Love this article Hypnotist! You are exactly right and you laid out the logic in believing Q was an operation to ignite an online army to fight the constant propaganda that we are force fed by all media.

Truth wins and we control the narrative battlefield now, so everything has changed.

Keep up the great work!

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Agreed! A friend of mine told me several months ago that Q was not legitimate. I told him, "How do you know? You've never looked into it. Never read any posts. You don't know anything to make that claim."

He said, "I can't argue with that."

We have to stand up to these people. They have no facts to back up their claims.

Great article!

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Whatever Q was, a lot of people woke up because of it. The awakening is real.

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Just remember Jesus spoke in parables, similar to Q riddles; which were hard to discern for the unspiritual; hidden from the evil intent and revealed for the good and right.

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In unrestricted warfare, everything and everywhere is a battlefield. We are in it.

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Please don't compare the two. One most certainly is not worthy of the other.

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It doesn't read as if Linda is comparing the 2 men. Rather, methods of "coded" , so to speak, messaging.

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I'm not American. I followed the drops early on with an open attitude as nothing of content in them was blatantly wrong, and so much corresponded with what I then knew and suspected: unlike the bilge pumped out daily by the legacy media. By mid-2018 it was impossible not to realise that Q was a genuine insider - a psy-op - if the drops AND the concurrent news were followed closely and rationally. Trump's N Korea visit was the event that tipped me into certainty, but it could as easily have been other events. We are privileged to be witnesses and participants in the greatest sting in human history - this time will be spoken of, portrayed, and written about for centuries to come.

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I’m late to Q - totally grateful for all of those who have navigated these waters for the last several years! It’s probably a different experience to enter the whole thing at a time when the revelations are flying all over the place.

For Trump and the vaccine…I’ve given a lot of thought to Burning Bright’s theory (or Absolute’s? Or Ghost’s? Can’t remember now…) about the current destruction we find ourselves in being like someone putting a brick down on the gas pedal of an out of control bus to accelerate its destruction, because there’s no stopping it. It’s how I view what happened with the vaccine. I live in the daily hell created by a blind trust in the medical industrial complex, way before Covid. The medical freedom movement saw Trump as an ally back in 2016. He didn’t deliver on what he said he would.

However, I now believe he started analyzing how it all works. Knew it was too big to pull the plug on, and then what did he do? Put a brick down on the gas pedal and made the whole thing destroy itself. He did more for destroying the public trust in the pharma cartels than decades of medical freedom advocacy could accomplish.

It sucks. So many suffered. But many of us have been screaming for a long time, and people don’t listen until it hits them personally. Be pissed at Trump for operation warp speed if you want, but it was a war maneuver. And I’ve become more and more convinced about that every day.

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Very astute! I think you're right on the money. I completely agree with you.

Blessings to you and yours!

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That scene from Hunt for Red October comes to mind - turn straight into the path of the torpedo. That was Trump and the vaccine.

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Have you considered writing some of these ideas down and making a substack/blog/etc? I would 100% read it—you're very insightful. Cheers!

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That's nice of you. I do have a substack, but my chosen subject has been sharing my boys' stories, and sometimes it gets hard to navigate how to do that and remain objective and not stark, raving angry all the time. And I feel in over my head in long-form writing of my impressions of our current state, but I promised myself to do more this summer. These histories and stories and observations don't tell themselves, I suppose! :)

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You’ve just succinctly described what likely was the thought process at the time!!

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And remember that the patents on many of these vaccines/viralogy research were already filled before 2016. So the team would have briefed him on this. This is why I believe so many of the jabs were saline shots. "I may be wrong, but I may be right." 🎵

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I kind of think so too bc I have loved ones and friends who unfortunately took the first vaccine and then realized I was right. God did that as I prayed and prayed for them. None of them so far has had any complications except getting COVID more than once. Thank God my grandchildren are NOT vaccinated!!’ My journey started with researching the medical community bc my husband died of cancer and I saw the carnage that chemotherapy did to him! My son sent me Praying Medic’s Q drops from the beginning and I never looked back!❤️🇺🇸🙏

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I’ve thought the same thing (saline), especially for the early jab takers. Couldn’t tolerate a lot of “died suddenlies” amongst the initial jabbees from a PR standpoint. There are indications that different batches (of the vaxxes) produced markedly different outcomes for people.

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There are a lot of innocent casualties in war. Those who have the instinct will survive. The government-worshiping cultists are deleting themselves from our presence every say. We grow by proportion with every deletion.

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The ending isn't for everyone...

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I must concur. Thank you for articulating this idea as well as you did.

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Thank you.

I am a HUGE Q fan. All the proofs hitting in recent weeks is glorious to see.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support! Many blessings to you and yours!

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What impressed me about Q is that once I found the posts, everything I had been thinking before fit better. Long before Q I was telling my friends that what we were seeing in reality was an elaborate sting operation. That was the only way I could make any sense of the craziness.

I have found nothing to change that view, with or without Q. Q just helps keep me on track.

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You were blessed to see this more clearly early on!!

