Very informative, so much goes into accumulating this much knowledge. Note to readers, the guy who knows all this stuff, also has an optimistic view on how this will all play out. Well done, glad you are on our side.

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Thank you so much Erik!! I really appreciate that encouragement brother!!

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You ready to debate me on the public platform coward? Stop hiding and face me.

What are you afraid of? Me exposing your fraud?

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Debating stupid people makes little sense when FACTS mean nothing to YOU.

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I guess I’m a latecomer to all of this since I was stupid and blind and didn’t get on the Trump train until June 2020 .... fast forward to now where I’ve fallen down so many rabbit holes that I’ve lost count. Your article is so awesome and I truly believe that the best is yet to come! I just hope it happens in my lifetime!!

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It is going to happen sooner than most people think.

The ball is already rolling and my next article will prove it.

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Yes we are ready to take our world back

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Joe Lange stop dodging me. Let's get this debate scheduled.

Don't hide behind that keyboard.

Time to face the facts.

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Fake news.. you people are blind leading the blind... How can trump tell you he's a snake , bring us war on the seed and the father of the jab but yet you fools still think he's our savior..Just plain foolish

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You really don’t understand how the jab was used to open the country from a lockdown that was supposed to last for years, destroying the economy completely. Furthermore, knowing President Trump’s heart, he believed that the ‘vaccine’ would not be harmful. The 👿 forces that were responsible for the deadly ‘vaccine’ pulled a switch on him. And even if that supposition on my part is incorrect, he had to use the ‘vaccine’ to save the economy of the country. We are in a War for the soul of America & he knows it & is the only one who can save it.

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I'm sorry, but, then, why doesn't Trump have a bullet in his head? Every freaking President, politician, businessman, etc. IN HISTORY who wanted to better the U.S. ended up...DEAD! The list is virtually ENDLESS. I've made my peace with God and am waiting for the coming fireball! The Satanists "ruling" American will not go down without taking EVERYONE with them. Facts have become B.S. Mulder was right...TRUST NO ONE! (Well...except Jesus!) Good luck, my friends!

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Not a savior. Jesus has that job. Catalyst is a better fit.

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"Foolish" is calling your betters, fools. Do you ever proof-read?...you certainly should and using real facts would help, too.

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Hopium dealer. Debate me sometime.

You have all the answers so it should be easy to dispatch me.

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Can you intelligently and respectfully describe your perception of the recently renewed Executive Orders that were originally put in place by President Trump? TIA

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You truly give me hope. Thank you, and welcome aboard.

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Almighty God and Father, we are grateful for our very stable genius ✝️ 🌹. Brilliant 👏. Looking forward to the follow up Joe. Be well and God bless you and your family ✝️ 👪 🙏

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Thank you William!! I really appreciate that! I’m always in need of prayers.

Blessings brother!

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"They never thought she [Hil] would lose.’




Let me wistfully remember again.

3 2 1

God that was Good.

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I knew she would lose and that election night was one of my greatest memories!!

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I went to bed that night thinking, "It looks like Hillary is going to win, but I trust God and leave it in His hands." Next morning, I'll never forget - my husband wakes me with a kiss and whispers in my ear, "President Donald Trump". It was AWESOME! Trusting God for what's happening now and everything to come.

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That is an awesome story Margot!!

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I've got a better story.

One that includes destroying your narrative.

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What’s wrong with you? To much time on your hands I’m figuring.

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Too much wasted time looking in all the wrong places. Probably watches CNN & MSNBC.

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Apparently nit enough time to points of debate, just enough time to call Joe out? Lol what a silly little simp.

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I had similar, sans the kiss.

Feel asleep riveted to screen.

Woke up, before count was officially in, wife now on couch, totally in to me, staring at screen, i say...half asleep...

But ere I fully say it, she-wife, whispers, well it wasn't a whisper, more a, "i can't freakin' believe it,"



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That’s a great story!!!

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I made my husband repeat it at least 3 times and promise he was not deceiving me! Glad to hear you are no longer an atheist!! Jesus Christ is the One moving history to its appointed conclusion.

