
More excellent analysis Erik!

You have it exactly right.

The people constantly clamoring for justice have no idea just how deep the tentacles of this global corruption are.

Unless the people are shown that every single system is corrupt, they will never have the wisdom to prevent it in the future.

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Jul 4Liked by Joe Lange, Erik Carlson

Judging by most of the comments here, unfortunately even most Badlands followers still do not get it.

"Red in tooth and claw" sounds appealing, but jungle justice will do more harm than good.

The key is to break the organization(s). They will eat their own when the chips are down. Then the thing will collapse under the weight of its own inefficiency and corruption. And then the people will finally be able to see what happened to them and their society. Most will not see until the battle is won, unfortunately.

I believe this process is now well underway, and has been for some decades. It has needed to be modified and redesigned along the way as the good guys found out just how deep the tentacles had gone. But if you watch [them], you can clearly see an organization on the run. They no longer are in control. Sure, they have moves left, but the moves are being forced by the winning (infinite) player on the game board. Sort of like a porcupine quill -- the more you move around, the deeper it carries itself. [They] have nowhere to run, because they face their enemy everywhere they look. Even Ukraine is falling. They are cornered and dangerous, but they are losing. And they know it. By the rules of the game, they have actually lost. All that is left is the final death throes -- what Burning Bright calls the 'death blossom.'

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I think you are exactly right Bill. Plus, had we started arresting people as soon as Trump was in office (big players), we would have had a civil war because half the population didn’t realize who the enemy really is.

That would have played right into the enemies hands.

If they can’t get a world war, a civil war is the next best way for them to escape justice.

They will fail on both plans.

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Jul 4Liked by Joe Lange, Erik Carlson

Yes, it is too late for them. The script is already written, the ending complete.

As BB likes to say, we're going to like how this ends. Patience, alas, is difficult for many in times such as these.

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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Re: as BB likes to say.

TBH, I don’t think anyone will confuse us, but maybe someday

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I’ll take that !!! As long as we SEE SOME JUSTICE!! I pray every night for PEACE 🕊️

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We are in the most dangerous phase of The Plan, the Cabal are cornered, they are losing ground every day, they have no possibility or hope of recovery.

However unlike ‘normal’ enemies, psychopaths cannot gracefully accept defeat, cannot accept failure in any form.

What does a society of utter sociopaths/psychopaths do?


This is the dangerous path we are now treading and there are clear signs the Cabal are desperate to start WW3 or ignite regional conflicts all across the planet, their efforts have failed with both Israel and the Ukraine.

They’re going to try it in Taiwan to ignite a US-China war but that seems to be fizzling out as well.

So what’s left?

Destroy the West, first economically, then socially/politically, then physically.

France I think is close to civil war, Germany is turning into an economic basket case fast, the UK are stuck in a political loop, ping-ponging between WEF controlled Labour and the Conservative parties.

Ironically the US will be the most secure because they’re the population are the most well prepared and have rapidly awakened to what is happening.

The Commonwealth countries are not going to be so fortunate but might be better off than the EU.

Certainly in Canada the Awakening is gaining momentum rapidly, unfortunately 40% of the population according to the polls are still drinking the Liberal-NDP Kool-Aid.

Living here I’m very nervous that the Trudeau government has gone completely communist and will soon implement full on tyranny as they have no chance of ever winning the next election.

There are clear signs of mental instability in both the PM(Trudeau) and Deputy PM(Freeland) in their recent press conferences.


The only thing keeping me hopeful is that Trump has dropped hints that Canada is integral his recovery plan for the the United States.

Having brought up the Alaska Highway Rail corridor again as part of his economic vision to make North America competitive in a multi-polar world.



Canadians are in for a rough time in the next 6-9 months, millions are already suffering now.


And Trudeau is about to hit us harder…

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Thank you, Erik. Your articles and insights are awesome. Some day, hopefully in the not too distant future, those of us who are awake will see these evil creatures get the justice they deserve

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I say let’s get the ball rolling….DAY 1

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A lot people do not seem to see very deeply into the organizational structure of the enemy.

From my own research and reading I've come to this conclusion:

The Cabal have three principal characteristics:

1) Organized Criminals: They are a Mafia of Mafias in the style of families or clans or a "system of systems", they behave and act like many historical mafia gangs but with far more violence and ruthlessness (think 9/11 levels of death) and a far higher level of organizational discipline which is reinforced not by compassion or empathy but through absolute fear(see point 3).

