I am not a finance savvy person and still think it was a message in the unveiling of his cards. But don’t you think it’s a good idea to have the freedom for cash and digital. I can’t see never having cash again.


I don’t know if I will vote for him if he refuses to say vax was NOT GOOD

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Sweet Catherine, THANK YOU! I've been meaning to address why our POTUS pushed the vax, and you reminded me! I have some ideas about that! Merry Chrismas, sis. ❤️🎄🎅

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I believe Trump was tricked and deceived by deep state actors into lockdowns and the vax. He listened to his son in law too much too.

Here is clear showing how Birx and Fuaci f--cked him. 70 seconds that changed the world!


But I agree he needs to come clean on this and commit to going after the Pharma Pfraudsters!

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Dennis, that's an EXCELLENT article! THANK YOU!

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Thank you.

Now that the adverse impacts of the vax are coming into more common knowledge, eventually the vax will be shown to be far worse than covid.

And that Pharma and government actors KNEW this before EUA was issued.

They will lay THAT blame (for all the death and disability the vax has caused) on Warp speed & Trump if he doesn't handle it correctly.

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"You can't let the cure be worse than the illness" DJT

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He certainly tried to say that. I think he was bamboozled.

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He simply couldn’t come out against them and say vax is bad as they would all pin the blame on him. He dealt the cards he had and left it up to people. As much as he could, it was a very hard play but if it was the other way, tens of millions more would’ve died.

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Birx & Fauci were placed front & center to expose them. People STILL don't get how Trump operates. Evidence was collected on everything they did. (As a retired law enforcement detective, you can't just accuse someone of wrongdoing, you have to have EVIDENCE. Sometimes that means allowing the criminals to commit the crime in order to have the evidence you need to convict them.)

The WEF, WHO, Global cabal had plans to lock the world down for 10 years (the time it takes to approve a vaccine.) Their talking points at the beginning were "until there is a vaccine"

Trump BEAT them with Operation Warp Speed, which was more than vaccine development. THESE PEOPLE INTENTIONALLY RELEASED BIOWEAPON on the world!

In order to avoid a World War Trump countered their play and stopped their plan. If you research Trump, he has always been against vaccines BUT in order to get ahead of the planned destruction, famine, etc. he chose to save the world and yes, there were casualties, there always is in WAR.

Trump told us many times, "I am a wartime president" "this is worse than Pearl Harbor & 911." Teach yourself to think and parse what Trump says. You don't announce to the enemy your plans BUT if you listen very carefully Trump tells you a lot. Reacting with emotion distorts your ability to see the big picture, imo.

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Thank you, KJ !

You have articulated perfectly where my thinking is on all this…much better than I could have!

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Thanks, i felt it was somewhat disjointed. Glad it was understandable. 🤗

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And, besides, who are you going to vote for, then? To not vote FOR him is to vote AGAINST him.

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I have to vote for him. Thanks for your answers and thoughts. TRUMP IS THE MAN. I hope his heart is still in it.

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I look forward to your thoughts on Trump and the vax. Patel Patriot speaks highly of you, and that's good enough for me!

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I get it. I’ve questioned that, too. There has to be a deeper meaning behind it. He’s too smart not to see the evil associated with the vaxx. I’m waiting for this to unravel

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Watch for next week's article! I have some ideas I want to kick around with you guys. Thanks, Donna!

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From a purely surface perspective, the jab issue is certainly confusing. In Trump’s defense, we should recall that he was the first to mention HCQ and Regeneron antibodies. We also know that at the age of 74 he recovered from “the COVID”, whatever it is, in just a few days at Bethesda Naval Hospital… and that was in the pre-vax days. In addition, he has opposed mandates of any kind throughout the COVID plandemic and has always contended that it should be an individual decision based on fully informed consent.

Now, there are those who’ve suggested that Operation Warp Speed was a pre-emptive countermeasure against an even more deadly scenario being planned by the Cabal. Trump forced them to accelerate their program and deviate from their original plan. Many more millions of lives might have been lost if things had gone the other way. Trump has said repeatedly during his multiple rallies that Operation WS saved millions of lives and he might be right… once again. From that perspective, this theory of pre-emption makes a great deal of sense.