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Well...i kinda lied about being an atheist. But I definitely BELIEVE !

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There is serious Deep Dark Evil afoot & at large unfolding colliding soon...!

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I didn't know she would lose. There was definitely a light about Trump.


& For beating, The Greatest Political Machine in DC History, there should be a solid gold statue of Trump outside DNC Headquarters.

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I agree and Trump also deserves to have his face on Mt Rushmore

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Trump Wins for a 3rd Time.

What will be his 1st National Park Improvement !

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I had hoped in his 2020 "win" ~ he'd open a park in DC with large very tasteful statues of all the Founders with a brief history around the bases = in a walk thru like James Otis with the "Black Robed Regiment" and all the real deals::

- even going back from the Reformation -> forward thru to the Pilgrims fleeing the start of Europes "Thirty Years War" of the Vaticans attempt tò genocide all Protest•ants(8•million killed); on to the Puritans with John Winthrop's effect on all WE were to become:: for there is SO MUCH that needs to be truly understood as to just how much all truly is involved in becoming ~

"WE the People"

Of course as $ORO$ stated at Davos ~ " Trump is just temporary" = in knowing there'd be a massive concerted conspiracy to cheat P-DJT out of a 2nd terrm...!

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I cannot disagree with you ! Especially the ending. You've spoken above my head on the manied histories, which I appreciate, to move me toward studied review. Thank You Sir.

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That is one of my fondest wishes!!! Keep writing!!

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U 2 !

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You're an idiot.

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Yes after Reagan's for WE were lost til he pulled us back to survive til Trump...!

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I was with my Mom in Florida on election night in November of 2016 sitting in my stepfather’s chair who had just passed away days prior watching the election results. He was a huge Trump fan and I could feel his spirit while sitting in his chair. It was one of the most amazing, nail-biting nights that I can ever remember. God blessed us with President Trump and saved us from what could have been a disaster had Hillary won. I’m still perplexed as to why Biden is able to be in the White House but I’m sure there is a good reason. Slowly Americans are waking up. I just wish it would happen quicker. This is very painful.

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Biden is in WH because we had to wake up the people....let them see for themselves the damage being done by deep state. Trump knew their plan to cheat. People don't believe, they must see, I guess. As you said,"it is very painful", I agree. Totally worried myself into high blood pressure over the past 7 years. But, now it is looking up, & this TERRIFIC ARTICLE by Joe Lange will brighten all our lives. I am 81, & want to see him back in the WH with Melania.

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"People don't believe, they must see, I guess."


Seeing is believing.

& Belief Sees.

I reckon.

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Horse shit..."you have to wake up the people" by destroying the country? I'm not buying that.

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Who is destroying the country?? Radicals! Why don't you look back at TRUMP'S reasons for deciding to run. He knew a bit of how deep it is. I don't think he really wanted to run, but knew someone had to. He can't be bought.

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Great & Touching Tale-Fare

Of You & GrandFather !

Fair, In The Same Chair

"I’m still perplexed as to why Biden is able to be in the White House


I’m sure there is a good reason."

...So do The BanLanders.

I do declare.

Like a storm at Sea,

Carry on.

As waves subside,

So doth pain.


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One of my greatest accomplishments will be taking a fraud like you down.

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So hypnotist, why don't you day anything of substance instead if sounding like the cheap fight before the main event? What a punk.

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We the people still have a lot of work to do, but that one election saved our country ( shudder and imagine if that evil bitch had won ). Trump only won because he got so may more votes than TPTB planned for, he actually destroyed her by a lot, they couldn't scramble enough to make up the differences in the battleground states they intended to steal.

Trump changed EVERYTHING they became so unhinged they didn't even try anymore to hide their evil plans, their outright hatred of Americans, etc. Oh man if he hadn't won.........

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You make great points!! If she had won our military was ready to act as Q said but it would have likely turned into a civil war at that time

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Just too many 10's of millions wouldn't've complied despite the horror of unCivil War

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I said right away that Trump also truly won the popular vote in 2016! They cheated bigly, but not quite enough

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I think you’re right! Hillary won the popular vote because of California which had massive cheating

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2020 it's possible Trump actually won CalifornIa in realtime...!

