Thanks again Erik. Your take on Milley is very interesting. I was once encouraged "never lose your child-like mind" .

Children believe anything is possible. I think that was good advice.

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Thanks. All of these traitors are coming down.

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I remember people remarking on the color and wondering if it was some kind of coded signal or insider information. Lots of purple. I won’t be buying any more purple!

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These elites view themselves as royalty.

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Great read, thanks Erik for your work to put this together.

2024 will be BIBLICAL and has started like a rocket ship...

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I have a couple of questions:

Erik Prince IS Betsy Devos brother, having grown up in MI have followed her and her family for years. RiNO's to the core. At the night of President Trumps acceptance speed at the RNC Betsy was sitting when all the other delegates were clapping and standing. ( I have the photo but obviously can't upload on Substack ) Erik has always been in the background at least up here. Remember she rudely resigned after J6.

She is also responsible for Tudor Dixon debacle for the Governers race in MI, giving up Whitmer. UGH.

I know Reince" Priebus (another RINO) was helping put in staff and cabinet members. They have given a lot of $ over the years to RNC and MiGOP.

Appreciate your writings, Erik !

Just curious on your thoughts on this appointment to head up the Dept of Education??

Second question based on your statement, "I believe the ‘real’ generals asked Trump to run in 2016"

I've been pondering IF could possibly be RETIRED generals?

We know only 10 people know.

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Thanks for the insight on the Prince family. I felt like hiring the sister was kind of “paying a debt“ for something Prince did for Trump or was going to do at a future date. With the information you provided, I’ll have to look at the situation from a few more angles and keep an open mind about it.

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I remember when Gen Joe Dunford retired and was replaced by Silly Milley, Im sure I remember Trump saying at that ceremony that Gen Dunford was one that had asked him to run. You can probably find that changing of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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Generals who Obama fired? nearly 200 military officers were fired by Obama

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They had to be patriots to the core!

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SavvyGirl…just a tip: on your substack Notes if you click the Home icon and then the + in the orange circle, you can use the picture icon to add a pic to your Notes…anyone clicking on your profile could see your Notes.

Interesting comment btw.

We shouldn’t even have a Dept of Education! Reagan wanted to get rid of it but his skull and bones VP Bush thwarted his efforts.

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Are you talking notes or comments? I only have a few notes and don't blog here. I do comment a lot and would love to upload a photo if that is what you are Suggesting.

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Notes! Yes you can upload a photo to your Notes page (follow the tip in previous reply : )


Just tap your profile pic in your comment here…which I just did 😊❤️

I’m using iPhone.

On your Notes, bottom left “home” icon…then orange +

You’ll see a pic icon lower down. Tap it. Pick a picture. Remember to tap save (or post) upper right when you’re done

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I've been thinking that too. They say Trump had 200 retired Generals with their divisions. that is very possible, my old platoon moved to a little Ohio town with me.

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Nice to have such great neighbors! ❤️🇺🇸

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I appreciate you too.

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I remember that Bill & Hillary wore purple during Hillary's 'concession speech'. We knew why back then.

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“that pudgy faced little weasel, Lt. Col Alexander Vindman” - aka Chow Thief. please use his appropriate title. he earned it. or ate it. 😉😇😌

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A very punchable face. 😂

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There was a lot happening with Vindman then. He called the whistle blower Eric Ciaramella who was deeply involved with the cover-up of the Biden/Ukraine corruption all the way back to 2015. When Trump hinted at uncovering that debacle in 2019 with Zelenskyy Vindman panicked. That is exactly when the wheels started coming off of the Biden bus.

This is all coming together like clockwork. It is actually quite beautiful.

Jim Schout

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A side note here. I recall it was in January 2020 when Laura Ingraham was going to expose all of the background on the mysterious whistle blower. I couldn’t wait to get it out because I knew the facts and wanted it publicized.

Guess what took over the news the day all of this was scheduled on FOX to come out? COVID-19!!! There was never a peep out of Laura again about the whistle blower. The entire subject went away and everything went 100% COVID. I found that frustrating at the time. Now I find it fascinating and it all makes sense.

Jim Schout

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This brings a whole new light to the color purple. Great article, Erik. I went straight into it without looking at the writer and I thought "this is a great article. Let me see who wrote it." There was your name. I am not surprised. You are what traditional journalism aspired to be. But we are stuck with AI type journalists who are prompted by an anti-founding fathers ideology handed down by global elites. Thus, the color purple, the color of royalty, power, and ambition. It also represents magic and spirituality.

