The Badlands ‘Q for Dummies’ series attempts to ‘dumb down’ one of the most significant open-source intelligence drops of all time, which is partly responsible for triggering the period many refer to as ‘The Great Awakening.’ The series is intended for both newcomers and those looking for a fun review. Start with Chapter 1.
Welcome, my friends! I present to you Chapter 6 of my ‘Q For Dummies’ series.
Thank you all so much for the love and support you have given to this series thus far! Each chapter has been exceptionally well-received and for that, I could not be more grateful. So as always, thank you folks so very much!
In today’s chapter, I will be covering drops #41-50. There are some spicy meatballs in this set, including one of the more often-discussed drops from the Q Operation (Drop #44).
We will also be taking a dive into how a few of these drops relate to some events and narratives we see unfolding currently, the most glaring of which is the mention of false flags.
To a finer point, we’ll explore how it is such an incredible coincidence that every time bad news breaks against the Democrats, we experience some sort of false flag, usually by way of a mass shooting that is then used to push the gun control narrative/agenda.
It really is like clockwork, and once you see it, you can never unsee it.
These people are absolutely sick, and will stop at nothing to keep their control from continuing to slip through their fingers as more and more people become awakened and aware.
As this year continues to unfold, I can’t help but feel a slow burn coming to a point of full-blown combustion. I constantly flip-flop between believing we will have an election, or that something will happen beforehand that brings everything to a standstill and brings the election to a halt. I simply do not know.
But hey, that is why we are all here, right? To try and make some sense of this clown world that has been thrust upon us during this, the greatest of awakenings in the history of mankind.
So, without further ado, let’s dive in, starting with Drop #41.
Drop #41 - November 2, 2017:
This drop is really interesting, and it will tie into another drop later in this article as well.
Some of you may recall the collapse of a North Korean nuclear testing facility in October of 2017.
Have a refresher: North Korea Nuclear Test Facility Destroyed
At the time, the meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un had not yet taken place. It was also a period in which the saber rattling and rhetoric from President Kim was at an all-time high. The collapse of this facility pretty much brought about the end of nuclear testing for North Korea.
Not too long after this, President Kim would begin singing a very different tune towards that region, as well as the United States.
Q also shows a little sarcasm here by pointing out that no one was pointing towards us as the cause for this collapse.
The Deep State would have loved a war at this point, so why not point a finger at the United States? Surely those in the know in North Korea knew that this was not just a collapse.
The reason that no one chose to point any fingers is simple: The white hats who took out the complex made it look as if the collapse was related to a nuclear test.
Think about that for a second. The patriots in control took out a North Korean nuclear testing facility while managing to arouse no suspicion.
This is but one of many examples of patriots stifling the Deep State.
Drop #42 - November 2, 2017:
For only being one sentence, this drop carries a good bit of gravitas.
Q has told us a few times already that this is a military operation being spearheaded by Military Intelligence. Well, who serves at the pleasure of the President? Rather, who are some of the first people you think of when you see that statement?
For me, it immediately makes me think of the military. In my view, this drop was a pretty direct communication from the Q Team that this is a military operation, and that Q Team itself contains military assets.
Drop #43 - November 2, 2017:
It is important to remember that none of the information revealed by the Q Team is with the intended purpose of causing fear to the public (although it almost certainly caused, and continues to cause fear and panic from the Deep State and their MSM cronies).
Yes, some of it may shock newcomers at first. Yes, the task in front of us may at times seem insurmountable. That said, you cannot defeat your enemy without knowing them, and that, ultimately, is one of the biggest purposes of the Q Drops—to enlighten an otherwise asleep populace of knowledge and corruption long hidden from them so they could take action and eradicate said corruption, and the swamp creatures behind it.
The part that I did not highlight is worth taking note of as well: Q says “the core focus”, meaning the main mission is to remove entrenched bad actors.
What really bears mentioning here is how deep the entrenchment was, as well as how far reaching it was. It was everywhere, like spiderwebs in a long-abandoned barn. As such, cleaning it up and cleaning it out was never going to be easy, or fast.