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I look forward to the next article. Great incite and well done.

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Thank you for that encouragement! I think the next one will lift peoples spirits!

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Thank you for the great explanation - we “the people” really need some uplifting info as we go through this most horrendous time !

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There are big things happening Kirk but both sides of the media always focus on the worst stories. It causes a lot of people to miss the many big victories that are happening below the radar

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Hopium is not uplifting. It's false hope.

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No one can take my hope away. And you will feel secure, because there is hope..." ( Job 11:18 ).

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Love that!!

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Terry, Do you believe in God? The Bible?

Boy O boy! Nothing is so jam packed with Hope! Do you think believers of the Bible and who trust God are full of false hope too?

I’m sincerely asking, because you sound like you have no hope at all.

Wherein would hope lie, Terry? What would it look like and where would it come from?

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Well hello!

How's it going 1st line defender!?

How do you figure I'm without hope?

I have hope everyday these cowards will debate me but they never do. They like to send others to try to defend them.

People that have the truth and truly believe in God fear no debate.

Cowards and faithless run from the light.

Liars don't believe in God or the Bible.

Hopium is a drug that these liars are selling.

It's a distraction from what's really going on.

They know it. You probably know it. I know it.

That's why they won't debate me on a public platform.

Bottom line, they're scared to death someone like me is going to puncture their veil of deception.

If you really believed in God you wouldn't follow no man or men like the ones here.

Remember the pied piper?

That's what these grifters are. They're pushing this propaganda and leading you over the cliff to your demise because you're high on hopium and refuse to listen to the truth.

Just fyi that's not a believer in God that's a grifter.

Anyone that asks (begs) for money is a grifter.

Theyre con men. Period!

I have all the hope in the world because I follow the truth and God.

I'm not following a man because he gets me high on hopium or because I'm too lazy to do my own research. Not to mention I have truth on my side.

They have happenstance, coincidence, and conjecture.

Pushing false hope is not hope at all its hopium

They know this.

Why don't you sincerely ask them why they're so scared of me If they have hope and truth on their side?

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You sound like you are an angry person. Why do you need to be right all the time? So he believe in what he is saying. Chill and move on to something that will make you happy. Why come here and get all pissed off all over again? Maybe put your energy where it will count. Just a suggestion. Peace.

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That is great news!

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Hopium is a terrible drug.

More addictive than meth and or heroin.

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Here comes Terry with his wet blanket...always wet and at the ready!

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You ask the coward Joe Lange why he won't face me?

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You would REALLY bring me down if I spent any time around you. I thank God I don’t have to. Faith is the substance of things “hoped” for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen.

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Terry, what is your God, before whose face you so proudly scorn and scold your brethren?

The EVIDENCE shown by you displays nursed anger, hatred, and resentment such that you come here just to feed those besetting sins!

I hope you will seek His face and that He will stand you up in Christ’s grace and peace.

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You know what hope gets you? Dead.

If reality, or me, brings you down than you're a weak minded individual.

Hopium isn't going to help you or the situation.

You read this trash, get your dose of hopium, and believe you're winning.

It's been 6 years going in 7.

What has changed? Nothing.

If you're talking to God you better be asking for enlightenment to help you see reality for what it is.

What are you doing to make the world a better place?

Do you know the coward Joe Lange?

You know how many times I've challenged him to debate me?

Debates don't fear the truth. Cowards pushing a false narrative and trying to make a buck off your ignorance dodge anyone that's not dumb enough to fall for his crap.

He's nothing more than a magician distracting you from the truth. You know how many podcasters have popped up in just the past 10 years?

Numerous! Why do you think that is?

Theyre called first line defenders.

They distract you with a false narrative. And when challenged they run and hide like cowards. All of them! Alex Jones, Mel K, Charlie Ward, Jordan Sather, Ann Vandersteel, on and on and on.

They all ran and hid. The truth don't fear interrogation. Cowards do. They all know I have the truth on my side. That's why they hide.

Guess who else likes to hide?

The deep state.

Wake up.