2) A Fanatical Religious Cult: Think Jim Jones or any other cult but with far higher numbers of psychopathic and sociopathic and non neuro-typical members. They are in fact an ancient Death cult, one which dates to the time of early Egypt or Mesopotamia and the city of Babylon. Their blood rites and sacrifices which are rumored to take place at very specific dates and times tells us the level of how ritualistic they are and how embedded it is in their belief system.

Even more so that the Abrahamic religions(Judaism, Christianity, Islam) there is a level of fanaticism at the highest levels not present in most modern religions (not even Saudi Wahhabism, an extreme form of Islam).

3) Another "species of human":

This will be controversial but for me a logical conclusion.

The Cabal are comprised of an undocumented "sub-species" of humanity, they are physiologically human on the outside, but their psychological make up are very different from typical humans and I believe their genetics are such that they will have a much higher chance of passing on sociopathic/psychopathic traits which modern genetics tells us is possible.

Psychopathic personality traits: heritability and genetic overlap with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology


In fact they are very much like the Vampire society portrayed in the movie Blade.

These are human predators who have self bred over the past 6000 years to eliminate emotions like sympathy and compassion from their families and bloodlines, in other words they have bred out empathy of any form as they see it as a weakness.

Those who are emotionally weak as children are sacrificed and eliminated from their gene pool, they also strictly control breeding with regular humans as to not "contaminate" their bloodlines which are very important to them.

There are more than a few examples of this kind of society in historical accounts such as the priest classes on some ancient civilizations.

It's why they can carry out the kind of acts they have on children and can murder with impunity and not feel anything.

It's been noted by various sources that the number of psychopaths in positions of power are unnaturally high.




Now this doesn't imply they're a society of psychopathic geniuses but they are very adept at understanding their prey (normal humans) and manipulating them.

In fact psychopaths are very good at spotting weakness and exploiting it to satisfy their own goals.

It's why the Cabal are much more formidable than other "criminal" and deviant groups found throughout history. They are numerically very small but they are extremely adept at exploiting the weakness of normal humans.

They also don't feel either empathy or fear in the same way normal humans do.

I also believe the White-Hats have observed and factored this into their battle plans.

Sun Tzu even mentions this,

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War "

Q has mentioned this more than once

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9308c7 No.9124548 📁

May 11 2020 12:05:59 (EST)

The Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.




The above reasons are why I don't prematurely celebrate anything coming out in the news, whether the MSM or social media about our "side" winning(they are).

We are dealing with an enemy which has survived 6000+ years, are very observant and can almost instinctively smell out weaknesses in the human psyche.

It's also why this Information war is extremely tough to fight, you have an enemy which is completely amoral, without any empathy or compassion, has no loyalty to other members and is willing to commit acts which no normal human being would ever do.

This is also their weakness, they cannot understand why the White hat alliance are still around, they can't understand why Trump appeals to the masses and everything they've done to smear Trump has backfired.

They also don't understand why their own side is falling apart and their lower level members are defecting.

The Cabal hierarchy is such that the higher you go the more psychopathic the people are, the lowest members may even be normal human beings who have a tendency to be selfish and self-centered and egotistical but they still have some level of empathy and feelings for others.

But the members of their ruling clans are completely devoid of such feelings, so are their immediate lieutenants.

The Cabal are an enemy for which the biblical definition of Evil applies.

But empathy is the psychological edge which will destroy them.

Empathy is what allows normal human beings to sacrifice themselves for others, a soldier who throws themselves on a grenade to protect his buddies.

A mother who drowns in a river by manages to push her child to safety in the process.

This is the "weakness" the Cabal reviles but which will destroy them in the end as they betray and sacrifice their own in an attempt to survive what is coming...

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Keeping this one to read over and over. Just wanted to share...just one minute before I saw this post, I found a cartoon online that shows a huge iceberg, with only the tip above the water saying "the corruption we know" and then the massive part of the iceberg below water saying "the corruption we don't know..." Coincidence? I don't believe in them anymore!

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

I would impose TERM LIMITS and a FINANCIAL BACKGROUND CHECK that maybe only Jesus could pass!! I’m tired of these people getting rich off of us while we pay the price! I would confiscate ALL of their ill gotten gains and return it to the people who they stole it from. I want to SEE JUSTICE!! Military Tribunals, televised!! Set an example, put precautions in effect and make it hard to CHEAT!! Afterall……NO JUSTICE - NO PEACE

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

EOs 13818, 13848 are taking care of the rich. Already in oroc8, I believe.

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In Jesus name I PRAY

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In process

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Question, because this gives me so much hope, when Biden took over he overturned a whole bunch of Executive Orders, wouldn’t he have overturned this one?

