Your words are a great way to start the day. Fresh awareness knowing at days end, some of us will feel on our nerve again but a contentedness that we do indeed seem to have reached inflection point.

I’m blessed and grateful to be a part of this fifth generation war, and here to witness a new day, a new way, and making America great again.

Thank you Burning Bright. ❤️

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Thanks for reading, Ambra!

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It is not so lonely at the top of the curve any longer. WE the People out number the 'whatever' you call them OR what name they hide behind.

I have feared for the Republic for some time now. BUT, the WORD says 'do NOT fear' or some such 365 times in the WORD.

So stay in the fight


don't give an INCH

No one has conceded

Even tho we KNOW every city, county, state and federal gov't entity {all of it} is corrupt to the core. We still out number them.

I wish the Military wasn't AWOL.

I pray Brunson v Adams 22-380 is real.

I pray for th 19-21 Patriots in Congress standing up against the machine.

I wish they weren't fund raising while this is occurring, but some how, some way it does take $$$$....

Stay safe, continue to march Bright.

MAGA Rising


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Thanks for reading!

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Yes, at their website (Freedom Caucus) that I went to they were asking for funding support. I think that is the way it should be...funding should be contributions by the people who support them. Better than big corporations and foreign entities funding them in hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. This is how these mostly these politicians became bought to begin with...huge $$$ donations with strings attached. What was that 1940's movie with Jimmy Stewart...Mr. Smith Goes to Washington...great movie. And, that was just one man !

And the funding should also have limits. Air time should be equal per candidate by the media and not cost an arm and a leg or be free. Well, those are my thoughts. I deeply admire those 20 freedom caucus members and the number is growing (all pretty young too!) ...I heard yesterday that thirty are on board. Wondering how many of the bought rinos are now regretting their "decision" and are turning toward freedom....they have all been exposed! That says a lot ! We'll see. Praying earnestly for freedom that this country was founded on. But, one for sure...this is waking up more and more people !

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Wow great points! And the part about the sleeping brother's and sisters NOT being our enemy....HUGE😊. I'm resigned to this taking awhile because it took decades to build this swamp, it's not an easy fix. But it's lonely and frustrating to be around people that have no clue what's going on. I've tried sharing Devolution with others and I sound like a fruit loop. So I just quietly hang out in this group so I can feel comforted by the people who know what I know and stand up to the swamp in various ways. I use Facebook now to share screenshots from Telegram to plant seeds and God has told me to start writing about him, so I'm playing my part. But now that I KNOW the evil hanging over us I WANT IT GONE! Thanks for articles and podcasts on Badlands. I listen while I'm at Planet Fitness or riding my bike and it keeps me going!🙂

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Thanks Deb!

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The Bible tells us we are to be the light and salt of the world. I always took that personally. And by that I thought it meant in personal relationships. Your writing is a light in this dark world. For such a time as this! I was thinking how at work (full of normies) at first, I was abrasive or demanding, I guess. "How can you not see this? You guys you need to realize that this could be the end of our Republic!" And I couldn't get through. They looked at me like my head was spinning or "conspiracy theorist". The further up this climb or closer to the inflection point we get because of you, and other leaders I realized that being the light or salt is BIG picture too. I've always known with Christ, loud screaming and demanding doesn't work. Christ's light is peace, actions, and fruits. But then I realized, this IS a God movement! The same attributes of Christ's light are needed in this Freedom Movement. Peace, actions and fruits will be the light, and salt needed to guild all of us to "the promise land"; the valley, as you have so eloquently written. It's not hopium it's peace. It's not complacency it's grassroot actions. It's not screaming pounding fists but fists full of fruits that people are going to hear. Thank you again for shifting my perspective and being a beacon of light in this world.

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Thanks for reading, Shana.

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Excellent advice and perspective, as always.

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

~ Vladimir Iliich Lenin

We are living in such weeks.

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Well said!

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How poignant. How true. We may have to traverse to another mountain peak before we see the path to the valley. 🥰

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Thanks for reading, Pam.

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Two shots across the bow in Canada:

1) Several days ago, John Carpay, a lawyer and head of the JCCF (Justice Centre For Constitutional Freedoms, a legal advocacy group that has been effective in fighting cvid mandates and restrictions) was arrested and jailed for actions that had occurred 17 months earlier. Carpay had noted that prominent political and legal figures had been publicly flouting cvid restrictions, so he hired a private investigator. One of the public figures was a judge. When challenged by authorities, he did take responsibility for his actions,- and apologized to the judge, yet 17 months later he was arrested for this and thrown into Winnipeg jail. Why? Because they could and wanted to send a message?