I hate to say it, but too many people failed to do even a minimal amount of homework and introspection about something as serious as an officially announced “deadly pandemic”. They allowed fear and ignorance and blind trust to get the better of them and they’re paying the price for that. It should have been a huge red flag for anyone who did just a bit of research and critical thinking that an EUA cannot be issued if alternative treatments are available. But there ARE safe and inexpensive vitamins, minerals, and repurposed drugs which are highly effective when taken immediately upon onset of flu-related respiratory symptoms. We should all know that by now. And in the process of such horrendous death and suffering, even more people have awakened to the lies, misinformation, and censorship methods of the MSM, BigTech, BigPharma, and the NIH/CDC/FDA regulatory agencies.

Let there be no mistake. We’re at war against the most evil satanic forces imaginable and America is ground zero. There’s collateral damage in every war and this one’s no different. But this conflict also promises to be the last war which mankind will engage in for many generations to come. Anything less than total victory is unthinkable. This is 5th Generation irregular warfare and it’s clearly moving forward with great positive momentum.

Imagine, if you will, being the one who has to make a decision that you know will result in the loss of a large number of innocent lives… in order to save many more lives and bring peace, prosperity, societal tranquility, and a glorious future to the entire planet. I, for one, am extremely grateful that it was Donald John Trump who was in the position to make that very crucial decision.

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Phil, what a thoughtful post about a hard subject. I'm going to write next week's article about why POTUS pushed the vax, and I may end up referencing some of what you wrote here. :)

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Great comment about 5GW and the kind of enemy we are facing.

I left this comment on another blog but it's appropriate here.

"You then understand that cults and fanatics have a weakness which is lethal to them and why we are winning.

Cults and fanatics are extremely rigid thinkers, the more fanatical and older the belief system the less flexible it is in dealing with changing circumstances.

From various descriptions and my own research the [KM] are an incredibly rigid hierarchical-religious criminal organization which has been around in various forms for thousands of years.

Their whole power structure is hereditary and uncompromising, every level is rigidly defined and inflexible.

In fact original thinking and initiative by lower ranked members is discouraged and severely punished because it's seen as threat to the power of the upper echelon.

Their uncompromising belief system has caused them to "fossilize" and not to be able to adapt to a rapidly changing environment especially in 5GW and information warfare in the modern age.

Others keep mentioning these people are basically in-bred and stupid, this is correct in that their culture and beliefs are fossilized and incapable of adapting to rapid change.

It's why as he indicated, they don't seem to have a Plan B.

You are correct in that the enemy WAS incredibly wealthy and powerful, however they were also numerically a very tiny fraction of the world population.

Their control of the financial system greatly magnified their power, however and this is one point many people miss, they DID NOT control the economy!

It's why their corrupt fiat money system had an inherent flaw, it became unstable after about 50-60 years and needed to be manually reset(hence The Great Reset) in order to function for them.

To summarize, the enemy is a very rigid and hidebound organization, they are not very imaginative and adaptable because they never needed to be, the KM are also extremely arrogant and over confident, this is a result of literally centuries of "winning", they have nothing but contempt for those who they view as nothing more than farm animals.

They couldn't imagine those barnyard slaves to be capable of beating their "superior" system and culture.

Their opponents however are very adaptable and extremely clever, at the very least they don't telegraph their moves and plans whereas because of their religious beliefs the satanic KM always tell you what they're going to do in coded form, thinking we were too stupid to understand their code.

However I do know as a gut-instinct that none of these rat bastards WEFers will be around for the end of this war, of that I'm very sure."

No quarter will be asked, and none will be given to those who have carried out a level of evil unimaginable to the average person. They will all eventually be executed or will take their own lives, none of them will be left on the planet after this is over with.

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In regards to the theory of preemption, there is evidence that this is correct.

The preemption happened twice, the initial round was the fact that he pushed HCQ, Regeneron and other therapeutics before the DS MSM and Fauci shut him down.

I think the original plan was to have the so called "cure" delayed by about 12-18 months, during this time the Cabal would've pushed for a lockdown much more severe and crippling that the one we got. Trump pre-emptively closed the borders and funded his own vaccine initiative in Operation Warp speed.

