Must ditto all of this! Was thinking, WOW! Eric reminds me so much of Joe Lange in this ability to distill & convey everything with absolute clarity! What a great gift to us!
This is truly a very ancient battle between good and evil that will not end until Satan’s allocated time is complete. Until then, however, as you stated, the CIA’s rainbow revolution for totalitarian control here continues. You also asked, ‘One might ask, ‘is this the real reason the CIA was created?’ It likely was the primary reason that the CIA was created, as I concur completely with your review and timeline of the earlier revolutions. If one considers (as I have for quite a while) that the Nazis didn’t completely lose WWII, but moved their headquarters from Berlin to the District of Columbia, then the actions of this ‘non-empire building’ government makes a lot of sense.
God bless you Erik for sharing your gifts with us.
Exactly! Glad to know you’re one of the few who understands Iranian history and politics! Yes, I am convinced there is much, much more to Putin and he’s definitely being used in accordance with God’s will. 🙏🙏
Money, that is the real battle. You abolish the funds to any entity, and the teeth go away. No one does anything for free unless it is a patriot. The Bric Nations, they're starting to destroy the Central Banks globally, meaning CIA now has a shelf life of about 2 to maybe 3 more years. And the beauty of it all with this fight is the evil enemy is destroying itself. China might look strong now, but they still don't know how to save their currency. WEF's paper money should be worthless by 2026, and they know it, that's the explanation for the Great Reset push. Sit back, grab the popcorn, cause this is gonna be like no movie you have ever seen before. But remember, be prepared, because the evil's failure to remove our first 2 US Constitutional amendments is what is preventing them from completely occupying these United States of America with their agenda. Just ask any Citi Group official.
I agree with your analysis and believe The Plan is all about exposing and removing all of the Evil DS Rat Bastards. It can't happen soon enough but I just have to give it to God and pray for patience and discernment.
I am hoping for complete transparency in exposing the Cabal. This article puts into words what I have seen happening here. If we do not fight, then we can say goodbye to the American values that I have cherished all my life.
On Telegram, today, it was stated that one of the very higher-ups in the WEF was on the Triton "sub" that blew up some 1600 yards from the wreckage of the Titanic.
The Cabal is still dangerous but are losing ground daily. NCSWIC.
Which is what? So tired of everyone saying NCSWIC but then never defining what, exactly, it is that's coming. What I'm seeing looks like the NWO/End Times and all that entails. Unless we're already well into the Trib, I don't see making it. Apparently, it may not have started yet, which means 7 years from when a certain agreement is made. Another 7 years. Half way through comes the MOTB and we won't be able to buy or sell. Is this what is "coming"?
Not listening to any of that, but still not exactly convinced that "patriots are in control" either. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Hoping for the best.
Please consider Fascism as form of government preferred by the cabal because it fits so nicely with the ESG process. When we correctly identify the system of organization being used to enslave us it then becomes harder to hide in the shadows. We must train ourselves to understand what is happening around us.
Thank you for writing this, it is a great article and I agree with just about everything you say here. I’d never heard of a color revolution until I watched Oliver Stone’s film ‘Ukraine on Fire’ right after the recent escalation started there. That film laid it out pretty clear what has been happening there since 2014.
I’m wondering if you or a commenter here can point me to some more links about the backstory there and the 2014 coup specifically. I’m trying to explain to my normie friends what’s really going on in Ukraine, and I’d like to educate myself more. Thanks.
Perhaps could you start exploring Burning Bright 🐯 series about Russia, and perhaps complete with a well-tuned search throughout Substack and ZeroHedge...
I wish you succeed and be able to share useful links here!
What a great breakdown to the history of color revolutions as the cabal’s go to playbook.
I agree with you on the CIA and they will be featured in one of my upcoming articles on Alwaleed.
Great job again Erik!!
Thanks Joe. Looking forward to your next article, your last one was epic.
Thx my friend! Wait till I get to the juicy stuff!
People have no idea how much Alwaleed controlled.
Guaranteed to blow your mind. 😂 Can’t wait!
It’s gonna make people pretty angry! Guaranteed!
Thank God for you both. You both give me reassurance that I am not alone - and we are not crazy! 😉🙏❤️
I appreciate you Steve!!
Hi Steve ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
No one around here is crazy as long as we're all digging and searching for the Truth and for flashes of hope!
And I'm deeply convinced we're very much more numerous than they could ever be at any time!
And at the very last end, God wins in any case !
May God Bless us, every one — with His beautiful Wisdom, Truth and Goodness.
…to lift an expression from a friend: 🙏🏻✝️🕊️🇺🇲🫂🇫🇷
Must ditto all of this! Was thinking, WOW! Eric reminds me so much of Joe Lange in this ability to distill & convey everything with absolute clarity! What a great gift to us!
I appreciate the hat tip my friend!
Hi Dick ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
I do second you happily 💯/💯
God bless them and preserve their gifts !
God made a covenant 🌈 with us. It’s time to make a covenant with Him. Bravo!
Take back the rainbow!
This is truly a very ancient battle between good and evil that will not end until Satan’s allocated time is complete. Until then, however, as you stated, the CIA’s rainbow revolution for totalitarian control here continues. You also asked, ‘One might ask, ‘is this the real reason the CIA was created?’ It likely was the primary reason that the CIA was created, as I concur completely with your review and timeline of the earlier revolutions. If one considers (as I have for quite a while) that the Nazis didn’t completely lose WWII, but moved their headquarters from Berlin to the District of Columbia, then the actions of this ‘non-empire building’ government makes a lot of sense.
