Great piece, Simon!

This framework helps me to understand why readers come to Substack and particularly Badlands, and what type of readers do so.

Readers come here to develop a deeper and more nuanced view of world history and current events. A view that is not taught in schools nor presented on MSM or in history books. A view of 'why' rather than 'who, what, where, when.'

Many here call this skill 'discernment.' The ability to integrate a range of seemingly complex facts and information (and disinformation) and see what is, or maybe only might, be truly happening. To do this, you must consciously disregard simple, disembodied bits of information and look more deeply into the context in which those things happen. Only from the context can the truth be discerned.

And from your work, I conclude that this discernment is inherently a right-brain function. An attempt to make sense of the noise -- to discern what is essential truth, and what is propaganda and distortion, all the while taking bits of facts and left-brain thought and processing them to develop a nuanced and much more logical understanding.

Thanks for this piece, Simon 💖

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Yes the way the left and right hemispheres work together to cognize deeper truths is fascinating. It goes back and forth in perpetuity. The left finds parts, the right gives them holistic meaning, which is then recognized by the left as a new part that can be synthesized with others. The two of them, when used correctly, spiral in this way deeper and deeper. It’s quite beautiful!

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Yeah, around here I think they call this process 'going down the rabbit hole!'

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When we learn things as we read it inspires us to read and learn more.

The whole process makes us happy.

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I abandoned social media years ago when I realized that my attention span was becoming short. I made myself read books to regain control. I don't own a cell phone because it ruined travel and meeting new people for me. No one can tear themselves away from the Internet long enough to even acknowledge your presence. I haven't watched MSM news since Princess Di was taken out. I'm much happier for it.

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I now leave my phone at home when going out. It’s a huge step for me.

I need to hear messages like this more & more.

Plus, who wants these lunatics spying on us 24/7.

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I loved this book by Ian McGilchrist “The Master and his Emissary”. I consider it to be the best work on the subject of the left/right brain. It helped me understand my own way of viewing the world and why I never seemed to fit and why I was drawn to eastern philosophy. The Master is the silent intuitive right brain, the one that is really in charge while the egotistical logical left that thinks it’s in charge is delusional. Both hemispheres have to be engaged to make sense of the world. The West is at a disadvantage in its emphasis on logical thought alone.

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Yes. So amazing!

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Simon this was a very interesting article. I can see how society has pushed us down the Left Brain path that you described and how that can cause an over developed Left Brain perspective that the DS Rat Bastards would use against us.

My wife and I have often wondered why we have been Awakened. I believe Faith and God’s Plan for us is the main reason. And to that end that may explain why we tend to have a 40k view and trust intuition (especially hers) on a regular basis.

I think being aware of what you wrote about in this article and consciously working on the eight items you listed that are hidden in our cognitive right hemisphere will help all of us help bring about the Best that’s Yet to Come.

Keep it coming, you really make me think.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Well-stated, my friend. This brutish, left-brained way of approaching life (my dad from a much older generation would call it ‘meat-headed’) needs no Deep State, of course. One individual bent on controlling and manipulating everyone around him will employ the same tactics. Jesus had to deal with them all the time! As they used to say in another culture, ‘Keep a stiff upper lip!’

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One aspect of the left brain (hemisphere) that was brought to mind by your article was the meme of a person, with a virtual reality headset on sitting on a bare floor in a 15 minute city, looking dirty and emaciated but with a smile on their face because the virtual reality headset removed them from the reality of "owning nothing and being happy"!

One take I have from your excellent article is we have been being preened for decades to focus just where they" want us to focus so "they" can control our reality and eventually control us through that artificial reality "they" foisted upon us.

That artificial reality appears to remove us from the ability to "think from cause to effect". When we lose the ability to "think from cause to effect", we lose the ability to extract ourselves from the 5G warfare and the propaganda that goes along with it.

Makes me glad I live outside of a city and even outside of a suburb. I can walk in the fields, spent time in a garden seeing my work produce real food, not "franken food", or saunter in the woods, hike up a hill or climb a mountain and feel the breeze, see real "reality" and clear the cobwebs of 5G war fare from my mind and have a clearer realization of what life is really like when both sides (hemispheres) of the brain are used!

Plus as an added bonus, there are others, who have the same reality because of the wide open spaces, clean(er) air, sunshine unfiltered (or at least less filtered) by haze, and who can also clear their minds and have an easier time at experiencing, non-5G war fare reality.