Moving on, we get a bit of advice urging us to remain vigilant, and to speak up if we see something that seems out of place. This is as relevant now as it ever has been. It is important to remember that we are at war, and while I do believe patriots are in control and that we are winning, I also believe that the Deep State still has plenty of moves they can make. We must keep our foot on the gas, and we cannot overlook any capabilities our enemy may possess.
Q ends this drop by telling us that, should we see the military make a public appearance at any point during all of this, that it would actually be for our protection. To my mind, we haven’t seen this yet, including on J6 (but that’s a whole different story which will eventually come up in this series).
It is very possible that this mention of the military, as well as others across the drops are misinformation to keep the Deep State off balance and guessing. Only time will tell.
Drop #44 - November 2, 2017:
There are a couple different ways to approach this drop.
The first is that Q was referring to one of the tweets President Trump would make the following day.
(Shout out to
for these Tweet images!)Tweet #1: In this tweet, President Trump mentions his account being taken down for a few minutes, but more important is the underlined phrase.
Was this a direct reference to the Q Drops, which began only a couple days beforehand? Was Trump’s Twitter account being taken down for 11 minutes an attempted warning to Trump?
In my opinion, this was a nod to Q, but it was not an outright confirmation, and the story itself didn’t get a lot of traction.
I do not believe this was the “important message” Q was referencing.
Tweet #2: This tweet mentions everything that Q mentioned a day earlier (which is in the next drop). It is yet another confirmation of Q by President Trump, as it is becoming pretty clear at this point that the two are linked. That said, I also do not believe that this was the tweet Q was referring to, either.
Tweet #3 & Tweet #5: These two discuss the same concept—Stolen elections, which of course would become insanely important 3 years to the day of this tweet. Still, I don’t personally believe either of these were the tweet Q was talking about.
Tweet #4: This one is relevant, as I do believe it is President Trump echoing Q in saying that the patriots will not let us down when it comes to defeating the Deep State apparatus that would love to finish off the job of destroying America … But, you guessed it, I don’t believe this tweet was the tweet we were being asked to keep an eye out for, either.
Which brings me to option #2: It is a ‘future proves past’ drop—meaning, the important tweet President Trump is going to make on a Friday before departing has not happened yet.
It is my personal belief that tweet will be the fabled “My Fellow Americans, the storm is upon us” tweet.
Drop #45 - November 2, 2017:
Well well well, what are the odds that Huma would be popping back into current news? Dating Alex Soros (son of ‘Ballsack Eyes’), no less.
At the time of this drop, the news of the Weiner laptop was breaking:
Specifically: The news that Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton had been sending classified information back and forth through unsecured servers. One device that Abedin used to make these communications was her then-boyfriend Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
Again, it should be of interest to anyone reading this series that in the last couple weeks we have seen John Podesta and Huma Abedin both pop back into the public narrative, and they are two people Q mentions very early, and two people Q points towards as being indicted. We will have to wait and see what happens, but to me it certainly doesn’t seem like a coincidence.
Up next: Q asks us why Donna is running.
This of course references Donna Brazile, former Chair of the DNC. This was mentioned by President Trump a day later in one of the tweets above. She released a book in which she accused the DNC of rigging primaries for Hillary Clinton because the Clinton Foundation was the driving financial force behind the DNC. She did this either to get out in front of the story and save her own ass, or, as Q seems to elude to, she made a deal with patriots and was told to release this information.
Either way, at this point, Brazile was full on throwing the DNC, and Clinton, under the bus.
Q then asks a poignant question: Is it Donna, or those who told her to break the law that the patriots ultimately care about?
The answer is the latter. Donna was a small fish that led to larger fish.
Q also asks us why this is being leaked, as opposed to prosecuted publicly.
Because it is part of the overall red pill, and ultimately feeds into the larger realization of how corrupt things really are.
Drop #46 - November 2, 2017:
There is a lot to unpack in this one, so I will take this time to remind you that the purpose of this series is to take a lower level look at these drops to help newcomers understand the Q Operation. I implore you to do your own research and digging to fill in the dots for yourself that I purposely overlook or leave out.