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Never heard of Joe Lange until this article. He's like the rest of the crew at Badlands: you want to send them money, you can, but it isn't a requirement. I read this [very good] article for free. I read ALL of the media from Badlands for free. It's good, well-researched information.

If it's something you don't want to read, then I wouldn't blame you at all if you just moved on. If I felt as you do, I wouldn't hang with any of these losers, LOL! They/we are not worth your time. You're better than all this. I wish you all the best.

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Is that right Zulu minus brain?

Coincidence is now "well researched" 🤔

Could his substack be proven in a court of law?

No trial I've ever seen was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with coincidence.

That's all Joe Coward has is coincidence and conjecture.

It is something I want to read? Yes. I want to know what the brain dead zombies are feeding upon. Seems nothing more than hopium.

Maybe Joe Coward is your sexual partner? That would explain why you're defending a complete stranger.

I research everything including the propaganda the enemy puts out.

Well researched is facts, cold hard facts, not speculation. Not coincidence.

That's what I give, facts. Joe Coward is scared to debate me on social media platform for all to see.

If he's so well researched then what's he hiding for?

I can tell from your comment you're either a 1st line defender and or never researched a day in your life.

These are the only people that would defend this garbage.

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Terry, If you are without hope, you are already dead.

If you mean by that, “hopium”, state your argument courteously and reasonably, please, or better, start your own substack!

(because this foolishness cannot be taken seriously. I can’t get away from a picture of Rumblestiltskin. And you know how that went. )

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Only a fool would call someone else foolish.

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Thank you for a valuable piece of insight🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Thanks so much my friend!!

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Thanks, Joe! Hurry with the next article, we need good news! 😁

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Thx friend!

This article didn’t take to long to write once I sat down to finish it Sunday. I’m going to start the follow up tonight!

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Excellent! I often watch Business with my husband. I just read this article to him and we both agree that you have filled in many, many gaps in what is ‘reported’! It gives us a much clearer understanding of what has been happening and, much more importantly, why! Thank you for another awesome article that is such an education!! God bless you!🙏

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That made my day!!

I try to help people see the bigger picture of things happening and I get joy from sharing things I learn! Substack and Badlands media are a Godsend for me!

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Not just for you, but for many more! We readers learn quickly who our ‘go-to’ posts are, and you are one!! God bless you!🙏

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Wow!! Thank you so much ALtab!!

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You’ve earned every thank you!

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Excellent Sir !


Aaaannndddd... Professor Chomsky, who i reckon is no fan of Nixon, said (basically) Watergate was a sideshow, because The Bankers had it in, for Nixon, because he was going to smash (or at least disrupt) The Bretton Woods Agreement.

I think in his book:

The Indispensable Chomsky.

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I’ve been hearing more about that lately

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One more thing...it’s now clear why Trump is SO hated by the deep state. Drain the swamp, indeed!!! Trump will never get all the credit for all he has done for America. We can never thank him enough for his genius, strength and endurance. God watch over President Trump and his family. I hope everyone here will pray for him. 🙏

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Amen Lisa!!!

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I do, every day and echo you sentiments.

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"As I have said many times, this is not talking about the Federal Reserve."

Wow, totally missed that.

Excellent catch Joe! :)

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Thank you David!!! Many who converse with me over on Spitballers telegram chat know I’ve been preaching that for years now

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I must admit that I am a financial ignoramus and understand little of what I just read. Now I have some homework to do. If someone could point me towards a “course for dummies “ on how this stuff works I would be grateful.

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I love to follow a few good sites.

Zerohedge and 321Gold. They both give insight from really smart people that you won’t hear much about in the media.

As the old saying goes....”hanging around smart people won’t make you stupid.”

I’ve been following a lot of really smart people for most of my adult life.

It’s an informal education but an education none the less.

Start the journey my friend.

You won’t regret it.

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The best education IS the informal one very intelligent people pursue! You are proof!

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It used to be called the school of hard knocks I think.

Life can be one of the best teachers if one is willing to learn

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Autodidacts in the school of hard knocks.

Every one of us.

Carry on!

& God, Bless us everyone!

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A very plausible part of the Plan.

