Hitler implemented labor based currency. If you know how currency is created to bring forth the US dollar, you may think Hitler had a good idea. At least from the perspective of a patriot.

If you are an oligarch, you hate the idea.

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Interesting information, thanks for sharing.

I wonder what the true story is behind why the British Monarchy created their own version of Christianity. With all we know now about the Satanic back story of the British Monarchy (as well as all the Royals across Europe) there may well be a darker story then we have been fed to date.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Exactly, and I feel we do need to have this all sorted out, else "repeat the past"...

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They do, and in more current centuries, it all goes back to the Prussian (and its earlier roots) goals.

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This is a very good series an interesting read. There’s been an untold number of religions throughout history. Man has always looked to the sky for the answers. What are our origins from whence did we come from. How did mankind’s presence on earth begin .

Main thing I’m learning here is the insane amount of power that the banking system has across the world. It’s been used to control us. The pathological lunacy of the elites who believe they’re smarter than all of us. Their arrogance in the guidance of us. Their hubris. What has given them these rights?

Their lust for power and the inevitable greed that follows never ends. This is the greatest problem we face today. They are, their whole cabal together, the greatest danger that humanity faces.

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What has given them the "right" is that "we" follow them. Rulers have no power without followers. And, everyone has become so obedient and reticent to rock the boat that there is no one to challenge them and so they just do whatever the hell they want. Our forebears got up in arms about a tax on their tea. People now pay tax at every single transaction, on all property of consequence - whether used or not. Just look around the next time you're driving at all the cars with a DMV tag on them. There's your answer.

The people need courage and grit, like Americans had before 1776.

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Hitler was working and descended from Ashkenazi. These are the Nazis who destroyed the German republic and destroy Ukraine today. They are the sworn enemies of all people, everywhere. Russia and Iran have an ancient alliance opposing these criminal world destroyers. Russia, America, china, Africa, all people of the world in alliance may well destroy this ancient cabal of psycho parasites calling themselves Jews.

Hitler was a fake German funded to destroy Germany and the world.

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Not true, but some are still circulating that lie. In fact Hitler was the most lied about man in history. https://archive.org/details/the-myth-of-german-villainybenton-l.-bradberry/mode/2up

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‘…formula of geopolitical control of chaos within a strategically important area of the globe where all major civilizations intersected.’ This is the core intent of the Prussians’ strategy (via Hitler’s Germany) to rule the world from, Israel. This totalitarian regime would rule and simultaneously destroy the three religions that have Israel as the sacred site.

Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to teach your readers this important lesson regarding the truth behind the verbiage of Hitler’s Third Reich.

God bless you.🙏

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This paper is an extreme simplification of what was actually going on in Nazi Germany and largely based on propaganda. You are capable of doing far better than this. For instance, there were dozens of factions among the Nazi party alone, all of which had only one or two leaders and each had very few followers. Stereotyping the Nazis boils down to a mountain of lies. It's like saying all Democrats firmly believe in Communist ideologies, and all Republicans are Christians. Neither statement comes anywhere near the truth. You need to go back to doing some extremely deep, serious, and time consuming research on this topic.

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Read the book The Roots of the federal reserve by Dr. Laura Sanger

She goes right into all of this and how it connects to the banking system

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From the back of the book's dust jacket: "together we can release the full measure of prosperity intended for our nation, reclaim our inheritance that has been stolen, and restore our nation to once again be, the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Few people know because the media keeps this from us, but Reggie Middleton invented and patented decentralized finance or DeFi. The SEC attacked Reggie via lawfare to keep his invention from you and me. His patented invention is called Veritaseum or VERI.

Reggie has given us the means to reject Federal Reserve slavery. Now it is up to us.



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I was fed this 15 years ago. I have since digested it and deposited out my backside into the sewer. This is just another HOLLYWOOD SCRIPT. Why don't we talk about the Bolshevik being 85%+ Jews, and the ancient Jewish SOVIET system of Govt., and Marx' REAL "Jewish name" and his Rothschild financiers - samke ones that finaced the USSR for 50 years - aint that called TREASON? How about how the Bolsheviks murdered all of the Intellectulas in all the countries they spread their Jewish SOVIET Utopia to, then were too STUPID to make their Industry work - murdering at least 100 million Christians along the way according to their Talmudic doctrine of demons. This can all be PROVEN. Not one iota of anything presented in this article can be proven to connect to Hitler or his Officers in any reliable way, although I am sure there are always some Kabbalistic Masonic satanist in the shadows, somewhere, even in Badlands Media. Nice SCRIPT, whoever wrote it. You can tell they are very practiced at it, yet never offer any SOURCE.

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The article was about Hitler's duplicitous maneuvers using Christianity,as a political smokescreen, quoting Hitler et al. The article highlighted his cronies lust for power, any way possible, even using their enemy's Modus Operandi to get it.

The article covered the State's emphasis on reframing Christianity to fulfill the State and some background on The convergence of various dogmas via Madame B and how they were again deconstructed to suit whoever, however somebody needed a COVER STORY to gain POWER & CONTROL. Very useful info, much I've known 50 years. It was NOT about the value or lack of value of anything Hitler did or did not do nor what the Jews do or do not do. It was a catalog of DATA about the dispensing of their reconstructed DOGMAS. and where they originated.

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Stop with your bullshit propaganda. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

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🕊️🇺🇲 Implementation of the 1st Amendment - Thread to preserve blackpilled troll expression... 🇺🇲🕊️

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Who is this directed towards?

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What this author has written about Theosophy and Blavatsky is way off the mark. Blavatsky was trying to share what the mystery schools knew, i.e. that we live in a wider reality than our nuts-and-bolts, 5-senses world. It should be remembered that Rudolph Steiner was part of Theosophical Society for several years before going out on his own. Also, Jiddu Krishnamurti was for many years part of Theosophical Society, then began to speak on his own.

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