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How else can we explain such things as the Seth Rich murder, the obvious scam of the Russia hoax, the first impeachment over nothing, the lap top lies by the CIA/FBI, the fact that on Jan 6th the riot actually stopped what Trump wanted, but it led to the second impeachment. My God, look at the craziness with absolutely no rational explanation except it is a sting operation designed to entrap all of the bad guys. That is the only way to explain why the whole thing was not wrapped up before the 2020 election. So, we wait for the conclusion or we figure we are the ones who are nuts. I will not buy that story!

I find another thing to be absolutely phenomenal. The whistle blower who was never identified in impeachment number one in 2019 was also a key player in 2015 in the Hunter Biden cover-up of the Ukrainian oil scandal. I mean, this stuff is just all intertwined. The good news to me is the cast of characters is limited. They are recycling them.

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Great article!

I think the "tippy top" example would have been a good proof to include. It's simple and easily verifiable. And I'm sure there is some sort of service that can tell you how often the word "tip top" comes up in the common speech patterns of people (rarely lol).

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That's a good one too. Especially with the white rabbit standing next to him.

It's truly incredible that so few people can recognize the significance of these events.

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Yes, but more each day do!!

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You're right about that :)

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Agree completely. I have had experience with OPLANs and, although different in many ways, there is too much similarity to write it off. Plus, the proofs you explained are just a tiny percentage of what we’ve seen in the past few years. Your comment on choosing the anons (boards) supports what I have come to believe over the past several years. The anons will be recognized as those who had a huge part in the awakening, saving our constitutional republic and ensuring the world’s freedom from the future of depopulation and slavery planned. Heroes, indeed! God truly gifted them for this information war. We must all remember to acknowledge their sacrifices and thank them for their service. (And their families who support them) Thank you for setting it straight! God bless you.🙏🙏

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In college I flunked statistics 3 times and each time my eyes crossed right after the chapter on probabilities. Seems the rest of the book wasn't personally necessary for me. What followed in my life after that could be described the way you did regarding your first Q proof. I essentially didn't need any more. Your article is very delightful and refreshing. Thanks so much!🇺🇸

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GOLD!!! 👍💥🥁🇺🇲🙏🐸🤜🤛🏾😎

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You guys do beautiful work

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I believe Q was legit, however, I do not trust anyone that does not stand by what they claim. Even if it means death. If you don't believe in something to put your name and/or face by it, it means nothing. White Hats? If there were such a thing they should've stopped this shiit long ago. Despite what he says, this isn't a fucking movie. This is real life. Waiting for Q,Trump, or anyone else to save you is what got you here in the first place.

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For lack of a better way of putting it—those who were going to be lazy were going to be lazy. And those who were going to fight to do the right thing were going to fight to the right thing. That was always going to be the case, regardless of Q.

Q didn't change the character of the people—all he did was give us data.

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Remember that this is an information war happening at the same time people are waking to our enslavement and rediscovering critical thinking; puzzles and misinformation prevents the enslavers from defeating us before we totally wake up.

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Agreed, but I cannot accept the fact that the "U.S. military is the savior of mankind" When the one's at the very top are directly responsible for where we find ourselves now. They've had 164 years to get it right, to come clean, to tell the truth to the Americans they protect about what they've done, instead it's a dog and pony show, a movie that we were all told to "sit back and watch." To grab your popcorn." You know what Americans would've forgiven them, I truly believe it. I would've forgiven them, if they'd have just told the truth about what happened to us and our home, and the truth that they had a direct hand in letting it happen. But no, we got them handpicking a man who I truly believe does love this country. If you're on this feed you know the story. A certain Admiral went to a certain tower, etc. Why wouldn't he believe them? Why wouldn't he trust them? Trump is not a dumb man. At all. But you don't know what you don't know. And it wasn't easy to know either, no doubt. But once the lies start to become unraveled,...the truth stands on its own. Then the games about what the numbers in the posts mean. Oh the Laws of War, huh.? Got news for everyone here. We were all born under Martial Law. Literally. When you see this.."U.S. Army," "U.S.Navy" "U.S. citizen" None of those are American. They're British. Owned and controlled. So no one here can tell me that when "he" says "the U.S. military =savior of the world, he isn't trying to save his own ass.

And yes there were always those that would fight for their home and those that would not/could not. But fuck listening to anyone who cannot put his own name or face to what they say. If your belive is that strong you will risk death for it. Or you have atelier motives for not doing so. And so far his "truth's" still don't outweigh his lies.

I wad on 4chan that very first night. I was raised by military intelligence. I wanted to believe someone in the inside was helping. I appreciate that it gave so many hope that there even was hope. But to get where we all want to go we cannot start out from more fucking lies. We just can't. They should've known better. And just came clean. Instead they chose...this.

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The savior of mankind is God’s son. I didn’t look at the Q posts until after 2020. There are military members who adhere to their oath; many who will not. The ‘coming clean’ can only occur when there are those who understand well enough what it means. The military association with Britain isn’t understood. It’s all about ‘we the people’ awakening enough to look for the truth and take action accordingly. This entire operation is to work to have the power in the US given to those the constitution dictates; ‘we the people’. All justice must come overwhelmingly as a mandate from we the people. The entire purpose of the awakening is for us to assume the responsibility assigned by the constitution.

