
I love this article and the possibilities that this important information offers Erik! Great digging.

I really appreciate your digging up JD at Sidley Austin. I actually started to go down the rabbit hole on Sidley Austin but then got distracted down another rabbit hole.

So glad you shared this info.

I too believe Trump has been part of the plan for decades. I’m hoping to get into that a little bit in my current series.

Blessings brother!

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I had no idea it would go where it took me. You must experience this all the time. 😂

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7 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Great sleuthing. Enjoyed this article very much!!!

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What an excellent and humble analysis. Thank you for your fine work. Well, certainly if Trump and his allies were going to do what he says he would do, it would take a monumental plan, conceived and set in motion probably decades ago. Like 3D chess, there are many moving pieces on the board. It takes a planning genius.

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From what I've read, this plan goes back to no later than immediately after the JFK assassination, and perhaps several decades before. I do not believe that Trump was in the thick of things back then, but for sure he's been involved since long before the escalator ride, when his role became public. Though no doubt his career before that was part of the planning and preparation, the difference being that nobody had any idea what was coming and Trump's role in it. "The Apprentice?" Trump's books? All part of the plan.

The plan was originally domestic and included hundreds of command officers (generals and admirals) of the US Military. As they went down the rabbit-hole, they found that this organization (to which we now refer as 'the Cabal') was much larger than they initially thought, and it was international. So over the years, many folks from foreign militaries were also brought on board, some of them from countries we've been conditioned to think of as enemies, or at least rivals. An international enemy (the Cabal) requires an international plan, and the Cabal hates Russia and China as much or more as they hate the USA and Europe, maybe more.

So it has likely taken quite a bit longer to formulate the plan than originally anticipated, and Trump's public role is a fairly recent development. But much if not all of his career, as with Vance and many, many others, has been part of their preparation for what is happening now.

It is truly a battle between good and evil ("the great battle of our time," in Tolkien's words).

"The board is now set and the pieces are moving... we come to it at last."

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Thank you for that background, Wild Bill. I only use my common sense to assess what might be happening. So if the plan is that well formed, there is probably a post-Trump strategy as well. The man deserves a retirement.

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While Trump has an important role in the Plan, he is only one of many players. And like the quote from Shakespeare, in his time he, like the other players, has many roles to play.

This movement will continue long after Trump is gone and retired. A mess like that in which the world now finds itself takes time to sort out and rebuild, and the work of many patriots.

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Ditto, Julianne! That's why I'm not concerned about how the election unfolds. I know Trump and his people have a plan for every possibility. And God Almighty is in charge!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Outstanding!! You’re so right to remind us we are most definitely not exempt from being fooled today in this moment. Question everything, right? Be discerning! What we don’t know is way more than what we think we know! The amount of time you and Joe Lange and all the others spend on research is phenomenal. Thank you for trying to find truth and then sharing it with us. God bless you!

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6 hrs ago·edited 1 hr agoLiked by Erik Carlson

While Harris is another Pocahontas, only in her case, pretended to be black at an historic black college (id love to see her grades from there and the Canadian college), Her mother Indian and her father listed on her birth certificate as Caucasian (Indian and Irish) from Jamaca, how did she become "BLACK". Vance is far superior! I misjudged him by his silence in the train chem spill and other issues in OHIO. Listening to him cut into Democrats now, has given me a newfound respect for this man!


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The best part of this article was all that came before the name Sidley Austin. Such honest introspection and observations. Worthy of being printed to a hard copy, to have for my relatives and friends who are still not aware and awake.

Thank you.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Thanks for a great article! Very uplifting. I for one believe strongly in infiltration. I have used that myself, being circumspect in my views and opinions, then acquiring detailed knowledge of those wishing to undermine me and my beliefs! Trump has done this his whole life, appearing as the social butterfly billionaire, while acquiring the truth he seeks.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

For those who think Vance is a placeholder for someone else, this exceptionally researched and well written article will come as a blow between the eyes. They may not get what they want, however, we all get what we need, the Best Administration this country will ever have.

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I believe Pence was a place holder, dare I say a useful idiot. I’m not 100% convinced either way on Pence but I’m leaning that way.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

I still go back to that speech from acting Defense Sec Miller, late in 2020 and well after the "election" results....the way he gushed and lauded Pence for his leadership during "the most complex military operations in American history". What military operations was he referring to? Something that none of us heard on any news broadcasts, that's for sure...

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Me too.