But the whole rotten edifice needs to be brought down as soon as possible, we can’t wait for Trump to reassume power in 2025 because there is no guarantee there will even be an election system remaining in place.

This War with the Cabal/Deep State has already cost the lives of tens of millions(the death shot and the Ukraine war) and the enemy is planning even worse to accelerate meeting their goals by 2030.

Massive Depopulation is coming unless they are stopped soon.

I wish there were another way their debt slavery system could’ve been brought down without so much pain.

Hopefully your part 2 has some ideas on how quickly this will happen because I’m seeing indications the enemy is about to strike again but harder than during the plandemic.

Think camps and extermination of those who resist, the Rothschilds and the Cabal will never voluntarily surrender their power and go quietly into the night.

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The enemy has plans and you touched on some of them but people forget what their original plans actually were.

Nobody celebrates the loss of life but people forget that the original plan by the enemy was to keep all economies locked down for many years, not just months. How much misery, how much death?

They also planned for a nuclear war between the US and Russia.

We’re talking WW3 with tens of millions dead.

Even after Trump thwarted both of those plans they then planned for a civil war in this country. That would have cost millions of lives also and Trump prevented it.

If people want to blame Trump for deaths I sure wish they would give him credit for the millions of lives he saved.

As for the speed of things.

I’m like you and hope it happens as soon as possible but I don’t believe Trump needs to be back as president for the big stuff to happen and as a matter of fact I believe the plan has always been for Trump to be off the stage as it all happens because it’s not about him.

The plan is happening right now and accelerating.

This year is going to be historic and I believe at the end of this year there will be no doubt which direction things are going.

The enemy is not in control of things or none of this would be happening.

Just my opinion though

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Thank you for your reply.

I agree that Trump doesn’t need to be onstage for this to happen and I’m aware of their original 16 year plan to basically exterminate most of the world’s population and assume total control. Their covid plan went off the rails when Trump proposed and accelerated a government backed vaccine research program, while the DS had hoped to delay and stretch out for 5 years of lockdowns and boosters, all the while killing millions in the process along with the world economy.

BTW, a lot of people don’t seem to connect the following two events,



Operation Warp Speed was not about the development of the mRNA shots which had been ready long before the scamdemic hit.

Operation Warp Speed was a two pronged operation

1) Speed up gov’t research on a vax(not mRNA) and force the Cabal’s hand by addressing the problem sooner and not prolonging lockdowns as you’ve mentioned.

2) Actually develop a mild vaccination which spread like wildfire but was very mild and conferred immunity to both itself and the Delta variant and future variants of covid.

This natural vaccine was not an injectable and was given the designation Omicron.

One Cabal member was caught off guard and very shall we say disappointed and made the mistake of stating it publicly.


Omicron killed the spread of the Delta variant and also in the process killed the Cabal’s plan for perpetual booster(kill) shots. So many people caught it that it showed the normies the vax and boosters were useless.

It also reopened the economy because lockdowns were proven to be useless as was masking against Omicron.

Yes we were supposed to have a mini-nuke war with NK until Trump neutralized and disarmed that plan by actually going to NK and meeting Kim face to face.

The enemy is in the process of losing control but still has ‘islands’ of power left.

When the Ukraine was hit by Russia that really hurt them, that was their main base of operations, bioweapons, human trafficking, financial malfeasance such as massive money laundering.

It’s why they unleashed the Deep State version of the Marshall Plan and Berlin airlift from the Cold War era. Hundreds of billions to support their collapsing deep networks, their money supply was cut off in Ukraine and they couldn’t meet their payroll of bribes and payoffs around the world, it’s why George Soros publicly panicked.


I’ve focused mainly on the study of the psychology of the Cabal, it’s a society of true psychopaths and sociopaths, and unlike normal people such damaged individuals do not react in normal ways.

When you confront a predator with superior force it doesn’t run away, it always doubles down and attacks harder. It doesn’t care how much damage it takes, only that it achieves its goal of destroying its enemy using any and all means possible.

This is what has me nervous, it’s already obvious the Cabal is deliberately trying to incite WW3 with Russia.

