Excellent Hypnotist! Looking forward to your future installments!

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Looking forward to one on how to pay your federal income taxes WITHOUT CBDC.

Excellent information here, and lots of knowledge in the chat too. I have but one question right now, though. How to pay federal income tax WITHOUT CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). You would think that gold/silver from a U.S. mint would be legal tender anywhere .... but this is a tricky issue.

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Yes in the course of being in the midst of a historical reveal of sorts...I was not shocked but I suspected during the course of my lifetime. What shocks me more is We the People were willing to put up with it and did not stand up against this sooner. I have learned more in this movement than in school. That reveals another problem of our systems failure. At 69 years od age I pray I can see the people grow a backbone. Now we need ro be busy restoring our republic and booting these no good pecker heads out and putting them behind the bars they so richly deserve. God Bless Ameria and the patriots

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I believe you nailed the problem when you said "I have learned more in this movement than in school."

That IS the problem. How can you fight against something that you have no idea exists? That you have no knowledge of?

Had the role that Central Banks played in history, especially in England and America's history, been taught in school, as well as civics and our Constitution, I believe this never could have happened. Knowledge is the most powerful tool there is. Not only does knowledge REVEAL your enemy AND their TACTICS, you actually know how to DEFEAT them.

The problem is not so much "willing to put up with it" as "LACK OF KNOWLEDGE"

We should be raising true blue patriots with TRUTH, not little overly sexualized social justice warriors that have no mind of their own.

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To the author of "Is The Federal Reserve a British Institution?" You have many facts correct, however there is a disconnect that you missed that might show up a missing element of your research. I am not saying this to shoot you down but more as a method of pointing out a common misconception that seems to be prevalent in some who are researching what has happened in the history of our country.

Case in point, under the picture of the Declaration of Independence you state: "They are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights" but when you click on that same picture of the Declaration of Independence it reads: "They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights"...

If you use a Legal Dictionary such as Black's Law Dictionary, after about the 3rd or 4ed. that dictionary implies that "inalienable" and "unalienable" mean essentially the same thing.

Research in old US History books printed after 1871 up until about 1892 or 1895 tells a much different story.

The original word in the Declaration of Independence was "unalienable" pronounced "un-a-lien-able" with the root word being "lien" which means someone has a higher claim that you do to something you refer to as yours, for example your house if it has a mortgage on it or your car if it has a "lien" on it. You call it yours but until the mortgage or lien is paid off completely the bank or mortgage company has a higher claim to that house or car that you do. To test this out and see if it is true, just miss 3 or 4 payments on either the house or car and see what happens!

When the original word was "unalienable" it meant "no one could have a higher claim, a lien, on those rights than you have because those rights were given you by the Creator (God). In that case you never entrusted your "rights" to anyone else, such as a trustee, because you could not do so since they were given you by the Creator.

But in 1871, Congress in D.C. changed the "u" to an "i" and the word became "inalienable" pronunced

"in-alien-able" with the root word being "alien" which means someone who is not a natural born citizen of a country but wishes to become a citizen by naturalization. Naturalized citizens are granted citizenship by the government and instead of "rights" they are given by government "privileges and immunities" which government can remove at will.

The same flaw is also found in the post Civil War 14th Amendment which removes "rights" and replaces them with "privileges and immunities" even for those "born". Go look it up and read for yourself.

When the change of the "u" to an "i" in the Declaration of Independence is understood it makes your series of articles even more believable and when coupled with the loans the U.S. Grant administration received from the London Banks in his last term of office. This, I believe will fit into what I believe you're going to explain like a hand fits into a proper sized glove.

Blessings to you and on your series of articles.

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I appreciate your correction—that was indeed an error on my part. When it comes to this stuff, we need to be unflinchingly precise in our language, and so I welcome the feedback. Always feel free to let me know if I get something wrong. We're all in this together.

Blessings to you as well!

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It is great to see others, like you, step into this battle for the soul of america!

Keep up the good work!


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Thank you for this thorough but easy to comprehend explanation & background. I’m just starting down this path & appreciate people sharing their knowledge to help awaken others. Realizing the US is a Corporation, how & why it was established & continues to operates has been mind blowing. Viewing the present state of our Country w/ this understanding has been enlightening, to say the least.

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Blessings on your learning about what happened in the mid 1800s to our country. At the same time in 1871 that the USA was turned into a Corporation is when the subtle change of the "u" for an "i" in the Declaration of Independence took place.


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Yes, the American Civil War ushered in an industrialized capitalism, enhanced the power of the Federal Government and created wage slavery. Contrary to public opinion it did nothing to dispel slavery for Black Americans nor did it improve racial relations.

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I have to admit, I find their use of language & definitions to clandestinely implement their will & agenda against the people, though manipulative, rather fascinating. It’s evil genius, really. We live in a world of legalese. It’s unavoidable. It’s an aspect of even the mundane activities we do.

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I believe that the "corporation" of the United States only has jurisdiction in Washington DC?

I read something about "maritime" versus "common law," and that in court, you can request to record which jurisdiction you will be operating in BEFORE you step before the bench. Can't find it now, but perhaps someone has more information on this?

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There is a lot of not exactly correct information "out there" about what law controls Courts or how to make an "appearance" in Court. The best advice anyone can be given is to learn to live your life in such a manner that you will never have to "appear" in Court.

Maritime Law is the "Law of the Sea" which is a form of International Law. Common Law has 2 different definitions and it is rare indeed for a Court to specify which "definition" of "Common Law" is being used.

Notice that neither "Maritime" nor "Common Law" is "Corporate Law" which is a third area of law entirely.

Prior to the founding of the united States of America which occurred after the Revolutionary War, "Common Law" was that Law adopted by the Courts in the 13 Colonies which had it's origin in British Law, sometimes referred to as "law based at least partially upon the King James Bible of 1611" to separate it from "Inquisitorial Law" which was the term used to designate the Law of the European Continent which was based upon "Roman Catholic Canon Law and the Law of the Spanish Inquisition."

Presently, under the UNITED STATES Corporation, which we have been under since 1871, the term "Common Law" is defined as "Judge Made Law" as opposed to "Statutory Law" or Law passed by Congress (either State or Federal) and signed into Law by the President (if Federal) or the Governor (if State) Law.