2) And then there is Cdn Dr. Jordan Peterson, threatened this week with loss of his psychologist’s license by its governing board. Why? For his tweets and retweets about Trudeau and others. He is commanded at his expense to show up for social “retraining.” If he does not show up (he won’t) he must face a tribunal - and wouldn’t we want to be flies on the wall for that event?!

It’s 2023. Just ramping up the pressure in Canuckistan.

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Heard about the second scenario. Thanks Donna! Awakening will spread worldwide.

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1984 by George Orweill published in 1949. It was a required read in English Comprehension class in my Junior High School here in Texas in 1962. We are living it now.

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And 1984 was not meant to be an instruction manual... though you'd never know it, watching [their] antics.

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This is the way our Republic is supposed to operate. We finally have an engaged public. The founders would be giddy with delight

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Thanks John!

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Burning Bright, I absolutely love how you use words. Your writing reflects an era and style long lost. And on top of that you convey much reason for hope! Thank you, Burning Bright!

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Thanks for reading, Jeff!

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Very interesting. What causes inflection points, ie: " a change in direction or a change in the dynamics of a situation"? Is it the affects of an external force acting upon something? Is it an internal force causing a change in strategy or direction? Can you have one without the other? What precedes an inflection point? Can you predict a point of inflection? Do you know when you are at one (NO)? Example: Remember 2 years ago when we all thought Trump was still president, Biden would not last a year, the military did not recognize Biden as CIC, a BIG reveal was coming to expose treason and the traitors and Trump would be reinstated? Only to find out that the ONLY people that have gone to prison over what took place were PATRIOTS. I do. When did you stop believing that, and what caused you to no longer believe that? Mostly all change in thinking begins with internal reflection and introspection. BB writings are always a good foundation for you own internal assessment of what you believe or not. In fact, I am now at a point, 2 years on, where I am looking closely as to why I and many other supported Trump so emphatically, and should we continue to do so. A "reflection" point. He did in fact walk away from us all and this fight. As much as I HATE to believe it, much of the PAIN we are going through are the results of his non actions after making many many superlative proclamations. But thats just where I am now. Hope not to stay here.

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Always appreciate your perspective. Thanks for reading.

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To your questions, Wings: Inflection points are the result of dynamic changes in the forces bearing on something. They include internal forces (e.g., inertia) and external (applied by outside movers). Almost all situations in the physical world, and I think in the Narrative world as well, are subject to many forces, some constant (e.g., gravity) and some changing. Respecting what precedes an inflection point and can you predict one or tell if you are at one: this depends on the nature of the forces bearing on the situation. To the extent that the forces are understood and predictable, the answer to your questions is basically yes; if the forces are subject to unpredictable factors (a simple example: hitting an unseen wall), then no.

To your other comments: we are now heading for, possibly at, an inflection point which will change the destiny of the world. Not just the USA but the whole world. Trump 'losing' 2020, Brandon, GOP 'losing' 2022, Kari Lake 'losing,' Bolsonaro 'losing' -- these all are part of what Q describes 'It had to be this way.' Same with McCarthy -- we don't want an America First speaker of the House when we hit the wall! We want the Uniparty dems/RINOs in control of the throttle, with the MAGA/A1 people having pointed out what is wrong and being ignored again and again. Then the Normies that remain will face a major exposure and disclosure period, where [they] -- the System of Systems -- have basically been in control of everything. There will be no room for ambiguity; even the Normies will see that all of the carnage as [their] fault.

Only then will we be able to Build Back Better -- for real. And we will do so. Trump, MAGA/A1, international Sovereigntists like Putin and Bolsonaro -- will all be a part of it, along with us.

While it seems that [they] remain in control, much of that is inertia -- the inflection point has in reality already been reached, but not until our figurative butts get slammed into the seats of the roller coaster when the net acceleration on our bodies goes through zero (delayed due to inertia) will we realize for sure what is happening. The ride will not yet be over, and it will still be crazy for a while; but it will continue following a fundamentally different paradigm. And as BB says, 'you're going to like the way this ends.'

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Well said! Thanks for your input, Wild Bill.

