
Great post Kitty! Loved it!!

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

This is a seriously great article that I have forwarded to all my sleepy friends, most of whom quit talking to me a couple years back. It’s a good time to practice forgiveness!

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

Excellent post and for those at the beginning of the awakening, what a wonderful bit of advice. I knew 50 years ago (via an eye-opening book by Taylor Caldwell) with references I later looked up, that there is a cabal. My sister-in-law introduced us to x-22 about 3 years ago and the minute the guy came out and called AZ in the 2020 election; I snapped awake and turned off Fox News. Then I began the personal journey you’ve described. This is a major war between good and evil. We have come an amazing distance in about 7 years against a centuries’ old evil. We have only God to thank and it is He who will sustain the patriots though the very likely dark winter coming. Thank you for sharing the wisdom you’ve gained and shared! God bless you.🙏

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

Thank you, Kitty. I always appreciate reading one’s personal journey. Encouraging!

May God give you and us grace to remain in the Faith in the days to come.

I’m beginning to pray more consistently for DJT and our allies.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

Very good, Kitty. Just one other "gap" that I think is worth mentioning -- the role that academia has played in dumbing down and indoctrinating the youth for at least 3 generations. Otherwise essential information for the normies.

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Beautiful 🌹 and interesting path to awakening.

I came in through the backdoor as a faithful and very unaware democrat who had strongly supported Hillary For First Female President. Shocked and brainwashed, freaking out that Trump in the White House = WW3. I fretted every day until I had time to deep dive online starting in March 2017, wanting to really understand politics and why this celebrity entrepreneur was our president. I quickly began experiencing a supernatural awakening for three crazy months. I had never believed in the devil or demons.

I was also making lists of what I found-- I identified 13 carnival rides run by powerful clowns-- follow the money and the perversion. My husband was busy moving out of his office at the firm that was tanking after the 2008 crash and setting up a solo practice at home. I hardly had anyone to talk to about all this. I was trying to organize a small think tank with key people I know, including a faithful minister in Missouri. My family begged me to stop looking at it because it was very negative and all-consuming. With great difficulty, I walked away and was simultaneously born again on June 1, 2017. I gave all my worries to God and moved forward in faith.

I studied other things and hardly dared to peek again... until my cousin sent me a link to the original Fall Cabal series in May 2019. I was thrilled to recognize what I had found in '17 but with many more background details AND A SOLUTION!!! Thank you so very much Mr Trump and Q💪🏼♥️🇺🇸 I predict that each segment will be at least an entire year's study in the reformed school system.

God bless us all 🙏🏽It's going to be good❤️‍🔥 Heaven on earth💫


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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

Just Saw The Sunrise.

This Is gonna be Good.

Nice Sign !

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

This might sound nuts but something I had to do is take an inventory of things I knew for sure which includes my love for my family, appreciation that they were with me and healthy (though some got jabbed and now filled with regret), love for my friends though they are not yet awake, and my appreciation for life. Simple things that would normally go without saying but needed repeating. You may also go through extreme waves of the stages of grieving the life you once knew. I did anyway. I hope this helps ♥️ Stay strong. God woke you up because you can handle it and you are definitely not alone!

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Every person’s journey will be different. This is why it’s so important to share, we learn from each other. Some comments here have mentioned gaps in your journey, unexplained pieces. I realize you wrote this for NEW people just beginning their journey. Nothing will scare away a newly awakened individual quicker than going right to the truth about the Pope. The awakening mind is fragile. The same can be said about our child’s education, go easy there as we send our children off to school. Giving a newly awakened individual a guide, start here, will gently lead them toward the truth about the Pope and seeing the indoctrination of our children. Easy does it...it’s a lot to grasp. Tiny steps and space in between each subject matter. Waking up at one’s own pace is so important.

Excellent guide for newcomers!! I have saved this and will use it to help others as they begin their journey.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie


The opening stanza of This Piece is a "Love" Letter To ALL Americans (& ALL PEOPLES of Their Respective Lands) who desperately Love This America, & want to restore & Rebuild A New Greatness, Within It.

I am so totally proud, each day, to Read, such Thoughts, Realizations, Ideas, & Visions, by my fellow Patriots.

In this Country's Original Founding, Women played a supportive role.

No longer.

WE March now,

In The Aquarian Age.

Bravo !

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

Great work. I'm English as i have mentioned before. The problem here, is that too many believe the lies . They are fixated with MSM. The UK is 75% vaxed, that is worrying . Ok, most of the population are fed up with our government but that doesn't alter their thinking. The masses will do whatever they are told . They love the royal family and adore the NHS ( UK health system ). If you need a jab of toxin in your arm, they will obey . The country is full of brainwashed zombies. The cabal in charge love it and can manipulate anytime .

Personally , I feel abandoned, frustrated , anger and disappointment . Why did so many take the vaccine , all I see is people slowing up and not acting right. The death numbers are building up along with cancer, strokes ,heart attacks and blindness but know one says a thing . I'm in a dark place now and I hate it. My wife and daughter are not vaxed along with my bother and mum but we are a minority . It seems the US has more awakened people than the UK and it's good to talk on this channel but Christ ,my country is in deep trouble . We haven't even touched the monetary system yet but I could go on forever . I'm scared and feel for my family as they don't follow it as much as I do. God bless you America and fellow patriots and thank you Badlands Media for your excellent work . I would love too see more British people watch your channel !

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

Thank you Kitty for sharing your story. May GOD Bless you & those you Love the most, & GOD Bless the USA! WWG1WGA! Roy III

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

This is a GREAT piece. I love the way it walked through your awakening and how it can used to guide others. BROVO !!

I only disagree with one of your "thought things you had to learn". You stated "Evil is real". I disagree.

Evil is unreal. The absence (mortal mind denial) of God. Evil is a LIE. Evil is not an intelligent entity with power, but a deception and means of controlling your thought through fear. WE give it power.

Evil is not destroyed by God, because God knows not of evil (only humans do). Evil is destroyed by exactly what we are going through now. Enlightenment. God is ALL. God would not create something evil. When WE embrace, understand and demonstrate TRUTH, God's laws, about ALL of us, Evil becomes what it has always been. NOTHING !!! So this point could maybe be replaced with "There is a lack of God in our lives" - or something like that.

Thank you for your article.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

What A Blessed Soul You Are !

Blessings To You, Yours, & US ALL.

It is indeed a challenge these days, but that is what makes it sooooo darn Interesting.

I believe WE Believe, The Good Work, can/will Accomplish, The Task, set forth.


Again & Again.

& Thank You, For Sharing.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

Thank you Kitty. I’m in my 60s. I haven’t watched TV news for 30 of those years. But it still had its hold on me. I did not start to really look for and assimilate the truth of what was happening until 2 weeks and one day of lockdowns had happened. I knew nothing except whatever they were doing was going to destroy peoples lives. That’s when the fire started in me. Thank you for sharing your fire. Remember Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were not spared the walk through the fire. Neither will we be. But they survived the fire. And so shall we.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Kitty Gillespie

I think my greatest awakening came, about 50 years ago, when I understood the gospel of Jesus Christ. 30 years later another one came when the LORD revealed to me that the theory of Evolution is a great lie, and that His creation is not millions of years old, but rather about 6000 years. More recently I became more awakened to the intentions of the DS/Cabal when the George Floyd riots broke out. It seemed so uncanny to me that the COVID restrictions and riots coincided on the eve of the national election. It was the clear to me that the intent of the powers that would be was to disrupt the election process.

I feel there is even more to awaken to, and many of you are ahead of me. So, I’m learning.

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