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He did not!!!

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What does that mean? What Executive orders, what is oroc8?

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I said 13818 and 13848. In process.

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Get rid of lobbyists - part of Cabal- Congress shouldn’t be able to be bribed and become millionaires in a year - How on earth

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Break out the wood chippers!!! END THEM ALL!!!

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I have a fairly new one, all ready to go!

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

Cut every federal agency not specifically named as authorized in the Constitution. In one fell swoop you will eliminate the "unknowns". Then go ahead and execute all the "knowns". It will be amazing to watch as 3/4 of the fed govt is dissolved, what that will do to correct the financial problems of the country. Bring the military home. Close the border. Mass deportation (of all of them dating back to the Reagan amnesty and all the rugrats born to them). Not one dime of any aid to illegals or those that obtained work permits or even citizenship afterwards. Deport them all. When finished, we do the same to all the state governments. Round up all Marxists, socialists, progressives, liberals, democrats and rino-republicans. Round up all NWO advocates. Round up all the moral reprobates. Lock them away for life, no parole. Commit them all to life picking the fields, chain gang style.

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This was just done last week. Supreme Court issued a ruling re: Chevron case from 1984 that has disabled 3 letter govt agencies from making laws - only Congress is allowed to make laws as per our Constitution. These 3 letter agencies have now been defanged and are in process of becoming entirely irrelevant, thus shut down. I can't wait to see ATF shut down. Here's one article about this:


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Absolutely! Historic ruling for generations to come!

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Agreed! Can't wait to see ATF circle the drain.

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ATF, DMV, IRS, CIA, FBI, etc. They all will fade into nothing.

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Yes! Also CDC, FDA, DEA, EPA - lots of others but I can't think of them right now.

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Yep. I am aware of the chevron and it's certainly a step in the right direction...but I still want to see a fed govt that fits directly into the limitations of the Constitution

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Agreed. I think they're working on it. I read few years ago that when this is done, only 10% of present govt will be left. I like that!

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I agree 99%, but instead of imprisonment, let's 'wood chip' these Luciferians into the sea for weeks and feed the sea life a high protein diet...

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I love the way you think🙏🏻🎉🇺🇸

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

Eric, thank you for this write up. I was beginning to think I lived in an alternate reality. I was beginning to question in my mind, if it was me that had been brainwashed, in awakening to this horrific nightmare of evil. Maybe I would still be in a sleep coma if I had not been willing to see the truth, and believe me, I get why some don't want to pull the sleep from their eyes. But what you did for me today in this read was validate and restore in my minds thoughts, the why's of how this all had to be executed. It just makes sense out of what doesn't make sense in the life we have known for decades. Daily I get information from truth sources, podcasts, and articles..there truly comes a time we have to eliminate some of the noise, and turn some of it off. I have received articles referencing the "white hats" and military commands that have already (through tribunals) have taken out some of the highest level deep staters, that to this day prance around in the public eye..or..is it really them. Ask anyone that is in my circle of life and they believe what the tv and media project, and as I roll my eyes and attempt to relay " my truth" I get shut down. So you see, many of us needed this analysis of logic today. I had started to lose my way for a bit in this deep state cabal reality. Do I know the true truth to all this? That's a hard No! All I can do is trust in God. The God I pray to for discernment, wisdom, knowledge, and most of all understanding it all. Thank you from my heart for bringing us back to the plan, and why it had to be this way. God Bless, and God Bless America!🇱🇷

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

$16 BILLION is spent by China alone, not mentioning other members, as in DRUG cartels, to bribe and blackmail influential American citizens e.g. judges, speakers of state houses, congressmen and Senators, just to name a few. Until this is cutoff, there will be little progress. There is too much money involved. Does anyone seriously think Hobbs won n AZ for example???? But there was no recourse for her anywhere. All avenues of appeal were sealed off. Rush ALWAYS said: FOLLOW THE MONEY.

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

Thanks Erik!

And this is why veep choice is crucial. It must be a ferociously loyal insider, because ideally this will be a 12-year presidency: Four years of djt and eight years of his veep.

More than enough time to clean house.

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

Imagine what Trump does know. As you said, the very top of the cabal are not visible. I believe the City of London and the Vatican are involved. I think anyone that is named in current events are only mid-level players.

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Absolutely agreed on the City of London, Vatican City and adding the obvious Washington DC. 👍

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Brilliant Marie!

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The revelation that there are 434 federal government agencies woke me up to just how deep and severe the administrative (swamp) state is. No one person can fix this, hence We The People have to wake up to fix it. Col MacGregor and others have said it won't get fixed until people start going hungry. Sounds ugly, but I agree with that assessment.

