Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

I can’t come up with words to describe how angry I feel at having been taught lies my entire life. This truly is the Great Awakening.

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Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

Yeah!!!! Finally I have something to send to my extended normie family that may shake them up! We were a big Get Smart family! Colonel, i have no words to express my gratitude to you and your girls! Ya’ll are amazing!❤️

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Jun 13·edited Jun 14Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

Thanks Colonel for putting your Operation Gladio information into this written form on the Badlands Substack. This was a great start/tease article and if I had not been watching you with AlpaWarrior I would not be able to wait for your next article.

I think I found you and Operation Gladio first on Breaking History but then was pointed to AlphaWarrior's show and have followed all your episodes on that show.

Thank you and your team for all your hard work and for presenting it to us. This year (2024) will be Biblical and this kind of information is vital to getting to the Truth.

Looking forward to your next (and future) articles.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you.

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AND she says in a much more cogent and comprehensive way in this first article what it took Joe Lange literally months and months to dribble out. I had had enough of that then I found the colonel on Alphas show. Thank God.

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Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

yes the Colonel Joins Badlands , 2 of my favourite sources for out of the box dissecting information and analysis of current and past goings on and lies

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It was just within the last week or so that I read someone else's article (was it Joe Lange?) which mentioned Operation Gladio, and I made a mental note to look into it. Now you've made it easy! Thanks, Colonel!

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So superior to Joe Lange. Next level

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Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

Thanks for your work. I look forward to following it all.

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Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

Being a history buff, I’ve actually had to rebuff everything I thought I learned or was learning, into what is 80% less time, generally speaking. Only the dates give me reference----as far as I know!?! Great sources here on Badlands and other interesting crevices, if you’re willing to look, which I excitedly am. Anticipating the upcoming installments. God Bless!!!

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Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

That was amazing. So amazing that I had to listen and also read. Now I will go back & read your other articles. Thank you!!!

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Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

What a great article. Between you and Breaking History ( Matt & Gordon) I can see the Real History puzzle coming together. I know we have a long way to go, but it’s information like this, that gives me clarity of why things happened. And it definitely shows us how evil the deep state is.

Look forward to more of your articles. Great job!!

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Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

Thank you for sharing this outstanding truth. Finally seeing the 'real picture'.

Yes, God wins. PTL❣❣

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Jun 13Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

Bless you, Colonel!!! Thanks so much for putting this information together in essay form. This will be a great asset for introducing some people to the TRUTH. There are many who do not relate to their electronics for long-form material. The programming to arrive at a short attention span public has been very successful! Your visits with Alfredo Luna @AlphaWarrior have been stellar and these essays will be a great accompaniment to them. Thanks again! o7

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Please don’t give up the articles as there are many of us who prefer reading over videos.🙏🙏

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Gladio explains so MUCH. An octopus of corruption, each arm having a different code name and hiding behind something you may have “trusted” implicitly your whole life. Thank you for your many hours of research.

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Chiang Kai-Shek was a drug lord? That blows me away! Where do the Flying Tigers fit into this sordid tale?

I have worshiped the Flying Tigers since childhood. I knew one of them personally 40 years ago and he was one of the finest men I ever met.

I assume this ties into the Opium Wars in China and the British involvement. It has occurred to me that China is playing that same game with America through Mexico. It seems to be a winning proposition for evil people to use.

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Looking forward to reading more of your research.

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Can't wait for the follow up on this. I am fascinated at learning our true history, yet feel some deep despair for living in the dark my entire life, as well as my parents, grandparents, and on and on. My mom and dad were WWII people who never trusted FDR, and believed General Patton was assassinated. Thanks for sharing your extensive knowledge and wisdom.

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Thanks - this is was a great first exposure!

My filters go back about six thousand years when a system of systems entered the scene after a predictable and utter failure that resulted from one man's inability to prioritize. The ebbs and flows are measurable, the principles are consistent...only the current players change...for now!

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The only thing I can think of from that time period would be from the Pyramid Text.

Utterance 254

276: To say the words:

"The Great (Uraeus) fumigates the Bull of Nekhen (Hierakonpolis).

The heat of the fiery breath is against you,

you who are about the shrine (kAr)!

O Great God whose name is unknown, (bring) at once a meal of the Unique Lord.

O lord of the Horizon (Ax.t), make place for Unas.

If you fail to make place for Unas, Unas will pronounce a curse against his father Geb:

the earth shall not speak any more;

Geb shall not be able to defend himself.

(He) whom Unas finds on his way, he will eat him piecemeal.

The hnt-pelican announces (sr), the ennead(psD.t)-pelican comes out.

The Great One rises. The enneads speak: completely dammed-off shall be the land.

279: The two ridges of the mountain (on both sides of the Nile valley) shall be united.

The two banks of the river will be joined.

The roads will be hidden from the passers-by.

The steps (rwd.w) will be annihilated for those who go up.

Make tight the rope (of the boat), sail the road of heaven!

Strike the ball on the meadow of Hapi (Apis)!

______________End of that Utterance_______________

Unas was the last Pharo for the 5th Dynasty. His mad writings decorate his tomb and are the first instance known as the Pyramid Text, the first real writings coming out of Ancient Egypt. His family who would of been complicit in the above never discussed event (hello Oxford and British Royal Society of Science) consisted of the entire 6th Dynasty and would have been involved in covering up the disaster visited upon the world. Egypt didn't begin to recover until the 11th Dynasty and didn't officially declare the event until the 18th and 20th Dynasties in the form of a Myth called "The Book of Heavenly Cow" even though said Myth was likely in existence during and perhaps before Unas's time.

The Book of Heavenly Cow established in writing the Devine Right of Kings to wipe out their entire populations when they were in revolt.

From there we can likely move on to Rome where the military was an arm of commercial enterprises and somehow will have to trace it back to British East India Tea Company where we can likely connect these histories.

It all fits like a glove the Fabian Societies ambitions for world domination.

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As for dates - I do not accept Ptolemy's canon of kings as authoritative when it comes to world kingdoms and their histories.

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Interesting. Was reading an excerpt from Eduardo Meyer 1906 just yesterday.

Sets Egyptian Time line back quite a bit. Will put the link in next post in case they don't allow links here. Meanwhile this is the start of very lengthy passage to the excerpt in case you need to search it yourself. Perhaps this is to what you refer?


The Royal Canon Library: Volume 22

Egyptian chronology

Eduard Meyer


Extract of the relevant parts of Meyer’s book regarding the Royal Canon (pages 105-178). As most of Meyer’s book investigate the chronological aspects of Ancient Egypt, which have little or no bearing on the Royal Canon, they have been left out. Note: The German transliteration is kept 'as is', i.e. Chasechemui is not 'corrected' to Khasekhemwy etc.

History and description of the Royal papyrus of Turin.

By far the most important document for royal succession and chronology is the Turin Canon. Completely preserved, it would make all other documents superfluous. Even in its present state, it forms the basis of all investigations in this field. Strangely enough, this has hitherto been only to a very small extent. On the contrary, in spite of some very good investigations, (especially by Hincks[*] and de Rougé,[*] and a treatise by Lauth,[*] which, in addition to many fantastical treaties which offer a great deal of usefulness,) most Egyptologists have stayed away with fearful anxiety, and more is to be extracted from the fragments.

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