One of the 5G war fare lies is that "fly over" country does not matter. Perhaps that is an admission by "they" (or them) that it is harder to control those of us who live in "fly over" country because we have an increased ability to put our right brain (hemisphere) to use because of the opportunities we have that are usually lacking in a city or even in a suburb?

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What a beautiful piece Simon! Filing this one away to re-read. So thankful for you.

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Yes, excellent. It is interesting that we consider "knowledge" to be strictly the province of the left brain, where knowing the NAMES of things is frequently considered to be knowledge. There is right-brain knowledge as well, which looks more like INSIGHT. Tho ideally you would use the two sides together: right brain arrives at an insight, then left brain flattens it out and organizes it into language.

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Your premise that we are preconditioned for 5g warfare by way of the dominance of enculturated left-brain cognition is echoed by Matias Desmet in his description of the Technological Revolution. My first career as a language pathologist emphasized the functioning of the left brain, as the seat of language and symbolic representation. The most powerful concept you present here is "disembedding" by substituting non-contextualized remote events for local, reality-based, verifiable experiences. This is a powerful argument for reducing one's political focus to the local level. That is the only context where politics can include context, based on real experience with real people who you can know. This begs the question: If we are completely ignorant of events beyond our own local communities, how would we act, and what would we do? That seems like such a key question.

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Yes absolutely. It emphasizes the need for local action as a major strategic solution.

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Speaking from my left AND right hemispheres (the corpus callosum being a bridge, not a barrier), I applaud you and thank you, Simon, for this fine analysis.

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Simon, great post, You only briefly touched on the brainwashing programming of the Tell-Lie-Vision which in most houses is blaring propaganda 24/7/365 to the occupants of the house. It's all fear based propaganda. Designed to keep the masses in fight or flight response and adrenaline addiction. Which puts them in the left brain. In my high school years many years ago. I had an injury to my right hand and had to learn to write and do other things with my left hand. That experience opened both sides of my brain and caused them to work together. You are correct in the assessment of the smart phone and outer smart devices keep people in their left brain and not able to see all sides of a situation. Most people will look for any distraction of any shiny object to keep from doing their internal work and getting in touch with their I AM. That is the key work most people need to do to understand who they really are and why they are on this physical plane operating a meat suit with the severe restrictions it incases.. We only get brief glimpses of freedom in our dreams.. And with a fear based programmng 24/7/365 you don't even get to reach those levels of escapement as often as you really need to be healthy. There are numerous other areas to consider such as giving our healing abilities away to a white lab coat with a name tag and stethascope and giving that person your power. They give you a "Diagnosis" and you become the diagnosis they projected onto you. Therefore you must take a pill that is in the commercial on that ever playing progrmming machine. Almost everyone has become enslaved to the machine. Turn off the TEll -Lie-Vision and get outside into nature. Take up fishing, mushroom hunting, bird watching. anything to get you into nature. That is where the real healing happens... great post, I love your work on the badlands news brief... Peace...

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That was the most helpful piece of writing i have read in months. (And i read a lot of great writing!). I am a 60year old computer programmer who spent years following the right brain, but always feeling the hole left by something. Recently, i have chosen to embrace my inner grandma (twin 8 year old grand daughters). We bake together, raise a garden and do photography. I am learning to pray again.

I’m still addicted to the news feed. (Badlands is the best). But i am really seeking to focus on real things, real people, real life.

Your article really helps me understand what my intuition has led me to do.

Grandma Pam

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Nicely written and informative article. Too bad for me that I don’t understand it.

Read several comments and the one where his dad would have called some people meathead is the one I could understand.

I’ve practiced a martial art for 30 years and we have 5 virtues that we must memorize and try to live by:

Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control and Indomitable Spirit.

To live by those virtues requires much effort; much more than the average person is willing to put forth.

It is my opinion that the human condition never changes— only the tools that we have to live our lives change. Some are good and some are bad.

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Wow. Best thing I’ve read in some time. Thank you. I shall have to read again and ponder.

Most of my Substack output has taken on the depredations of unwarranted certainty and the need to learn True Dialogue across our great and manufactured differences in our life together after wartime. Your words speak directly to that in a way I will need to suss out. I’ve ordered the book you reference to help me in that work.

You take care.


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all just a fancy long winded way of saying "get your heads out of your phones", as in the movie Network, JUST TURN THEM OFF!! The smartphone was a slow walk to self enslavement - on purpose!

Second, Stop thinking that by immersing yourself in the bathing glow of the news and TV pondering the things you think you have control of...just let them go because you don't have that control. Once you have those two things mastered then you can start to really know what is BS and what is not.

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My head hurts 😱

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