Operation Gladio, The Unholy Alliance between The Vatican The CIA and the Mafia, written by Paul L Williams

I got the book from a discount bookstore and I’ll never be the same again. Our country is a lie, the whole thing is fake. I don’t know if it’s fixable. The Roman Empire crumbled by similar circumstances and what was left simply morphed

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I believe it is still fixable, but DC will essentially and of necessity become a ghost town.

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From many local reports, it already has...

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I came here only to comment for folks to look up the origins of each surname so they understand how labels are hijacked, but you provided the jugular. 👍

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It's available on Amazon, audio is free

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Rebranded from the Roman Empire to the Roman Catholic Church. Voila! Covert world domination vehicle.

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I just downloaded it on Kindle, found it when I searched Operation Gladio

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The plot only thickens as you wonderful real journalists dig! As others wrote before, we've been lied to all our lives. Long ago I heard that FDR knew in advance of Pearl Harbor, that was the extent of my awareness that the gov't lied to us. My eyes continue to be opened since Nov 2020 election fraud. Still waiting to find out what really happened to Jimmy Hoffa. Union affairs are a messy situation. Maybe one day that mystery will be explained. Learning a lot more about Operation Gladio now. Follow the money trail, seems it never disappoints with explanations!

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Every President since JFK was selected rather than elected, with the exceptions of Nixon Reagan & Trump, all of the others were “with Intel”, much like EPSTEIN. The three who were independent of the shackles of the criminal agencies- well look at what happened to them.

Nixon-character assassination

Reagan-CLOSE to actual assassination (by the Bush family friend- go figure.

Trump- holy hell, what a nightmare for him, not to mention that little MISSILE when he was leaving Canada and heading to Asia

DC a ghost town? From your keyboard to gods ears my fren.

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Have learned what you have written. Since Nov 2020 my eyes are really being opened. I didn't understand a number of changes in how our gov't worked. Where did these continuing resolutions come from? And I never bought a bank too big to fail. You sell the good assets and deal with the bankrupt part. Econ 101. Many years ago. I remember $1 silver certificates. Now I understand why they disappeared. Still have one I kept. My state GOP is a uniparty. We new committee people are not welcome to the old guard. We get their game of selection! Let's see what happens after Nov 5 this year! I remember old Nikita banging his shoe on the UN table. They almost won.This started in 1800's. But a raft of people waking up. Have heard DC is a ghost town. I see Nancy Drew on telegram. Richard goes around the country. Lots of interesting things to follow these days. The decoders are fascinating. It's worldwide. I follow a substack writer from Denmark. This is a world wide effort. Hang in!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Someday hopefully soon we'll be made aware of every assassination attempt against Trump because you know there have been many, but - that should give everyone an idea of just how well protected he actually is.

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Correction: GEOTUS Trump moved into the Reagan category. Riddle me WHY the Secret Service didn’t do their job? Could it be that political biatch in charge- Kimberly A. Cheatle is her name, she decided to limit President Trumps’ detail to less than a full complement of security he was/IS entitled to. Good place for a letter writing campaign to every politician, the biatch itself and include how her big DEI push is BS. Yet another case of failing upwards, aka Federal Government corruption/service. The SES strikes again…

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Holy S**t!! I studied the NY mafia and several years ago recognized that the State department/CIA ‘marriage’ was valid and noted (also years ago) that parts of our government operated like criminal organizations. Plus, I grew up in Kansas and was aware of the drug-related rumors at Mena, Arkansas and knew there were rumors of human trafficking in the meat processing industry in western Kansas. But, I was woefully ignorant about the close relationship between organized crime and the CIA, with the exception of JFK’s assassination. I was aware of the Dulles, Bush ties to it, however. Chennault was a decorated military general!!! I was the liaison between the military organization I worked at and a ‘business’ that used pilots to fly missions to Central America. I knew it was a CIA front by reading between the lines (5 year duration), then following a crash that hit the public in a huge way, saw the ‘company’ disband. Knowing what I know now, I have a completely different opinion. It all fits beautifully together and the connections you’ve found are proof that the plan to move the Nazis to the US, Israel and elsewhere just relocated the ‘head’ of the cabal’s criminal organization to DC. The magnitude of this corruption is staggering and it definitely has shown us the importance of the Q OPLAN, as well as why it has taken so long (way longer than the 8 years we’ve been aware).

I can’t wait until the next installment and clearly see why the JFK and 911 commissions were merely distractions and coverups. They had to hide their primary role in those events and I now believe all of the catastrophic events, including all the lone wolf shootings were directly planned by this corrupt government entities. I also don’t believe for a second that MKULTRA was halted.

Thank you for exposing the connections. I did check the Q map of connections and it all appears to be included. Just in time as we move toward the defining election of our lives. God bless you.🙏🇺🇸🙏

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Excellent comment! Wow…


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Right!😂. Especially the opening statement. It is interesting that I’ve had several experiences where I was involved or directly in positions to remember parts of these connections…. I always got immersed in a topic, read everything I could find….then it’s all connected in my mind when these folks dig. Amazing.