Note the unexpected and disorganized way in which the CDC and the Feds responded, they didn't think Trump would have actually shut things down, especially international travel so soon.

The lengthy lockdowns was to have completely destroyed the world economy not only the US economy. The Cabal would've introduced progressively more severe strains of covid which combined with masking and the lockdowns was designed to cull as much of the population as possible, especially the elderly and infirm.

At the end of that time they would've introduced the "cure" which would have finished off anyone who survived the first 2-3 years.

The second pre-emptive strike by the White Hats was the release of Omicron.

Yes, Omicron was the weapon of the good guys.

Why? Look at how was "found" in Nov. 2021 and how it basically spread almost faster than air travel. Inside of 2-3 weeks it was found in almost every country.

It was so contagious that the so called "boosters" and that first batch of shots did nothing to stop it.

But critically it was also quite benign, for most people it was as severe as a regular flu! the death toll for Omicron was vanishingly low.

What Omicron also did was confer immunity not only to itself but to the much deadlier variant of Covid called Delta.

In fact Omicron acted very much like a "killed" virus inoculation.

I saw some scientific papers which explained that the isolated versions of Omicron are not related to the Delta and initial strains of covid.

In fact some claimed it looked to be artificially manipulated from an early variant of covid but not related to the original strain.

The primary purpose of Omicron was to actually kill the booster programs being promoted at the time. Omicron demonstrated these boosters neither protected against it nor lessened the contagious aspects of Omicron.

In fact Bill Gates(the vax-o-path himself) commented that Omicron was a better natural immunization against covid than the death shots, he was disappointed in the falling uptake of the boosters.

Operation Warp Speed the way Trump talks about it was a military operation not to prevent covid from spreading but to accelerate the Cabal's plans out of control.

And as of today it looks like it worked to kill the booster programs in most countries, nobody is taking the shots and governments such as in Canada can no longer mandate it as Omicron has killed the myth of "safe and reliable" that Big Pharma claimed for the shots.

As for Trump incessantly mentioning OWS, he stopped talking about it after a CPAC speech he gave where he was booed by the audience back in Aug. 2021. Ever since then I haven't seen him mention OWS at all and rarely talked about vaccines.

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If you think of the virus as just a so-called germ and not as a figure of speech/idiomatic term, then you’ll not understand his usage of vaccine. Think about it. . .

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Could be, Amy! But I have a slighly different take I'll throw out there in next week's article!

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Looking forward to it, Kitty!

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Look up The Stratford Act.

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Twirlgirl, what's your take? What were the funds used for? Warp Speed?

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I looked it up and I find it hard to determine if the act is good for the country or not.

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2020-2022 - Academic research

2022-2024 - Pre-clinical

2024-2026 - Phase 1

2026-2028 - Phase 2 & 3

2028-2030 - Building factories

2030-2032 - Manufacturing

2033 - Approval

2034 - Distribution

Now, say THANK YOU! to President Trump for Operation Warp Speed, because, as he said, because of that, we still have our freedom. Under the Fauci plan, we would be on lock down for the next decade & more. Think about that...Let that sink in.....

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That’s a great article Kitty! I’ve been thinking along the same lines. Our fiat money is being inflated away and none of the global debt will ever be paid off. A new gold backed currency is coming for sure.

How do you remove the banks control of peoples money?

Give them their own digital wallet to store it apart from the banks. True financial freedom.

The banks that have controlled the globe for centuries are about to be neutered which is the best thing that could ever happen in my opinion.

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Fascinating times we find ourselves in. You certainly summed up the trump card story perfectly. Super catch on the Lincoln/Washington statement. Remember the days we just spoke to one another without riddles? Yeah that was boring!!

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Great article. It does help me understand digital wallets. All the connections make sense. Selfishly, I fear with the collapse of the US dollar, which we have been warned about lately, will prohibit me getting my beach house in a couple years. I know, I know.... bigger issues at hand. But I’ve worked hard and planned accordingly and these globalist asshats have done nothing but destroy world economies. On purpose, mind you. And all I want is my beach house. C’mon man!

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And dear husband and I want our retirement money to last as long as we do! Thankfully God is in control!

