The truly vile, evil and corrupt have to go the extra mile to appear patriotic. Nicely done Joe, you are a treasure to our community.

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Thank you Erik. Can you imagine what our history would be like if the media had always been honest and done their job to expose this stuff? The media is the enemy of the people. The CIA knew that the narrative war is the most important war and the fact they got away with the JFK assassination only fueled them to control even more.

But it’s all coming to an end my friend!! Thankfully!

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He was a criminal, a disgusting example of a US Serviceman. A pathetic excuse for a Senator of US Congress!

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I completely agree Linda!!

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one of the keating 5. right out of the political gate. smack dab in the midst of democrat inside traders. john glenn was one too.

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I will probably mention that in my next article but not go too deep because there are far worse stuff he’s done.

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No name planned capture bonus mattress dancing with Hanoi Hannah, must have persuaded Jane f'ing Fonda time warner to turn over names.

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“military hero” designation to me ought to put more people on the sus list. mcnoname. john glenn. eye-patch mccain. randall cunningham. duncan hunter. give a normal man some power, some cover, and access to money that he hasn’t had before and you’ll see more take it and run rather than walk with their integrity. trump is immune to that specific lever.

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He most certainly was a traitor…the first to be taken out by his overlords, or was it suicide? The thing that is so clear about all this is how you’ve exposed some of the most important connections within this huge criminal organization masquerading as a spiderweb!

Hindsight is wonderful, and it’s gratifying that through your articles and those of other writers we the non-anons can grasp that things are happening; what we didn’t realize in the past turned out to be markers or proofs and that it is ALL connected!

This fight and exposure of no name was actually the first public move up the steps to the top of this international ‘mafia’ where we see 7 years later is finally reaching the uppermost levels of the cabal’s minions here. Obama and Hillary and Soros are next. Probably why Huma’s marrying Alex Soros.

The gang of 8 now has a completely different perception by citizens, doesn’t it? A bunch of crooks, ‘In 2013, McCain and Schumer, along with six other senators including Sens. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Michael Benet, D-Colo., and Robert Menendez, D-N.J…..

You captured this moment perfectly, ‘But Trump knew something that they didn’t. The American people aren’t stupid, and a majority of the American people knew how corrupt our government was, they just had no power to change it until Trump came along.’ And, it IS all about the money and all the power that money buys. Love of money is the root of all evil…but it’s the POWER that’s addictive!

God bless you, Joe, and thank you for another great chapter in revealing the connections of evil!🙏🙏

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Those are some really great comments ALtab!! Thank you! These evil people have gotten away with this stuff for so long that they don’t know what to do once they are on the defensive.

They have always maintained control and don’t know how to regain that control now that the world is waking up to their corruption.

Just wait till the absolute evil is exposed to the entire world.

It will change everything.

Blessings friend.

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ATtab, can we really be sure NoName is even dead? Supposedly dies of a glioblastoma, a fast-moving and almost always fatal cancer... convenient if you want to disappear for a while.

No matter though, if NoName is still around I'll bet Q and the White Hats know exactly where he is, and he can be brought back and put on trial when the time is right.

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I have a feeling he's dead, and I think it was done in such a way as to send a veiled but clear message to the Cabal, traitors can't hide.

The reaction from Cindy McCain of absolute hatred for Trump after the death of her husband is that of someone who is extremely angry at a loved one being killed, not someone grieving a loss due to a medical condition.

I think NoName outlived his usefulness to both sides and was taken off the chessboard.

If the DS had him eliminated they would've eliminated his wife as well because she knows way too much to be left running around on her own.

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All good points, but it could be that NoName disappeared in a way that convinced both sides along with his other enemies that he was dead of cancer, and Cindy is acting the part. There are ways. He was cunning enough, anything is possible. It would be fantastic to see him face justice.

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Wild Bill I am of the opinion that No Name and Military Tribunal met and Military Tribunal won (Quick Trial)...

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So he was allowed to fake cancer? Interesting -- any idea why? Cui bono?

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My guess is either he was given the option to spill his guts and get an honorable exit story OR he tried to provide his own cover story, in which case he will be exposed in the future.

We truly are living in an amazing time.

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Indeed we are, Joe. I hope you're right, that it all comes out. The People have a right to know.

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IMO McCain's execution was practically broadcast for the world: John Kasich slips and says it's been 24hrs since John McCain was put to death: https://youtu.be/aIbf6wB8LSU?si=6So-9bYLBiT4v2y3

And don't forget, his daughter Meghan affirming it by stating "you can't kill him again"

He was executed for treason IMO, and FTR, I believe he wasn't the only one at this time. Who is Biden, really??

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That is a possibility too. Good point Bill.

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Do you remember when there was a big kerfuffle about DJT wanting the navy to have the name of the USS John McCain hidden/obscured when he was visiting Japan? It was painted, as Trump being petty, but you know there is more to that story.

As far as whether or not No-Name is with us, my guess is no. Both his daughter and Kasich slipped publicly (intentionally?) that he had been killed. .

