael Jaco's Rumble channel.

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Phil, wow - great comments! I'm right behind you, I'll be 68 in a couple of months, so I too was a little kid when JFK was murdered. I can hear what you said in my mind in JFK's voice: "we're now riding another wave. But this one's enormous and it's seemingly growing larger by the day. It simply won't be stopped as easily as the former wave and, I hasten to hope and suggest, it cannot be thwarted in any manner whatsoever at this point. There are far too many of us now who are awake, alert, informed, and clamoring for justice." He had such a distinctive accent and I can just hear him in my imagination. It would be wonderful if you're right about JFK Jr. I haven't seen anything convincing, but I hope it's true!

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So well expressed thank you. The voice of freedom and reason.

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As always, spot on!

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Very nice writing. Thank you for covering those losses in such an insightful way!👍And saying it so delicately was truly brilliant!

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Wonderful, insightful, and very timely piece for this moment in time. I was 8 years old at the time of JFK's funeral watching on black and white TV shown on the only 3 channels available. That puts Trump at age 17. Just finishing his particular high school, soon to go onto business school. I was in New York at that time, so was Trump and later JFK Jr. My husband of 31 years was also in New York. You are so right about the next generations (staggered ages to be sure) are always coming and continue the fight for freedom. We are influenced and 'spoken' to, for deployment at different points, locations and timelines. Seeding the narratives as Burning Bright is always reminding us. Our acquisition of knowledge and experiences during our various lifetimes and educational journey.

I see now the direction I should take with writings, thanks to you. I can offer an affirmation via my personal journey. I am not looking for followers and no longer need to earn $ as my Social Security is exactly enough. I do have a body of knowledge that I'm compelled to put in writing, otherwise it would be a waste and no purpose to the acquisition. I want to honor what was given to me. Thanks for unlocking my writers block, Sean. Bless you.

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I want to thank everyone who helped with this great awakening. It’s been the wildest ride. The information has been mind blowing. Every emotion that a person can experience I have felt 10 fold since October 28 2017. I thank God for his plan for us. It’s been very humbling and I look forward to justice being seen. God bless all of you natural free will loving warriors of Gods plan.

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This is such an encouraging article. Thank you!

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I think you should look a little deeper into MLK, Jr.

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Sean a great piece and have shared to many In my network. You should write more often on this platform. Love your work and I am a fan. I have followed you and your work for a very long time. A fan of Game Theory as well. Maybe a piece of how you see the future of Brazil would be great for us interested in the future of South America as the communists try to destroy that landscape.

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I can understand the desperation of people in this country but I cannot understand the "deifying" of the Kennedy clan/dynasty. Kennedy's administration was rife with communists throughout his whole administration and what he did to Cuba is unforgivable. Thru Cuba (Castro) communism has spread into our southern hemisphere all the way to our Mexican border and let's not forget Castro's involvement in Africa as well. Robert Kennedy is the only one who has done a yeoman's job on the vaccines issue and is deserving of praise. Let's not blind ourselves to realities in our desperation for a hero to come to our rescue.

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Respectfully knowing what we know now on how the deep state do things - do we really know what transpired with Cuba to be fact or true - we don’t. And the communists- they have been rife in every administration for over a hundred years. They are just more overt now ! Kennedy, the man had many flaws but his messaging to the world about the evil was real. Listen to Eisenhower’s speech as he left the WH. Telling!

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Since I was born in Cuba, I got my information first hand from my parents and all their fellow Cubans who had to flee Cuba and who also had friends or loved ones die and/or get captured at the Bay of Pigs. So, respectfully, Kennedy let it all happen on his watch and with his CIA involvement but I do agree with you on the fact that most Americans really don't know what happened because they don't care to know and most don't want to be bothered with what happens in other countries until it affects their way of life here in the USA.

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The Kennedy brothers were furious about the CIA's mishandling of the Bay of Pigs operation and threatened to splinter the organization into a thousand pieces following the tragic fiasco. The President was not kept fully informed about what was being planned and played no part in any of the late decision-making processes. The criminal CIA operation reacted to the Kennedy threat by eventually removing both JFK and RFK from the land of the living. The US may have lost two very courageous leaders but the Cuban people's losses are incalculable.

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My father knew the CIA was heavily involved but the bottom line is that most of his administration and his VP choice bear witness to Kennedy being a tool, fool, complicit or all of the above. LBJ was a crook from the get-go and old Joseph Kennedy was another such maybe even worse., Ted Chapaquidick Kennedy was another in the long line of Kennedy fails. A cousin also murdered a girl, Martha? I could go on about their family of which John F was a big part. They say the acorns never fall far from the oak tree., so forgive me if I don't view that family in a very good light. Certainly not in a saviors light or as knights in shining armor.

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I share your dislike of the Kennedy family in general and particularly for Lyndon Johnson , who was intimately involved in the planning, execution, and cover-up of the assassination. We'll never know just how effective JFK and RFK would have been in their vow to restructure the increasingly rogue American civilian intelligence apparatus, but clearly they were committed to doing so. The two brothers richly earned lots of powerful enemies, including the central banksters who were willing to do whatever was necessary to prevent JFK's EO 11110 from destroying their absolute power over the issuance of currency and credit.

So, forgive me for seeing John and Robert Kennedy as two surprisingly courageous men who tried to do many good things for their countrymen, which only secondarily would have done much to improve the unsavory legacy and reputation of their family name. The lengths that were taken to silence them both is proof positive that they were at least potential saviors and patriot knights of the highest order.

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You have ur opinion and I have mine. Only time and hopefully transparency in government will tell the whole truth. I always hope for the best and expect the worst since that is what government and politicians give us.

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Lived experience matters the most. It defines us and how we see the world through those lenses. It is difficult for those who have not lived such experiences to appreciate the pain that comes with such experiences. I don’t defend JFK because like most I simply don’t know the real truths of these events but I appreciate what he brought to the world and his legacy. A very flawed man yes but aren’t many who changed the course of history of that time. I feel thou that at this time in our own history we will eventually come to know the real players of the internal destruction of the United States and beyond over the last one hundred years particularly. My own family tree is littered in historical pain and suffering. To understand how we got here I think it important to remember who came before us in our quest for truth and ultimately real justice. We fight on.

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Very powerful and sensitive, Kathy ! 🕊️

I agree and support your analysis 👏🏻👍🏻

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