In the church the color purple is worn during Lent or Advent. It represents penance, preparation, and sacrifice. I remember purple was worn by priests at funerals. We prayed for the absolutions of the deceased one.

Purple is made up of blue and red. Did these people wear purple for multiple reasons? Was it to send a message that there is no red or blue, it is purple, one world order run by power hungry psychopaths.

When it is time for them to be buried I think they should wear purple - they will need it to be absolved and it could take a very long time and in some cases, eternity.

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Thanks Regina.

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The coup narrative is being seeded by the Deep State today! A couple reports in the MSM yesterday. They always project what they're about to do.

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Thanks Mr Carlson, from this old English bloke. The events on Jan 6th, as I understand things, were used by the DS to claim that it was an attempted insurrection, and subsequently. many innocent Americans have been/are still likely to be - locked up for taking part in what looked to me like a slightly unruly tourist event. There's something of an annoying anomaly attached to this which I'm struggling to resolve in my own mind. I've read that the DS actors had formed plans months in advance to pull the stunts that we saw that day, the tragic Ashli Babbet shooting, Ray Epps, flashbangs fired into the crowd, etc. They needed as big a crowd of people as possible to turn up, in order to pull off the subsequent events, so that they could make the claims that they made. Who ensured that the attendance would be as big as it was? It was Trump. He invited them all via Twitter: "Come to DC on the 6th, it's gonna be wild!" Or something similar was what he said. But he only did that a couple of weeks or so ahead of the day. If he hadn't invited that peaceful protest, there wouldn't have been enough people for the DS to put their fix in. However I process this, it takes two to tango. Whose planning is this? It looks like there's got to be collusion at some point, and It's annoying me that I can't make it rhyme!

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Trump had no control over the choices Pelosi and her co-conspirators made and when she refused the National Guard he likely knew she was up to no good and setting a trap…so he arrived later than expected and told the crowd to go home peacefully. She had a choice and in hindsight we will understand that she is the one who was caught in a trap…a trap of her own making!

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If you can find the video of the guy very carefully rolling up the fence with warning signs every ten feet and stashing it where it wouldn't be seen, and torture that pos, we could find out who he answered to. Bet her name begins with nanzi

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Thank you Erik! A really powerful piece you have written…I was on the edge of my seat reading it and will have to read it again! I followed every Q post faithfully from the beginning and yet I more often than not had little grasp of the meaning (often cryptic) being conveyed.

I remember Obama firing nearly 200 Military Officers and the alarm bells that was sounding way back then…the only reason he would have done that was because they weren’t DeepState! You have added clarity to my understanding that a military coup was taking place behind the scenes and at the level of Military Intelligence!

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I highly recommend you dig into the LAW OF WAR MANUAL. Open the PDF below, and do a control + find for "11.3". Im certain this is what it refers to. worthy read.


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“I could be wrong about Milley, but I’m open to the possibility he was working for the good guys”

possible...but what he presided over, under lloyd austin, is turning out to be a deliberate degradation of military readiness, institutional cultural and moral decay. lost experience and internal rot cannot be fixed quickly. it will cost. a lot. tax dollars. and likely lives lost due to biden/obama admin decisions not resisted, but assisted, by milley and austin.

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Just a thought that popped into my head while reading your post... From Sun Tzu the Art of War, "Appear weak when you are strong, appear strong when you are weak." We don't know what we don't know. There are so many moving pieces to this puzzle especially with international relations, it's hard to make it make sense at times.... Peace..

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Great article

Purple Revolution (history books)

Also the double agents

Trump is 10 steps ahead

People may think they are serving in a position but Trump may have others in the real position

Remember the power of the President and PEADs (presidential emergency

action documents)

Also the shoot out/Gina Haspel deal was supposedly in the US Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany were there was a satellite uplink connected to a Leonardo satellite

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I saw a post on Parler a couple of years ago stating that the area one square mile around Haspel’s location on 11.3 was totally locked down

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Birth pains

Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. 5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. (and Mark 13:5-8)

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We have a pretty tangled web of military coup operators here in Hawaii too. Especially in the Navy, bunch of woke-go-broke ignoramuses. Nicely done, Eric. I would certainly enjoy your take on what is habbening here in Alohaland. In the meantime, your take on the sting operation is pretty thorough and definitely worth considering.

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