It’s tried to start a civil war in the US but has so far failed.

It has tried to restart a new pandemic(monkeypox) but this has also failed.

Their backs are against the wall, their time is almost out, their fake debt slave system is almost toast and it doesn’t help that 60% of the world population (BRICS) are already beginning to abandon that system.

They need to act before the end of this year and I’m suspecting something like nuclear terrorism aimed at the US to kickoff WW3 if the Russians haven’t been provoked enough to strike first.

This is my worry, if a nuclear mistake is made at least a billion would die in any initial exchange even if the war were extremely brief and localized.

The enemy is desperate but will never surrender, psychopaths don’t think that way, only double down harder.

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So much great information my friend and you’re making great points that I agree with! Appreciate your response my friend

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You are a pleasure to follow and read. Everywhere I turn it’s doom and gloom. Thank you. I can hardly wait for your next piece.

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I am surrounded by doom and gloom myself so I know how you feel Suzi. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been accused of spreading hopium.

That’s okay. It’s not my job to convince anybody.

But God made me to be an encourager, and I’m not going to stop. I try to give the reasons and some evidence of why I’m positive and what I believe. That’s all I can do.

But I also know something the doom and gloomers don’t know.

Everything is going to change.

The moment Trump was sworn in the entire world changed.

We are seeing the fruits of that change if we look, but the time is coming when nobody will not see it.

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"The moment Trump was sworn in the entire world changed."

A truly profound statement, worthy of careful consideration and diligence.

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I can make the case everything changed the moment Trump was sworn in.

It might be a future article

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I thank God for people like you, Joe. I love that God has put people like you in our path at such a time as these. There are so many people who love nothing better than to create fear and doom, so we really need people like you. You have the ability to make complex issues like this easy to understand. Thank you so much for your service to humanity. God bless you!

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That made my heart really smile CeeJay!! I get joy from encouraging people. It’s what I was made for I think

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There are some glaring inaccuracies in important numbers, and other facts in this otherwise good piece.

The cited $32 trillion in U.S. national debt does not include $22 trillion missing from the federal government's books as rigorously documented by Catherine Austin Fitts, Deputy HUD Sec. under Reagan, and verified by a team from Michigan State University. Fitts believes the number if substantially higher now but she hasn't rigorously quantified it. This piece also does not include the trillions in unfunded state, and local debt such as public pensions, etc. Also, last time I checked, around 2017 or 2018, only 35% of global trade was settled in U.S. dollars. It's becoming increasingly tenuous to claim the dollar is the world reserve currency. BRICS, and Venezuela have been working since 2010 to gut the dollar.

A digital currency will be the end of human freedom, and I'm not entirely convinced of Trump's motives or effectiveness. The eugenics bioweapon, a U.S. Armed Services led genocide, happened under Trump as Commander in Chief.

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I actually had mentioned the unfunded liabilities originally but it got edited out I think.

You make very good points.

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If you are still unsure of Trump's motives, I don't think you have been paying close attention to what he has done. It could not be more clear that he is doing everything in his power to protect and save America. Jon and his crew have answered the vax question countless times. Recent podcasts go into great detail about this issue.

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I can assure you I have paid closer attention to what he has done than have you. I am optimistic about Trump but unconvinced. His work electing people to Congress is his best work by far.

I voted for him, and, even if DeSantis, a total creation fabricated by Armed Services, and criminals in "intelligence" as a divide, and conquer wedge runs, will do so again, and I sent money to his campaign.

Most of what Trump did was positive but so far largely fleeting, and ineffective. His cluster fuck of ending the Afghanistan War but allowing Biden to execute the withdrawal by leaving billions of sophisticated equipment is nearly treasonous, and COMPLETELY unnecessary. The jury is out on his Fed appointments, and rolling it into Treasury,as he world is rapidly marching to a totalitarian digital currency.

His EO of July, 2019 allowing reimportation of Rx drugs from Canada, something Big Pharma ALWAYS fought, did NOTHING to lower drug prices. I've tried to find evidence that arrests, and prosecutions of child traffickers went up under Trump. There's nothing compelling. It's almost like there's no long term collection of that data. His border wall was a hollow victory. His allowing the election to be stolen by foreign powers is treason although George Pappadopoplis has good arguments why it had to be allowed given most involved, like the UK, are our allies, although I'm not sure I buy his arguments.

