Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I cannot financially support at this time. I have been out of work since June and had surgery but, I so appreciate what you do and will support you with my prayers. God bless and keep you in Jesus name. Thank you Patriot.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Very inspiring! Thank you.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Great pep talk. As a team looking bleak in the first half of the game, it’s messages like this we need to hear to get back out there & blow up the second half & win the game BIGLY!!! Thank you for what you do♥️

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you for this wise and timely brilliant perspective. GOD Bless you Dear Pepe Fren.

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Thank you fren!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you for your article. Very well said!

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

I'd love to support this blog but I'm close to the end of the line financially, been out of work since 2016 when that WEF lackey Trudeau nuked the Canadian Energy industry.

Down to enough resources to make it another 2 years then kaput...

I've been reading the telegram blog for quite a while now and following Q's posts since Nov. 2017, which woke me up to reality.

I'm not worried about winning, God always wins.

But how many will die before then?

How many more millions will pay the price aside from the walking dead who have taken multiple shots?

I've studied Cabal psychology since 2017, Evil is not an adequate term to describe them.

I try to explain to normies that the closest portrayal in the media is from the movie Blade, where they describe the amoral Vampire society and how it exploits humans for their own benefit.

It is a society of Dark Triad personalities, and these "people" lack one essential psychological trait common to most humans, empathy.

Without empathy we are dealing with a society of predators in the purest sense.

A predator doesn't care what it's prey feels, only that it can be exploited and killed.

This is both the strength and weakness of predators and of the Cabal.

Without empathy they cannot "model" or predict with accuracy what their prey are going to do next, they can try to manipulate the outcome but they can't understand what really drives the average person.

This is a blindspot and a fatal one which the White Hats have used very effectively.

A society composed of narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths can only organize through fear, not love or respect. They do not understand the concept of loyalty and honor in the truest sense, they only understand obedience motivated by fear and greed.

Their arrogance and hubris are their weakness and something which is leading them to their downfall.

Yes, they are losing, the panic is real but so is the greater threat.

What happens when a predator is cornered?, it doesn't know to run away, it only knows to attack with everything they have.

The Cabal truly do not have a concept of surrender or retreat, their arrogance and ego, bred into them over thousands of years of being dominant, has left them incapable of thinking in terms of limiting their losses or running away. Instead they will double down and we can see that happening in real time on the world stage. Nuclear WW3 suits their depopulation agenda if their other bioweapons fail to live up to their potential.

This is what worries me, when they have nothing left to lose will they resort to mass genocide-suicide?

I truly hope patriots are in control because there are a number of ways to cause mass deaths in addition to their stock of bioweapons they almost certainly have access to.

I am trying to be hopeful but this is going to be bad this winter unless enough people wake the hell up! before it's too late!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Great article!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I appreciate you! You have been a steady and consistent voice throughout this confusing yet amazing time. We all have a part to play... thanks to you and all anons for sticking to your guns, diffing for truth, not giving up and encouraging us all along the way. We are all in this together. Much love!

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Thank you Patriot!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I got your six fren 🐸

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Thank you. Some good reminders and overview.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

Agreed! 👍🏼👍🏼

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Pepe Lives Matter

I just LOVE the analogy and the incredible way to express the encouragement we ALL Need!

I personally have been feeling encouraged but many are not and wanted to see things happen YESTERDAY. God’s Timing is Perfect and our FAITH is Made Stronger /perfect( Mature) with the trials of not knowing the intricacies of behind the scenes, but believing they ARE happening!

I sent this to many who are struggling during these difficult time. Bless you, Badlands Media!

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Great article. Been pushing a very similar story, not using the Bible, as I have found most of the woje far left crowd does not believe in God and have never even read the Bible and don't want to. But with the Durham trials, yes why worry about charges of lying which are peanuts compared to their and the rest of the Cabal which goes all the way up to High Treason, War Crimes, Crimes against humanity. The you have the last attorney Durham brought to the team, specializing in Ricoh Cases. A normal lawsuit cannot combine all those guilty of all the above crimes and more. I can only think of one kind of case. That being a Ricoh case or perhaps Tribunals. Either way, we will see the same players and more with a whole lot of much higher crines. I do really like the Moses track you took, That is exactly hiw I see it in my mind. After all we were told this was going to be Biblical. There were even references to the Red Sea which points right Moses and the Israelist Moses was tasked with to free them from Egypt. Yet all the original Israelists from Egypt never saw the promised land, only their anchesters, those born outside of Egypt. The rest wondered in the desert till they all died all because lack of faith, inability to change from the ways of Egypt and of course they were stiff necked and always complaining and turning their backs to God.

Great Job.

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Truly excellent motivational words .... you are 100% correct we have come so far , we cannot go back , we can and will win this legaly by the law , which is the way our GOD would want us to win it . and if they have so corrupted the law that we cannot succeed by lawful means no matter how patient we are, then we will still win in any final battle , because we are now coming together and fighting as one , they cannot win if it just comes down to numbers .

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I'm in Alberta and I'm very cautiously hopeful.

But the system has been rigged at so many levels.

Former Premier Jason Kenney was WEF.

As was the former mayor of Calgary, Naheed Nenshi.

So is Rachel Notley of the Alberta NDP

There is a lot of work ahead of us in Canada to get rid of these parasites.


It's going to be a hard battle because so many Canadians still don't know who the WEF are or the term The Great Reset!

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Im been in Alberta for 35 years now. We are waking up. Its like a mini Texas here right now

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Born 59 years ago in Calgary.

It’s always been kind of like Texas(Dallas/Houston) in terms of the oil industry.

Calgary more resembles Denver in terms of urban culture since the early 2000s.

We went off the rails when people here lost their heads and voted Notley into power! The NDP are NOT representative of the average Albertan!

I hope Danielle Smith can turn the tide before it’s too late, we might need to separate from Confederation to survive.

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Not only was Kenney a WEF Puppet but he was also Schooled in California educated in ZIONISM.

I will share a link with you hopefully this will spread. Its the greatest documentary never told.


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Yes I wondered why the Kenyan was on TV again, now we know.

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