Spot on Erik! Great points and you are exactly right.

We don’t need to convince anybody to like Trump. We just need to expose Biden, the democrats and the hidden enemy.

They will naturally come to our side because most people will not openly support anything they are doing right now.

Everything is being revealed.

The Great Awakening.

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i no longer believe anything i hear no matter which side it comes from .i will vote for trump because under him the country was better off than ever in my 66 yrs .is trump perfect ...no ..but i do believe he loves america and you can see that from 30+ years of things he says..

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Interesting take Erik.

I believe MSM = LIES.

I consume zero MSM. I am comfyAF.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Agreed. Mark Twain knew in the mid 1800s - if you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do, you're misinformed.

Reuters was the active management and consolidation of what would be disseminated - AKA controlled narrative. I believe that started in late 1800s.

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According to the free online course of Hillsdale College, Constitution 101, that's when Marxism was introduced here through Teddy Roosevelt. WE haven't recovered, and Pres Wilson made it all worse. The purpose of gov't was to propagandize us, not protect our God-given rights!

And it seems there were forces (even as we fought the Revolution) against our founding ideals in Declaration and Articles of Confederation and then Constitution. Am learning a lot of history that wasn't in textbooks during my post WWII school days! Twain was so pithy! He saw thru life.

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If we were King of the most powerful nation on Earth and our Colonists on the richest resource we've ever found (America) just routed our forces, would we give up and let this new rabble of farmers just have it all?

Oh no we wouldn't.

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Yup, it's a mountain road, not a straight line. I want others to gain from my experience, but it's just too much to take all at once. I agree that the best way is to find something we can agree on (things sure are crazy these days...), and then just drop one little nugget that they might find intriguing. Am I poisoning their well? You bet I am - because it was rancid already.

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Erik--your conclusion is so well written. I make and wear my own t-shirts to change minds. But I don’t stomp all over the other side. I just hit them where they are hurting--where their sympathies lie. We all have some common overlap as Americans and we’d better find it fast!

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Erik, what a perfect article for this specific time! As you’ve noted, everything is coming faster and likely will continue to accelerate and escalate up to the election. Your 48 hour advice and the five questions are great and are a practical tool to use for our discernment. I’m saving the questions in my notes! I try to use these already when reading anything and I often like comments I don’t agree with because I often learn to look at something differently from the response, and it’s good to read things that challenge our bias. Excellent examples, too, that will help us all this year. And, you are correct, we must get Trump in office to start the process of making the country great again for its citizens. Thank you and God bless you.🙏🙏

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I like comments I don't agree with because dialog is good. As you say, it challenges our bias, or our position in general.

"The strongest steel is forged on the hearth of adversity."

-- old Russian proverb

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The Russians have gifted the world with some of the greatest classical music in the world! Harsh environment helps create a stronger people.

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I think "the Nutcracker Suite" is some of the most beautiful music ever written.

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Offtopic, but I agree.

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I like 'off topic' comments for the same reason I like contrary comments. They expand our thought process. An essential part of developing our abilities of discernment. One never knows when a gem of wisdom will come out of left field.

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As usual Al Tab, you are spot on with your comments. Thank you & God bless

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Thank you so much! I love how many are involved and comment; different perspectives adds to our overall understanding, doesn’t it? 🙏🙏

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Erik, another great post to get the masses thinking about what information they are taking in and who is sending it, why they are sending it and who does it help or hurt. The discernment we all need to apply to the information we intake. Good examples to let everyone know what to look for and how. Great post.. Peace...

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It’s fascinating how the most “educated” haven’t educated themselves on Trumps EO’s and or his actions while in office. Our “bright minds” are very surface level on most every subject. How do you learn anything when just scratching at the surface. No depth.

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Want to learn A LOT, have dinner with the big man. He eats pizza with a knife and fork a sight to behold!

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My wife did that too, blew my mind.

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Things are simpler than people think. Yes. My mind is made up and I delete all the noise. Reading a really funny book just now.

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I am reminded of the story, told by a close friend of Werner Von Braun's after he passed away. He supposedly told this friend that the deep state would try to control the US population with stories of aliens coming to earth and try to convince people that the aliens were not necessarily friends but intending to gain control. That is how I remember the story.

So a bunch of police cars and no other first responder presence at the Mall in Miami makes sense in the light of the above.

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I’ve said for decades now that if one wanted to rule the entire earth, there is only one way-a threat from outside the earth.

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Matthew 24:24 - "For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."

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I can't say you are wrong!

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Thanks for great article! You have actually written about what I keep saying ----this is what our schools should be teaching-----not all the crap they talk about, but actually how to read, analyze, and discern what is real and what is fake. Back years ago when I was in school, a lot of the learning was memorization and test taking, both of which I was good at. I did not learn to start questioning until the 9/11 event. It took a few years after that for truth to come out and for us to realize it was mainly a well orchestrated false flag. Our society could progress in every way possible if only people were educated early in life to question everything, rather than use inculcation to control people and limit their thinking.

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It is called 'critical thinking,' and yes, you are absolutely correct.

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Did Badlands just start attracting trolls? Must be doing a very good job! :-)

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They've been here for a while. Ignore them.

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...Speaking of Badlands: Defected on Sun. nights.

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We are walking in a virtual minefield of information---good, bad, indifferent. We each need to decide what tactics we employ to cross and eventually reach the other side, if we decide to cross at all. I guess it depends on your willingness and abilities to make a successful and meaningful journey/attempt. The bottom line being, we always have a choice, and a lot more choices they we used to have it seems. God Bless!!!

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Uae to be conservative writers, had Saturday and Sunday for their articles as few read the paper on those days, to busy with life, kids, and chores. Now they just Fire them. Nolte: 2,681 ‘Journalists’ Lost Their Jobs in Joe Biden’s Economy

“An estimated 2,681 news industry jobs were lost through the end of November,” reports the far-left Associated Press.


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So well said Erik! Because of the great awakening and only be cause of these events have I ventured out of my very protected life and have seen the evil. I do believe I take my time to discern talking points from all sides, excluding MSM I don’t believe them at all. But your 48 hr rule is perfect. Also your words regarding people that are not awake, convincing them to just not vote is PERFECT!

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I have two brother in laws who stated they would not vote for Trump but they hate the way the country is being ran right now...my comment back was, 'then don't vote...there is no law, nor rules that say you have to go to the polls and cast a vote."...the look they gave me was priceless!

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