When you appear in Court, whether Federal or State Court, you can not "request" which "jurisdiction" you will be operating in BEFORE you step before the bench. That is a gross oversimplification and misrepresentation of a very complex process few ever are successful at obtaining. Failure to understand that very complex process has kept many a soul incarcerated in Federal or State prison for years.

If the Corporate US Flag is flying in the Court Room, you are under Corporate US Law unless you have a clear and complete understanding of what it may take to remove yourself from Corporate Jurisdiction.

A "request" is evidence of your acceding to the jurisdiction specified by the flag in the courtroom. Only a "subject" makes a "request" of a "superior" such as a Judge. It is highly likely that such a "request" would hasten your arrival at a new living location sometimes referred to as "three hots and a cot."

There may be people "out there" that have been successful in removing themselves from US Corporate Jurisdiction. If their has been such people, they undertook a long, period of years, educational process and many of them likely spent time in jail with multiple appearances in Court where the slightest misstep would spell years of loss of freedom and a lifetime of being watched at every turn.

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"Common Law" I understand. When England first formed (after Roman withdrawal) Alfred the Great was the first to consolidate the area into a country. His son solidified the deal. Alfred based his new country's laws on what is known as "Alfred's Dooms." A system of law based almost entirely on Old Testament principles, and a few New Testament ones. Common Law, as it developed, was solidly based on Biblical Law. Alfred and son were Christian. It took quite a few generations for the original law to be corrupted by the "Devine Right of Kings." In England's own history, you can absolutely see the precursors to our own American Revolution. It's amazing that the king didn't see what was coming long before the actual revolution. Blackstone's Common Law was a common reference for the Founders. Blackstone himself was a Christian and knew exactly where English Common Law came from.

But I was under the impression that Common Law was our original Constitutional law, and corporate law was what happened in 1871. And the actual jurisdiction of corporate law or maritime law is Washington DC? That seems to be a matter of contention. Which is why outside of Washington DC, some think common law can still apply?

I would love to know how to become an actual American national again. No matter if I ended up spending time in jail or not. It would be well worth the time, even if years. What the hell, we are all watched at every turn anyway. Big Brother has been here for many decades, and only gets better at it every day.

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You seem to have a good basic understanding of history as it relates to English Law. In my research, which was done some 30+ years ago, it seems that the system of Law Alfred the Great set up was called "Alfred's Tooms" but that is not a critical difference from what you said. Since English is a living, dynamic language, the meaning of words change from time to time.

Some Historians refer to a period of time called the "Thousand Year Battle For The Rights Of Englishmen." That means that battle started some probably 200 years before the English Noblemen forced King John to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymeade in 1215. As I'm sure you know, the Magna Carta was the basis for some "freedoms" enjoyed today in the English speaking world such as the right to a Jury Trial. Initially, besides being composed of "12 men good and true" a jury was also composed of 12 men who knew the accused. The reason for this is in a Criminal Trial, there are a minimum of two elements that have to be proven to get a conviction; mens rae and actus reaus.

Mens rea is that the person accused must have the understanding to know that he/she committed a crime. This means there must be a basic sense of "right and wrong" more so than a knowledge that the specific action the person was being tried for was in fact a criminal action. This meant that if the accused lacked a basic sense of right and wrong, today referred to as a "mental defense" i.e. the lack of the ability to know right from wrong, the accused could not be convicted of a crime.

The actus reaus meant that it also had to be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the person accused actually "did" the action that was defined in law as a crime. One of the tenants of English Common Law that was adopted into American Law is "ignorance of the law is no excuse."

Only a jury of 12 men "good and true" who actually "knew" the accused could make the determination of mens rea, if the accused had the capacity to know the difference between right and wrong. This role of 12 men who knew the accused has today been supplanted by a Psychiatrist or Psychologist commonly appointed by the Court i.e. the Judge, to examine the accused and decide if they are mentally capable of committing a crime or understanding the charges against them.

The requirement of "12 who knew the accused has been replaced by a "jury of your peers". Which usually means a jury chosen largely by the Judge in a Federal Trial. Since the Federal Judge is the one to weed out the jury pool and then from those "left after the judge weeds out the pool" the prosecutors and defense attorneys get to choose from those who are left. Many times those who are left are those with little ability to understand the actions of the accused, the arguments of both sides' attorneys and the instructions given by the Judge at the end of the trial phase. There are legal scholars who attribute the weeding out process of the jury pool by the Judge in Federal Court cases with the unusually high rate of convictions in Federal Court, as a rule, much higher percentage wise that in State Courts where the Attorneys for both sides do all the weeding out of the Jury Pool.

Common Law has fundamental differences from Constitutional Law. Common Law as adopted in this country from English Courts is merely that portion of Law that was settled by Judges and in some cases Juries, based upon a determination of what was "right" when there was no Law passed by Parliament to guide the Judge or Jury.

At one point in time, prior to there being Colonies of England in this country, the English King, if memory serves me correct, Henry VIII, was petitioned and set up a second set of Trial Courts called Chancery Courts. These courts had Chancellors, not Judges. A Chancellor was an official of the Church of England, with training in both Law and Theology. They were to make rulings based on the melding of Law and Equity. Equity was the application of Biblical Principles back into the English Court System after many years of moving away from Biblical Principles in the Law Courts. So there were two systems of Courts at that time that both functioned simultaneously in England and for a brief period of time in the original 13 Colonies. There are a few States left with a Chancery Court system today, all of them east of the Mississippi River.

In the system of Law that was adopted in this country, America, there is more than one "document" that is considered to be part and parcel of the Constitution.

There were three documents:

1. Is called commonly "The Declaration of Independence" from 1775. This document lays out four "universal truths"; A. All men are "created equal." B. All men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights" such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. C. That to guarantee these rights among men governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. D. That when ever government fails in its duties, (the wording means this but is in old English), "it is the right, it is the duty of the people" to abolish that government and replace it with new government. (Read just the first 2 paragraphs of that Declaration to find out these things.)

2. After the end of the Revolutionary War there were Constitutional Conventions in Philadelphia where, eventually, the Document known as the Constitution was hammered out among those delegates. The Constitution set up the three branches of government; Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The Constitution sets out the responsibilities of each branch, how the members are chosen, how long they serve and other items necessary such as how Laws are made and the authority of the Federal Government and the land and infrastructure over which the Federal Government has absolute jurisdiction. Included are clauses about what constitutes money, how treaties are passed and that a State can not have Laws that violate the Constitution. There is no wording to the effect that the Constitution is or is derived from "Common Law."