He pardoned some really bad people, hasn't done a thing about the Jan 6th folks rotting in prison, and not one person has adequately addressed why Trump would be compelled or that anyone would benefit in any way from allowing US Armed Services to organize, and lead a eugenics bioweapon assault on the world, he has close associations with hardened NYC made members of the Mob, he appointed absolute morons like Bolton, Tillerson, Pompeo, Sessions, CIA stooge, and criminal POS Bill Barr, and many other complete asswipes. Bannon was one of a few decent people had but he was cut loose quickly.

I'm more than familiar with all the arguments that Trump's damaging actions were necessary to expose the criminality of our system. I see it as possibly true but much more likely an indication that things are so bad that it's the only way of casting Trump's relative ineffectiveness in a positive light. There's one more explanation for this all. I got to know Chicago Mayor Rich Daley really well. I worked closely with Rahm Emanuel on some issues, and with Republicans like Don Rumsfeld, who in 1995 met with me and gave me $500 for a run against a Mob patsy on Chicago's City Council. Had the filth not cheated I would have been Daley's and Rumsfeld's alderman in Chicago City Councl. I can assure you I have forgotten more about how high level power politics, and government works than you'll ever know. Daley showed me and explained to me the real limits of executive governmental power. It's not much difference for POTUS. The office is not quite as powerful as many believe.

Trump was opposed by both parties so that, and his work electing people to Congress gives me great hope for him. He's likely all we have, and he activated the FUCKING apathetic idiots in this country to actually get involved in politics, not just by voting. Half the dumb fucks aren't even registered to vote, and in any given election half or more of registered voters don't even bother to vote. Americans are mostly self absorbed dumb fuckers but that seems to be changing a bit.

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Clearly I disagree on several of your points.

The Afghanistan debacle completely crashed not just Biden’s poll numbers but the entire democrat party’s poll numbers. They’ve never recovered.

But your assertion that leaving billions in weapons in Afghanistan is almost treasonous sounds like the media narrative.

The actual truth is those weapons belong to Afghanistan who purchased them. They were abandoned by the corrupt Afghanistan government that was being propped up by our own corrupt military industrial complex controlled by the puppet masters we are at war with.

Go back and read the DOHA agreement Trump made with the Taliban leaders AFTER we killed about 90% of the leadership.

We witnessed the DOHA agreement in real time as the media panic pushers told us there would be thousands of Americans slaughtered and held hostage.

Never happened.

Afghanistan is now at peace with us and don’t forget they had not killed a US soldier in Afghanistan in over a year. How does that happen in a war zone unless there’s a deal. After the suicide bombing at the airport by ISIS, the Taliban went door to door and hunted them down.

The Afghanistan debacle was only a debacle for democrats and the military industrial complex who wanted to keep fighting that war another 20 years so they could steal another two trillion tax payer dollars.

As for being friends with the mob?

You do realize that Trump was the bait in bringing down the entire mob in NY and New Jersey. Have you forgotten the massive RICO case that brought them all down? Guess who was the prosecutor? Giuliani. Guess who else helped? The Band.

Barr, Mueller, Rosenstein and Horowitz.

Coincidence the band got back together in Trump’s administration?

No coincidence.

There is a massive RICO case happening in the background that the media will never mention. Why?

No leaks, which is how real investigations happen.

Allowed the election steal so it’s treason?

Have you read Trump’s EO’s? Or Patel Patriots Devolution series?

Devolution and COG prove Trump didn’t allow anything.

You’re watching a fake president on TV who never had the full power as president and who has lost every single lawsuit against his EO’s. Why? Because Biden is fake.

And lastly, the Jan 6 prisoners are actually prisoners of war because we are actually in a war.

Does it make it right? No, but DC is autonomous and always has been.

Most of your points sound just like the media narrative.

You can believe whatever you want my friend and I’m okay with that.