That said, you may recognize some of these topics, as they are the very same topics President Trump mentioned in one of the aforementioned tweets from Friday, November 3rd 2017.
The Obama Administration made very specific claims that it would not allow the export of uranium from America. The problem is that the Uranium One deal allowed exactly that, with a good bit of this yellowcake uranium (the kind needed to make nukes) finding its way to Russia and Iran.
Uranium One Deal Leads To Uranium Falling Into The Hands Of Adversaries
Obama’s administration knowingly lied to the American public and then turned around and allowed foreign adversaries to acquire one of the main components used in constructing nuclear weapons.
Halfway down, we see Q mention that the public has been given a very select taste of the truth as it pertains to this scandal. Again, this is for the purpose of dispersing more red pills, and also to put more heat on the Deep State.
At the same time, Q tells us that those who are in power and in control have everything, that the evidence comes from multiple sources, and that the Deep State does not control this information. This is, of course vastly important, as it shows control has indeed been wrestled away from the Deep State.
Lastly, Q makes mention of the CIA having assets within the mainstream media. This is presented in the form of a rhetorical question, seeing as how we know, thanks to Q’s earlier drops, that Operation Mockingbird is very real, and its main area of active operation is within the mainstream media. If this information were exposed and tied back to the executives of these companies, they would be implicated in knowingly deceiving the American public in order to help sell America out. This is treason.
Even worse is that the deception lies within the fabrication of many stories in order to sway public opinion, and is ultimately used to usher in Communism across the United States.
Russiagate is a fine example of the mainstream media being used to propagate a lie in order to benefit the Deep State.
Drop #47 - November 2, 2017:
Whew. This is one of those that may have actually gained more relevance since it was originally dropped.
Last week, we saw the damning report from Special Counsel Robert Hur, which brought into serious focus the mental decline of Joe Biden, and served to further shine a light on the fact that he should be nowhere near the Oval Office.
On the heels of that, we saw the House vote to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and we also saw Speaker Mike Johnson reject the Ukraine Spending bill—a 1-2-3 combo to the chin, jaw and eye of the Deep State.
No sooner do we see bad news rain down upon the Deep State than we see yet another mass shooting. This time at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Parade, which is curious enough given the propaganda machine that was created out of the faux relationship between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.
Would you believe that Travis Kelce made a tweet 3 days prior to this incident stumping for gun control? Of course you would, because clown is as clown does.
(Credit to
for the find and graphic:)The point is, these people are sick, and every single time bad news breaks against them, a mass shooting is bound to happen.
In addition, this shooting took place on the anniversary of the Parkland Shooting. And much like that shooting, we saw an immediate outcry from leftist communists for gun control. It would be amusing if it weren’t so obvious, exhausting, and sickening.
These. People. Are. Sick.
Carrying on: The Obama Admin did nothing to stop ISIS because ISIS gave them a reason to remain actively involved in conflict in the Middle East. It was a never-ending cash cow for the warmongers within, and behind that administration.
As for who created ISIS, and when … I will leave that little bit for you fine folks to dig on (Hint: ‘No Name’ McCain is heavily involved).
The answer as to why President Trump was able to put the brakes on ISIS so quickly is simple: Because he isn’t a traitor and actually upheld his Oath to the Constitution by using our military to strike down an enemy that posed an existential threat to us. This, of course, pissed off the Deep State even more, which made them commit to more false flags in Syria, but we will get to that further down the line.
Drop #48 - November 2nd, 2017:
Q Clearance is the highest security clearance given within the Department Of Energy:
In this drop, Q is telling us that someone that possesses Q Clearance is the one providing the information about Uranium One. At the same time, he is telling us that it is someone that does not work within the DOE—rather, someone that holds a very high level of clearance across multiple agencies. This is important, as there are only a few people who would hold such clearance, including Admiral Mike Rogers, for instance, as well as the President himself.
Q points out that the Dems always pivot to using Russia as the enemy. Why? Because they need Russia to be our enemy so any truth Russia were to divulge about various dirty deeds of the Dems would be pushed aside as propaganda and hate towards America because “mUh RuSsIa eNeMy”.
