My oldest was 13 when obummer was in office. With that being said he saw first hand the consequences of his policies. I lost my business and all my holdings and had to go back and work a union job to try and keep what was left. All my kids saw it then. I was hard on them to see and understand, no money for college. They saw hard work will get you ahead but you have to make decisions, and I taught them the lesson that ALL decisions have consequences. I was called an asshole for teaching them these important life lessons through out their teens anyway. But now they are grateful for the TOUGH LOVE they were shown...They ALL stand on their own 2 feet and are somewhat smart and savvy. THEY know they have to learn from THEIR mistakes and decisions and even choices! People have to OWN IT! No one wants to take ownership...It's a life lesson that isn't taught anymore....OWN IT and move on!!

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Well done, Ray!

You have successfully raised mature, responsible and independent adults.

Thank you!

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Great piece!!

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Thanks! Totally agree!!

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Great insight!

However, WHY do you suppose they

ALL apparently look freakish?


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That is the first thing that jumped out for me. Take a close look at each face. God, these ppl hate themselves and carry anger around their necks like a scarf

I call them freaks and I don’t care if anybody wigs on me for that. I d not want to help them. I do not want to hear them. I do not want to see them. Let them die

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My husband and I were discussing this just the other day! We both were wondering WHERE did ANTIFA come from? How did these self-absorbed, maturationally retarded adults come about?

We looked back to the generation that survived the hardships and sacrifices of the Great Depression and WWII. The "Greatest Generation" gave birth to the Baby Boomers, who were deprived of nothing materially, and had to make no real sacrifices. Until Vietnam, of course.

Those "spoiled" Boomers became the Yuppies of the 1980s, raising spoiled children (GenX), with no worries and no responsibilities.

The GenXers are the parents of the Millennials. Those kids were NOT allowed to fail, and mommy and daddy hovered over them as "helicopter parents". There was no winning or "losing"; everybody got a trophy.

The Millennials, and their younger cohorts, are the ones who make up such groups as ANTIFA.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't "blame" anyone, as this is an intergenerational problem.

How did strong resilient people become the ancestors to weak and fragile young people?

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We were played! The cabal capitalized on our human desire to make a better life for our children than ours. That is the basis where it started. Plus, that is when the tell-a-vision was used to capture children...all downhill from there for the ones who came after us...🙏

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Parenting is intersting.

The father of Bill Ayers was CEO of Commnwealth Edison, which in its new incarnation is owned by the criminal organization, Excelon, known for its crimes working with one of the most sinister, twisted weirdos in Illinois politics, and longest grifting State House Speaker in the country, one Michael Madigan a short, Chicago punk puke drunk on power, grift, and money, now retired due to federal indictments.

One of my brothers once confronted punk puke Mike, at the height of his power, when he saw him walking by himself on LaSalle St. My brother called him a despicable, phony POS who had never done a positive thing for society but was just a power hungry weirdo. Mike was so unwound having lived a life of useless bureaucrats, and corporate criminals with money like those at Excelon kissing his ass that he stood stunned. Confronting politicians to let them know they're scum is a good idea. I told Danny Solis, whose sister worked for that nasty sow Hillary, he was a useless, phony, scumbag POS. I ripped into him so much he was stuttering on the phone. I had also been a contributor, and supporter of his so he would actually do positive things for my community. Only ripping him a new one worked.

I once ran into Ayers sitting outside at a Starbucks, you know where all the Marxist terrorist wannabes who grew up rich go for coffee, and considered ripping him a new one as a phony POS who grew up with white privilege but he and his fellow terrorist, Bernadean Dorn, a Northwestern University professor, as Ayers was a University of Illinois at Chicago professor, had both been dragged through the mud in the Chicago Tribune so I took a pass. Both were likely brought on faculty to brainwash the mush minds that show up at universities having been raised by people their parents wouldn't have over for dinner.

These people come from the dregs of society, and are raised by horrible parents.

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Still, the evil perpetrated by them has helped destroy a nation.

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Yes, it has, when people don't exercise the responsibilities that come with rights of self governance, those rights get revoked by the criminally insane. Many American sheeple can't identify any elected leaders, and very few ever pressure elected leaders or public bureaucrats to actually do what we pay them to do.

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Very sad. Will make the rebuild harder.

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Excellent article. But self hatred can only be solved through the love of Jesus filling your heart. Even when parents fail, He is able.

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"Climate change is supposed to affect the poor the most,

so why does it seem that these people seem to care about it least?"


The Epitomy of Irony.


And to leave the average aside for but a moment, some long-hanging-around "leaders," elected & appointed endlessly, bemoan the evils of CO2, etc.

But when it comes to cashin' in, especially concerning China, you can best believe, on the receiving end, will lie [their] kin.