3. The first 10 Amendments aka "The Bill Of Rights" is what specifies many of the "Rights" mentioned in categories such as "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" from the Declaration that government has absolutely no Constitutional authority to usurp from the people. The 10th Amendment was designed to "slam the door shut" on government by stating that there are other rights reserved to the States or to the people, not to the Federal government.

The Constitution also set out the 2 methods of "Amending the Constitution" something that Congress, the Executive branch nor the Judicial branch can not do under any circumstances.

There were no documents in English Law that were like the Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights so those documents, that are non-existent in English law can not be what is referred to as "Common Law" under either of the 2 definitions of Common Law.

There are political pundits, politicians, legal beagles, and everyday Americans who believe we are in a form of WWIII at the present time. It is "unconventional warfare" meaning "non-shooting" warfare.

It appears to be an "information" war combined with a likely pending collapse of many of the usurped, in many people's opinion, functions of Constitutional Government by the Corporate Government.

There are those who believe they can prove that the Corporation is Bankrupt. If that is true, then the only legal function a Bankrupt Corporation can preform is called "winding up" of the Corporation. In plain English that means "shutting the Corporation down." Again, if this is true, then the Federal Corporation can't legally pass laws, raise the debt ceiling or send money to foreign lands as some examples of Corporate Government functions. Another way of looking at this is, if it is true, then the Corporation is near to the point of being embalmed prior to it's funeral and burial.

There are those who say that when the Corporation is completely dead there is no need of going through a process to become an American National. That would happen naturally for all Americans.

In a time of war, even if it is non-conventional war, that is the worse time to make a choice that could end you up in prison, especially if you have a family that depends on you for support or care.

Please understand:

There is a lot of misinformation out there, information that can cost someone their freedom if they are not very careful, meticulously careful.

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That was incredible insight. How fittingly deceptive they have been for such a long time plotting against the foundation for which this country was established. My question then is doesn't that make it null and void the changing of the letter? How would anyone have the authority to change the letters on the most important document in the world? That would be equal to forgery, knockoff, counterfeit etc no? The entire meaning of the word changes which is not what the men who were no longer living intended.

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Your basic premise is 100% correct, it was deceptive and I agree it was fraud.

That said, At the same time the change of the "u" to an "i" there was also the change of the nation from a Constitutional Republic to a Corporation called the UNITED STATES by a vote of Congress.

This was necessary for the Administration of President U.S. Grant to get a loan from the International British Bankers of the City of London.

Because of the recent Civil War and the nation being essentially bankrupt the change in that one letter plus the change from a Constitutional Republic to a Corporation "flew under the radar" of many Americans.

Now, some 152 years later (1871 to 2023) it takes more than just the acknowledgment of fraud to rectify the situation without the real risk of another civil war or at least a situation relatively nationwide that would be worse than the riots in Seattle and Portland a couple of years ago.

I believe there is a process that is underway that has an excellent chance of "righting that old wrong".

Under the laws of this country, the military has the responsibility to set things right. This is a delicate process because we have a military that has members and officers on both sides of the issue. However, I believe those on the side of Restoring the Republic will be the winners and they are doing everything possible to do that without there being a second Civil War.

In the meantime, pray for God to assist bringing this Country safely back to where it should be, not where it is today.

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Well said, 1871 was the true over throw of the US Constitution done so by the traitors within our own government. Just like today. I've been saying we have been living under enemy occupation since the 2020 election but in reality it's been since 1871.

The military is indeed divided between those serving the Satanic elite globalist Cabal and the white hat patriots. There is ample evidence to prove Trump launched Devolution right after the election and we have been existing in this covert war between two sides of our military. A military civil war in order to prevent a civilian civil war. Both sides have won and lost battles for position. The dark military currently holds the edge with a larger number of men and resources. Sadly good soldiers have been brainwashed into believing they are honoring their oath by serving the corrupt regime against "rogue traitors" who refuse to acknowledge the sitting president.

Its hard to imagine but like you said i too believe in victory for the Republic and coming out of this stronger than ever with lessons and safeguards to make sure this never happens again.

For now it's our duty to do our part and that means becoming aware of how it happened. Sharing that knowledge and using it to empower The People. The Great Awakening is the X factor they tried so hard to prevent, knowing it would be the end of them.

They can only go so far as we are willing to accept. Once the people no longer believe and accept their lies no amount of force will succeed in their plans. They need us to willingly give up our sovereignty. To voluntarily put the chains around our ankles like we've done for so long without knowing it. The Great Awakening shatters that idea. Every day more and more truth is exposed waking more and more people up to who the real enemies are. Knowledge is our power.

Their only move left on the chess board is to wipe out 95% percent of the population. This is where we truly need the white hat military to thwart and neutralize that threat. As it stands now they seem to be achieving the destruction of our infrastructure ,food water and supply chains.

This truly is a test of ones faith. Like our founding fathers had to do we must adapt and utilize unconventional tactics within our given resources. Like this group is doing. Stay the course in the face of an overwhelmingly powerful enemy.

Most people have no idea just how stacked the odds were against the Colonists from ever winning that war. We were never suppose to have a chance against the mighty Imperial British Army. They were the super power of that time. Americans were nothing more than a bunch of rag tag famers welders, business men, statesmen. We had no army. No uniforms. It was the equivalent of a high school football team beating the super bowl champs. When Freedom is what a people are fighting for they tend to overcome incredible odds.

As soft and entitled as we have been conditioned to become we are still Americans. Our dna blood comes from generations of Americans who have overcome odds and find a way to win. The men and woman who fought for our freedom did so believing they were on the right side of history. We like our founding fathers are on the right side. We know who our true enemy is and the fait of our children and future generations is in our hands. Every patriot who gave their life for this idea of by The People for the People is counting on us to preserve it. We will never know their names. We are those men and women.

God bless you all

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You nailed it! don't lose faith. Truth will win out in the end.

Have a blessed day!


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For sure, our American Revolution was one of the greatest "David vs Goliath" stories in history. And our Founders were correct when they stated that only Divine Providence saved the Revolution. It was impossible any other way. I am still in awe of the Founding generation. So much absolute faith, commitment, courage and perseverance. They just never gave up. And what they accomplished, not only for America but for the world, is unparalleled in history. God Bless America and all those that fought for our freedom.

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Wow, thanks for that info about "un-a-lien-able"--so many tricks and deceptions.

