This should be front page news. Not just on MSM news, but to alternative media platforms as well. I guess we are so damn busy fighting amongst ourselves that we have lost our way. The thought of what is happening to these “ghost” children is sickening! I’m getting tired of waiting around for someone decent in our government (are there any?)to demand that protections be put in place for them.

We need a national call out to all MOTHERS! We had MADD.... why not mothers against trafficking? Where is the outrage? Families are being attacked by all sides these days... we live in SAD ASS times. Here’s your MAGA.... Mothers Against Governmental ABUSE!

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MAGA.... Mothers Against Governmental ABUSE!

Very stand take to put it straight !

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Or MACT: Mothers Against Child Trafficking

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Some great hypocrisy. I was there for over a year during Trump's administration . There was no "snatching children" actually the cages were started by George Bush and continued by Obamanation. We knew that they weren't 'families' because mama, daddy should have been mami, papi.

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Then they began doing DNA checks game over.

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Or is it? They can be reversed

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Then we'll know if they really are families. The damage that the deathvax does is what can bn reversed.

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Of course..it all stems from Soros. He has built himself one heck of a system. It has so many layers it seems insurmountable. The good news is that the Trump presidency thwarted their plans by 4 years so they're being forced to rush whatever progress they can make while still in power. It's also proving to be one big red pill. These evil creatures know their time is coming to an end. The nation will repair the damage they have caused.

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You did a wonderful job tying everything together. Love your articles and our podcasts.

Thank you!!!!

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Oops. Your podcasts.

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Grand Slam !

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Good article and it is 100 percent about the children which is why Badlands should be promoting the movie Sound of Freedom more as hardly hear any of them mention it.

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You must not be listening because I hear it on many reports throughout the day.

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You can tell when Shelia Jackson Lee is lying. Her lips are moving! Yo are no "queen" Ms. Criminal Jackson Lee!

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I agree with Painin! What an excellent article regarding a critical issue facing children. All I feel I can do is share it... which doesn't stop it. 🤦‍♀️

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Hello Deb !

What a such beautiful thumbnail picture you chose !!

Magnifique !

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Maybe the reason the CBP is not allowed to photograph and fingerprint minor children is so there is no way to track them. That is why tens of thousands have gone “missing.”

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"Democrats did update their border messaging slightly, repeatedly accusing Republican governors of “trafficking” migrants by sending them to sanctuary cities. This unintentional honesty from Democrats is refreshing." - lol, Ashe "refreshing" ha ha - dark subject but that part made me chuckle

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WHAT IF!!! What if the "White Hats" are really in control, and I believe they are, that the children coming across the border are actually being rescued? What if those who show up at to take possession of the children after they have crossed are really white hat operatives taking the children out of the trafficking system. If the white hats are in control, I have a hard time believing that they would let the children continued to be abused after coming into the states. Maybe this is wishful thinking, but I pray to God that this is what is truly happening.

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Unfortunately, that’s not happening. Nothing going on with our boarder is good. White hats are not in control. There is no Superman coming to save us. We have to save ourselves. There is a lot of evil out in the world and it’s coming across the boarder in droves!

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Excellent Ashe!

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I revisited this to pick up the url to send. It’s saved in my special 5 star file. Everyone should read & send this!

Brilliant! And Important!!

Thank you for this — and ALL your work!!

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Ashe, your article is going to make a huge dent in the ‘humanitarian’ narrative. Like the pride parade participants in Canada stated, we are coming for the children! This is the foundation of the cabal who worship the ancient Baal, Moloch evil -- child sacrifice and trafficking for sex, organ sales, cannibalism and sacrifices. God told the Israelites repeatedly that worship of these pagan gods was the worst sin they could do and it hasn’t changed. Not until Satan’s time here is up. God bless you for your courageous work in exposing this evil.🙏🙏

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