Russia is an enemy to the DNC because they know all the Dems dirty secrets.
When Obama reset the relationship with Russia, it was specifically to make it easier to export uranium. In doing so, Russia took advantage of this—not because they hate us, but because Obama was stupid enough to give Russia an avenue to buy a metric crapload of our uranium for a relatively low price.
It is my belief that the full truth behind the Uranium One scandal will indeed come to light, and sooner than we may think, at that.
Justin Trudeau is alluded to here, but not by name; however, Canada played a vital role in the Uranium One deal, and as we have seen, Trudeau is nothing if not a Communist his daddy would be proud of …
Drop #49 - November 2, 2017:
Around this time, Senator Chuck Grassley was heavily involved in various hearings and investigations pertaining to Russiagate, and the Uranium One scandal. He, and a few others were granted tighter security, and one can only assume this was because protection was needed given the weight of the things these people were involved in investigating, and potentially delivering indictments for.
Early in the drops, Q mentioned SCIFs and asked to dig on what they are and what purpose they serve. In this drop, we see Q mention secret meetings taking place involving Grassley and others that centered around a Uranium One informant. One can assume these meetings were held in a SCIF due to the sensitive nature of the information being divulged.
As an aside: I saw a lot of people quick to hop off the Grassley bandwagon due to his vote on the Ukraine. That disappointed me. The ability to adopt a 40k ft view is vital right now. Look at it this way: Grassley knew that bill was going to be DOA in the House, so his vote was meaningless.
So I posit this: Who did Grassley grease with a useless ‘yes’ vote in exchange for information he may have needed?
Q told us to trust Grassley, and I have seen him hit the board way too many times for me to regard him as anything other than a patriot.
Drop #50 - November 2, 2017:
Again, we see Q go in hard on the Uranium One scandal, asking how Iran and North Korea both procured uranium. Simple—through the Uranium One deal, which was, of course by the design of the Obama Administration.
Q also implies that the hostage exchange with Iran was merely a cover, and that the cash given to Iran more than likely had to do with the Uranium One scandal. It can also be assumed that some of this could have represented a payment back to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood for promises that could not be kept due to Hillary losing the election.
“They never thought she would lose.”
Cash can of course be handed off, traded, and otherwise exchanged without being tracked. This serves an advantage for the Deep State in hiding their tracks, which is more than likely why the Obama Admin chose to make so many payments in cash.
The Deep State controls North Korea, and have since at least the Korean War. It has always been used as a puppet state to keep tensions high in that region of the world and keep a card for war in that region in the back pocket for the Deep State. The country itself, as well as Kim were both hostages. Kim was merely doing what his overlords told him to do. The moment Trump came into power, Kim’s attitude changed and tensions from North Korea became a non-factor, further proving that Kim was being used as a puppet by the Deep State.
At the end of the drop, Q asks us where Obama and Valerie Jarrett were.
At this time, they were bouncing around Asia right before POTUS was about to head to Asia to meet with several world leaders for the first time in his Presidency.
No doubt that Obama and his cronies were attempting to undermine Trump.
And that will bring us to the end of Chapter 6 of Q For Dummies!
Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, and that it was able to help you learn a few new things about Q, and the Q Operation.
As always, frens, remember to keep fighting and keep your chins up. God wins, and God is always with us. We have not come this far to stop now, and saving this country is within sight. So hold on, keep moving forward and keep your hope and faith high, for victory is reserved for those willing to pay the price.
Til’ next time, God bless & Godspeed, my frens!
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Regarding the collapse of NK's Nuclear Test facility. Another reason the media was silent was maybe because this collapse represented a success for the Q team and Trump. It ushered in a time of new dialog between Kim and Trump. Kim now knows that Trump is more powerful than the deep state holding him in check. Notice that after Biden took office, Kim resorted to old behavior again.
These are a great refresher, if not a fully new verified outlook for some of us who got into this late and skimmed through these posts or didn't fully understand them! Great to pass along.