Jul 16Edited

One trait of a psyop is that they tell you what you should be thinking, they don't tell you to do your own research or to think for yourself!

The Q operation went against everything a normal psyop does which is to try and manipulate or guide your perceptions and thought processes.

Remember, Q is not just for intel drops, it's also for disinformation drops to confuse the enemy and to expose them and their lies.

Also the Q drops were actually training exercises in open source intelligence as well as to develop your critical and analytical thinking skills, which were quite rare and not many had those skills before seeing the Q drops.

As for the Storm, it's not coming, it's already here! and has been here since the first band hit on Jan 6, 2020.

If we use the analogy of a slow moving hurricane 1000 miles wide, we have been in the storm for almost 4 years.

July 13, 2024 marked when we were hit with the winds in the eye-wall, the most savage part of the storm with the attempt on Trump's life.

To carry on the analogy, the eye of the Storm is now passing over us, a period of relative calm as things die down for a while.

But as anyone knows, the other side of the eye will hit us soon enough as the winds reverse direction and the Storm starts up again.

I personally believe that will happen in September as the Deep State formulates a "Plan E" in response to their failure to kill Trump. Right now they're incomplete disarray and that's going to give us a breather for a period of time.

Continuing the analogy, if you know how hurricanes work, once the eye passes over land the Storm rapidly loses energy and weakens when its cutoff from it's energy supply and I believe metaphorically that will happen in this case. The energy supply for the Deep State is it's fake currency and central banking system, which is almost dead if all indications can be believed.

The Deep State can't rid itself of the boat anchor named Joe Biden, it's losing in Ukraine and I believe Russia will administer the final blow sometime in November.

They can't seem to ignite WW3 with China or Russia using Israel or Taiwan.

Their financial system is almost dead with the death of the Petrodollar and the rise of BRICS and it's financial system independent of the US dollar.

I believe we will see the Storm pickup nearer to the election but it's not going to be of the intensity that we just experienced in the past few months.

And no, it's not going to take another 4 years for the Storm to end, once Trump gets into power there is already a plan in place for "clean up, Aisle 17!", Trump even stated we will be astonished at how quickly things will move and I believe him.

Q was a roadmap, a classroom and a training exercise, it was also an anchor for those who just woke up in this Storm to hold fast.

Its why Q emphasized this phrase repeatedly.

WWG1WGA in 177 of their posts.


It doesn't mean we sit down and watch with popcorn, I've never liked that analogy to watching a movie, because WE are all IN the movie, we can't opt out without consequences.

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folks read this comment above.

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I take the movie metaphor to mean - do not organize counter ops against the deep state, which many of us actually did consider over the years.

Violence was absolutely on the table as we believed it was the only way (and in reality, that's still true but a much greater and more organized force was necessary). Since desert storm era, I did not trust anyone at all in government or military. When I finally learned about General Smedley Butler that shifted me into a different possibility. And, when I learned the truth about Patton's murder, the very high probability that Trump is Patton's son, that Trump was close friends with JFK, Jr and that the NSA had been collecting Intel almost from inception of DarpaNet I dared to dream a far grander plan may be in the works. That's my hopium that's helped me emerge from the despair of the previous years when things seemed utterly hopeless.

What's happening now is truly astounding. We really could be poised to enter the real Age of Aquarius, 1000+ years of Atlantian progress and peace for humanity.

Just gotta navigate this next bit - re-entry into the atmosphere. 😉

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Fabulous analogy! Thank you....GRY!

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Q for old truth speaking seeking patriots like me was like a sun rising over a sixty year old spiritual and emotional wasteland. Those of us who lived and worked this toxic place were becoming hardened and bitter cynics. I needed reminding that God wins because the MSM and its puerile sycophants sure showed the opposite. Q supported and made noteworthy the independent researchers, millions of us are grateful.

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I feel very similarly—I started "waking up" back in 2010 or so, but the leftist programming continued to have residual effects until Trump came on the scene, at which point I experienced the single most profound shift in my life.