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You can’t fix stupid ppl. The dumbing down & brainwashing of Americans, not just school children, is very real. On a large scale, have many Americans become a “confederacy of dunces?” God bless Trump, & God bless Q.

Great article. I believe you are mathematically

correct. Qi’s posts are full of just weights & measures. ⚖️

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You're ignoring a third possibility, which is that Q is a deep state plant intended to sell hopium to those who should be rising up and taking responsibility for saving their families, their communities and our country. Instead, we're told to sit tight, that there are good guys working behind the scenes to save us.

None of us know if Q is for real. That is a fact.

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That's not accurate—Q told everyone to get involved and figure things out for themselves.

He never once encouraged people to be negligent in taking care of their communities, their families, being prepared, taking initiative to restore America, etc.

Other people have promoted such ideas—but never Q.

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Okay, then. What has Q said about weakening the power of the federal government? Anything? Has this entity encouraged people to use the Tenth Amendment by pushing nullification laws through their state legislature? Or how about reforming ballot and voting laws? That would also be done at the state level.

Seriously, has Q pushed for real solutions or has he reinforced a narrative that keeps people focused on the federal government instead of working at the state and local level, which is the only way we the people might have the power to reform the feds?

For the record, I stopped paying attention to Q some five or six years ago because it seemed too contrived.

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Q is a provider of puzzle pieces—to see him as anything more or less than that would be unwarranted.

The vast majority of the Q operation is for discrediting the MSM and helping provide missing context for what's going with Trump. He did say that gold will end the fed, and encouraged people to get involved in local politics (though I don't recall anything about the 10th amendment or jury nullification specifically... possibly because Q expects us to be smart enough to figure some things out on our own).

In any event, some people need hope to get motivated to do something; others need threats/stress/etc. The former category might find a ray of hope in Q that unlocks their motivation and potential to do extraordinary things to help our country; the latter category might hear "trust the plan" and decide to become inactive. In Qs defense: if I were assembling a team of soldiers, I wouldn't bother recruiting from the latter category either.

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Great response!

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First, I didn't say "jury" nullification. I'm referring to the power of the states to nullify any federal law that violates the Constitution of the United States.


Second, I'm not sure why anyone would need Q to discredit the MSM. They discredited themselves a long time ago. How long? At least since the days of William Randolph Hearst and "yellow" journalism. Of course, I suppose a case could be made that Q inspired more people to pay attention to the bs being pushed and that's always a good thing.

As for hope, sure, it may inspire some people to do something. The question is, does that something actually challenge the status quo or is the source of that hope laying down a trail of bread crumbs that leads straight to the witch's house? That the latter is a possibility is why we need to maintain some skepticism.

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That’s why we need to question everything, but it takes time to undo decades of programming and propaganda….

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"Provider" of puzzle pieces. To show the "truth" that they want. To show a picture that shines a better light on those who helped harm us. To get out of the terrible things they let happen, to come before us, when it all over, and say don't look under the rug of the past, look what we did this time. That is not how it goes. Each and every single man and woman on this planet had to OWN their own mistakes. That is respectable. That shows that maybe they truly are worthy of forgiveness. Everyone fucks up. Everyone. But it's like a child that got caught but wants to split the blame to avoid the full consequences of their actions. No. Not this time. The American People, already have much to answer for. Even if we inherited those mistakes, we are the one's who are left standing with them. We have no choice but to own them . At the very least, they can and will own theirs. Or there will be no forgiveness. For any of us.

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When Q would write, he'd always close with ehar have you done for your community? When you see "That is a fact." translate it to that is bullshit.

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Honestly, to me, this makes no sense. Why wake up and mobilize an entire portion of the population that was apathetic / asleep? I don't know any true Q followers who are sitting on their hands waiting for someone to save them. They're out sharing information, helping to wake up others, supporting causes, etc.

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It's called controlled opposition. As Vladimir Lenin once said, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” He's not the only tyrant who figured this out.

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We were already controlled. Asleep at the wheel. Many of us didn't vote. Didn't pay attention. Didn't participate. That's why we were on these anonymous forums.

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And maybe you're still controlled.

For what it's worth, I've always voted, mostly for third parties as a way of saying none of the above in regards to the uniparty. This is the first year that I plan to boycott the presidential election because I refuse to vote for anyone is bought and paid for by AIPAC and affiliated groups. That includes Trump and Kennedy. Too bad all the third party candidates are a joke this year.

Whether or not I vote in other federal elections depends on if a decent independent candidate or a uniparty candidate that isn't controlled by AIPAC, etc. is on the ballot. I do intend to vote in state and local elections with an eye towards candidates who will support enacting nullification laws.

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Excuse me, but what are you trying to accomplish by complaining about Q?

If you have a legitimate argument against Q lets hear it—otherwise you're wasting your time.

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Maybe you should ask yourself why you're so defensive when it comes to Q. All I'm doing is making a case for skepticism, playing the devil's advocate, if you will.

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We are trying to tell people that now that it's obvious you've been lied to and tricked, go find the truth for yourself. To never let anyone tell you what the truth is. You either have you peice of it,to the best of your abilities or you don't and more importantly can't know what it is until you find it for yoursl3f. Because truth will always stand on its own. Without anyone's help, and it will withstand ALL tests. Or it won't.