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Unfortunately, with modern weaponry, if there had not been organized (non grass-roots) intervention, the people would have been annihilated. Their actual plan really was to live out calamity in well stocked and provisioned (for decades) underground fortresses.

They really did plan, and still desire, to murder 7.2 billion people, leaving 500,000,000 for themselves to manage once they emerged like demons from the depths of Earth presenting technologies to make life easier if the few survivors accepted them as rulers.

It would have worked too.

We all owe an incomprehensible level of gratitude to the creators of the counter measures and plan that is still unfolding.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

All that you have written is well and good. What I have a problem with is what you didn’t say. You call these people, the Cabal and the deep state. That’s not good enough. Anyone that has done a dive into this more than 1 inch deep knows who these people are, but unfortunately most people haven’t. I think what everybody needs to do is to start calling them out by their titles, the agency(s) that they work for and the country(s) in which they reside. If you want to wake people up, at least give them enough information to get them motivated , in the meantime, I appreciate your work. Thank you.

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I understand where you’re coming from but I honestly think most of the people at the very top of the Cabal are unknown to most people even those of us who consider ourselves awake.

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Jul 5Liked by Erik Carlson

The truth is, I enjoy your work, Eric. I’ve only been subscribed for a short time, but I have read many of your posts on Badlands media. this has been a really tough week for me and I’m sorry I’ve been such a Butthead on this thread. if I didn’t truly enjoy your writing I wouldn’t be here. Thanks for understanding and I hope you’ll give me a pass on this one.

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No worries. I realized some would find this post lacking of details but I didn’t want the focus to be on specifics but rather the plan. God bless.

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

I agree with you on that point, but that only covers about 1/3 of what I said

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Agreed completely, Erik! That is a very SMALL group at the top...likely about as many that know the entirety of the plan to take them down.

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I have some info to provide. We can start with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 when our country became indebted to the banking cartel. This was what lead to the creation of the cabal here in America. And ever since then, the cabal has been slowly weaking our country by destroying our economy (purchasing power) and enslaving every citizen in debt - so we cannot fight back.

Prime example is how the "pandemic" ultimately led to inflation, leading to increase prices and worse conditions: (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-federal-reserves-plan-for-inflation) or the horrible spending in Ukraine.

Financial attack is what the cabal uses however we are often distracted from it. This is the ancient art of democide and menticide and it is how the cabal has stayed in power:


First thing we need to get is our financial freedom. Once we do that, we are no longer dependent on their system and can build our own systems.

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The cabal was always at work here in America. Starting in 1776, when Freemasons were infiltrated by Bavarian Illuminati, with Rothschild issuing orders and setting it up. Slowly, Freemasonry was infiltrated here in U.S. and then there were the English loyalists, many of them very wealthy families, such as Duponts. They supported England, who was already part of the cabal. Then there was the "Civil War" which wasn't civil at all and wasn't a civil war, it was a war between the states and was started by Rothschilds, who wanted control of America - after all they couldn't have a free, independent country running around where people could become wealthy just by hard work. So Rothschilds bankrupted U.S. by getting a war started; they loaned U.S. money. We went bankrupt due to war and have been in debt every since. In 1871 we became a corporation - end of Republic of U.S.A. It's been downhill ever since and north and south have been at odds with each other ever since. South was very wealthy until Civil War and has been poor ever since.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

See “Breaking History” —yesterday’s. GOBPH & Matt Ehret on Badlands. Well covered. And GOPBH substack piece on Francis Marion is perfect for today.

Also, Erik past AND

👉🏼Joe Lange are must reads for all here.

Happy Independence Day!

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Thank you! I like Matt Ehret. Will check it out.

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Yep, we're on the same page man! I actually touched on the civil war in one of my older archived articles located here (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-esoteric-philosophy-is-vital-329). I recently just started looking even more seriously at the banking cartel which is why I say, the only thing we can do to stop the cabal is to ensure that we are not slaves to the banks.

Thanks for this callout and comment!

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Re: and enslaving every citizen in debt - so we cannot fight back.

I don’t think we would be a country if our founders thought like that. You can always fight back.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

The founders were a mixed bag of "cabal loyalists" and bonafide sovereign seeking freedom lovers. They were fighting to maintain control of the greatest source of wealth on Earth at the time as we were fighting to liberate ourselves from the yoke of monarchy and papacy.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Regardless of what you say they were, they chose to fight for freedom. they pledged their wealth, their life and their honor to make it happen. many of them lost everything that they had pledged.