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That Trump story is very interesting.

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Actually there’s a very big Q-proof that he was executed. Q 1706 said No Name returning to headlines exactly one month to the minute before his death. Q post was dated 7/25/18 7:28 pm EDT and he died 8/25/18 at 4:28 pm AZ time (per Wikipedia) which equals 7:28pm EDT.

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I will wrap the Q proofs into a neat little bow and prove that he was put into submission and forced to take his own life.

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Thank you for the reference! I was racking my brain trying to figure out where I saw it! It's nice to know I'm not getting premature dementia!

It's way too specific a time and date and it provided me with overwhelming proof that Q was definitely real and the info was concrete.

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Bingo! Kudos, sandy!

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Joe! I just read this article, I’d been looking forward to more on no name and then missed it! The day you dropped this I was stuck in an airport for 12 hrs and had plenty of time to read it , too 😂. Awesome article, thank you, just fascinating. And now off to bed and I get to enjoy your new drop tomorrow 😊

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!! I remember that now! It was very strange and one of the things that made me take a harder look at Q.

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Didn't they have about 3 or 4 funeral services for him? That sure was overkill.😊

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Jul 30Edited

Was McStain taken out by his own people?

Or was he executed as a traitor by the white hats?

Yes he could've been given the option to voluntarily commit suicide to protect his public image and legacy.

I dimly recall a Q post which actually named the date of his upcoming death and when it came to pass I took it as a Q proof. [Edit: Thanks to Sandy for providing the Q proof in Q-drop 1706 https://qanon.pub/#1706


What I do recall was the absolute vitriol his wife, Cindy McCain had for president Trump, after his death she absolutely hated him and didn't bother to hide it from the public.

I think a deal was struck with McCain, he was caught red-handed and was given the option of suicide, he was never going to get out from under the charges of treason.

If he decided to fight back without his pals in high places to save him then Trump would fully expose what he had done and then had a public trial followed by execution.

The ego of Cabal operatives are such that they do believe in death before dishonor, I think NoName could not bear the thought of being remembered as a traitor.

It doesn't matter anyways, after the fall of the Cabal the truth will come out and he'll be remembered as Benedict Arnold was remembered in the history books.

The main weakness of the Cabal and it's members are their egos, they cannot stand to be viewed as anything other than superior people(elite), better than the rest of us and want their names and memory immortalized.

This is the same defect of character all Satanists suffer from all the way back to Lucifer, instead NoName will get the treatment he deserves to be forgotten, his name nothing more than ash and consigned to oblivion.

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So Rubio was part of the gang of eight (pals w Jeb - “you can clap now”- Bush).

And we are suppose to trust him now? Never liked him - never trusted him - won’t start now. Trump must be “using” him. No RUBIO

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Won't it be lovely when All Worldwide Swamp Rats are fully exposed. TY, Joe, for years of dedication pioneering this vitally necessary task of truth in journalism. NOT easy in era of Mockingbird Mossad Media. How does Alwaleed tie into Israel? Trump is certainly the most effective US political truth warrior. Putin may have absorbed more blows from DS than any single human.

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I haven’t dug into Israel at all. I will leave that to GPH. He’s an expert I like to follow.

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Me, too!

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And me! ❤️

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"Redacted" just said that Israel just bombed Lebanon. Damn.

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And me! 👋🏼

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Agreed Gordon is razors edge sharp on a lot of the middle east issues. Was blessed to spend some time with him at GART 3 in Irvine and we discussed a lot of different issues.. Love his work also..

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If someone wants to learn about John McCain’s “character” just google the words “John McCain and Keating Scandal.

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He’s one of the most corrupt Senators ever. Wait till the next article.

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And to think, the UniParty Republicans ran this POS for President. We were screwed either way, him or Hussein.

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I’ll mention that in my next article.

Alwaleed controlled both candidates for president in that race. That’s not a coincidence.

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At the time, I honestly flipped a coin. Looking back, I see there would have been very little difference in the overall outcome. Which is somewhat depressing to acknowledge. I would have never dreamed we would be where we are today.

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I think a McCain presidency would have actually been worse because he would have kept destroying the country slowly while shredding the constitution over time.

Obama on the other hand, wasted no time trying to destroy the constitution and promote division. Obama’s actions helped wake up a lot of people and prepare us for the Great Awakening. In my opinion anyway.

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I see it that way too.

I’d sure like to see what did Palin knew then and what does she know now? Was she a prop?

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I think I’ve kicked the habit of getting too angry when I read your in depth articles---but still hang onto a little of the anger for the normies who like to try to defend their obfuscated past lives, and of course the coming reckonings! God Bless!!!

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It is very hard not to get angry at the depths of corruption that we are witnessing. But buckle up, it’s about to get a lot worse when it comes to McCain in my next article.

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Probably doesn’t help after finishing Cynthia Chung’s “The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set” this week as well. Things like this have been unfortunately been going on for quit some time. Look forward to your next installment, thanks again!!!