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re: ONE more thing -- DATES ? Perhaps C.I.C.'s date should be December 15th [[ 2022? ]] .... ONE year later.

Merry 🤞Christmas

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Just caught that! Thank you!

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Another excellent article...thank you! Any easy digital wallets to recommend to old folks like me?

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I also had that question.

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Great article! I do believe (as Dave says) that you meant to say DJT’s announcement for his NFTs was made in 2022 and not in 2021. 🤗

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Awesome Analysis by Kitty Gillespie. I agree with everything you wrote. In particular I also agree that Trump secretly made the US part of BRICS using blockchain, so the Dollar will be backed by Gold. Thanks for your great work.

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I do believe that NESARA/GESARA will eventuate in some form... simply because it's always been needed. Bill Clinton was, if my memory serves, forced to sign it under duress, but Bush-lite and the neo-cons refused to implement it. Trump HAS to know all about it and must be planning to incorporate its initiatives into what appears to be a Quantum Financial System structure with asset-backed physical and digital currencies and a host of other remarkable components which will elevate the financial condition of every soul on earth.

Exciting times ahead...IF we can successfully finalize the military solution/PLAN to eradicate the planet of its centuries-entrenched criminal class.

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Thank you for this interesting article. I actually didn't know what an NFT was. I still don't understand it, but I do understand digital currency, and I agree that a Central Bank digital currency is what the globalist controllers want, and we do NOT want. If it takes a total collapse of the Dollar to also get rid of the Central Banks/Federal Reserve, then bring it on!

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All you need is a Digital wallet!?

Trump was against cryptos with “anonymous” inventors where he couldn’t “pick up the phone & call someone”

I think Trump set up a digital trap for the swamp that will make them have to be more transparent!

Recently, Ripple released a statement that said 1/2 the world’s population will have a digital wallet by 2024.

Ripple & Trump share vision of “Level Playing Field”


Ripple’s Brad G went to the White House twice in ‘18

Board member Craig Philips worked under Trump’s Treasurer Mnuchin (at Gold-Man Sacks for 17 yrs)

SEC persecuting Ripple now like they do Trump

Now, Rosie Rios (name on most of the money) former Treasurer at “WH” a lot lately

& is on the board at Ripple

2nd at the the Fed Reserve now is also ex-Ripple:

Michael Barr

There is a lot of proof that Ripple is the engine under the hood of BRICS now!

Although an WEF partner, there was a pivot in ‘18. The swamp stopped pushing XRP/Ripple.

Before CNBC was explaining how to get XRP


They went dark, barely covering the SEC lawsuit, & starting FUDing Ripple more recently!

Swamp recognized the trap in ‘18 & pivoted to using FTX/ETH/BTC

XRP known for Phoenix Rising

& Karl Lake is doing that right now in Phoenix

Worth getting some XRP in case we are right!

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Very Interesting! I agree, when Trump says something bombastic or seemingly unrelated, it always has meaning!

My concern is what about retired people who have all of their savings (pensions) from their working years based on the FIAT system? Will our earnings just disappear and we will be destitute or will it be converted to the new currency?? I am scared of this and have saved in order to take care of myself and my family until we are called home.

So much financial commentary on this BUT none of them have addressed people who count on what they took 40+years to build.

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So can someone lead me to the best & most secure digital wallet to download/buy/store, whatever the case? I’m all in for this new digital currency but ONLY if it is backed by Gold & President Trump. I missed out on buying the NFT’s cards by Trump. I’m sure they’ll be available again in the future. As a Christian, the digital age of buying/selling is suspect to me considering what I’ve been taught regarding “the end times” but I’m willing to be open minded enough to explore their potential.

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I learned by following people on telegram and YouTube. Search crypto and watch/read for a while. You will catch on who is telling the truth and who is hype.

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This article has inspired me, thank you!! I bought a Ledger digital wallet some time ago, I’ll be honest I wish it was a little more user friendly. That being said I’ll be back at it again and damn if I won’t figure it out this time 😂

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Thank you for writing that excellent article. I so wish I would have jumped on the opportunity to buy into Trump’s NFT. It sold out so quickly. Looking for new opportunities. Your theory makes perfect sense. Thanks for your insight. Merry Christmas!

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Great article Kitty!

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