Going up against the Anons is simply suicide. Do they know the numbers? Do they know where to find them?We, the People SEE. We, the People KNOW!

We see YOU. Your neighbors are OUR SPIES!

How do you think we know to tell you weeks, months, in advance of the manifestation of events that will ALTER your FUTURE?

The playbook of the Enemy of the People is KNOWN. They are incredibly stupid!

The PEOPLE had to be SHOWN what the Enemy would do! That is why your world makes NO sense to you! It was necessary that the People see, that they bear Witness to the Crimes of the Infiltrated and Captured Officialdom! The Biden Crime Family as well as ALL the Corrupt Congress Critters will be KNOWN to the People.

It was a giant STING and they fell for it!

The People of Washington are also going to Witness the exposure of corrupt officialdom as Crimes are laid bare. Prepare for it! Your co-worker’s crimes WILL be exposed. We know the timing, THEY do not! That’s why they are sweating, and nervous as a man walking the plank! They can feel our eyes on them. They can feel that tightening around their throat! They can feel their bowels about to empty from FEAR!

The People are learning of the WAR now in the Homeland! USA is invaded! Two MILLION saboteurs have come across the southern border. WHOM SHALL THE PEOPLE BLAME after the foreign agents are disposed?


Do YOU think the People’s WRATH will pass YOU by? We know you hope so…

Your neighbors and co-workers spy for US, We the People.

Next time you get coffee or food from the cafeteria in the lower level, look at the cashier! Even if she is BLIND, she hears! She hears the fear in the voices! She knows, listens, and reports!

Look to the dishwashers. Someone clearing YOUR table is noting you, your colleagues, and the time, as well as what you were saying about whom! Do you really think you are NOT observed?! Constantly!

Who empties the trash from your office? Do you think they just dump it? We are not as stupid as you are naive!

Why am are YOU being told all this?!?

Because we are all very close to major changes in the nature of this 5GUW (5th generation unrestricted warfare).

Remember, in 5GUW, the PEOPLE control the timing of the WAR, not our enemies.

Look around you now. YOU are being watched! You are being recorded.

Legislator, be advised, WE, THE PEOPLE, SEE.

Soon, very soon, WE, The People, will ACT!

Be prepared. Resistance is Useless.

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You sure you're not Clif High's double? Sounds a LOT like one of his 'Vox Populi' pieces...

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I do read his stuff, but no.

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Well, nice job, anyway 😎

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Keep your head on a swivel, Erik. And Our President must have a whole regiment of Guardian Angels on his watch....

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

JFK laid it out in 6 minutes. Why is this so hard to find on YT: https://youtu.be/RhkjYJAHCjM

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Because it’s almost impossible to find anything on YT even when adding the exact title. I presume they are run by the intelligent agencies.

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Can't have the smart people knowing history.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

June, 1967 - the Summer of Love andI was 16 years old and was leaving the next day from NYC to attend the summer camp of the largest Zionist youth group in America in the Catskills. Raised in a home of practicing Jews, I believed everything about the diaspora and Israel being the place of destiny where our people could finally live in Shalom. This was just a few days after the 6 day War where Jerusalem was unified and at long last peace would be intact. To say I was naive is an understatement. I was staying in a hotel in midtown Manhattan where upon stepping into an elevator, there stood Rod Serling alone with just me as we took a forty story ride down to the lobby. Never being a shy one I had to ask him if there really is a Twilight Zone. Rod with a grin on his face took a drag off his cigarette and said, "Yeah kid, It's for real." It took me about 50 years to understand the significance of that moment but looking around now, it's about the only thing that makes any sense.

BTW 12 months later in June,1968 on the night I graduated from high school, Robert Kennedy was assassinated.

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The Jews are such a varied people, what does it mean to be a Jew? Seriously. There are satanic Jews who eat babies and their are godly Jews who with every breath share God’s love.

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Khazarians aren't the Jewish people we know and love....

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I don't believe you can be a Satanist and also be a Jew or Christian or Muslim or Hindu or Sikh... Satan is pure evil. There does exist a satanic cult (many refer to as the Khazarian Mafia, KM for short) that hide within and pretend to be Ashkenazi Jews, but they are not Jews. Clif High commented a bit on this here:


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I was always taught being a Jew meant to love God and live a righteous life. That sounded good enough to me. But what people do is often so far from it. Especially when the love of $$ comes into the picture.

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That was my first year of teaching. Another piece of my heart was broken. Wasn’t until years later, after my family was grown, did I dig into why and how these deaths occurred. Always knew the Warren Commission was crap. I’m still learning! It didn’t take to long to understand how corrupt the system was, but what to do? I remember the 6 year war well, as well as where I was standing and my dad, too, as he told me about it and we talked!