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Why are you even here then? Go black pill somewhere else.

I used to vote 3rd party, Libertarian. Until Ron Paul got me moved over to the GOP. I've been engaged in politics since I was a teenager, but the fact is, most of us were not voting, not engaged/knowledgeable about politics. Or we bought into one party vs. the other. Or one of the many "topics" they try to divide us on.

Q broke that for many of us and got us thinking outside of their narrative. And exposed their evils that they were trying to hide. Therefore, Q is of zero benefit to the establishment.

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Your missing the fact that it's the SOP of the "establishment". The same ones were smart enough to convince each and every single one of us here, that we were something that we were not. If a piece ever got discovered, the peice that would replace it were the same ones under a new guise. I would fight to the death to expose them, that doesn't mean I don't respect their reach or their capabilities. They got us to create standing armies. Then turn those armies into cheap mercs, and do terrible things all over the world. And commit horrible crime in our names. For the few that learned our real history, the stories he fed to not match up with what one sees. Once again.

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And yet it seems that you're still thinking inside a narrative.

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Negativity and criticism doesn’t help any movement.

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Beautifully stated...

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Thank you.

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Exactly right, it literally fails the litmus test.

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Exactly. They started with half -truths, that us what they are sharing. They are sharing a version of history that they were told happened. A version that does not match up to reality. I know, who's to say what the truth is, I do not and has e never pretended to or claim to know it all, but once again, what I was being told does not march up to what I see.

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Yes, and this was the strategy I most deeply evaluated except for one glaring flaw... Why bother?

9/11 Truthers were successfully put down circa 2012 by Flat Earth arguments. It was soon after 2010 release of flat earth that the truth community started to splinter amongst those who believed in flat Earth and those who didn't, with the didn't crowd shrinking over time and the flat earthers growing in number, further weakening anyone who dared to don the conspiracy theory label. Soon it was shooting fish in a barrel to mock any conspiracy theorist because so many were promoting flat earth which is easily debunked by physicists, mathematicians, astrologers, pilots, sailors, etc. When Bill Nye can make a 9/11 truther look retarded, you know you've lost the narrative war.

All that to say... WHY BOTHER risk waking up millions more people with a controlled op that was completely unnecessary?

Therfore, the odds don't support Q as controlled opposition to keep truthers waiting, that's too huge a strategic risk in narrative warfare - the "bad guys" were far too entrenched in global power positions by that time, no grass roots movement would have worked. That's why it could only be military intelligence that unraveled this i

as a staged process to minimize innocent casualties, avoiding civil war entirely. Had it only been 9/11 truthers and patriots, we would have had to bear arms.

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The same thing is happening with the so-called Medical Freedom Movement that came out of the Covid scamdemic, and for the same reasons. It is now in the process of being splintered and destroyed by the viruses-don't-exist crowd, which only serves to discredit those who challenged the lockdowns, mask mandates, "jabs" and fearmongering. It also seems to me that Q is being used in the same way; i.e., as "proof" that the MAGA folk are cultish nutbags in tin foil hats, which is kind of ironic considering those who are making that claim are cultish nutbags in pussy hats who screamed at the sky when Trump was elected.

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Jun 27Edited

While I do not feel this is the case, I DO believe all options must be considered and put on the table. "Am I being scammed/taken advantage of/lied to because as the poster in Fox Mulder's office proclaimed, 'I Want To Believe'?" The thought crosses my mind from time to time. But upon reflection, it is usually at a point where I am feeling low , stressed, etc.

My personal opinion in this (and increasingly other areas) is you have to be open-minded to the most seemingly bizarre explanations in part because you have never been given the entire story. You may still draw the same conclusions - but only after an honest assessment.

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Considering all options will bring you to the point of only 1 option is relevant:

Q is with Trump.

It's kinda like that CS Lewis quote about Jesus. His statements made it so the only options are He's (a) a liar, (b) a lunatic, or (c) God in the flesh. Now people will say other things about Jesus (he's just "a god" or he's "a prophet" or "a great moral teacher") but that's because they either (A) didn't read what he said about himself, (B) disregard / bend the truth to fit their needs.

Same with Q. If you look at what he said, when he said it, he either was an insider working against the Trump campaign (which then why didn't Trump come out against it?) or working with the Trump campaign. And with all the hat tips from Trump, you know it's the latter. Anything else is just stupid and ignoring the facts of the matter.

Q has shown time and again, beyond the shadow of a doubt

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This is fantastic! Here we are questioning the validity of Q when the questioning proves his success.

Q has gotten us talking, and wasn’t that his goal? Can anyone argue that Q failed to draw legitimate attention to the corruption in our government? The rest is up to us.

So, what can I do personally? That is the real question.

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Yes. That became one of my own proofs. If you’re with Trump you are with Q. In my opinion if a person thinks Q is not with MAGA that person has not been following every Q drop and not really listening to President Trump. At this point you can literally look back at Q from the beginning and see the truth staring you right in your face. One cannot just be a casual observer and make an informed decision regarding Q!

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I’ve had the thought over the years that we might have all been completely duped….but the direction of the world’s countries and their populations doesn’t support controlled opposition.

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Totally agree!