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It is also due to the feminisation of both men and women. Our masculine side needs to lead. See Michael Tsarion's work. In short, the handling a mother has for a young child is mistakenly brought and kept into the child's adulthood. See book The Invisible Presence as well. Alan Watts lectures on this as you have, Erik. Excellent article.

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Infiltration and indoctrination has permeated everything. Deliberately planned.

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Both planned and inadvertent...

Chemicals in food, water, packaging and household and personal items all contain hormonal disruptors. They affect men mostly, especially children and developing young men. They’ve been around long enough to have had an evident effect on a few generations.

Combine this with what’s covered in Carlson’s piece and with stupid ideas from experts in academia and ubiquitous media (movies, cable, music and NPR, aimed at those “in the know”, self-ascribed sophisticates, is round-the-clock gender and race stories) about what men and women SHOULD be and the “finding your inner feminine side“ — be emotional & sensitive, etc— and its permutations — all evolved into the vilification of masculinity. Modern women are very comfortable with metros, trans & everything in between.

We’ve Indeed got a huge clean up job ahead of us.

PS. I am a woman, and remember the late sixties very well. That was the big shift, when The women’s lib seeds were sown widely by elites. But it really took off in the 70’s. Society ate of its fruit heartily. It hit the Public school textbooks, the government institutions, the court, with Roe and then Casey. But it needs to be said that it started long before that. But in the sixties the first fruits appeared.

I was there, 1968 HS grad, straddling two opposite worlds, very confused and very affected by the pressure to move into this harmful delusion In every part of life. The entire world was inverted—war, assassinations, drugs, polarization, sexual freedom (women left their families in droves) — in every aspect of life and culture. The inversion happened fast. It was rife with casualties.

Like many others, I waded cautiously in, my family very loving, moral, ethical, but the parents rejected the church — they were Bay Area California moderns. But the truths, ethics and morals imparted to us could not withstand the assault. They ran on fumes; No basis and only questions were left. The board had been erased and the new upside-down world took the hands of the unmoored young and so kindly “helped” them write their own answers. It was a new kind of school of hard knocks — for the unmoored middle classes —the children of that “greatest generation”. Like I said, many casualties and still compounding. How I cringe when I see those in my generation still there in that upside-down world. Still reliving their “glory Days”. And I grieve also for those who, thinking they’re imitating the ways of mom & pop, have not even fumes remaining for their families. The children: Casualties.

I must stop to thank God here. You will find every answer in His Book and life set right. Gas tank full, board rewritten — in His wise, loving hand.

Eric, Thank you! Always something important, needful and thought-provoking.

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Addendum to my post above:

—Kinsey and Sanger—

In the 1960s—and also earlier—spurious works were produced and their derived conclusions became popularized predicates, informing our thinking.

These were widely accepted new “truths” and grew in their near-universal acceptance. Decades ago they crept in and radically influenced all of our governments, academies institutions, NGOs, politics, corporations, education and media — across the board. All U.N. bodies foist policies based on these as predicates — along with other toxic ones — on every nation in the world. In many respects, they are defended as defining and constituting the “The West” and, perversely, “Democracy”.

Like Bioweapons against the mind and soul, they continue to spread their deadly toxins — What our society accepts as Givens is astonishing!

The fraudulent Kinsey Report is one such work. Alfred Kinsey’s “study” involved sadistic child rape and fabrications about the prevalence of perverse sexual practices in the US. Its promotion was used to normalized perversion of all stripes; it was used to convince men and women that normal is abnormal ; that abnormal and perverse is normal. It passed as breakthrough “Science” and it’s spawned legions of offspring in the academy.

Margaret Sanger is another gem. She was the racist eugenicist who started Planned Parenthood. Look up her life and work and read her quotes if you are unfamiliar. She is the mother of the abortion movement.

These are but two wo of many massively influential psychopaths whose life works underlie so much of everything we see today.

Remember, the topsy-turvy was begun long before the 1960s...

We need to know all about these —and other precursors to today’s influencers.

They need to be exposed an expunged.

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You would probably enjoy Crrow777's episode on the take over of our 60s music. I'm glad though, that they mention to enjoy the music anyway. I grew up in a dysfunctional family and was free to roam at 13 in 65. The Flower Child movement taught me love and brought me close to God. Not all of it was a waste. But I do agree with you on all points you make. I'm happy to know of someone who was raised well. Good for you, Dick ... Tracy? Dickson? https://www.crrow777radio.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Episode475TgBv-475-Hour-1.mp3

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PPS.My family lived in LA during the time they mention—just over the hill from Laurel Canyon. The scene was both very attractive and very creepy, but the “love” ethos (it wasn’t love, but never mind) lowered what little guard we had. We were a very sweet, naive generation on the whole — vulnerable —and were easily sucked into the music and cool. Darkness wrapped in a cloak of utopian light — such lovely foul messages.