Thanks, Feather!!🕊️🇺🇸🙏❤️

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You are a treasure in these Badlands community!!

What an interesting background and life you have lived, ALtab! Blessings ❤️📚

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Second that!! Excellent comment.

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Thank you.

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Great information my friend! A lot of great background history that is important to understand how our government got so corrupt.

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Jul 5Liked by Joe Lange

The Colonel in amazing and tbh brave putting this stuff out there. Been following and reading all that I can on Gladio as well as the Confessions of an Economic Hitman (another brilliant piece of work). Connect the dots they all roll into one Along the way. Another good writer to follow along with your work Joe 😉

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Sick to my stomach. This kind of stuff that’s been coming to light the last few years has rocked my world emotionally and psychologically - more so because I’m a late baby boomer so I had swallowed hook, line and sinker all the propaganda from the 60s onward. It wasn’t until videos came up all over the net about the false flag events that had been used to manipulate the American/Western population.

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One of the primary reasons we non-anons are involved is to help folks cope…especially once the real evils are exposed! Thank God for these wonderful truthers!

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We all have been through the same Awakening. I am very glad to be Awake.

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I think it is a perfectly normal response to have - we are all grieving in a way. But while I sometimes miss the old blue pill life, I think we are better off on this path.

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Jun 25Liked by Joe Lange

Yeah!!!! Finally a gladio post I am already familiar with! 😂 You’ve been keeping me digging on Condor for a good while now. Your time and efforts are a huge help and I appreciate your dedication to our enlightenment! Gid bless you!

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I am not surprised. What a mess..

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ANOTHER movie script crossed between The God Father 1,2 and Casino...with a smattering of Bumpy Johnson thrown in for good measure. Folks, They ALWAYS tell you what they have done (bragging in your face) and what they ARE doing through movies....Thems the rules.

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I cannot watch anything now without pointing out the propaganda and obtaining ‘approval’ for the planned events to my husband. Oh, I also point out the chem trails in the news and movies. All the good ‘fiction’ authors were writing about CIA actions, including black sites and black budgets, only wrote the CIA was doing it to save the US…..the usual protagonist was (you guessed it) Russia.

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Jun 26Liked by Joe Lange

*antagonist I'm sure you mean. :)

Gotta love movies and TV. They were being literal when they call it television programming.

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Jun 26Liked by Joe Lange

Thanks! Sometimes I type faster than I think.😂

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Tom Clancy, one of my favorites, but now my eyes are awake to know, as you say.

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After hearing over and over again that the ‘rank and file’ of these three letter agencies were good people, I no longer believe that - people that say that are simply parroting each other without even knowing what they’re talking about.

You’d have to be a complete mental infant to think you were ‘doing good’ working for these swamp creatures.

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Those rascally Russians...

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Jun 27Liked by Joe Lange

Besides movies telegraphing there are novels like author Dean Koontz “Eyes of Darkness”. The author sites a virus calling it “Wuhan-400” in the 1989 second edition, while the first edition (1981) sites the virus as “Gorki-400”…🧐

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Jun 27Liked by Joe Lange

All sci-fi and military novel writers are nothing more than deep state cut outs designed for entertainment...Issac assimov warned us nearly 50 years ago with I'ROBOT what was coming...I saw it unfolding even as a child...had am uncle that worked for Battelle..

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A riveting prose style delivering compellingly credible information. Thank you. 👍🇺🇸

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I love your writing style Colonel and Operation Gladio is simply mind blowing. Once you can see the evil connectwd throughout the world everything we "knew" looks inverted...WOW.

Keep sending the heat.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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This is exactly right - inversion of the truth.

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I always enjoy seeing Pawleys come up, since I live at the place named for his family (Pawleys Island, SC). Speaking of islands - isn't it interesting that so much technology that the world depends on is coming out of Taiwan? Lots of industry that used to be here - from metal stamping to chip making. Weird.

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Yes it is.

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Helped me connect a lot of dots... Great post... So much corruption in our government, military, church, academics, etc. etc. etc...

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"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

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WOW! This has all the hallmarks of another best-seller "who-dun-it" spy thriller. Another factual thriller, along with Joe Lange's series on this substack. I am in Australia and my mother (an original "conspiracy theorist") was trying to educate me on all this back in the days of the Vietnam war. I took most of it in but only superficially back then. But I always knew she was on the ball. I hope, as you delve into Operation Gladio, Australia comes into perspective by way of Pine Gap and the CIA-staged coup against our greatly maligned Prime Minister in 1975. To this day, his leadership is still ostracized by even those among us who are chasing the truth. Sydney's CIA Nugen Hand Bank is little known among Australians.

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As a Floridian, it makes me wonder what are Florida’s ties to the subject…my initial findings is yes, probably very likely… https://crimereads.com/how-the-cia-took-over-a-florida-island/

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We have been lied to so much! This is UNBELIEVEABLE! But, I do not doubt that it may be true. Thank you for bringing it to light.

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