I wonder how long these people have been ruling over us--they are obviously masters of deception.

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Blown away by your comment. Thank you!

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I was fortunate to get to read sections out of 3 old American History books back in the mid 1990s. They were printed between 1880 and 1892. I was a Civil War History buff and read the chapters leading up to and after the Civil War. The basic information came from those 3 books.

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Love history books, the older the better. I inherited a lot from my grandmother who got them from her dad who was a Southern Methodist pastor.

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This is an interesting topic and it appears as if we have an excellent army of fact checkers. I use the term fact checkers in a good way here, when looking down a deep dark tunnel, it’s helpful to have many holding lights opposed to one. This topic on the federal reserve has been carelessly addressed by many recently, look forward to your journey, now our journey, and I hope the fact checkers come along too. Thank you for your effort and intent. We need to educate ourselves!

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Thank you very much for your kind words.

I love how much information other people are bringing to the table too. I'm learning as much from the commenters here as from any other source out there.

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The problem is deeper than the FED being a British corporation. Changes were unlawfully made to the constitution in 1871 at the behest of the Bank of England during the first bankruptcy. They changed the title of the constitution so that it would not be a controlling document for the USA corporation that was formed at that time. Since then, the owners of the USA company have hidden the real controlling documents and perhaps a royal charter for the USA company. Our constitution today is titled The Constitution Of The USA. Before 1871 it read, The Constitution For The USA. This was the trick of the Bank of England to make Americans believe that their government was based on our constitution, when in fact it is not. This is why the owners of the USA company (Bank of England) pay lip service to the constitution but the company's policies don't have anything to do with the constitution. This is why the USA company does not enforce its laws (such as cannabis prohibition) and does not enforce its borders. Corporations don't have laws or borders. All they have are policies that are set by their board at the behest of their owners. We've been living in a fake republic for 150 years and its all based on fraud (the breach of contract law where the title and contents of the constitution were unlawfully changed). All the modern wars have been based on this fraud. All the dead service men and women who died in these wars were murdered by this company, the USA, and now this company has used its DOD to attack America with chemical and biological weapons, and it continues to attack our nation's food supply in acts of war against us. This is the reality. The USA company is at war with America. The USA company is like the Dutch India Company and the Hudson Bay Company in that it has done egregious harm to people who are not British subjects. Not only is the Federal Reserve British, the USA inc. is a private British corporation. When people ask me for proof of this I tell them to look at the original constitution and the one we have today. NOTE: Also in 1871, the entire 13th Amendment to the constitution was removed. It said that no one holding foreign titles could hold federal office. This was so that people registered with the BAR association (British Accredited Registary) could hold federal office. It was too visibly unconstitutional to leave that language in there.

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Fantastic comment, what an article, what a thread! I did wish to chime in on the 13th amendment, which I spent a fairly thorough amount of evenings digging into, because that would’ve changed everything-it does seem that it wasn’t ratified by enough states. There was a judges’ rebuttal and 70+ page breakdown of the timeline by each state. If I can find it again in a few furtive minutes before falling asleep I will edit this comment. While it passed Congressionally, it was not ratified by enough states in a timely manner, his evidence was very solid, with original source documentation from statehouses. I so wanted original 13th too. There would be mass public support for it today if people were aware of the Templar BAR/Crown/Vatican implied consent bondage system we find ourselves in. To get that through legislatively on the other hand 🤣

I’m curious if the Treaty of Paris in 1783 was what opened the financial floodgates in perpetuity, did America actually win anything? 86 Virginia Co, Hudson Bay, pay Crown 50% of mining/ore, 5% GDP, no allodial titles, Crown gifts lands to Holy See. And, I’m a darn fool out here buying a house on someone else’s land, registering all my possessions and creations so they can be taken away. All of the God given rights feel pretty “alien” to my frame of reference today!

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Yes, I read that same article on the (NOT) ratified 16th amendment. Another great resource is "The Creature from Jekyll Island," a great book about how the Federal Reserve took over in 1913, and those behind it.

Although our founding generations were well aware of Central Banks, and the general population knew what they were and the threat they presented, the MAIN ISSUE here is lack of true history in our public schools. The knowledge of this enemy disappeared from subsequent generations because it appears to be scrubbed from history books. And not just in this country.

Unless TRUE HISTORY, which has to include the FULL history of central banks, is taught in our schools, this will always be the result. The predicament America and the world is in now, under the thumb of a global swamp which owns and controls EVERYTHING. From what you eat, to what you wear and sleep on, drive in, etc. etc. EVERYTHING.

Don't believe that or know how it can be true? Search Rumble for "Monopoly, Who controls the world."

While central banks may be able to create money out of thin air (actually through the act of borrowing) - they can buy REAL assets (including governments) with their funny money.

Godfrey Bloom was exactly right. Until Central Bankers and complicit politicians go to jail, this WILL continue.

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Well, we got off to a good start, but we couldn't keep our republic. Now it has become necessary for us to purge the aristocratic fleas and ticks or die from their infestation. It's a mental war. They want to control our mind, and if they do, they will kill us. William Blake said there are people who depress mental warfare so that they can keep fighting corporeal warfare. That's what our enemies want: to continue the rape, pillaging, and murdering that they've always done.

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The Nazis demonstrated the power of media mind control and America perfected it. Immediately following the so called end of the war, the infamous Operation Paperclip imported all of the best Nazi scientists who shared their secrets and America was off and running with secret mind control projects with the American people as the unknowing test subjects. MKUltra and Mockingbird media are two that have been perfected and heavily used today which explains the abandonment of logic and common sense we see all around us.

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So true. The Nazis were able to perfect the power of media and mind control because it was NEW. Prior to WW2, we had radio, but not TV. Hitler was a master at taking advantage of the new technology.

Also very pertinent, is the use of public schools to produce Hitler youth. Hitler, like Marx and Engles, was well aware of the long game, and how indoctrinating Germany's youth would ensure continuation of control. The German government took over Education, JUST LIKE PUBLIC EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES HAS DONE. The parallels are undeniable. Hitler made it a point of telling parents "Your children are already mine."

History not only tells us "what happened," but how to ensure it never happens again. True education would knock the wind out of "MKUltra and Mockingbird" before they even got off the ground. Think about that, if your children were well aware of these psy-ops and central banks, and their role in history. What a difference true education makes.

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Thank you for sharing this.