The San Francisco scene was even darker.

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Oddly enough, at least I thought it was love. Otherwise, I would have only received the kind of hate an extreme narcissist mother lays on their scapegoat. It worked well for me. Perhaps there were lots of us caught up as beneficiaries. Perhaps the first month was sincere, then they took it over, unlike the 80s events. By then, I was well into my IT career and too busy to fall for it. When I look back at my favourite man, Mick Jagger, I'm shocked at the message those lyrics sent me. Did you hear about the time Rod Stewart's wife walked in on him and Jagger making love in their 70s? So funny.

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Yes, I see that now. Thnks for your perspective.

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PS.I’m listening to the link you sent. I’d read alot about that. Probably the biggest psyop before today’s. But maybe not…other huge ones have gone on & I don’t doubt we’ll be shocked at their magnitude and success. …Will now jump back into the podcast—very good summary! Thanks again!

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Dickswidow 🤗. Just remembering a great man. Cat’s out of the bag I guess, although in other posts it’s pretty obvious. I was a very aware mom & now grandmother. Fiercely protective.

Thanks for your comment, Marsha! God Bless!

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Cats only play in bags if they are in the mood. They may choose to sleep in them, but at night they must roam. Bless you for your strength, nothing better than a very aware and fiercely protective mom and grandmother in regards to today's world. I'm happily on my own, best company around as I'm an American stuck in Australia, frustrated by the passivity. Best book on the subject: Australia: The Recreational Society. Amazing timing as I don't listen to many of Crrow777 audios as US current events are too occupying. Just a few days ago I listened to that, then your comments!

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You’ve described Satan’s approach to this destruction perfectly. I, too, am a woman with children and grandchildren who lived through this period. I’ve never really understood how all this “crap” never appealed to me as I am an artist. Never like the typical artist but analytical, too. Became a a Christian in my teens, but still growing. It has been clear for decades what the intent and process is, but it’s good to be alive to see the resistance and the resurgence in belief in our Creator. Every person has a role and we do know who prevails in the end. Praying a lot for unawakened family and others. I believe many of us are here to support those who will be in shock after the flood of truth is revealed. I’m not comfortable with any of this and never have been. Thank you and God bless you.🙏

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God Bless you too, Altab! —Thanks so much!

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Terrific article. Thank you for sharing.

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Hi..hi...Erik....you really opened some great conversation here...if I could put my 2 cents in, it would be that since the 60's the 'family unit' was under attack, caused division between parents and children, education started down the wrong track, and oh yes, God wasn't to be acknowledged in the way He was intended. I do believe our Creator put us into families and there was an order to them, where each member respected one another because they answered to a higher power (dad) hahahahaa...there were boundaries, and should be, but that all went downhill back then, at least the idea of it formed at that time...now fast forward to now. Kids have been indoctrinated since kindergarten, so what can we expect? Where were the parents? Now we see parents at school boards etc. that's a good thing!

When my son was young, I first taught him to honor our God, respect his dad and me, and always be respectful to others. I took him along with me as I volunteered, and this is where he saw life as it is and felt compassion. As I always say, while I was raising a boy, God was raising a man...and even this day he has a family and still volunteers as he holds our Creator close to his heart...

p.s. we need to make the family unit great again 😉

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I feel much better now about the job I have done as a Father. Thanks for this!

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Excellent read‼️ Our (once elected), & now our puppet-controlled gov officials, & most judges don’t administer Justice. Parenting is no small responsibility. The breakdown of society began with the breakdown of the family. Respect, love, discipline, correction, admonishment, & restoring them are a few vital ingredients in raising children who will rightly steward self-government. Constant respect & reverence for GOD are crucial to teach your children well. If it doesn’t begin in the home, the negative consequences will be seen in the family, the town, the city, the state, & the nation.

“The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, &

to depart from evil is understanding.”

(Job 28:28).

Have you ever grown cucumbers vertically? If you don’t train the vines daily, those sweet-looking, little tendrils will strangle its neighboring vine. Unnoticed & unattended, you’ll need to cut them off. The vines don’t grow straight. Neither do children if a sound foundation of unconditional love & obedience is not laid. Just as gluten,

oil, egg, & water, are some necessary ingredients that bind a loaf of bread together so it doesn’t fall apart, so reverence & honor for GOD, loving correction, obedience, & affirmation

are the framework, or skeleton, a

proper foundation to train, prepare them for adulthood & right living in this dark, twisted, bent, cursed world. There’s only

One perfect parent, & that’s GOD. Our

children need to know that too.

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Incredibly fine comment, Lorrie. Wisdom here, folks👆🏼

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Thank you! Hard won knowledge is the best, & the most costly.