Blessings to you for all your years of learning and knowing the truth—I wish you abundant opportunities to share your wisdom with as many as possible. Godspeed, sir.

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Yes, when I first heard Trump calling it "fake news" that got my attention. Like... wow. This guy is actually calling them to the floor. Gotta admit... this is amazing to actually be LIVING through this inflection point in human history. We got front row seats baby!!!

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"... so much so that pieces written prior to that event almost feel like a postcard from a past life..."

Yes, beautifully described!

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Thank you kindly!

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Thank you, I always enjoy your perspective.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thanks for ALL the stuff you write, Patriot. o7

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Godspeed, sir!

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I Agree, Thanks Paul

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The high-definition photos of Trump's ear (both before and after) show that there was no bullet hole in the ear. Examination of Trump's ear rim all around shows absolutely no damage. Therefore, Trump is in on the movie and acting a part. He was not hit in the ear.

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I'm on the fence about what happened, but the fact remains that when you paint someone as "Hitler" for years on end that someone is going to try to murder them.

Staged or not, what happened has the right effect—it's making the profoundly evil aims of the uniparty/dems blatantly observable even for normies.

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Here is my new prediction:

So, my new theory is, they are going to have Trump win the election. They will stir up as much hatred between Trump supporters and non-supporters as possible. Once Trump is in office in 2025, they will start the "poly emergencies' Klause Schwab told us would occur. Part of these emergencies will include some conventional war/civil war/electrical failure/ Internet failure and starvation. As in that Deagle report, by the end of 2025, the majority of Americans will be dead, and the only way out for the living is to sign up for their CBDC and get food rations. There will no longer be a USA, only a globalist North American Region.

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If you know nukes are fake and nasa lied about the moon landing and quantum computers are impossible you will look at the deagle report as just more deep state bullshit.

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Except for the bioweapon to which so many succumbed.

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Keith, I am also expecting a great deal of turmoil if the plan allows for Trump to win, but I do not think it will be as horrific as you describe. My biggest fear is the time between the election (11/5/24) and when Trump enters the WH (1/20/25). With the weak corrupt Biden and his puppets still in control for 10 weeks or more, I put nothing past them to burn down the house before they leave (if they agree to leave). I am planning accordingly best I can

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Read 2 Edras/Ezra 5;6 onwards or watch my many videos & you will see exactly what is about to occur & why! Trump has come as Messiah ben David to judge the Evil Eagle wings (which grew from the alliances made with the fake Jewish/Illuminatti cabal which created the horror of WWW1& 2&3 & the fake nation state of Israel & Rome which have controlled them ever since. Then go & read every prophet from Isaiah to Malachi & Revelations & you will find the same story mirrored in all!

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You need to watch 'Adolph Hitler the greatest story you never heard.' or Europa to understand exactly how much the USA has to repent for & how big this battle really is! Then you will understand how the last real President wrote 'A time will come when the truth of Hitler will emerge from all the hatred that surounds him.' (para)

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It’s Tuesday the 16th-trump confirmed a “chunk” is missing out if his ear. Things are changing rapidly.

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He is a good actor. The pictures show his ear to be untouched by a bullet. It is assumed he applied Hollywood blood when he first went down. Fakery, deception and acting is what these people do.

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If factual, then it's best to keep it hushed along with other information we may have that needs to wait until after.

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"Q is an insider who made thousands of posts on 4chan."

Incorrect. Did you get this "fact" from Wickedpedia?

Q switched from 4chan to 8chan at post #230, so clearly not "thousands".

Please make appropriate correction for the sake of those who are less familiar with the Q posts.

Also worth noting that "Q" was a team, not a single individual, and more than one of the team made Q posts on 4chan, 8chan and 8kun. (Opinion based on different writing styles.)

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Not one for diplomacy, are we? I'm not doing anything for someone as rude as you.