From my admittedly limited knowledge (just starting to learn all of this) the Founding Fathers wanted a new Constitution for America, not a revised contract (or charter?) with the Crown, but that’s exactly what took place in 1871 & our God given natural rights were replaced w/ “privileges” granted by the British via the US Corporation. From that moment on, the guise that we’re a free people, in a free Country, with a democratically elected Gov, has been a facade. We’re merely a commodity for the Corporation.

Is my understanding correct? I would appreciate your feedback. I actually want to know when I’m wrong so I can learn.

Thank you.

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I concur with your understanding. A citizen is an agent of a foreign power according to what Jordan Maxwell taught (who I'm riffing on). I believe we have been coerced into a relationship with the USA company through fraud, but it's up to each American to seek damages from fraud. That's way the way I see it. The civil courts should award damages and the sheriffs should deputize able bodied people to enforce the court's decisions. I suspect that all federal property and buildings could be seized by the sheriffs in lieu of damages throughout every county of the 50 states. The USA company can never pay back what it owes. Another possibility is that the royal charter and/or other controlling documents could be revoked or expunged by British Parliament. Both these possibilities seem remote. Step 1 is getting people to understand what their status as citizens means, and the fraud that has taken place.

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The amount of fraud that has been committed against the American People is in the Quadrillions. Every penny of debt placed upon us is fraudulent therefore unenforceable(If anyone was following the law.) How we set the records straight, abolish this hijacked government, tear it down and rebuild our system under the original constitution as it was written falls on our shoulders. The People. The true rulers of this land.

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Yes. Clif High is trying to educate legislators at the state level with his Vox Populi series. I think civil judges and especially our county sheriffs need to be educated to understand their constitutional duties and powers. Our county sheriffs have a lot of power and the federal agents do little else besides break the law, and violate the rights of the populace. Most people don't even understand that Fed agents have no authority over them. We've been trained to think of ourselves, not as slaves, but as subjects of our government (or Crown).

A final note: Our constitution refers to people born in this land as citizens of the USA. The USA company considers a citizen to be an agent of a foreign power (according to Jordan Maxwell). So, our employers at the USA company in England don't even think of us as Americans, but we have the same status as a British Sailor working abroad and we are subject to British Maritime Law just like any British Sailor at port in a foreign land. Our federal code is British Maritime Law, and all of our lawyers are registered with the BAR (British Accredited Registry). Originally, the 13th amendment forbid people holding foreign titles to hold USA elected offices, but this whole amendment was removed unlawfully in 1871 when the title of the constitution was changed. So, according to the USA corporation and its owner, The Bank of England, we are not Americans but British subjects (sailors). This is how they refuse us the protection of the law of the land (civil rights). They claim we are not from the land and we have no claim on the land nor do we enjoy the protection of the law of the land or any national rights whatsoever.

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I fully understand what happened in 1871. I just disagree that it's a worse problem than "The Fed."

Follow the money. He who holds the purse strings controls this country.

The "corporation" can be reversed.

Divesting ourselves of The Fed is a whole other story.

The Fed can impoverish us, starve us, wage war against us, poison us, cut off our energy and heat in winter, just about anything they want to do as they control it all already.

Both issues have to be resolved, both are important to our freedom. But resolving the issue of The Fed is going to be brutal.

DON'T EVER AGREE TO THE CBDC SYSTEM. Central Bank Digital Currency. Total, irreversible slavery forever would be the catastrophic consequence of CBDC, and your children will never be able to escape. DON'T DO IT.

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So true. And I would suggest to follow the money. Who controls the money supply in America? The privately owned, for profit, Central Bank known as the Federal Reserve.

Who controls the issuance of money around the world? CENTRAL BANKS.

Who started and still owns Central Banks? The Rothchilds, Warburgs, Vanderbils, Rockefellers and whoever their families are today.

If anyone were to search Rumble for "Monopoly - who controls the world," you can see that they own and control EVERYTHING. The food supply, all manufacturers, their supply chains, transportation, big pharma, mainstream and social media, pretty much everything you eat, wear, sleep on or use on a daily basis. And they have been buying up record amounts of Gold recently.

This private families that own the Central Banks have stolen most of the wealth and assets of the world already. Just wait until they push CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) on us. Complete and total control that MUST BE RESISTED AT ALL COSTS.

With the demise of the petrol dollar and formation of BRICS, we are no longer the world's reserve currency. U.S. dollars will come flooding back into this country, causing massive inflation (you think it's bad now? Just wait till this summer ...) The inevitable collapse of the dollar will be used as an excuse for CBDCs. And complete and total surveillance and slavery.

Prepare now. Prepare for food shortages and massive inflation. Look for alternative, "parallel" economies. RESIST NO MATTER WHAT. Your children's future depends upon it.

This was all part of the swamp's plan. A plan that started a couple hundred years ago and is now coming to fruition.

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Thank you for your sensible replies.

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Wow!! Excellent comment! Thank you!

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Knowledge is good. Thank you.

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well researched and reasoned.

This is why DJT had Jackson up in the Oval office, and why Jefferson was the man while Hamilton, the new lib/left 'favorite founder' is not. The best thing about the writings of the anti Federalists like Mason. Monroe, Sam Adams are so important today.

They were aware the Crown would try to sneak back in whenever possible. Ergo the Fed, IRS, and so on.

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Absolutely! And the economic powerhouse that America was becoming was far too much $$$ for the central bankers in England to ignore. They wanted ALL the wealth of the world, and the control.

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Yup. False flags and psyops have been with us since the beginning.

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And yet the sheep still fall for them--they know the media lies, but they all believe the media when the roll out the next psyop.

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Astor was a thorn and like today if you’re in the way, you’re deleted.

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Imagine the power and control these central bankers had even then, to plan the sinking of the Titanic. Scary then, even more so now.

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Bring the heat! Dutch East India and the Silk Road

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The Board of Governors, which lies atop the Federal Reserve system, is an arm of the US government. Its employees are government employees. The bulk of the decision makers of the Fed - the vast majority of the Open Market Committee for example - are on the Board of Governors, are nominated by the president and confirmed y the Senate - just like any other political office.

The Federal Reserve Banks are owned (not necessarily controlled) by the national and state member banks in each district. Each national/state member bank buys the stock of the local FRB bank totaling 3% of the capital stock and surplus account.

Bottom line - the Fed is an ungainly and extra-constitutional kludge - a corporate and government marriage - with the soul of a big bureaucracy. It is not run by the British, and the degree to which it is controlled by the large US Banks is overstated.

