Loving this series, you do a great job. Always on the lookout for the next instalment. Many thanks.

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Thanks Paul this contained a lot of great memories and again connected some new dots. While I wish We the People would see all the Treasonous Bastards meet their just rewards yesterday this review helps me keep focused on the fact that we are truly winning BIGLY... HUGE..

Love you work, please keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Klaus tells us here (in Video) of a future "CYBER ATTACK" (PLANNED by he an his micropenis friends), and how it would make "Ze COVID 19 seem as a Small Disturbance in comparison". That "small Disturbance" inconsequential and UNPUNISHED, that killed millions intentionally, and plans to do more harm. Obviously, this "Cyber Attack" plans to do a lot of harm to the people by cutting off their information, and halting transportation and everything else, as Klaus describes, and is a "DISINFORMATION" SOLUTION for the left. May it be thwarted, In Jesus Name.

My Prayer and belief is that what they have planned for our HELL ON EARTH, will be their strategic blunder and their END instead! 🙏


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When you keep in mind that Covid-19 was NBOT a virus as they love to say, just the simple flu. They used the pre-conditions and their completely false mask, social distancing, 'hiding under your desk' (shelter in place), not congregating, and seniors being sent to nursing homes to be vaxxed thus killed (CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY?), etc and Gates & Hussein had the patents on vax to a nonexistent virus I think in 2015. Also for quite a while they were labnelinbg ewvery death Covid-19.

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It was the COVID Jab, the hospital murders and the withholding of Ivermectin, antibiotics, quercetine, zinc ect. It was the ventilators and that friendly final dose of drugs, administered by Covid Cash paid killers in the old folks' homes, that killed all these innocent people, not the Bio weaponized Virus, although it played its part. For the Micropenis Killers, it was only "a small disturbance". Eradicating our feelings about it, as well as turning off our receptors for revenge, hasn't been as successful of late, but they will keep trying to deliver those things by way of spraying by planes, drones, our water treatment facilities, and more injections for those who haven't come to grips with reality yet. The Covid "Virus" wasn't just a FLU. It was a genetically engineered bioweapon consisting of Sars 1 and 2 and HIV as was explained in video above at the end. It had Gain of Function and gates/Fauci/DOD and others conspired to do damage to the population with it.

This "small disturbance" calls into question the Cancer explosion for years, Diabetes, Add ADHD, ect... all of these things have made so much money for the same Culprits. This murderous rampage has been going on for many years by Gates and Fauci and their DOD partners in crime. We need to look at everything in "Medicine"

This History lesson that is repeating itself, is amazing:


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It's amazing, then not really that Fauci has escaped execution all this time. I know, I've heard that he was execxuted at Gitmo. I'm still in Intelligence and doubt this one.

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Always look forward to Q for dummies. Thank you.

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Loving this series! So informative and easy to follow.

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I wish I had noted earlier...recently a picture of Huma and Soros' son was posted looking very cozy on a date what an evil alliance those two present. I so love the video's you share here Paul, but it's two fold for me, I also feel a deep sadness too. But no time to waste on the past; the future is ours for the taking if we all stick together in truth (nonwithstanding of the R's in the House that continue to stab us in the back)

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Excellent refresh! Seems very relevant right now regarding the middle east narrative being deployed.

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Thank you, Paul, for connecting so many dots and shedding light on those cryptic Q drops. Your posts help us to see how governments actually operate, and how we got to where we are today

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Has Q ever mentioned “arrests”, “Gitmo”, “tribunals”, etc. ?

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Gitmo, 10 posts: http://qalerts.app/?q=gitmo

Arrest, 69 posts: http://qalerts.app/?q=arrest

Tribunal, 0 posts.

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Love it 🍷

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Thanks, Wild Bill.

How would you respond to this reply on another thread?

“No one is being arrested. Obviously no former military are here. You have time have due process here and you have to have warrants filed for any evidence. If they are apprehended without papers whats stopping them from doing so to anyone who disagrees with them? Hm? Its called you are all being played big time. Both sides of the circus are running this show and before you can blink youll all be dead or imprisoned.


A former veteran of the us armed forces lol”

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The world is a big place, and there are many types of people. This guy (gal?) makes a bunch of unsupported statements, I would not pay too much attention.

Instead, use your own powers of discernment, look around you, and make your own judgment about what you believe is happening.

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Thanks, WB. Good advice.

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Brilliant as always!!!

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I look forward to reading your articles. I enjoy your intelligence and your ability to decipher all of these gems. I am beginning to feel more confident in my knowledge and understanding of the Q drops. Thank you again for sharing your brilliant mind. God bless and have a very relaxing weekend.

Also, please ignore the nay sayers. Blessings

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Another great break down. The only problem with these reads is they are over too quickly. 🔥

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Awesome article. Very informative!

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Thanks for the history lessons.

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Please 🙏🏻 for me

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I am lifting you up to the Lord, Stacy. He knows what you need. Trust in Jesus Christ and ask Him to draw you close.

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Thanks for revealing the excellence behind the scenes.

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