My Uncle became my Aunt in the 70's, I was 12. My dad sat us down and drunkenly explained the surgery and my Uncle's new name. I loved my Aunt Chris and spent alot of time with her in my teens. But she was very lonely and hooked a guy with money who took his own life randomly. I believe he found out. Afterwards she had a face lift to hook a new guy and had a stroke and had to be put in a nursing home where she died.

God made a man and a woman for the sole purpose of procreation. It's that simple. Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy and that's why we have all the confusion. I don't judge people but I do see how this happens. Satan's deception infiltrates every area of human life. Find God, find yourself, and find peace within.

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There were other purposes such as why were we hunter/gatherers? But bottom line you're right.

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Enjoyed your article. I was wondering where you were going when you started but I liked where you ended. I enjoyed Matt Walsh's film.

My main take away was the we must stop allowing the DS Rat Bastards control the narrative. They use our strengths like compassion, free speech, etc. to make us think we are bad for disagreeing with their insane ideas. Give an inch and they take 100 miles.

Going Woke means Going Broke, Monetarily and Morally!

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I was like you wondering at first.... where is going? I was about to stop & go make a comment that I watched yesterday, & think it’s we’ll done. The shallowness & merry go round words outta the mouths of proponents of this madness was stunning tho not unexpected.

These “elites” think they are above us peasants & it shows. Worse the are putting themselves above God. Some infamous angel tried that, & it didn’t end well.

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Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏

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You should see the trolls my 'nice' name for the brain dead zombie mfers. They can't get something on an intellectual plane that would mean FACTS their kryptonite, so they try lies. A lie will destroy itself and anyone close by.

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“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”

― Augustine of Hippo

"So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

― John 8:31-32 (NASB)

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First, I "identify" as God created me: an adult biological female. Period. Full stop.

Second, I rather enjoyed Walsh's film. It took a lot of balls, big as brass church bells, to openly confront this lunacy.

Third, I'm old enough to remember the "before time," when there was no such thing as "gender theory". I was raised with the scientific concept of sex (male or female) being a biological fact, not a mere "construct". Btw, for anyone else who studied foreign languages, "gender" was a grammatical system assigning categories to nouns (ex. German der/die/das).

While I agree "trans" Americans possess all the civil rights guaranteed in The Constitution and Bill of Rights, I personally believe there are certain, what I consider, "exceptions":

* A trans "female" does NOT have the "right" to share ANY female spaces with me, other adult females or girls.

* A trans "female" does NOT have the "right" to compete in sports on ANY level against biological females, regardless of age.

* A trans "female" does NOT have the right to be in ANY female exclusive institution, be it for incarceration or education, for example.

In the final analysis, a terrible mental illness (formerly accepted as "gender dysphoria" in the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) has been not only been deemed "acceptable," but is deliberately encouraged. I have seen no other mental illness given this sort of treatment. What would become of the world if we accepted and encouraged paranoid schizophrenia?

I assume the same world we're seeing today.

This madness MUST be stopped. Deliberate mutilation and sterilization of our children will be the destruction of not only our society and country, but quite possibly the entire world.

We all need to pray. And gird our loins to protect our children and young people.

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I do believe these DS Rat Bastards are ready to go "Full Retard". But I also believe Trump and gang has forced them out into the open on full display doing double time for all to see. Especially the normies... I love it when a Plan comes together...

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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They have gone full retard.

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Rachel Dolezol identified as black she even looks like a light skinned mixed race woman for a whole lot less money and no surgery at all, no Rx drugs, either... she didn’t need to risk her health or sterilize her self.


U.S. Tax money & most insurance will not pay for real women to have breast reconstruction to replace their real breasts when they are forced to have them cut off due to cancer...

BUT U.S. TAX MONEY & MANY INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE PAYING TO CUT THE HEALTHY BREASTS OFF OF EVEN TEENAGE GIRLS & surgically attaching fake breasts to the chests of even teenage boys...

Did anyone in AMERICA vote for this?

Any one see this on a ballot in any precinct?


Much like all of the u.s. policies by both wings of that traitorous bird THE POLICIES DO NOT REPRESENT THE NEEDS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE & in fact when implemented FUNDAMENTALLY DESTROY EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

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Excellent points, Kimberly!