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This is absolutely on target. Years ago I had the privilege of learning from Stephen Glenn ED D. He was speaking on Developing Capable Young People. He spoke for 2 days about the breakdown of the American family and the impact on our youth. He spoke extensively about the importance of having our children participate in the “jobs of the family “ and how that provides many positives to development. He warned that if we don’t give our children purpose and meaning, they will search for it themselves and possibly find meaning in inappropriate ways. Well, Antifa is definitely an option for those who don’t find meaning elsewhere. These are neglected children, neglected in developing and finding their own capabilities and ways to participate on this planet and be of benefit. Thanks for your article, good piece.

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Thanks for that insight. We have a married Son and Daughter- now 33 and 29 with our new grandkids.

Raised in an upper middle class home, they got the emotional support- but maybe a little too much of the safety net under the tightrope. We were all about grades- should have been chores and jobs early on instead. They developed that "entitled" mindset for a while- and I realized that the Wife and I weren't the only infuence on their raising- our values were diluted by the music, the tv, the movies and those damned phones with 24/7 access to their peers whispering that they "deserved" or were "entitled" to more, that their parents were holding them down, unfair, etc.

What's come out recently has underscored that impression, plus the screwball influence our educational systems have been turned into. By design.

I was blind to it all then. Fortunately they survived to become productive, independent adults- though it took a while for the Son....

Now, we will get an opportunity to reverse this deliberate agenda to create dependent sheep instead of independent Citizens.

Some we will never retrieve; 2 generations at least have been twisted.

We as the Elders now can try to bring back personal responsibility, morals, and a correct sense of right and wrong to our childrens' educations.

When the dust settles, I expect this will be my retirement employment.

It has always been about the children.

And we Responsible for our own Inaction Must act to reverse the rot.

We have a lot of work to do- I expect to die before it's done...

But what else you're doing is as important?

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Yes, Michael! Exactly! Exactly!

Agree! So well said. All of it.

& not much else IS important, but


It is our job. We’re equipped and able. We work for and under God, the highest master and commander.

So, all hands on deck! — Or on the hull, as it were, to dig out the rot, replace the rotten boards & recaulk! Let us make all necessary repairs. We have a future to sail into!

I hope and pray you will still be here to help reverse the rot and then sail aboard—along with the thousand other ships sailing now on right courses! We need you!

So take care of yourself!

God Bless!

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It's useful to look again at what are called the "mouse utopia" experiments.

The idea was to study overpopulation. It never happened. Never once did the mouse populations in the habitat achieve *full* population (as designed). And the mice invariably died out. To the last mouse, despite the provision of food & water.

Mostly, the habitats were designed to comfortably hold 3000 mice. They started with 8 breeding pairs & let them go. No predators, lots of interesting mouse-friendly spaces, tunnels & rooms & whatnot.

Each time the experiment was run, population peaked at ~2200, well short of the 3000 "optimum" intended by the researchers, and of course FAR short of "over"population.

The mice got weird. Mothers abandoned babies. Some mice spent all their time grooming, but never mating. Some took to sleeping while everyone else was active, & only went out when the rest (or most of them) were asleep. Some regions in the habitat did indeed get severely overcrowded, while others went entirely unused.

And after about 12 generations, the last mouse died. Not a dropoff to "sustainable": they completely died out.

I think they died of a lack of challenge.

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Just me: I respectfully take a dissenting position.

The lack of challenge seems to be the consensus takeaway, and then it’s applied to people.

But I don’t think that mouse study proved much of anything!

It may just as well have demonstrated a need in mice for freedom to roam, real food, sunlight, day, night, moon, stars, seasons, wildness, variety, or a million other things — or all of them at once — All variables they fail to take into account.

To me, if anything, it perhaps could demonstrate the pitfalls of central planning and artificial environments. When we play God or when we make artificial everything, it’s killing. Simple as that. Life is too complex. Psychology and sociology studies are only as good as their set up and analysis. And the very nature of these fields and their studies often presume finite variables that are known, understood, and controlled —Impossible to do without skewing any truly applicable conclusions.

Sweeping views of life and especially of mankind should never be predicated on what seems to be reductionist pseudoscience.

And, lastly, people are not rodents. We are not analogous to them.

We are men (the only sense of the word in which women are actually men 😌)


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Excellent points, all of them, and I quite agree (including the last one about "men" :-)). We need the whole of our environment to be, well, whole ourselves.

Mine was indeed a very simplistic take, and is at best one small piece of the puzzle. Thank you for the elaboration!

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Thank YOU, Mellyn :). That study and the assumed conclusion has been cited by l lot of people and they’ve been running with it — I see it everywhere. I think we need to chuck it.

I sure appreciate your feedback friend.

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I enjoyed this piece very much. A perspective we are sometimes too busy to ponder. It’s amazing people grow up and survive these days. Or do they? They might simply exist. Very disheartening.

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