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Not quite true. The president can pick a representative to the Fed, but he has to pick from the 5 people that the Fed gives him to choose from. In reality, it makes no difference whom he chooses.

All central banks have 9 board members, SIX of them chosen by member banks, NOT congress or the president.

For all practical purposes, the Fed is controlled by the individual families that own them. The board of governors directs the Fed's policies, but does not decide what they are. That is much more shadowy, as congress found out when they tried to audit the fed.

The Fed flatly refused, and have never been audited to this day. And what can congress do about it?


Absolutely nothing.

The Fed is evil. They have committed massive crimes against humanity (they are behind most of the wars in history and routinely fund both sides after starting the killing). Kill the FED!

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Wouldnt that then raise that argument that the FED is operating under Government jurisdiction? I'm totally ignorant on the inner structure of the FR they keep it so secretive. What you just explained sounds exactly how the FR would attach itself to the Fed Gov to establish legitimacy as being a government entity. The Open Market Committee sounds like one of those created agencies like MJ12 to give power to select groups that operate outside of the law but enjoy all the benefits of tax payer resources. However if they are appointed by the president and voted in by congress then it would not be considered a private bank. No? Or like you said a marriage between the two.

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The Fed banks (there are 12 of them) are owned by their members banks. Ownership and control is not the same thing. The member banks get a fixed dividend but that’s it. Any profit the Fed bank system makes is turned back to the Treasury. The Fed banks are nothing like commercial banks, which operate to generate a profit.

IMO most of the problems people blame on the Fed are actually caused by politicians. Too much inflation and too much debt? Look to Congress and the White House.

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The "Fed" is a privately owned, FOR PROFIT corporation with no ties or loyalties to any country. It is NOT federal. It is NOT a "reserve" nor does it have any reserves; it isn't even a bank as we know it. But FOURTY PERCENT of your federal taxes go to these private individuals who own The Fed. NOT to the government. Did you know that? What makes you think that a privately owned, for profit corporation doesn't operate for PROFITS?

THEY OWN THE GOVERNMENT and the establishment politicians. What do you think the "establishment" is? The central banking cabal provides ALL COUNTRIES with their currency. And also controls monetary policy. WORLD WIDE.

Just like the Fed controls our monetary policy, and not to the advantage of America, to which they have no loyalty or affiliation.

Inflation is the PRODUCT of Central Banks. The hidden tax on all Americans that they alone profit from. It's built in. Just like the debt is built in.

You need to research exactly what a Central Bank is. Including our Federal Reserve.

CENTRAL BANKERS NEED TO GO TO JAIL for what they have done to humanity. Or this will continue until humanity is completely enslaved. And that is exactly where we are heading to.

DON'T EVER ACCEPT CBDC or any universal digital ID. Central Bank Digital Currency is nothing more than a participation/control grid. Tied to your "covid" status and “ESG.” No clot shot? No money. No electric car? No money.

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You are correct. The Central Bank Digital Currency will be the end of all sovereignty. Any shred of remaining rights we are clinging to will be gone. This was the end game they have been planning for decades. Aaron Sorkin interview in 2006 laid out their entire plan and so far he was spot on accurate with everything that has unfolded today. Straight from David Rockefellas mouth they said "we want to get rid of cash and put a chip in every person that controls every aspect of their lives. They say something we dont like we shut their funds down.'

The interview was 2006 but the conversation took place in 1999. They told him their plans for 911 and the war on terror they were going to start that would never end.

If the public refuses to get chipped but accepts the CBDC it wont make a difference. The Social Credit Score with the CBDC will be enough to control us. Its the same model that the CCP uses in China. 24/7 surveillance. NY is already operating as a "smart city"

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Do you mean Aaron Russo and his friendship with Nick Rockefeller? I saw that video, he talked about how Nick Rockefeller was trying to recruit him when he was thinking about running for Governor. Nick apparently told him pre-9/11 that there was a big event coming and that we would see soldiers searching caves (shows you how they have all of these narratives and details planned years in advance). And, as you said, he also mentioned getting rid of cash and chipping us. This was confirmed in a video "Professor Richard Werner on the central banker endgame in 3 minutes'- he said some of the central banks have RFID chips ready to go.

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EXACTLY. Amen. God Bless all and PRAY unceasingly. We can win this, no matter how hard it gets.

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I would say the day the Fed became the official provider of the nations currency in 1913 is the day a whole new set of problems began. Income tax and the IRS followed shortly after.

.Politicians are merely puppets taking orders from their handlers who put them in positions of power. Its the men behind the curtain we never hear about but need to look at. They are the true cause of all the worlds problems. Creating wars for profit. Bankrupting nations so they can loan them out of ruins to be in debt for life. Funding both sides of wars. It always leads back to the bankers and corporations.

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One of the worst consequences of The Federal Reserve act, aside from the creation of the IRS, was the 16th amendment. For the first time, instead of the federal government collecting taxes only from State governments (who collected taxes per census - per population), the federal government was able to collect federal taxes from THE INDIVIDUAL.

And not by census as required by our Constitution, but by "graduated tax brackets."

The federal government no longer had to contend with state governments to collect or raise taxes. Think about that. Prior to 1913, if the federal government wanted to raise taxes, it had to contend not only with state governments, but with ALL 50 STATE governments. Because taxes were determined by census, which involved all 50 states.

Now the federal government could go after INDIVIDUALS, and it's a lot easier to threaten and bully individuals than it is state governments.

And in ignoring the census requirement and going to a graduated tax system, this allowed the federal government to ignore your 4th amendment rights to be secure in your papers and possessions from unconstitutional searches into your private business.

THIS WAS MASSIVE. Think about the difference. Think about how much changed OVER NIGHT on December 23rd, 1913.

And the 16th amendment was not even ratified. That was a lie. And yet, no one has challenged this.

Imagine a world without the IRS and NO 10W40s! Imagine NEVER having to answer any questions or provide any information to the IRS/Federal government.

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Yep. CENTRAL BANKERS to be exact. Until they go to jail for crimes against humanity, the swamp will continue.

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The Progressive Era that began in 1913 was a disaster. No disagreement there. Along with the income tax there was the direct election of senators and Prohibition. I also agree that lots goes on in the shadows. I am not so forgiving of the political class to say that they are merely puppets. There are plenty of malign actors there.