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Yes, some did. My point is, not all of them shared the same objectives. Some were there essentially as moles looking for ways to infiltrate or weaken the effort.

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True that.

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

Thank you Erik. I so needed to read this today! Being a few years ahead of most people is lonely and stressful and tries my patience and tests my faith like nothing else ever has…

Thank God for this community 🙏❤️

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So, I discussed the same topic on my podcast here (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/who-are-the-bad-guys-part-two) when I discuss taking down the cabal. I would argue that there are steps that we can take daily to stop the cabal.

For one, really identifying who the cabal is. We know that ultimately, America is indebted to the Banks and as long as the Federal Reserve exists, they will control whoever is in office. We need to understand the power that debt holds over the country and influences policies. Here's some work on the Federal Reserve and Debt:



Once we truly understand the cabal and see how finances lead to laws, we are able to spot the movements of the cabal. Once we can do that, we can the prepare ourselves and even go on the offensive against the cabal.

The cabal created the modern day system we find ourselves in. In order to defeat it, we need to ensure that we are not actively feeding the same system that enslaves us.

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The Federal Reserve is essentially the credit card for our Congress. Unlike normal credit cards which have a credit limit set by the issuer, our credit limit is set by the Congress. This certainly defies separation of powers. Who is in control of limiting the national debt?

The American public sees this ridiculous situation and figures if runaway debt is good for the government, why is it bad for me? So, we have a country that thrives from borrowing and paying the interest on the debt. This is what enriches the Cartel.

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"If the American people understood how money was created, there would be a revolution by morning," - Henry Ford

Of course, no evidence for this quote exists, but if one read _Modern Money Mechanics_ by the Federal Reserve itself, they'd quickly understand that it's essentially a massive counterfeiting operation secured by the Federal Income tax.

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We're on the same page Jim!! Pure Babylonian Magic at play here as I discussed in that podcast! On the same page!

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“ The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.” John F. Kennedy

Full speech: https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/american-newspaper-publishers-association-19610427

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Thanks, FJ

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As usual, Featherjourney your thoughts are quite awesome and so informative,

thank you and God bless

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And God Bless you, Floridafan!

In it together ❤️🙏🇺🇸

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

I absolutely get why mass arrests and trials couldn’t happen during Trump’s first term (you laid out those reasons well, Erik) and although I did struggle with the “stolen election” for the first few months, I came to see the benefit of “the plan” of exposure…I don’t think it could have happened any other way, the level of exposure we have witnessed.

“ What kind of effect would the mass arrests and executions of the corrupt people in positions of power and influence have on society?” “How should one go about doing it?” Excellent questions!!

My answer is Educating the public. Take back the airwaves from Hollywood and MSM crap and put on quality documentaries that present the evidence of the rot that happened. I favor televised Military Tribunals that educate with evidence the long-standing corruption. Of course, the choice of the present day worst of the criminal players has to be thought through. One leads to another that leads to another…the network exposing the harm to our Nation.

Release the JFK files.

I love Trump but he can’t be the one educating the country in his next term on the horror show of crimes. Military Generals perhaps, as part of a team of Educators?

We haven’t reached the precipice yet…I think we have a rough road ahead of us in the next 6 months that will define the precipice and THEN people will want to KNOW how it happened…and be willing to Learn the Truth.

Thank you for a thought provoking article, Erik. WWGIWGA ❤️🇺🇸


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Amen, my friend

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Amen from me as well.

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Jul 4Liked by Erik Carlson

This is the best, most detailed and well-thought-out explanation of why it's taking so long and what is happening behind the scenes that I've come across - and I've done research on deep state for 27 yrs, every day. My hat is off to you, sir, I'm so glad I read this. I'm bookmarking this so I can send it to people I come across who still think nothing is happening. I just subscribed to your channel and am eagerly looking forward to your future articles!

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Great response!

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Thank you!

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Jul 4·edited Jul 6Liked by Erik Carlson

We need The Great RE-TAKING. The head of the snake is finance and the main reason the Cabal stays and increases power is that too many are beneficiaries of the inflation that is murdering people. Private property rights must be retaken and that is something everyone can benefit from right now, wherever you are on the spectrum of wealth. Bit.ly/bankingwithoutbanks lays out problem/solution that is organic in that it leverages human nature and contracting among free people. Bit.ly/breakingfreefed is a presentation I gave to Gary Johnson's party back in the day. The answer is simple. Stop letting the enemy rehypothecate your money! Many won't understand what I am saying but a little reading and paying it forward pays huge dividends. Bit.ly/finsinomission

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