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Why draw any conclusion? Remain skeptical of all narratives until and unless it can be supported by the things you can see in real life. And even then, realize that looks can be deceiving.

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This is my last comment to you, because from reading through these threads I can tell you're not really here in good faith to discuss the merits of Q. You may be a great person for all I know—but you have an emotional need to make people abandon Q, even though you yourself have admitted that you haven't paid attention to Q in years, and therefore can't possibly have the perspective/knowledge it takes intelligently participate in this discussion.

Until you gain some genuine familiarity with the subject matter at hand, you're just wasting your time.

You can't complain that people are wasting their time and energy when it's clear you're willing to waste your own.

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You're the one who isn't discussing the merits of Q, which, by the way, has to include the lack of those merits if this is a true discussion. What we have here is an echo chamber made up of true believers who say stupid things like "... you have an emotional need to make people abandon Q,". And you know this how? Seriously, I could care less if you "abandon" Q, although I do wonder about the use of the word "abandon".

That said, I'll concede that trying to debate with true believers is always a waste of time.

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For the benefit of other readers, I'm going respond just one more time.

You've admitted that you don't know anything about Q ("I haven't paid attention to it in years"), yet you have all sorts of opinions on the matter. Ergo, you're the one going on of belief rather than knowledge—per your own admission.

Throughout the course of talking, you've demonstrated that you have nothing but emotions backing your stance, and that you want people to stop trusting/following Q because of said emotions. The rest is just smoke and mirrors.

It's fine if you don't like Q. However, if you're going to whine at people for liking things you don't like, at least come prepared with knowledge of what you're talking about.

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All I did was point out that you were pushing a false dichotomy... that Q was either a larper or the real deal... and that there was a third possibility.

As for the rest of your comment, it's all projection on your part. It seems to me that you're the one who needs to control your emotions, put away the smoke and mirrors and grow up.

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You've ALREADY drawn the conclusion for yourself and you're trying to lure weak minded folks back into the mainstream narrative. Pathetic really.

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So you're saying the people who comment here are "weak minded folks"? Why would you say that? It's not something that I would say, especially about people that I've never met. Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions about people you've never either, including me.

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Spoken like a skilled word twisting Satanist. Not saying you are a pathetic loser Satanist, just saying you talk and act like one.

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"In psychology, projection refers to assigning your negative traits or unwanted emotions to others without being aware you’re doing it."

Stop projecting.

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So what you are implying - bearing in mind the statistically STRONG connection between the Q team and Trump - is that Trump is compromised.

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That may certainly be the case.

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HAHAHA!!! OMG you guys are so freakin desperate. That's hilarious.

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Can't come up with a credible argument? That's a sign of desperation.

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Or not…. There’s likely a fine line between being considered a guy on the inside (and pretending to fulfill that assumption); while actually only infiltrating the elites to understand enough to take them down when the time is right. Time will tell.

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Then there is this...

Who is Thomas Massie, the House member Trump wants thrown out of the GOP?


"Rep. Thomas Massie, a conservative libertarian Republican from Kentucky, attracted the ire Friday of his congressional colleagues and President Donald Trump, who urged his party to “throw Massie out” of the GOP."

"Condemnation of Massie was widespread, reaching the point where Trump sent out one tweet praising former Secretary of State John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, for a tweet that said Massie should be “quarantined to prevent the spread of his massive stupidity.”"

So why would Trump go after one of the few people in Congress who doesn't seem to be compromised and who isn't controlled by AIPAC?

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Good question.

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And that may certainly be the case as well. As I have said to others, notice the use of qualifiers.

You might also want to listen to interview and read the excerpts to see who the "elites" are and just how much control they have over our government.


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That’s all true and, of course, the likely reason we have so many duel US/Israeli citizenships in Congress. Based upon all my reading over a lot of years. I would add Israel to the City of London, the Vatican and DC as the henchmen for the cabal. The power of the Zionists in the US is amazing and there are so many unknown connections.

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In my opinion, that's the biggest threat to this country. I'd vote for anyone who's willing to try and do something about it.

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It does not matter, if he's real, if he's a plant, It doesn't matter if anyone told anyone else to "sit tight." It doesn't matter if it was a way to slow/stop patriots. This is why.