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Yep. The 16th and 17th amendments. I know the 16th amendment was never ratified by the required 2/3's of the states. Maybe 2 of them.

The 16th amendment is the one that allowed the federal government to do something it was never authorized to do. Directly collect federal taxes from individuals.

Prior to the 16th amendment, the federal govt. could only collect taxes from the state. If for example, West Virginia represented 12 % of the total population of the United States, then the federal government could only collect 12% of total taxes from that state.

AND, (and this is HUGE) if the federal government wanted to muscle more taxes from any given state, it had to argue and fight with the STATE GOVT.

After the 16th amendment was passed, the federal govt. could threaten the INDIVIDUAL with impunity.

That is a MASSIVE difference, and a major leap in allowing federal authority to overshadow individual people's rights.

First off, a graduated tax is NOT based on CENSUS, which is the ONLY CONSTITUTIONAL way to levy taxes.

And beyond that, it's an egregious violation of our 4th amendment rights to be secure in our papers and privacy. The federal government has NO business in YOUR business. Taxes should be collected by census only, on a state level like they were BEFORE the creation of the IRS.

Which, btw, was created in 1913 along with the Federal Reserve Act. The evil PRIVATE BANKERS who owned the FOR PROFIT Federal Reserve wanted to be sure they got their money, and it's a lot easier to go after and threaten/harass individuals than it is a state government.

Since 1913, FOURTY PERCENT of the federal taxes you pay each year go to the private families that own the private Federal Reserve. NOT our government. And that's not including the hidden tax of inflation, which also benefits the Fed.

The Fed creates money out of thin air, via the act of government borrowing. As do all banks.

You borrow 10,000. It shows up in your account like magic! It also shows up on the banks books as an "ASSET" and a liability. And with FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING, the banks only need to back up their loans with assets of 10 percent (or less nowadays). So since that 10,000 shows up as an asset, even though the money was created out of thin air (via the act of borrowing), they can loan out 9,000 to the next person, and so on.

But you have to pay that loan back with interest. And YOUR money is REAL money, created via actual labor.

Only 3 percent of our "currency" is actual coins and notes. The rest is digital, mainly DEBT. It's a ponzi scheme that was programmed to eventually fail, since the debt is "built in." The Fed charges us for supplying our "money."

Diabolically genius. But Diabolical and evil nonetheless. Central Bankers need to go to GITMO forever.

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Perfectly broken down into precise understandable facts of how the system has been robbing the nation with impunity. Our founding fathers must have been rolling over in their graves watching the system they built turn into a cash cow for the bankers at the expense of the people while the corrupt greedy politicians secretly sold the country back to Britain in less than 100 years.

The Constitution and Declaration of Independence are the two most important documents ever written. In and of themselves in original form achieve perfection in the formation of governments. They knew very well what would eventually happen when any one aspect became too powerful. They knew power only breeds the desire for more power with tyranny sure to follow. So they thought of every possible safeguard to protect against any one path that could lead to this outcome. Truly a masterpiece that was designed for these exact times.

Yet for all that was done it still failed to hold up in less than 100 years. 250 years later it is nothing more than a museum display. A prop for lip service. The great American experiment was the first attempt of its kind. The proof that a free people who govern themselves will prosper and innovate to achievements unimaginable of that time. In spite of the betrayal of our elected officials.

We can all agree that the genius in their diabolical plan was patients. They were patient enough to slowly methodically secretly move chess pieces without causing attention to themselves. Plotting and scheming the whole time to circumvent our entire system without the public batting an eye. Bribing and black mailing officials until they were able to place and control everyone in our government. Every president minus a handful, two of which were assassinated.

We will over come this and i look forward to the day we wipe away every change made to our original constitution and we return to that document as written with stronger protections and safeguards from the corruption of those in power. We will place the highest level of transparency for those acting on behalf of the people. No longer will they be able to hide behind National Security protections.

We will get there.

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There is no question the entire political system is toxic waist land of the most vile creatures on the planet. I would never give them the slightest pass for their crimes. I only say that they are always replaceable and the true puppet masters know this. They hang them out to dry until they have committed so many atrocities on the people that they have a nice fall guy to blame. Remove that person and install the next clown.

This is why we must finally get to the source. If you notice they have placed all these dumb clowns in positions of leadership all across the world. All the captured countries have idiots leading them. Its by design. First to show us that they decide who is the leader. They can place anyone they want no matter how incompetent or unliked they are. Second to make it easy to blame someone. Just blame the clown and everyone will agree it was all his doing. They sacrifice the puppet and put in their chosen hero. A guy like Desantis in my opinion is being set to be that hero. I believe he is controlled opposition. His origins come from the skull and bones society.

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Awesome work.. thank you

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The British Crown, realizing that military conquest was too expensive and probably impossible anyway (after all, the colonists didn't even fight fair!), decided instead to conquer her petulant American colonies through the gradual importation of her barristers and her Bank of England, a fractional-reserve, debt-usury-based, banking system. The "problem" with the lawyer/bankster class had become enough of a threat by 1810 that a 13th Amendment was proposed and ratified by a number of States (arguments regarding whether the threshold number of States was achieved continue to this day although extant copies of the Constitution dating as late as the 1850's include the amendment) which sought to impose loss of Citizenship and exclusion from public office upon any Citizen who accepted, among other things, a title of nobility or honor from a foreign king or power. Many lawyers to this day place "Esq." behind their names. Modern dictionaries define “esquire” as an unofficial title of respect, but by 1810 most attorneys were English barristers who were granted the nobility title of 'Esquire', and were considered to be working with and for the powerful European bankers, who also were awarded the title of 'Esquire'.  

Whether or not the original 13th Amendment was properly ratified, it is overwhelmingly evident by now that lawyers, who have chosen careers as members of the judiciary, should stay there; electing or appointing them to legislative or executive offices is not only unwise, it should be vigorously prohibited for obvious reasons. The separation of powers deemed so important by the founders and so critical to the proper functioning of a constitutional republic is a delicate balancing act at best. It will eventually topple if one branch accrues too much power at the expense of the other two, as the Executive branch has already proven. But it will also fail if one class of licensed men are allowed to write the laws, enact the laws, adjudicate the laws, and enforce the laws. We are a nation of laws, NOT of men. The law is too important to be the sole plaything of a pack of sworn agents of the British Accredited Registry (otherwise known as the BAR Association).