God bless you Erik for sharing your gifts with us.
The reason they moved headquarters was Russia. Russia would have hunted down and killed every last Nazi if the US hadn’t given them refuge.
I’ve never seen confirmation of my conclusion, but I recall reading that Putin is extremely anti-nazi.
And also anti-WEF, anti-Cabal, anti-Rothschild...
Yes, and yes, and yes. I supported Putin the very minute the MSM and globalists started the attacks!
Hello ALtab and Wild Bill! 🙋🏼♂️
Putin is also pro-Jew (family links) and deeply Orthodox Christian regarding his feath and values.
The simple fact he's challenged and he supports the Persians (don't confuse with Iran Shiites fanatics !) tells much about him !
May God bless him and keep him on the right side of this spiritual war !
Exactly! Glad to know you’re one of the few who understands Iranian history and politics! Yes, I am convinced there is much, much more to Putin and he’s definitely being used in accordance with God’s will. 🙏🙏
Persia (think about Iran Shah before 1979 Islamic revolution!) has long been a very bright sovereign nation in all domains.
It had strong and deep ties and links with most of the Western countries AND with Israel !!
Dark DS/Globalists players broke the whole thing down 🤬😡
When John the Baptist met his cousin Jesus, at the Jordan River, he asked Jesus when was he going to take Israel back? Jesus replied “soon”.
John died in the Roman Prison. He knew that it would be “soon”!
I believe his spirit is smiling and cheering us on, too the kingdom to come!
Amen 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸
Another great article. This time on the subject of colour revolutions which you explain so well. Now I understand them, thank you Eric.
Money, that is the real battle. You abolish the funds to any entity, and the teeth go away. No one does anything for free unless it is a patriot. The Bric Nations, they're starting to destroy the Central Banks globally, meaning CIA now has a shelf life of about 2 to maybe 3 more years. And the beauty of it all with this fight is the evil enemy is destroying itself. China might look strong now, but they still don't know how to save their currency. WEF's paper money should be worthless by 2026, and they know it, that's the explanation for the Great Reset push. Sit back, grab the popcorn, cause this is gonna be like no movie you have ever seen before. But remember, be prepared, because the evil's failure to remove our first 2 US Constitutional amendments is what is preventing them from completely occupying these United States of America with their agenda. Just ask any Citi Group official.
I’d say you have a very strong understanding of things.
I do second you happily 💯/💯
Absolutely right !
Could be C I A a shorthand for Chaos in America?
Good read, thanks for sharing.
I agree with your analysis and believe The Plan is all about exposing and removing all of the Evil DS Rat Bastards. It can't happen soon enough but I just have to give it to God and pray for patience and discernment.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Man proposes, but God disposes.
Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
and cast away their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
and terrify them in his fury, saying,
“As for me, I have set my King
on Zion, my holy hill.”
Psalm 2:1-6, for those who don't know.
Preach it brother! 😊
I am hoping for complete transparency in exposing the Cabal. This article puts into words what I have seen happening here. If we do not fight, then we can say goodbye to the American values that I have cherished all my life.
Beautifully written.
On Telegram, today, it was stated that one of the very higher-ups in the WEF was on the Triton "sub" that blew up some 1600 yards from the wreckage of the Titanic.
The Cabal is still dangerous but are losing ground daily. NCSWIC.
Which is what? So tired of everyone saying NCSWIC but then never defining what, exactly, it is that's coming. What I'm seeing looks like the NWO/End Times and all that entails. Unless we're already well into the Trib, I don't see making it. Apparently, it may not have started yet, which means 7 years from when a certain agreement is made. Another 7 years. Half way through comes the MOTB and we won't be able to buy or sell. Is this what is "coming"?
Maybe your reading , still, too many MSM news?
Do a little research on States with Military presence currently and then ask yourself "why"?
Not listening to any of that, but still not exactly convinced that "patriots are in control" either. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Hoping for the best.
Hi Swan !
I take benefit of this matter to post this useful link from Twitter:
🔥 This Is Going To Be The Proof For You... [The Great Awakening]
May God bless you and help you to discern if needed !
I agree. Anons have been saying “the storm is coming” for years and I can barely see any clouds. Seems like a big psyop to me.
Please consider Fascism as form of government preferred by the cabal because it fits so nicely with the ESG process. When we correctly identify the system of organization being used to enslave us it then becomes harder to hide in the shadows. We must train ourselves to understand what is happening around us.
Thank you for writing this, it is a great article and I agree with just about everything you say here. I’d never heard of a color revolution until I watched Oliver Stone’s film ‘Ukraine on Fire’ right after the recent escalation started there. That film laid it out pretty clear what has been happening there since 2014.
I’m wondering if you or a commenter here can point me to some more links about the backstory there and the 2014 coup specifically. I’m trying to explain to my normie friends what’s really going on in Ukraine, and I’d like to educate myself more. Thanks.
I’d be interested if someone has a good place to go for this as well. All my knowledge comes from multiple places, bits and pieces here and there.
Hi Erik (and GabeReal as well !) 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
Perhaps could you start exploring Burning Bright 🐯 series about Russia, and perhaps complete with a well-tuned search throughout Substack and ZeroHedge...
I wish you succeed and be able to share useful links here!
🙏🏻✝️ May God help you and guide your searches !
Such a great piece, well written and easy to digest.