I believe "they" are who they say they are this is how they operate. This is their MO Only they could've done what they did, with acsee to the resources they had to have to communicate with all of us. But it does matter "why.: No American had a thing to worry about, to fear at all if they are trying to help. To do the jobs they should've been doing all along. If one truly KNOWS what they are doing. Not think they know, but really knows. If they know their own history, their own laws, the fucking differences between right and wrong. Then you would already know who and what they are by what they've already said and done. And I hate to this, but, (before I go further, the people on this thread and those like them, are the most open-minded, critical thinking Americans one can find anywhere, at this time, and I truly do love speaking with you all, it's one of the few opportunities I have to have a half-way intelligent conversion with almost any Of my countrymen/women, however.) most of you do not KNOW enough to not be a danger to yourselves, let alone anyone you think you can help.Im not sure many even know how to not be told what to do, say, think anymore. Those who have no fear are those who KNOW their laws, their history, hell who and what they are. Do you KNOW, or only think you know? Do you know the difference between American law and U.S. law, between American history and U.S. history? Fuck, the differnce between an American and a U.S. citizen? Do any of you know, without looking who one of "We,The People" even can be? Because your enemies know. Q knows. They know the difference. Without the foundational knowledge of your home, who and what you even are, none of you have any business playing on this playground. You can only endanger yourselves, those you love, amd those you are trying to help. Do any if you know that U.S. citizens and citizens of the United States are NOT the same as Americans? Not even close. They both have ZERO constitutional guarantees. They only rights they may claim are the one's their owners give them. (Kinda shines a light on why the vast majority of Americans are they way they are, knowing that, huh?) But I'd bet almost everyone one of you not only thinks of themselves as one or the other or both, but have multiple times, by your own hand, under penalty of perjury no less claimed it to be so. So if you don't even KNOW who and what you are yet, how can it even fucking matter what you or anyone else THINKS what "Q" is or is mot? I guarantee you your enemies know all this. Q knows all this. That's why I say what I say about him and all of you. You all have o long way to go to just not be a danger to yourself, because you only think you know what you know. ( Remember what I said about you all earlier? Cause right now, most of you are still the best America has to offer.) Now do you all see? Do you understand your enemy a little better? More importantly, do you see yourselves a little better. I got news for all of you, you can blame the Deep State*whatever the fuck that means!) You can blame politicians, you can blame governments, whoever, and whatever you want. But at the end of the day this is your fault. This is my fault. This is our fault. No one else is to blame. Not ifnyou really know what you're talking about .

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OK, I accept it is my fault. I spent my life going to work and doing my best to be successful at my job. I actually did some revolutionary things by going against the flow and inventing game changing new technology.

Where I failed and where I take full responsibility is in believing our government was right there behind me doing their job just as conscientiously as I was. That was naive and stupid. But, what could I have done differently?

I say all this to make a point. There are two different Americas in this. I worked in corporate America where my innovations made the company better and more efficient. That America has a very well defined positive growth curve that can be plotted accurately since the early 1800’s.

Our problem is in the Public America, not Private America. Public America is bankrupt due to poor or corrupt management. Politicians are mostly self-serving and willing to rob us with their gamesmanship. That is what Trump is all about in my opinion. He has taken private America into the public arena and that is why Democrats and RINOs hate him. Conversely, Joe Biden is the worst of the worst of the public side.

So, what could I have done to not be at fault? How could I have seen the problem clearly before Trump came along and exposed it so clearly?

I think this going to become much clearer soon.

Private America with the profit motive working for it has always funded the politicians who vilify it. It is clear to me at least.

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What an insightful post. Absolutely right….it is our fault and it’s our responsibility to return to our roots….the constitutional republic roots before we became a corporation. God bless you.🙏

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Your assertion of a third possibility ignores volumes of evidence contrary to that possibility. Your contention is prima facia absurd. It's surprising you can't see that.

Firstly, to view Q as some deep state plant requires, by definition given the close connections, and coordinations between Trump, and Q, that one also believe Trump is a deep state plant. That's beyond absurd given the vicious lawfare, and other tactics being used on Trump by the deep state, media, etc.

In additon just two small aspects of the Q operation make the third possibility you posit also prima facia absurd.

No matter how informed one were about national, and international events it was very difficult to see, a priori, all the connections Q made between various national, and international actors, and actions, such as Saudia Arabian royals, George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, other NGO's, child trafficking, intelligence agencies, and various goverments to include such things, among many others, like a multitude of obscure connections between parties in close proximity to the Las Vegas false flag shooting.

This high level survey of information of such sweeping depth, breadth, and complex connectivity was essentially a wiring diagram of international criminality that helped then to set a stage from which to view Trump's multitude of actions such as his submission tour, and so many other actions like his executive orders, targeted military actions he implemented, activating National Security Action Memoranda that JFK had written, and so much more.

Your suggested third possibility is not only nontenable, it's absurd.

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What evidence? I've yet to see any credible evidence one way or the other. And yes, it is in the realm of possibilities that Trump may be a deep state plant, or at the very least, a deep state dupe. I have often questioned whether or not the 2016 s/election was a psyop intended to cause further division (divide and control), especially when one considers the outcome with one side screaming at the sky while the other side embraces Trump as their savior. If this is true (note the qualifier), then the question is whether or not Trump was a dupe or a willing participant.

Regarding the vicious lawfare, well, it sure does make Trump seem like a victim and has ended up causing a lot of people... and not just the MAGA people... to rally around him. Everybody loves an underdog, right? And I'm not saying this is the case, but we should consider that this may have been the intended outcome of this lawfare by the deep state.

As for "all the connections Q made between various national, and international actors, and actions, such as Saudia Arabian royals, George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, other NGO's, child trafficking, intelligence agencies, and various goverments", I made those connections long before anyone had ever heard of Q. Citing those connections is why I made a lot of enemies among Clinton supporters in 2016! Not my fault if others failed to see those connections before Q came along, but the information was out there for anyone who took the time to look for it. And by the way, I am glad that Q has opened other people's eyes to these connections. Regardless of whether or not Q is legit, that is a good thing. Just don't stop there because this may be controlled opposition designed to prevent people from finding those other connections.