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As the daughter of an attorney, please let me clarify what The Bar Association refers to. The "bar" is that which separates the officers of the court and the bench (the judge/magistrate) from those not legally qualified to practice law.

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I'm sure your Dad is a fine man and a capable attorney, but I doubt that either he or you have delved well enough into the factual history of legal institutions and professions to truly understand how corrupt they have become, especially in America. Yes, the "bar" (derived from "barrister") does indeed refer to the railing inside a court of law but it's also an acronym with a history deliberately obfuscated by the wordsmiths... aka lawyers, attorneys, counselors, advocates, etc.

The same debasement has occurred within the ranks of those licensed to "practice" medicine. The modern allopathic medical system is filled with good and decent people who truly believe that they're doing the best that can be done for their patients, but instead are comfortably ensconced within a paradigm which knows little, if anything, about what constitutes vigorous human health. Long term management of disease is the business model, plain and simple.

Fortunately, both systems are long overdue for a radical transformation/devolution phase. Basic common law will return and quantum scalar vibrational medicine will virtually end suffering and death from chronic progressive disease conditions.

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Both systems are controlled by global bankers. If you search Rumble for "monopoly who controls the world" it is an eye opener. A real "red pill." As is the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island." Together, they put most of the puzzle pieces together.

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That was a brilliant piece of work "who controls the world"

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I didn't find the original link by the former banker, but this one is excellent as well. A MUST WATCH if you want to understand the scam of fractional reserve banking and central banks:


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I thought so too. Tim Gielen is genius. I first found it on https://stopworldcontrol.com. An excellent website with all kinds of info on cutting off the central banks dominance.

And the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" was a real history red pill as well. Excellent book and well written. Not dry and dull as you would think, but really interesting.

And there is a video by a former banker who analyzed the banks "fractional reserve" system of book-keeping, where he found that when banks loan you money, they list that loan as an asset AND a liability, and can create money out of thin air via the act of borrowing. Because they can loan money based on that (debt) asset. In any other world, this is counterfeiting.

Wish I could find it again, it was excellent as well. This is a way to add to the money supply digitally, without anything backing up the fiat digital money except DEBT. And of course, this causes inflation as well.

We are a debt based monetary system, held together by debt.

And now think about this. If money is created via the act of borrowing, based on debt .... what would happen if all debt were paid back? All government and private debt? The Central Bank's "money" supply would go to ZERO. Yep. That's right. *ZERO*

Of course, the government will NEVER stop borrowing. But we can, and we can stop using credit cards, use cash as much as possible, not have outstanding loans, etc. If EVERYBODY did this, it would have an effect. It's a start.

After reading "The Creature from Jekyll Island" and seeing the video "Monopoly," I completely understood Godfrey Blooms "The banks are going broke" from 2013. Made perfect sense.


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just an FYI: When Geoffrey mentions "manipulating LIBOR" it sounds like he is saying "labor." LIBOR is the rate at which Central Banks loan money to each other, which affects interest rates for all banks down the line.

And he mentions "moral hazard," which is an actual legal term. It describes a policy or law that actually causes the very thing it is supposed to protect against. The FDIC is a perfect example of this.

The FDIC is supposed to protect depositors from risky behavior by banks, but it actually causes that risky behavior because the banks know that they will be bailed out (or "bailed in" nowadays). The FDIC is backed by "the full faith and credit of the federal government." Which is, of course, you and I and every other tax-paying citizen. Nice, eh?

The little snafu with Bank of America, when people woke up and found their bank accounts missing money, and some even in the red ... that was no "opps." That was a DRY RUN for "bail ins" and CBDC.

Keep as little money in the bank as you can, just enough to pay your bills. And for now, bank at small, local credit unions. Should a "bail in" ever occur, it will most definitely start with the Chase Morgan, BOA, Citibank, Wells Fargo, etc. large banks. They seem to control all major credit cards nowadays, too.

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Phil, you ever get very far with your 'Racine' project?

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You might have me confused with someone else. I don't know what the 'Racine' project is. Could you enlighten me? Much appreciated...

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Sorry, it must have been someone else... this person has a lot of information on Cabal operations including in Racine, WI, Ithaca, NY and Wuhan, and was thinking of writing a piece summarizing this information. I suggested he might submit it to Badlands.

Sorry for the confusion -- WB

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Sounds very interesting.

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And yet, it is your right to represent/defend yourself. Without a lawyer. And although those that represent themselves are considered "fools," it sometimes works out for the better.

There is a reason that lawyers are generally despised. They have earned that reputation. Nothing new under the sun.

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If, God forbid, I'm ever brought before a black-robed dictator, I'll immediately challenge the jurisdiction of that court as a pro se litigant. "Crossing the bar" into the Judge's inner sanctum and entering a plea is tacit acknowledgement of that court's jurisdiction. If it's not an Article III court of common law, then it doesn't apply to any sovereign Citizen of this nation Most courts today have been transformed into Maritime courts in times of peace and Admiralty courts in times of war. This is signified by the yellow-fringed flags prominently displayed for all to see. Where I see such infernal flags, I'll avoid them at all cost.

Besides, a lawyer's primary loyalty is to the court and only secondarily to his/her client. One is far bettter off representing and defending himself.

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What an incredible history lesson about an American institution most Americans know very little about, let alone understand, including me! Looking forward to future articles! Thank you!

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You would like the book "The Creature From Jekyll Island," all about how the Federal Reserve, the IRS and the 16th amendment came to be. It's by Edward Griffith. Really well written, well researched, and interesting. Also, if you search Rumble for "Monopoly Who controls the world" - the Monopoly video is phenomenal, and shows how the central bankers control EVERYTHING. Even governments. Amazing "red pill"

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Real freedom for Humanity will be done when the Federal Reserve is burned to ashes buried in a pit of hell ! WWG1WGA ! NCSWIC NOTHING ! GOD BLESS AMERICA !

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It'll take more than that, but this would be a good start. The whole banking cabal must be destroyed and its ill-gotten gains distributed back to those from which they were taken. "Make America Whole Again" -- the rest of the world too while they're at it.

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Exactly. Godfrey Bloom was right when he said that until Central Bankers and politicians go to jail for this outrage, it will continue.

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Hamilton was the top British spy during and after the American Revolution and he loved national banks.

Trump moved the Federal Reserve into the Treasury Department. How that helps, I don’t know.

5% inflation for the Nations first 150 years Then in the last 110 years, our dollar has decreased in worth less than one penny.

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