People can figure that stuff out quite easily—have some faith in your fellow man.

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Sadly, the truth is a blunt cold weapon at times. I mean no offense at all with this reply but I do want to say I agree with his comment to an extent. However, on the other hand, left people who already think Q a dangerous LARP and right who believe it a psyop to induce inaction will not be swayed by this particular point anyway. Which only leave the rest of us: the choir. LOL! 😂

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Exactly—it's actually a somewhat fair point, albeit very small and inconsequential in the scheme of things.

I have a policy that I don't take orders from people who insult me. It's pretty dang straightforward.

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a policy I respect and share, carry on brother.

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Godspeed friend!

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You don't have to do it for "someone as rude as" me (your perception - I'm merely pointing out your mistake). You have to correct it because it's WRONG. Anyone who followed the Q posts from the start will know that it's wrong. Unfortunately, many people reading this did not follow the Q posts and, therefore, could make themselves look like idiots by quoting your mistake to others. You have to do it for THEM. That's why I wrote "Please make appropriate correction for the sake of those who are less familiar with the Q posts." I wasn't asking for me; I already know that it's wrong. I was asking for the sake of YOUR LOYAL FOLLOWERS.

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You were insulting with your first comment and now you're pretending that you weren't. Have you no self-awareness?

Most of the world sees the boards as the same thing—what you're raising is a very small issue in the scheme of things. Had you raised the point politely then maybe you would have gotten your way, but it's clear you're here in bad faith.

Also, your assumption that my fans couldn't figure out what you're pointing out is insulting to them, just as you've been insulting towards me.

Ever heard the phrase, you catch more flies with honey? I highly recommend you improve your people skills before you go around correcting people.

If you're a troll then may God have mercy on you—but if you're just a regular, frustrated individual, then I ultimately wish you the best despite your rude, bad faith comments.

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“At what point does it become mathematically impossible.” Q

Spatial intelligence is the concept of being able to successfully perceive and derive insight from visual data. This cognitive process is known as an aptitude for understanding visual information in the real and abstract word as well as an innate ability to envision information.

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Q is synergy

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Very interesting—could you explain more what you mean by "Q is synergy"—I think I get the gist, but I want to make sure I read you right.

Godspeed, Patriot!

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the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. Question everything. It’s why Jesus spoke in parables, he wants us to think. God gave us free will.

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I see—very astute analysis. Many thanks to you! People thinking on this level is exactly what the world needs.

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Social Media=Communication


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People were politically engaged on Twitter. Trump was using it to his advantage. Unfiltered. Then shadowbanning happened. The next day Q started posting. Then I for one realized something. We have access to information now. It’s called the Internet. It used to be open source. They could no longer control the information. Then we realized social media connected us. Social media equals communication. No more knocking on doors or making phone calls. You can reach a quarter million people with 3 clicks of a mouse. I know, I’ve done it. (See below) Now we have access to information and a way to communicate it seamlessly to a broader audience. The only thing we need now is a coalition. We do. It’s called MAGA. Onward Christian soldiers…onward.

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I can’t post the pic in this reply but I was averaging 384,000 impressions per month in September and October 2018

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We are on a Quest

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As famously quoted in 'The Secret Destiny fof America.' by Many P Hall!

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I salute AMERICAN HYPNOTIST for an excellent article and look forward to Parts 2 and 3 in the series.

I started following Q in Feb. 2018 and alerted my close friends and family to Q. No one took me up on the offer to follow Q. You can't imagine how much derision was directed against Q; all the way from "Q is a psyop" (I patiently explained that while Q is a psyop it is a counter-psyop to the Fake News/MSM psyop) to "Qanon is a conspiracy theory" to outright dismissal of me combined with a certain curiosity (a family member watched a movie ostensibly about Q that concluded that Ron Watkins was Q... WTF?). These folks span the gamut from die-hard Trump supporters to those with TDS. All are intelligent people who had these reactions to Q. I have reluctantly and painfully come to the conclusion that my family and friends have to be shown the truth, not told the truth.