I would just suggest there are completely different explanations for everything we are witnessing daily because we are fighting an unconventional war being mostly fought in the media for the hearts and minds of the American people.

There is deception on both sides.


Deception is required in war.

This is all just my opinion of course.

Peace my friend

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Joe, it hard not to say that your brilliance is somewhat wasted on stupid people.

Mr. O'Neill has given up on the Constitution and America and just wants to see a civil war...just like the commie DIMs.

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You have ZERO evidence of a RICO case happening "in the background." It's easy to verify court proceedings, even if they're sealed. I call B.S. on that. I'll investigate your claim about the Afghanis purchasing those weapons. That country is so poor it couldn't afford to purchase or maintain them so I doubt that's the case but it might be. Nonetheless Trump didnt need to do a thing to tank Biden's poll numbers. They've NEVER been good EVER in his quests for national power. It was sheer lack of leadership to allow Biden to execute the withdrawl.

I've read the claim Trump wlis involved somehow is helping clean up NYC but again ZERO evidence has ever been provided. I've read Patel Patriot's entire series, and listened to Cliff Hi about devolution. It's compelling but not definitive. There's no mention by either of them about Continuity of Government which has been inplace since Eisenhower, and used when JFK was murdered, during the Nixon Admin of Watergate, and when Reagan was shot.

I remain skeptical of Trump as there is the distinct possibility he, and Q are psyops to coral the opposition to a digital currency enslavement reset. The digital global surveillance state is marking forward rapidly and is being implemented in many countries, including Ukraine, and the U.S.

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And you have ZERO evidence that he's wrong! You can take your daily black pills if it makes you feel better, but I'm with Joe...I can feel something amazing is coming and this is all working out the way it needs to.

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You're absolutely right!

It is a psyop!

Good job patriot.

You're critical thinking serves you well.

This Joe Lange is lying to people.

Nothing he has claimed can be backed up with solid evidence.

It's all coincidence and conjecture.

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OK....rebut with proof that he is wrong. We'll wait....

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I disagree with you about Joe. I think he's intelligent, and generally quite insightful. I'm about 85% confident that Trump is a white hat. I am aware of the 15% of information that calls the white hat narrative into question. It's all incredibly complex given the level of crime, and the depth, and breadth of institutions that are criminal, including EVERY federal department, agency, and U.S. Armed Services, the extra-constitutional CIA, NSA, etc. Then there are all the contractors that are used by the feds, the criminal banking system, Biv Pharma, presstitute bordellos, most of big business, etc. The ability of POTUS to bring it all to heel is VERY limited. We're in a long global revutionary war.

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The only lies you see is when you proof read your posts here.

The only reason a disturbed person like you insults others and lies about FACTS is because you are a paid TROLL too stupid to know how stupid you are.

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I agree 100% that digitalized currency is the end of human freedom. The Left Behind series of books provides a fictional scenario of how the people who choose to remain outside the world system of money find ways to survive. The series covers a lot of other issues that are based from the book of Revelation in the Bible, I found the way the outsiders navigated getting food and other goods without digital currency fascinating. There’s a movie starring Kevin Sorbo that is out in limited theaters from Jan 26-Feb 1 in the USA. that is a new movie covering this subject. Should be a great movie.

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My follow up will hit on this topic!!

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Which topic, Joe? — The Left Behind end-times theory (which I believe to be a poor exegesis of Scripture, and would have to cause some cognitive dissonance in those who try to believe both that and the bright future you speak of ),

or, thoughts about how to weather & navigate thru’ the storm?

Both topics would be most welcome!

I always pay close attention (& perk up, too!) when you write.


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I was speaking more specifically to the digital currency aspect

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Would love to see that - hope Joe spells it out for me :)

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Awesome! Just the question I want discussed! Thanks so much!

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Wow Joe, what a fantastic and timely article! Jon Harold wrote about Trump placing FED under the Treasury Department in one of his Devolution Part series, but I didn’t grasp the significance of this until your amazing article! This is so interesting! Thank you!

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Trump has turned the Rothschilds greatest weapons against them and they are helpless to what’s coming!!

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