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Nancy - This documentary is a must watch. It's 3.5 hours long but is packed with history we never learned in school. The only thing reported here that is in question is the identity of who actually pulled the trigger on JFK. Everything else reveals a world that is very dark. But when it gets as dark as it is now, I believe it can only getter lighter.https://youtu.be/4oVpt_I9iQQ

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I hope it gets lighter quickly, because it’s getting really nervous! 5G

Intelligence warfare is crazy. May be a communication blackout soon. Waiting for the military.

I printed your response so I have the above documentary.

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I’m convinced living each day as if it’s the last one is the only way to go. Just remain focused on the reality that the journey and the destination are one. My email signature is a verse of one of my favorite songs. It’s so true:

If my heart could do my thinking

And my mind began to feel

I’d look upon the world anew

And know what’s truly real

Van Morrison

Here’s the song - it’s a keeper for sure. https://youtu.be/xzz3-NPwgjo

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Hi! I’m still getting through Kennedy. Thx again.

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Thank you. No time to check it out yet. Years ago I stayed up into the wee hours watching the Kennedy Killers. Can’t stay up like that anymore! If it’s still around, you might want to check it out. Someone my husband used to work with knew I was a JFK nut and he gav3 me some info. I hav3 a pix of W on the green in his jeans, white socks and loafers. I believe there were three shots fired by different gunman. Don’t know who.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Anons are my heroes. I was asleep, I was a sheep, until I discovered Q and the Anons. Such a steep learning curve. Everyone needs to take that journey. I am now one of the We The People.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

You've done an excellent job of hitting the proverbial nail on the head squarely and rightly describing how the rogue CIA and FBI operate. You've accurately described the methods they employ with MK Ultra mind control, operant conditioning, and predictive programming. You're naming the key players in the blame game with diversionary tactics from Ruby Ridge to Waco, Oklahoma City, the school shootings with the help of NATO Operation Gladio soldiers, and now...the train derailments. Well done and keep up the good work that is essential for people to grasp the enormity of the situation!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I’ve said for years that these loan wolf school, etc., shootings were ordered by the deep state puppets and carried out by individuals who were involved in the MKUltra programming. We have long suspected that the CIA did NOT stop the program, instead using these mind-controlled people to carry out false flags. There was a very deliberate decision to bring the Prussian Nazis after WWII; same time the primary intelligence agencies were established as well as the subsequent 5👀s agreement to share the spying data with each other, which was developed to circumvent the laws against spying on Americans. NONE OF THE 3-LETTER organizations have been established FOR American citizens.

Thank you for an excellent summation of this! God bless you.🙏

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Yes, I’ve been suspecting AMK Ultra was behind the mass shootings & bombings (Boston Marathon) for about a decade now.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Erik, another Grand Slam, well done!! I want to vomit. I think of George W. Bush walking around with Laura and looking so innocent. Yet, they are evil, scum of the earth. If all these lies can get out to the normies, maybe be will start fighting for their freedom. Right now, we need every body fighting.

Thanks again Eric.

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I think of his father! That kind of evil should have been executed years ago.

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Where does the Zodiac Killer enter into this? MK-Ultra? One targeted killing. Many killings by a rogue actor communicating to the CIA through a code in the newspapers. He called into a local access TV show in SF claiming to be in extreme pain (from his mind control torture). East and West coast torture facilities at (Napa Hospital on the west coast). I think it must come out soon who the Zode is. Many will be shocked to the point of not being able to process the new info. It is often reiterated that no one knows who the Zodiac killer is. It isn't true. Many people know who he is.

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Many serial killers had connections to the CIA and MKUltra. A lot of connections between the CIA and Satanic cults as well.

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Could these agents be part of an ecclesiastical order...priests? Here's King James 1 from a recent post of mine: "...he [the devil] shall find out a new sort of vermin, that is, a new Ecclesiastical order, which are called their frogs (3), who shall move and entice the Princes of the earth to join with him, and make war against the faithful, pressing utterly to destroy them:"

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Awesome article!! I hope to meet you someday to personally THANK YOU with a YUGE hug of gratitude for expressing your thoughts and validating mine plus SO many others. We are not the crazy ones….

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Thank you Erik, always learning something from your pieces. Looking forward to reading more from you on here and your substack. Many thanks.

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Fabulous Read!!!!!! Ray EPPs deserves what he gets! Mercy is hard to come by. This article reinforces that the Deep State is prejudicial, complicit, and a true Terrorist REGIME! DJT our beloved President had attempts on his life much more than what was in the press but God is good and vengeance is his! Stay Frosty in the Badlands………🍀

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

This is a classic, thank you Erik. Patsies - all MKUltra victims who believe they are spying for the CIA ... I look forward to when all this precious research is turned into nursery rhymes that every schoolchild learns, as part of our future education program to ensure we understand enough to never let it happen again.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Just like in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy was told at the end, you always had the power to go home just like we the anons had to come to realize we have had the power all along.

We needed to come to the understanding who our enemies really are, now we know....

Thanks Erik for these truths we need to know.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Most excellent

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

...and all the children killed in school shootings??

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