I love to look back at these Q Drops and I love this series as it walks through from the beginning.

This year and now this month though has been hitting on the Q Proofs multiple time a day it seems. I am buckled in for the ride. The next 2 months promise to be wild!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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You so rock!!! These breakdowns are awesome for sharing!!!

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Home run to the stars and back! Thank you, Paul…especially the video montage of the Black community-it moved me to tears feeling their truth, their emotions, their word and feelings are authentic- the real deal. As people wake up, this Trump Train is faster than a speeding bullet-bam….victory will be sweet and non-stop party with We The People! NCSWIC WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🥳🎉

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Thank you for recognizing that Soros not only funded so many corrupt DAs, but my research also found that years earlier, Soros also funded many of the corrupt secretaries of state. This election truly is key as the drops note. The facts that Trump has warned all complicit in election fraud will face consequences; the fact that the elections are now deemed infrastructure, and Biden (again) signed the EO referring to foreign interference in elections are key points to the importance of this election.

God bless you, Paul. Thank you.🙏🙏

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

It's amazing that this is finally becoming known. We've felt powerless for so long, I can't wait until Emperor Palpatine Soros is fried.

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Awesome post Paul, Loved the video's... important information for everyone. They are wakening... Once awakened it's hard to go back to SHeep!!! They gonna FAFO... Nothing can stop what is coming... And the info just keeps getting better and better... Peace...

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Thank you for being such amazing frens!

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I have been following several threads on X hoping *whomever is directing this show & MSM will be exposed! In the last few days several have connected dots that show the State Department is one of the major directors via groups such as Poynter, Stanford, Kate Starbird etc. This was exposed by American First Legal, Mike Benz, Mario Nafwal, Michael Shellenberger, Bad Kitty Unleashed etc. It is so expansive to try to explain it by a novice such as myself would be a real disservice. As we have all witnessed recently the massive push by all countries to punish, jail, censor all in the name of "mis & dis information" and hate speech. A great deal of this has been coordinated by the US with the help of the EU, we know they are really putting the hammer on anyone that speaks out or against a politician, immigration, gender, Muslims etc. My head was reeling and quite honestly I must re-read and re-process it all. I must say anyone that is NOT paying the $8 a month to X to support Elon should really rethink it & subscribe. God bless the patriots that never quit digging.

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Paul - are you familiar with Dr. Jerome Corsi and what he is saying about the algorithm contained in our voter rolls?


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My comment above may be a unique point of view that this community rarely sees. I worked in MI for 30 years and ran National level working groups. I have been grilled by the FBI and banned from working with CIA. Am I taking a risk by committing? Yes. But is it important to talk? Yes. Nothing I have shared is classified.

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I hope to see more posts from you.

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I saw Adm Rogers every workday morning in the cafeteria. He took the time to talk to his employees, employees who were getting a bad name because of Mr. Snow. Snow was a not only a black hat, he was stupid. He did understand the meaning of what he took. The MSM didn’t understand either and the message got very off course too. I my career was destroyed in part because of him. My programs were shut down, causing a loss of ability to watch the bad people in the world. Most people do not use NSA’s full 6 letter name. It is NSA/CSS. What does that mean? CSS is the major part of military intelligence as the term is currently used. My boss took the data that Mr. Snow, the CIA contractor, stole and put it in the place where it was taken. What was reported of the data taken seemed to me to be computer systems engineers debating what could be done, not necessarily what had been done. The nation fell for this deception and never thought to look deeper. Yes, the big bad data base has data I may not want to have, but was it intentionally collected or was it a result of the problems caused by the digital revolution where communications can look like it comes from on place but really comes from another?

Military intelligence and NSA is one in the same. This discussion will not find truth until this is understood. CIA and FBI have caused the MSM and others to see this situation incorrectly.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

You're not alone in this. I saw Snow as a CIA plant placed to sabotage the NSA. The proof for me was simple - why was ONLY NSA fingered when we know damn well what CIA and FBI has been up to - the same and much worse. IMO Snow was a CIA agent, moled into NSA to intentionally try and shut them down.

Further, in later years, what made more sense to me was that NSA was established by white hats who had already been observing the communist infiltration into the USA, first publicly exposed by General Smedley Butler, then again exposed by General Patton, RIP and finally as everyone knows, JFK. There's absolutely no way that no one in military started counterplans to this infiltration and data data data became the key. NSA was key to casting a data dragnet wide enough to catch ALL the global intel from these Deep State Dumbasses who grew complacent and stupid.

You will be vindicated in time. Hopefully soon now brother...

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Today I listened to some beautiful music by black artists from my past, John Coltrane,

Johnny Hartman, Eric Dolphy, Ella Fitzgerald ...top of the line and many more all day long why is

so much talent being wasted in the streets of the cities of the US. What happened why are so many blacks making prison rap with their pants falling off ?

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It is easy for someone with no personal knowledge of the events to comment on things as if they understand all, but those of us who lived through these events and watched sometimes from the front row and sometimes actually on the stage rarely get to tell our stories. Many of us are scared, not because we shouldn’t talk, but because we have been trained not to talk even when what we have to say is unclassified. I personally witnessed the early events at the start of SPYGATE. I was in the room, yet no one wants to hear from me. I was told not to participate anymore with CIA programs. I was manipulated by CIA employees to change what I was doing. Not knowing ahead of time what was to happen, I possibly allowed myself to step back and let bad things happen. That has weighed me down these past few years.

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You stood toe to toe against a host of Legion and you've lived to tell about it. Start writing your experiences down, or record yourself on video. I've only known this stuff based on my own theories, you know it by experience. People easily can dismiss me as a "conspiracy theorist" even though i knew in my heart i was right. You LIVED THROUGH IT BROTHER!! Now's the time to get your stories out there!! The iron is hot right now and you are finally safe to do so. You weren't safe until about 2018... Most of the guys and gals like you were wetted even up to 2016. We don't live in that shit anymore. Now we are awakening the sleeping masses to minimize casualties of the innocent but highly nescient and ignorant masses. God bless you and God speed!

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Thank you. I have written a lot down, but have not pushed it out there. I was very connected, but I valued integrity, something that is too rarely seen today at those levels. I was fairly deeply involved with the beginnings of most of today’s problems. I asked about the legality for what became SPYGATE and I was gently pushed out the door. My leaving the IC was a direct result of my battles with CIA. -

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zni6wpmq58A&t=4s The dirt on the connected family of cousins Bush/Obama/Warren Buffet/Brad Pitt all cousins. Whole mess of kin folk

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

KamalHO's Cat eating friends... EVIDENCE....from OHIO


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Thank you, Paul, and God bless you.

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On the subject of ISIS == This is minde blowing and very interesting. Might check it out.

Hey! I Found ISIS, a US Military Contractor - Mindf*ck Monday ep3 - Enter an Insane Rabbit Hole


Very good Q For Dummies post, as usual. Thank you from all of us 'others'.

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