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Thank you for your comments - really - I appreciate them. The problem is I JUST DON'T GET IT. I really don't. I must be stupid or something, but I can't come to a rationalization as to what is going on that lasts for more than a few days. So I am now questioning E V E R Y T H I N G I believed prior to Jan. 20, 2021. Even my "over the top" support of Trump and his MAGA platform. He represented EVERYTHING I had thought had to be fixed in America and I was "living the dream" from 2016 - 2020. Then the rug got pulled out from under us. And like many, I was convinced somehow "Trump caught them" in acts of treasons that took down our President by means of COVID and Election Interference, both of which with the evidence "that was caught" would be revealed and correct the heinous crimes here AND world-wide. But not to be. This community was replete with hope and so called facts that indicated "something was about to happen". But not to be. AND this community always has great rationalizations as to why something happened that did not go our way. We are really good at that now. And we always defer to Q. Something I see no proof of being real. Then I forced myself to go over every event step by step, and what popped out? After a great presidency what happened was just very simple. He really lost. WHAT YOU SAY? Noooooooo. Well, then explain it. Why hasn't ANYONE been able to prove election fraud in such a way it would implicate traitors both foreign and domestic? WHY? Maybe because he really did lose? NOT what I want to believe - but maybe the truth. I JUST DON'T KNOW.

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It has taken longer than anticipated to awaken enough for change without civil war. I know: patience isn’t my strong suit, either.

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There ARE some positive things that are happening for the Patriots. If the Commies and their minions were in charge, there would be NO PROGRESS AT ALL, and in fact, almost all of us would be in the FEMA CAMPS that Obama built for us. All states would be in a lockdown with arrests for anything you say or do that they don’t like. You know that is true, because we saw it happen in Australia and it is often happening in Canada & China. So OK - it is not where we want it! I agree and some days I too feel the frustration. But we can only do our part and keep our focus that progress IS BEING MADE even as we are pushed through a sewer pipe along with nasty swamp debris. Cliff High calls it the BIG UGLY and it sure is! For me, I remind myself everyday that I have the responsibility to myself and my family to be the best I can be with my health, finances, spiritual mind, and physical being, and look to find as much joy and happiness I can find everyday. I am NOT going to waste a day being pissed it is not going fast enough, as I already went through that phase, and realized I don’t have any control to change those levers of power - so I stick to MY GAME!! I SUGGEST WE STAY STRONG, SAY NO TO THEM, and keep POSITIVE ENERGY IN OUR LIVES. WE WILL BE REWARDED.

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The bottom line is that 'setting the stage' has been a much more complex operation than we understand. Remember Chris Miller thanking Mike Pence for his efforts in 'the most complex operation in military history?' Someday we will read about this in the history books; but for now it serves as one point of evidence that there is something much larger, and much more complex, going on than what we can see.

Heck, at this point we do not even see the tip of the iceberg that this operation represents. We might see a few floes float by that have calved from the berg, or some detritus in the water from the melting of centuries-old ice, but the berg itself remains obscured in the fog.

Remember Trump saying 'we caught them all?' So far as I know Trump has never lied to us. Then you say, why the hell is nobody doing anything about it?? Excellent question; the answer is, they are but we just can't see it yet. We are in the exposure stage of the operation. Information is trickling out, enough for the Normies to come around at their normal glacial (to us the impatient ones) pace. Why do you think Elon Musk is releasing all the Twitter stuff? People in the intel agencies (most of them anyway) sure don't want that coming out -- but remember Musk is intimately connected to DoD, and specifically the parts of DoD that seem so far to be immune to all the woke rot that is infesting the mainline branches (i.e., intel and special ops). None of this would be happening if [they] could stop it. The fact that [they] can't is silent confirmation that the Patriots are over the target.

All the while, behind the scenes the stage is being set. You can't start the play until everything is ready. Doing so would result in an unmitigated disaster, and we only get one chance at this. Move too soon and [they] will likely win, and there goes any chance to save the USA and the world.

So, why hasn't anyone been able to prove the fraud? I believe that they can; but the problems go far deeper than just election fraud. [They] need to appear to be in control of everything, when the train runs off the track. This is why, I believe, Bolsonaro walked away just like Trump -- clearly in Brazil under, what is it? section 142 of their Constitution IIRC, the military has the RESPONSIBILITY to settle disputes between different branches of the Brazilian government. Not the option, or the choice, but the responsibility. There was plenty of evidence of the fraud, but Bolsonaro muttered a few words about 'not having support' of agencies whose support he does not need -- the Brazilian constitution is apparently quite clear on this. So why did he (and Trump) just walk away? Why did nobody seriously question the Senate race in Georgia, or Pennsylvania? Or the dems winning all ~30 toss-up House seats? Based on Vegas odds (30 toss-ups at 50/50) this is a one in one billion chance.