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Thank you my friend!!

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Wasn’t McCain known as “song bird” also?

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I need to be better. Ever been so angry you could spit on someone? I need to be better.

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Aug 1Edited

😂 Maybe you’ll get used to it…there’s plenty more! Wins ahead tho, so buck up!

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Another outstanding conclusion/proof by way of publicly-available evidence. Excellent job again, Joe! Aside, I was a life member of AMVETS. Shortly after NoName’s death, they posted a full-page essay on why they supported renaming the Senate building in honor of NoName. Apart from what you proved, my definition of a “hero” is someone who some other person can look at and say “If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be alive.” Have never heard that from anyone about NoName. Actually, there’s horror stories floating around about his military service, including his time in capture. I resigned my membership at AMVETS immediately, blatantly telling them why.

At any rate, NoName returned to the news on the 30th day after we were told he would. That alone nailed a lot for me.

Thanks, Joe!

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Did they end up naming the Senate building after him? I sure hope not. I agree with you, he’s no hero!

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AFAIK, no they didn’t.

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Good to hear!

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The only thing that song bird needs his name put on is the gates to hell!

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Your comment made me realize something I missed before. Some anons would claim he died exactly 30 days after Q post 1706. However he died 31 days (7/25 to 8/25, an exact month to the minute) after the post. But he did “return to headlines” after 30 days since the family announced on 8/24 that he was being removed from life support.

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Those are interesting drops!

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'Vietnam' - (AS author Steven Valentine has revealed about the 'Phoenix Project') institutional EXPLOITATION of a RELIGIOUS conflict (between Catholicism & Buddhism, OSTENSIBLY - but, MASS corruption in 'South') and OPTIMIZATION of the 'C.I.A.' / British, Dutch East India Trading ['COMPANY']s opium RACKET - of 300 years (which likely BOTH Johnny boy AND Kerry facilitated.....)

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The Phoenix Program was one of the worst CIA programs and I wrote a lot about that earlier in this series.

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Wow you hit it out of the park ‼️ 👍 I have often thought No NAME could of been …eliminated 😳

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I have a lot more coming on McCain in the next article Nancy.

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Wow Joe! Another fascinating article. Thank you. As I was reading I was wondering about Clinton and Benghazi, so I’m really looking forward to your next instalment. You have to write a book, it’s amazing! You could do a trilogy: before Trump won 2016, during Trump 2016-24 and the happy ending of justice and AGA - America Great Again. It’s a Best Seller Joe! 😉

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That’s an interesting idea.

As far as Hillary Clinton, she’s going to be part of the next article or two.

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That was a great shot you found, Joe, of the two miscreants smirking to each other.

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I thought that picture was very revealing too!

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If you do anything related to Benghazi, I am still one of those who would like to know where Obama was that night? No one would ever say.

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That’s an interesting part of the story.

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The most dangerous nation in the world as a threat to the United States is none other than Mexico. They’ve been waiting for over 200 years to get the revenge. And it’s not the Mexican people that are doing this. It is the Spaniard overlords who resent America. Remember, they are the most racist nation in the western hemisphere. Name one asset that the native peoples of Mexico own outside of drugs and cash. Literally every political office and every asset worth anything in that country is owned by Spaniards. Those are the people that are allowing the destruction of the United States from our southern border. Far more destructive than any of the Chinese or Russians that might hate us.

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Good points but it is the CIA/shadow government that controls Mexico.

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A female Jewish Immigrant was appointed to be president in Mexico, very interesting.

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Your book will be a best-seller, Joe, once things start to come out. People at that time will want to know what really happened, and you've got the goods.

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Thank you Bill!!!

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In addition, you make it all so readable and accessible. Every one is a knockout.

And I was so refreshed by reading today your words about God’s Grace and Love in our Brokenness. Living water pouring through the broken vessels cracks. Thanks, Joe.

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Goodness, Joe, every time I read your much anticipated articles, I am dumb founded, I am not sure why at this point, as absolutely nothing should surprise me anymore.

I guess it's because I know the truth about these EVIL ones, & it has totally changed my whole thought process. As a matter of fact, I actually feel sorry for the families of these disgusting individuals & I'm not sure why. No wonder no name's family members have been in hiding or maybe gone.

I am so very grateful for your diligence and hard work & am eagerly awaiting your next expose' of the evil syndicate and their conniving ways.

God bless you, young man & remember God wins and thank you again

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Yes! God wins and that means we do too!!❤️

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No he's not a war hero, unless they've started to fly planes drunk, crash them into his uncles' 'carrier, then he'd snore while they did damage control. In the 'Hilton in Vietnam he gave coordinates of guess which ships to the enemy. A real piece of work. This was before he got into politics, he was a shitshow by himself.

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Very good points Rob! He had absolutely no character at all.

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Thank you, Joe! For the truth.

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Blessings Patricia!! Just trying to expose as many lies as I can.

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Another good read...thank you for holding "steady as she goes!"


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Thank you very much Paula! I really appreciate you my friend!!

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