As for Trump, yes, he talked a good game and even did some positivie things when he was in the White House, but he also seemed to toe the deep state line more often than not. Just look at "Operation Warp Speed", or the assassination of Soleimani, the failure to pardon Assange and Snowden, or the NeoCons (aka Straussians... another name for Zionists) that he placed on his cabinet, and so on. Maybe start looking at those connections. (I left a few hints if you're interested.)

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Your failure to see evidence doesn’t mean it’s lacking. Your failure to provide one shred of evidence that Trump is a deep state plant makes your contention that Q may be, for which you also provide no evidence, and by extension Trump would necessarily also be, is all just absurd speculation. Trump fired the deep state trash like Bolton, by Tweet on the anniversary of 911, Flynn, and others. He exposed them, and ignored them. Firing Bolton on the anniversary of 911 was pure genius.

Your failure to see that Trump is an existential threat to the deep state because his uncle John was brought in by MJ12 head Vannevar Bush, who also had the entire UFO file, to review Tesla's files the FBI stole, that Trump was very close to Richard Nixon, who crossed the deep state and was punished with Watergate, and was close to Roy Cohn, who taught Trump how the deep state operated particularly as Cohn and Bobby Kennedy were staffers for McCarthy during the Monmoth Hearings, makes me doubt you made any of the connections you claim you did before Q put them out there. You’re not particularly well informed about basic history.

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Re: "Your failure to see evidence doesn’t mean it’s lacking."

Then show me the evidence. So far, you have failed to do so. All you've done is assert that a few cherry picked factoids are evidence.

Re: "Your failure to provide one shred of evidence that Trump is a deep state plant makes your contention that Q may be, for which you also provide no evidence, and by extension Trump would necessarily also be, is all just absurd speculation."

Speculation, yes, but not absurd. The history of the deep state is evidence that the speculation is not absurd. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't kept tabs on all the psyops, false narratives and false flags that the deep state seems to have been involved in. Based on that history, one could argue that it's more likely that Q is a plant and less likely that it's a LARP. It also makes it less likely that Q is legit since there seems to have been very few (none that I can think of right now) deep state actors working behind the scenes against the powers that be. One possibility that I didn't mention earlier is that Q's posts may be computer generated and designed to appeal to a certain type of personality.

Re: "Trump fired the deep state trash like Bolton, by Tweet on the anniversary of 911, Flynn, and others. He exposed them, and ignored them. Firing Bolton on the anniversary of 911 was pure genius."

The question is, why did Trump hire Bolton in the first place? He had to know what Bolton was all about. Or how about Mike Pompeo? Trump not only hired Pompeo. Trump promoted him. Mike Pompeo is a criminal. Before he was promoted, he was planning to murder Julian Assange. Didn't Trump know about this? And why isn't Pompeo in prison? You and I would be in prison if it were found out that we were planning to kill someone.

Regarding your last paragraph, there are people who claim Trump is a deep state tool because of his uncle's associations with Bush, etc., and because of his associations with Roy Cohn. Not saying I agree with that assessment. Just pointing out how people can use the same associations to create different narratives.

In regards to Bobby Kennedy, he was hired by McCarthy as a favor to his father. (The two Joes were good friends.) Kennedy quit after some six months because he didn't get along with Cohn. In fact, I have the impression that Bobby thought Roy was a jackass.

As for Nixon, to say he and Trump were "very close" may be a bit of an exaggeration. Indeed, Trump is quoted as saying that while he and Nixon exchanged letters they weren't very close. That said, I do agree that Watergate was a set-up, however it wasn't just the American deep state that Nixon crossed. There were other connections which you will find if you follow my hints. Here's another hint... this connection may have also been behind 9/11.

Maybe you're the one who isn't particularly well-informed about history; that what you call "basic history" is simply one of the approved narratives being pushed at this time.

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At least you admit your assertions about Q and Trump are speculation with no evidence to back them up.

The preponderance of evidence is substantially in favor of Q, and Trump being an operation to bring down an international multi-faceted criminal cartel just some of which is as follows:. The evidence for devolution or activation by Trump of COG is overwhelming; his activation of JFK's NSAM's including one removing Armed Forces support for the CIA; his formation of Space Force which is likely an attempt to reassert executive control over the UFO file which it has not had since before Eisenhower was POTUS; his so-called submission tour which included being the first American ever invited into the Forbidden City, the first American to pparticipate n a Saudi Sword dance, this after the criminals in the Saudi royal family were purged, and other highly unusual moves of deference to Trump by national leaders; his repeated instances of calling out various bad actors years in advance of their going down as he did with the former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2011 who had to resign years later for being exactly who Trump called him out to be, an abusive asshole of women; the U.S. Army appropriating big money to fight subterranean war fare; the prosecution of Epstein, a second time after he was let off the hook years earlier, and the prosecution of Maxwell; and, there are so many more that it would take too long to list them.

Nixon moved to NYC just to raise money for Trump. The letter from Nixon to Trump in which Nixon states that his wife thinks Trump will be a great president confirms a long term committed working relationship likely formed to strike at the deep state. Joseph Farrel has outlined the far more esoteric reasons behind McCarthy's Monmoth Hearings, and Trump has access to all that deep state dirt from his uncle pertaining to the UFO file, and Tesla, from Cohn, and Nixon, and others, and he uses it to constantly troll the deep state. Your apeculatons have no basis in facts.