Because the stage is not yet set. The Normies have not yet awakened in large enough numbers; pull the trigger too soon and the operation will look like 'an insurrection' to them and they will be on the wrong side. Trump said as much in his '2024' speech -- something to the effect that 'we aren't ready yet.'

Wars take time, and so do the runups to them. From 2016 to 2024 is a pretty short time period, in the history of the world. We are so used to TV dramas where the bad guys are found and arrested in an hour. Patience is not our strong suit, as ALtab said. It is happening, and the pace seems to be quickening. One by one the props are being put into place. It's not quite time to put the popcorn on, but that time is coming.

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Thanks for this reply. I think you described where I was in 2021 up to right after the midterms. So here is what never added up to me:

If "they" did catch the fraud and CAN prove it, but are holding back because "the people can't handle the truth" and "not enough are awake, to me that doesn't jive. IF "we" are really the majority and Trump won by a LANDSLIDE (80M+++), then the majority of the people will be able to handle it, in fact are expecting it. Furthermore - if they DO have have the proof and what is needed and ARE holding it back, to me that is irresponsible, if not illegal. While people's wealth is deteriorating, people continue follow the vaccine narrative causing more sickness and death, dealing with the continued invasion at the boarder, inflation out of control, wars raging around the world, food shortages - What gives ANYBODY THE RIGHT to hold back proof that would kick the commies out of our government, put Trump in where he belongs and continue the journey to Make America Great Again? For what? To make people "feel better". There is going to be turmoil no matter how the Truth comes out. IT just doesn't add up to me, nor makes sense. If you catch someone in the act of a crime - you call them out and arrest them. Not wait till "everybody is OK with it".

Why can't it be as simple as: Trump won. The election was stolen. However, nobody caught anything. Trump got screwed which made him lose the "contest" of who could out-maneuver whom. It sucks. No State can overturn and decertify because the evidence is just not clear enough. Now - Trump is clawing his way back and working towards a 2024 win. Which means that: Biden gets 4 years and will go down in history as the worst "LEGIT" president in history. NONE of the illegitimate EO's and legislation will be vitiated by fraud. Maybe the fraud will be proven 60 years from now like the JFK murder. And it will take 16 years to unwind what Biden and the commies did. BUT THATS OK - because Trump still has his ego intact, and won back (not taken back) his presidency. Why can't it be that? It sure looks like it is. As many times as we thought that "something was about happen" and this is the turning point - it ALWAYS ends up that we will NOT be able to TAKE BACK our country - we have to fight our way back through the system and go through another election cycle and 2024 is the only way. And it could be stolen again then as well. But I am sure will rationalize that some how as well.

Anyway I truly see where you are coming from - and that is the "hope" we are holding on to right now. That "they" know, they caught them and there is some grandiose plan to expose them all. But my 68 years tells me - probably not.

Thanks for the convo. I appreciate it.

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If the so called "patriots" are sitting on information that could help us win this war--that is just as treasonous as what the other side is doing. It may be even worse because as I like to say: "The worst kind of devil is the type that presents himself as an angel."

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Hi Wings, we're the same age, I understand your frustration and your points.

It's not that people can't handle the truth. The problem is, their at least tacit support is needed for an operation like nothing ever seen before, that will fundamentally change the present form of the US (and likely global) government. Many Trump voters still buy the MSM tale that the elections are legitimate. They will not support something that looks like an insurrection to them, even if it restores the candidate they voted for to office. Americans are a funny bunch -- we seem to hold on to tradition, and respect and follow procedure to a fault. Which is normally a good thing, until it isn't -- like when the System of Systems has taken over not just elections, but pretty much every branch of every (mostly illegitimate) government agency in existence. Fixing this is much more than correcting a fraudulent election.

The Patriots have more than the right to withhold this information at this time. They have the obligation to do so, if that is the prudent course. Their obligation is stated in their Oath: "that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same..."

Military operations often require misdirection and strategic retreat. It is sometimes necessary to accept a loss to achieve a larger objective. I think that is where we are today: this operation is about much, much more than fraud; it is about defeating a system that has been constructed over the past centuries all around the world and has infected the government of the United States (and the several States) in almost innumerable places and ways. And that system is YUUUGE.

If Trump is restored to office and a few election officials get jailed for malfeasance, and nothing else happens, the underlying problems remain. It is sort of like a slime mold: if you cut away the fruiting bodies, it might appear dead; but at the next rain, 'It's Back...' You have to kill the whole organism.

The Patriots know this and they know they have to get it right, and they will only get one chance. Their Plan is intended to achieve this; the support of the American people is required. I don't think that waking the Normies is all there is to it; there are still other, important objectives being worked on. Along with waking many of the Normies.

