Thank you for reminding readers of how there were forces that were the forerunners of today’s globalists who support the global totalitarian governance. These forces still exist today after, post WWII, the Nazi and eugenics philosophy, along with the new psychological science to program the citizens of the US into slavery, etc., relocated in DC…..all supported by the banking-corporation complex. This is what must be defeated…this, and all of the controlling international institutions such as the UN, et.al., the central banks and unfettered international corporations. Individual property rights and freedoms are dependent upon their demise. Thank you, and God bless you.🙏

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This is a fine piece of writing. I never looked at history with all of the facts brought together so accurately and concisely. I knew John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, brother of CIA director Allen) was a major player in fascist NAZI finance but I was largely unaware of some of the names that you brought forth. Thank you for your excellent article, well written and definitely worth the read.

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Excellent read - thank you for sharing. God is in control and this time God WINS!

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Great piece. A complete misdirect for me to see Putin and Xi… as a different form of alliance . My leaning curve has been steep.

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You are a TREASURE Matt.

Pure and simple.

I "discovered" you a few years back, wrote you a question regarding finances, mentioned Schlanger (this might trigger your memory), and have saved almost everything you have ever written or said since.

Absolutely thrilled to the core that you are a Badlands Bringer of "Based."

From one Canadian Patriot to another,

Well Done!!


*Tips hat


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I love your perspective Matt although I don't always agree with all of your writings. I am more of a decentralized, small government type of thinker while I believe you are more comfortable with more government control, in any event I always learn a lot from your articles.

I believe Trump and team have been at the bleeding edge of the plan to bring down the DS Rat Bastards that have evilly controlled our world for a very long time. It is very hard to determine the depth of the lies we have been fed our entire lives. The evil families that have pulled the strings behind the curtain I believe have been the same for millennia and I believe the fiat money enslavement system is at the very center of this evil.

I believe we are on the verge of a New Golden Age. The fiat money system will be brought down (I think already has) and the DS Rat Bastards and the old guard will be taken down (well under way). I believe Burning Bright's notion of a Sovereign Alliance between Trump, Putin & Xi is likely true and that the plan being rolled out across the world will really become clear as Trump begins his new administration.

Sorry for getting long winded, keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Never seen Matt condone more government control, perhaps I missed that part.

Anyhoo, the rest of your "long winded" ain't so long winded friend, and yup, I couldn't agree more with your beliefs.

The 2017 Trump Capitulation Tour wasn't for shits and giggles!

The 200 Generals, 1963, the breakdown of Laws and Orders and EO's by Derek Johnson, and the entire Truth Community bringing the decodes....yup - New Golden Age - whereby The People, aka GOD'S Children, matter YUGELY more than the evil WW Rat Bastards!

Level Playing Field.

Bottom line, if we don't win this, [they] do, and if [they] do, we can all bend over and kiss our asses good-bye because this time, I'm thinkin', IS for all the eggs in all the baskets.

And to this end, my absolute Love, sincerest Gratitude, forever civilian Salute and utmost Respect (at a level I didn't even know I had), goes to every single WarFighter for EVERYTHING they gave and give in the most detailed epic earthly battle we knew little about, and most likely, never will know the full scope.

My LOVE and PRAYERS for them abound, straight to the Throne of God Almighty Himself.

Not as epic as the Heavenly War and Host of Angels against Satan and his evil feckless minions, but pretty darn comparable!

And WE KNOW who wins THAT one, and for which my LOVE and PRAYERS abound even more!!

Keep on keeping on Patriot

The Best is Yet To Come.

*Tips hat


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Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏

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An extraordinary piece of writing, with one revelation (for me) after another. Thank you, Mr Ehret, for challenging long held views and helping people gain a new understanding of global events.

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I’m left with a conflicted narrative, because I’ve listened to other, sovereign-minded patriots paint a completely different picture of FDR and the effort to root out communism from Western (and particularly American) society. And these parties have their own receipts, their own legitimate paper trails that demonstrate the veracity of their opinions. I wish the boys at Badlands would get together with old timers like Mike King on Rumble and sort this all out, because this kind of microscopic sifting and shifting is outside of my wheelhouse.