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No one has any evidence to back up their speculations on Q. That includes you.

And all these acronyms! NSAM? A Navy tech center? (Naval Shipbuilding and Advanced Manufacturing Center.) And that Space Force? All that does is push the militarization of space, which, by the way, is supported by the deep state. They wanted it. As for the UFO narrative, there was talk last year that faking an alien invasion might be the next psyop. Maybe they realized most folks wouldn't buy it and shelved those plans. Or maybe those plans never existed. Who knows?

You say my speculations have no basis in facts and yet your "evidence" seems to be playing fast and loose with facts.

Like I said, Trump made some positive moves, one seeming to be the relationship he developed with Saudi Arabia. Russia too. And yes, he has called out bad actors but he also brought bad actors into his administration. As for Epstein, it was New York prosecutors who brought the charges against him in 2019. Considering the animosity between Trump and New York at the time, I doubt he had anything to do with it although I could be wrong. A better case could be made that he had something to do with Maxwell's arrest since she was tried in federal courts.

Regarding Nixon...


Trump and Nixon were pen pals in the ‘80s. Here are their letters.


Trump and Nixon weren't close according to Trump...

"Trump, putting his usual self-congratulatory stamp on the exchanges, said shortly after the 2016 election that he didn’t know Nixon “but he would write me letters. It was very interesting. He always wanted me to run for office.”"

Nixon lived in NYC between 1963 until his election to the presidency in 1968. He moved back to NYC in 1980 and doesn't seem to have met Trump until two years later. Nowhere is there any indication that he moved to NYC for the sole purpose of raising money for Trump.

"Their letters didn’t have far to travel as they crisscrossed Manhattan: Trump wrote from his office in Trump Tower; Nixon from his at Federal Plaza, about four miles away."

As for Pat Nixon...

"Only one of the Trump-Nixon letters was widely known about previously — a two-sentence December 1987 note that Nixon writes after his wife saw Trump on Phil Donahue’s talk show. Pat Nixon thought Trump did “great,” Nixon writes.

"“As you can imagine, she is an expert on politics and she predicts that whenever you decide to run for office you will be a winner!” Nixon adds."

Two sentences where Nixon told Trump that Pat said she liked how he handled himself on a TV talk show and that she predicted he would win if and when he decided to run for office... any office. Nowhere does she say he would be a great president. It's all just friendly chit chat that doesn't confirm a damn thing about " a long term committed working relationship likely formed to strike at the deep state."

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Sorry, at least three know otherwise. Trump, anongirl (I never did get her real name, that was her design), and myself.

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This V Dominate Flock and Herd is obviously a troll shill here to attempt quell any momentum Bad Lands can make regarding Q.


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So you're in on it? Prove it.

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I NEVER prove anything to anyone.

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Because you can't?

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I can only prove that I've been in Intelligence for 50 years.

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And that means I should believe you? Too funny.

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Believe me. Don't, how much do you think I care? I gave much bigger fish to fry, beginning with the DHS so as they said "Fuck off y'all."

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Want to fry the DHS? (A goal that I can agree with.) A good start would be pushing for nullification laws in your state.

We have a Tenth Amendment for a reason. Citizens have the most power at the state and local level. We have no power at the federal level.


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Excellent Article. Yrs ago, prob about the beginning of BHO 2nd term when he was doing, what I referred to, as the "Great Military Purge" I remember seeing a video on YouTube. 20-30 senior military members, Generals, Admirals, etc in a banquet type room similar to what you would see at a large hotel. In the meeting, these miliary leaders were expressing concern about the purge and what to do about it. As retired Army, I thought, Wow, this is serious! Wish I would have downloaded it at the time.

I have searched YouTube many times looking for the video to no avail. Admiral Ace Lyons, USN & General McInerney, USAF are the only names I remember. Also, sometime around that time I remember hearing a commentary, or some such. I thought Mark Levin or Michael Savage, but could be wrong. They were saying that we needed a digital army. In essence, get the computer geeks in the basement to join the military. Use their expertise for the fight to save America. Fast Fwd to when Q hit the scene. I was cautious, yet curious. Decided to follow it. Figured if it turned out to be true there would be no way to catch up later. The intel that it was providing was fascinating and I followed up every article listed and some not listed. After about 6-8 months I realized there was definitely something to it and it was not a Larp. Unfortunately, I do not possess the analytical skills to connect the dots myself, well a few. I do however have the skills to look at the dots, once connected, and see the bigger picture. And I do have the skills and have used them to clearly articulate what I have learned using the information provided by the more skilled Anons. It has been an interesting journey and I have learned much. I deeply appreciate the community this has provided for all. Before Q, I kept my thoughts to myself and quietly did my own research on many things, often wondering if I was going nuts. This community has confirmed that I was not nuts then nor now. Now I talk about this to many. Some think I am crazy; others are now wide awake. But I will never stop being a vocal supporter of both Q and the truther movement they created. I am thankful for that and all here. WWG1WGA!

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I love hearing about the odds of Q being real. If I rolled a die and got 6 just three times in a row, I'd be shocked. Thank you for your insightful commentary!

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