Maybe I should have been more specific: an adult biological woman of European descent.😉

Rachel Dolezol is clearly mentally ill. While long before Civil Rights, light-skinned African-American people would "pass" for white to gain what they felt were societal "advantages," never was this done as some sort of delusional exercise, like claiming to be Jesus Christ. Sean King is another deranged person who believes he is African -American. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has "passed" for Native American to gain professional advantages in academia. Unlike Dolezol and King, she didn't "pretend" to be another ethnicity on a constant basis, and is therefore not delusional. Warren is simply a fraud.

Taxpayer money is spent on all sorts of wastefulness, whether on a federal, state or local level. Did ANY of us agree to it? I think NOT. NYS PAYS for "gender affirming surgery". How this is "legal" is anyone's guess!

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Ya know?

I was gonna agree with everything you said but then I looked at your substack profile page and I have to disagree with one of your statements

You ARE a person of consequence & not just BECAUSE you have chosen to state your views in the 21st century marketplace you will consequently impact those of us who read them…

I believe YOU MATTER even if you didn’t have a substack… I believe each and every one of us MATTERS a great deal to God and to each other🙏🏼

I personally believe the “packaging” of our souls is irrelevant

Thank you for reading my long ramblings (yeah… I just re read it and saw all that typos & stuff😜)

Bless you in all the good your do

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Thank you do very much for your kind words!

No worries.

Have a blessed day!

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I'm glad that you know the difference, so few others do though.

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Thank you, Rob.

I try to keep aware of these things, as unsavory as they are!

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I've been around easily that long and to me there are transhumanists, not transgenders. Transhumanists are evil and not worthy of sharing our planet. Although I pray a lot, I also shoot a lot.

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Transhumanists are a different form of horror, Rob.

No, there is no such thing as a "transgender". It is a complete delusion.

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Thanks for that, Ashe. Sarcasm was my first language growing up - and you use it masterfully: without bitterness and only as a disarming and occasional coup d’etat. My commander-in-Chief Jesus of Nazareth does the same, so I like it.

Keep ‘em comin’!

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There is only one true reason a person cannot accept their biological sex...mental illness.

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An expression uttered, "One nation under God", that implies, that Americans follow the Word of God. The truth is, that God created a man and a woman in His image, to become one strong unit. Be fruitful and multiply, why? because God wanted to flood the whole earth with His image, which is Love. Love is the greatest force in the universe, because it includes everything else, like caring, sharing, forgiveness etc. etc. God gave us instructions, what to do against wrong-doing. These people need help, for they are seriously deceived by sat.... But, in the end, if they don't want to listen, God also gave us instruction what to do then. 1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

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Great article Ashe! I really appreciate your analysis on this important subject matter in this global war for humanity.

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Great essay. I like Walsh but agree -- he should have tied "gender equality" to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030. The entire SDG Agenda is a scam. If you have XY chromosomes you are male. If you have XX chromosomes you are female. To be clear the whole agenda masks the true goal of the UN, WHO, WEF and other globalist Non Government Organizations (NGO's): Global Control of the entire world population. They also push this Green Agenda under the guise of Fake Climate Change. This ignores the fact that humans have little impact on CO2 levels or global temperatures. It also masks the reality that, even if you threw 50 Trillion at Climate Change it would make no discernable difference. Here is my essay on EV's which does link the strategy to Agenda 2030 as it should.

Please share widely. EV's make no sense, do not improve the environment and will fund China's military which will eventually be used to invade the United States. It is time to stop feeding the stupid Climate Change Beast. Our politicians are selling us out to Communist China. In the essay I document:

* How Debbie Dingell advocated that all new cars are equipped with a alcohol detector which became part of Bidens legislation. So in 2026 all new cars must have this installed in new cars. Unbelieveable but true.

* Granholm wants all military vehicles to go electric by 2030. Again, insane

* Ford Motors long term plan? You will no longer own a car but rent autonomous EVs.

Is that a future you are comfortable with, SLAVE? [LOL]. Because if we don't resist this it will happen.