But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want a consistent, authentic history to which I can confidently refer. Throw in the additional coverups of ‘Old World’ architecture already existing across the continent before American settlers showed up (and the 19th century ‘assylums’ and orphan trains and the Smithsonian piece) and top it off with the complete fraud of ‘evolution’ theory (whose ‘science’ was immediately used to justify eugenics) and there’s a lot of unscrambling that needs to be done! Have a powwow and compare notes, fellas! We can’t build a Golden Age on inconsistent (and possibly inaccurate) stories! We’re counting on you scribes to ‘make deals’ just as much as we are President Trump and his team! WWG1WGA!

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That was really interesting and educational, thanks.

Note: "Within America itself, the pro-fascist Wall Street establishment had been [loosing] a war..."

Losing not loosing.

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I appreciate your erudition, Matthew, and only wish to point out that you didn't mention that FDR was in on Pearl Harbor, and let it happen to get us into the war. Hence December 7 makes me think of October 7.

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History by OMMISSION will not fly, except in a zyonyst/satanist world. Hitler built the war machine to counter the Bolshevik Jews, that were taking over the entire planet to his east, systematically murdering all of the intellectuals, leaving only the ignorant and un-learned. The Soviet Bolshevik Jews are also responsible for the murder of 100 million Russian Christians - covered up by Hiterl! Hitler! Hitler! 6 million times in the JEWISH-CONTROLLED Media and Publishing companies the past 120+ years. The Soviet JEWS, living in their Soviet/Communist/Zionist Jewish Utopia, starving MILLIONS of peoples to death in the Holodomors, were financed entirely by the Rothschild's, from 1906 until after WW2. They took over CHRISTIAN Russia then killed off all the people that knew how to do anything, then they were too stupid to run any of it themselves. The west had to send experts to bring it all back on line, which took many years. No way the Bolshevik Soviet Jews would have ever made it otherwise. The White Russians would have easliy defeated the Bolshevik jews if not for JEWISH bankers financing them.

They have used Hitler as the biggest PROPAGANDA scam that ever existed in history, to cover up their own evil deeds, that are at least TEN TIMES that ever attributed to Hitler. Another important fact is that "Nazi" comes from AshkeNAZI. You wonder why Jew Zelensky is in bed with Azov Nazis, in "Big Israel" Ukraine? It never occurred to you? The original Nazis included Jews.

The most important fact of all, is the fact that no trace whatsoever of any amount of PRUSSIAN BLUE can be found on ANY alleged "gas chamber" wall - EXCEPT where it is suppose to be, in the TYPHUS eradication chambers - SATURATED through the concrete blocks themselves. No crematorium is located near the TYPHUS chambers that used Zyklon B/Hydrogen Cyanide - which is HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE, and would have blown any crematorium to bits if it were nearby - another fact that proves the fraud. Needless to say, we have a bunch of LIARS that have come face to face with SCIENTIFIC FACT and their ignorance of it, that proves they are - LIARS. Just as their Talmudic Doctrine of demons demands of them - to lie, murder, cheat and steal from all non-Jews (look up "The Talmud Unmasked" in archive-dot-org). If there were no gas chambers for exterminating the poor little Jews, then what we have is a MAJOR FRAUD. The Soviets that testified at Nuremburg were Soviet Jews - lolol! Theyn had just MURDERED MILLIONS by starving them to death during the 1930's - JEWS DID THIS!

If there were no gas chambers, there was no evil Hitler or German Nazis, unless you are only a PARROT repeating the same lies. The world has heard this BULLSH*T long enough! All it has done is serve the Globalist satanist JEWS, and further THEIR agenda for THEIR New World satanic Order, where according to their Talmudic doctrine of demons they follow, all non-Jews will be killed or turned into their slaves, Christians will be be-headed according to ther Noahide Laws, when their false messiah arrives and they take over the world. That is why they need WW3 - a false Armageddon for their false messiah. Compliments of the Jews that control and satutrate Biden's CABINET. Look up "Jews in Biden's CABINET." The Jewish Marxist insurrection against America the past 4 years, came exactly from them. Garland is even descended from the Bolshevik Jews. You cannot make this up!

God's wrath is coming for them for oppressing His children, and they will be cast into the Lake of Fire where ALL LIARS will spend eternity. But first, these are they of which it was written, for oppressing God's children, "they shall seek death, but death shall flee from them." The party is just getting started! God's JUSTICE is coming for them - to REMOVE them from our presence forever - the seed of the serpent is what they are - no Hebrew genetics, and Liars, as Jesus said they are.

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You and Mike King can't both be right. Thanks for your dilligent effort!!!

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what does Mike King say? I've never looked at his work

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