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Many, many people will be shown to be other than what we expect. I for one am reserving judgment on many of them. Pence is in that category.

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Indiana is a major child trafficking hub. Has Pence ever even brought it up?

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Perhaps Pence was gathering evidence of that which many accuse him of. Chris Miller is a retired United States Army Special Forces colonel who served as acting United States secretary of defense from November 9, 2020, to January 20, 2021. Are we to believe he didn’t know whom he was praising as stated by Critical Thinker? Methinks not.

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He wouldn't be likely to. What a shady guy.

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There is something about his demeanor that is artificial.

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The fog of war is thick by need.

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The question remains, was Pence in on the plan, or used by it?

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At this point, what’s the difference.

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My mind is blown again. Great connections here. I didn’t want to stop reading. More please!!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

👏👏Well done, Sherlock! You've got me beat for sleuthing! I'm going to keep this post archived and keep a "watch & see" attitude. One thing I will say is Vance is a lot smarter, tougher, more personable, and more self-effacing than I thought he'd be! I saw him shred a Fox 'news' interviewer, on air, when she was being typically obstructionist and disingenuous! It was a beautiful thing!

I next saw him interviewed by Tucker Carlson: Vance was relaxed, genuine, funny, and ON POINT at all times.

I've lived in E.TN for nigh-on 40 years (reformed SoCal native) and I recognized "the type": "Hillbillies" *aren't* stupid and they (we) aren't naïve! (I believe the term "scamdemic" might have been coined HERE...😁) Vance's way of speaking and knowledgeable answers made me feel quite optimistic regarding his appointment as Pres Trump's VP. Your research has just solidified that feeling.

On another note: I wanted to ask you, do you never feel a sense of "awe" or wonder at the "Q" boards? I'm 99% sure that DJT is intimately acquainted with the boards, but I don't think *he's* the creator nor the arbiter of the posts...

My (hillbilly) opinion? "Q" was 'born' out of "Project Looking Glass" or a similar 'device' utilized for speaking to YAH.

Call me crazy, but didn't YAH use The Ark of The Covenant, in a similar fashion, for speaking to His Priests? When they obeyed Him, they were successful and got the best possible outcomes.

The Project Looking Glass interface ticked off those (satanists/cabalists/whatever name you choose to call the evil entity-ties) who wish to destroy/enslave us by telling them "God Wins". I find that very reassuring.

Whatever the outcome (and aftermath) of the coming contest, as for me and my house, we will serve Christ.

Thanks again for your brilliant investigations and conclusions. May God be with you!👣✝🙏🕊

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4 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

It's been suggested, with a fair bit of evidence to support it, that Trump is the Q+ that would sometimes post. In addition, the timing of Dan Scavino's oft-cited tweets with those from Q were a pretty strong proof that POTUS was/is part of the Q group.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Excellent! You might want to read Hillbilly Elegy. Vance comes from he school of hard knocks. He is made of steel!

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The idea that Jesus was not very astute in picking Judas for a disciple got me thinking rationally. Would we have Christianity today if he had not selected Judas for his important role in creating the religion that has flourished for over 2000 years?

If Judas had not sold his soul for 30 pieces of Silver, who would know of Jesus today? Without the resurrection, what would the Bible be reporting? Judas made the story possible! So, in a way, he was a brilliant choice for Jesus.

We must apply much of this sort of reverse logic to much of what we are witnessing today. Bad guys may, in fact, be good guys in disguise. Time is on our side because this will all be sorted out. Bad guys are needed to give us contrast.

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Exactly, Jim. Well stated. Too much we still do not (and cannot) yet know. "There is a time for every purpose under Heaven." -- Ecc. 3:1

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You and Joe Lange always blow me away with your phenomenal work. This fits very well with everything I have come to be convinced of...that the best is definitely happening!!

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Great research Erik! I read Hillbilly Elegy a few years back, been a Vance fan ever since. He overcame incredible family chaos, took a noble path out of it, and has exceeded expectations everywhere he has been. And never anything wrong with someone who isn't bogged down with a trail of political tradeoffs. He's perfect for our purposes from my POV.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

My understanding is that Mrs. Vance and Mr V. Ramaswammy are first cousins their mothers being sisters. What correlations (given this information is correct) can be drawn if any?

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Whoa...that's another interesting "coincidence" if true!

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Fantastic data! I liked Vance when he first ran for office - mainly due to Trump's endorsement - but I like him even more now. Thanks!

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