To Globalist Traitors -- Biden, Dingell, Whitmer and Granholm: Stop EV Production in the US Now!

Village Idiot Biden and his Merry Band of Climate Change Retards


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Sad. Your comments seem to smack of jealousy. You are entitled to hold them and I will fight for your rights to express them. We are all supposed to be pulling in the same direction. Matt Walsh was very brave and did a great job exposing the hypocrisy.

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Beautifully written, and so grateful to hear common sense combined with compassion. That is what our movement is all about. We are not all Stew Peters! Oh and also completely agree with you that Matt Walsh is one good apple in a rotten barrel 🍏

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We had to have a black woman SCOTUS.

But the one put forth by basement dummy claimed she could not even define what a woman is because she wasn’t a biologist... IN SPITE OF THAT OBVIOUS ABSURDITY that idiot was confirmed and will now decide what is constitutional and what is not constitutional

USING her “MIND” that same idiot mind THAT STATES, FOR THE RECORD, SHE CAN NOT DEFINE “woman” without a biology degree...

I know damn well I was not the only u.s. citizen sitting there watching that debacle helplessly much like I watched the enemies of the American People and the entire western world overthrow a legally elected potus & therefore our entire nation back 3 years ago

in November 2020...

Daily Wire is a pay site. In fact you’ve got to spend a lot of money if you want any content worth watching as there are several progressively more expensive pay walls... but even within the opulent expense of the inner sanctum?

DAILY WIRE DOES NIT QUESTION THE 2020 election or state the truth that the basement dummy is nothing but a puppet whose strings are operated by the cabal the international group of monstrous thugs seeking to destroy the western world on purpose for decades...


They won’t say that.

The USA opened its mind so far all its brains fell out some time ago

long before the Covid/Muzzles/LockDowns/kill-shots

and this 💩 is nothing more than the continuation of the same obvious liars & self evident LIES we have been force fed for generations...

“We, the American people, here in the land of the free and home of the brave where our media tells u.s. the truth and our elections are real & inviolate & our elected politicians in turn implement policies that represent the needs & interests of the American people”

That? 😏 💩 👆🏼 IS A GOD DAMNED LIE!!!!!!!!!

USA is controlled by the Orion fisted Thugvernment for over 100 years and the American people are force fed nothing but lies about every single thing since before the civil war...

the propaganda lies are issued from this unconstitutional Thugvernment to those babbling boobs on tv who calibrate the various lies which necessarily continue to morph & trans to support whatever current self evident 💩 Thugvernment needs to do to u.s. so they can be personally paid millions & millions of dollars... basement dummy even bragged on live international tv about extorting the Ukraine during the last Obama admin BUT THE GD MEDIA REFUSED TO DO THEIR GD JOBS

they never do.

Idgaf about the sickest most perverted <2% of the citizens of this country when it is obvious these policies and lies do nothing good for these poor, sick people BUT REALLY DESTROY THE ENTIRE FAVRIC OF OUR SOCIETY which has obviously been their intention all along.

Think about it

NYC is forcing its citizens to house illegal aliens we are not allowed to politically question the breaking of very single immigration law for 100 years

Tax money has never been used to replace the breasts of actual girls and women breast cancer survivors




We are not allowed to even question unrestricted invasion by military aged 3rd world gang bangers or the idiocy of pretending timeless self evident biological realty is somehow a social faux pas... magazines now run headlines about men being pregnant... and

this is allegedly freedom

this is allegedly progress...

Daily wire lies only a tad less than the rest of the media & charge an exorbitant rate as their highest pay wall but the content is still supportive of 2020 election & the u.s. election system



They would be demonetized & removed from YouTube prolly taken down from the entire internet even odysee bitchute rumble etc...

So much FACT CONTENT must be stated in code better yet not stated at all & theyve criminalized the real truth about virtually every single thing

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I’ve been at this for a while. There’s more than this and my content is free. <--- period


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Great essay. My thoughts on Walsh and what he included or didn't is how much can you possibly cover at one time. I see this in my writing where I start out with a point that starts spreading into other related areas. As far as trannys impregnating women in prison it is rampant in Washington state.

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