Now we could be wrong about all this, and find there is really no plan other than for Trump to run again in 2024 and hope for the best. After seeing the 2020 and 2022 elections, I do not believe that this is a realistic plan, because the Uniparty does not intend to ever 'lose' another election. They really did not expect Trump to beat Hillary in 2016, that was their wake-up call.

So the plan is about much more than exposure. BB describes it as several phases: exposure, disclosure and finally justice. I believe that there is also a phase of reconstruction in there. 'Make America Whole Again.' Without that element, why bother? But first the slime mold must be extirpated, the entire thing destroyed never to rise again. And that is a very complex and difficult operation.

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I am going to have to read this again & again. In the mean time - what is your take on Q? I go forth and back on that.

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Excellent grasp of the “operation” we can glimpse! And, you are so correct that we know so very little…. But: that very little is more than all of the generations before our time have ever glimpsed! We should be thankful for this and even excited, no matter how impatient we feel at times. Plus, we have “met” so many patriots with great minds like our tiger and you! Thank you and God bless you as we forge ahead all together in this ancient battle.🙏

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The Internet, and substack, have been a great resource. What they call in the tech world 'enabling technologies.' This is why we can do what we are doing: we have tools that are far better than the generations before. And that is something that [they] did not anticipate or plan for; while they've tried to control it (social media), the resulting game of whack-a-mole has just evolved too fast. [They've] had a few victories but so have we. In the past control of the press was enough, but thankfully due to the grace of God, in this time His providence has given us just the tools -- and people -- we need.🙏🙏

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Trump is not the solution, nor the savior. He’s the catalyst. The solution is patriots understanding God’s purpose for this ancient war for peoples’ souls.

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I'm stealing this.

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I don't think you will. You've just voiced what I have felt as well. I think what kept me going personally was the idea that guys in foxholes in Belgium had no idea what Patton or Bradley or McAuliffe had planned; they just knew their jobs and did them.

Perhaps I'm callous, but I don't think the J6 Patriots are that important in the big strategy. For us, they're very important, but they are POW's and the prosecution of a war doesn't end because some of our guys were apprehended doing their duty; we press on, always forward, and we get them back after the Hun is run aground and utterly defeated, never to raise their ugly heads again.

From Eastern Texas, we wish y'all the best!

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Just as our very foundation, out of which came our Declaration and Constitution, was built on the struggles of our first Revolution, the next, even greater foundation, will have been built on the struggles of our second Revolution. The first against the greatest military power of its day. The current and second, against the greatest overtaking of the world by evil in history.

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Agreed, Tom. Well said.

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Our voyage of discovery, just like our Mayflower ancestors.

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Boot camp is over. We are at The Front. The skills we are developing are as fundamentally game-changing as "Give a man a fish... Teach a man to fish".

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Well said.

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Spot on William!!!!

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Nice work Patriot.

As you may know, no one is in control of their own salvation. We can't earn our way into heaven with good deeds. God is sovereign.

It's a miracle when any person turns to Christ Jesus.

God-fearing Patriots have given their lives defending freedom in America and around the world for decades but, we are not in control of our own salvation. We can't earn our way into sovereignty with our good deeds.

It's a miracle that millions of people have been red-pilled. Praise Jesus!

The church pews are full of sinners and so that is who God works with. No one is good. So let's give God the glory. Whether we win or lose The Silent War ... God wins.

"Save" America is Trump's slogan because we are under judgment. We are seeking redemption. The Great Awakening is The Great Commission.

We embrace the sanctification process because we serve God. The enemy is in PAIN because they do not repent. God's judgment is perfect.

Thank you Burning Bright for fighting for God, family and country. Please share the gospel with your audience.

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Thanks for reading!

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So true! It appears that our leaders, known and unknown, have now begun the storm. Their decision was based, I believe, on the work we have done, which indicates the work we are willing to do, following their direction and with the guidance of God. While it is going to be ugly initially, I think the rest of 2023 is going to be very promisingly eventful. May God continue to bless us all!

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Thanks for reading, Howard!

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Another great piece.


It's rare that I disagree with you and this may be so infinitesimal as to not even deserve mention, but I think the use of the word "fiasco" in reference to the current battle for the Speaker's chair in Congress is incorrect. To be sure, it's a minor conflict in a major theater of operations (the People's House), but I don't view it as a fiasco; it's yet another skirmish in our fight.

(**How 'bout that pregnant pause!!)

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I agree, Jud. I more use the term in reference to the clownishness on display, haha.

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