As said in the article: "If my calculations are correct, the cabal won’t win—what remains to be seen is the amount of destruction they will inflict on their way out." This my biggest hope and my biggest fear.

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Wow....such an interesting article! You, Sir, have a most fabulous way of expressing your views. I look forward to your next e-mail!!! Thank you for the time and effort you spend in trying to enlighten your readers. You definitely have helped me!

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Unsurpringly I'm not very good at enrolling people to the truth unless they know me very closely. Q is one topic that eludes my success still. People are hardened into their crystalline opinion of topics these days and the ones I've interacted with (1000s on both sides) can only view reality through their now crystallized perspectives. Which I grant the deep state as a. win following Edward Bernays' work: Crystallizing Public Opinion (circa 1930s).

Even the articles you have written are still rejected by the die hard black pillers. Their opinion has become crystallized. Pretty amazing honestly...

What must happen is a catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor - wait sorry.. . different speech. A catalyzing event that bridges the divide between the various divided parties and penetrates their resistence. What that event is I still haven't figured out. It would be nice for JFK Jr to be real because that would be a helluva wake up call for the older sleepers. Alas, if that card exists it's being played very close to the chest..

In any case, the popcorn is delicious and I continue to troll and bait various patriot and sovereign circles. :)

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Thank you for the most common sense approach to the Q drops. The storm is likely going to be relatively soon and I believe all of we non-anons who’ve been awakened will have the role of calming the fear when it comes and people panic. Everything you write to educate us now will help when the time comes. God gifted many for this war; you are among them!

God’s blessings for you.🙏

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Well said. I think HOPE is the key word that Q provided for those of us on the sidelines who knew something was wrong but didn't know where to turn. Thanks to all who have tried to help us see the connections and changing meanings of the drops. We have learned a lot, and given ourselves hope through those of you who devote time to explaining what you understand at the time. The world was going mad with the changes in society in such a short time period since my childhood. Thanks.

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I think, and well I guess than my opinions matter...that the truthers are actually confusing people and causing burnout and apathy and confusion in how they portray the whole Spiritual and Informational War. They tell everyone that this is a movie and we have already won and that we are to stay calm and sit on the couch and watch the show. I believe if they stopped representation of what we are going through as a movie (which most people believe is "for entertainment purposes only") and not for enlightenment, They would discover that the hardest part of all that is playing out is to become the best version of yourself by being of service , by working to heal yourself and take care of and protect your children and to discover what it is spiritually you wish to represent. and to contribute what you can to fight this war, even if it is helping neighbors, caring for elders and people who are isolated, feeding the homeless, helping the many lost animals and giving hope to neighbors and friends if you have any. The war that is raging underground, above ground with every country on the planet and in cooperation with ETs both negative and positive so Q has a job to do also and is doing it better than I have ever been privileged to witness in my 70 years of never being without war, (my family is military and we never knew what my Dad was doing or where he was or what was going on in the many wars he flew his airplanes in or if he would come home) and no one even attempted to give us any clues, information or updates we could figure out if we had the time and will to do so. This is real and our military, courageous whistleblowers, journalists, teachers, nurses, doctors, friends and family, and all who are actively involved with involving themselves passionately in it, are experiencing the reality of the heroes journey to help the Earth, humanity, the elemental kingdom to go places no one has ever gone before, like other dimensions, and timelines! And many are experiencing death, deep sorrow, genuine pain, and loss of loved ones or threats from scumbag, psychopaths and many different things that are very difficult but so important in order to complete this journey. Lets all help Q and ourselves to get there by learning to be ONE and think positively and be a peace loving presence in chaos.

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Anyone here remember Aaron Hawkins of StormCloudsGathering? I beleive that was his name. He was very active with excellent content in the 2010s era. Probably 2008-2016 or so. Wonder what he's up to now... been off social media too many years.

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