Amazing work. I can only imagine how much you discovered and were able to connect when you decided to go down this path. Layer after layer uncovered. Sometimes one’s article ends up somewhere you didn’t intend it to go due to the information you uncover in the research of it.

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Thank you Erik!! I appreciate that!

This series is growing the more I write because I’m discovering even more connections as I go through the articles I’ve bookmarked.

They lead me down new paths then blow my mind how they reconnect to certain individuals or stories.

This series will probably end up being about a dozen articles when I’m done.

Just too much good information for me not to include it.

Blessings brother

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I don't want to take anything away from Joe's excellent work but I want to point people to a series of articles that I think help fill in some of the historical context for all of this. So, I hope Joe will be OK with me mentioning this here. Another fascinating series of articles are the ones Will Zoll is doing. His "Prussiagate" and "1871" series are excellent. I am becoming convinced that we did not "win" WWII and that instead it was used to infiltrate us even more than before. The CIA came from WWII OSS. I think the case can be made that literal Nazis are running our CIA and much of the deep state. Not fake Nazis but literally, real Nazis. I'm still trying to get it to all make sense in my head but it explains a lot, particularly the medical tyranny of the past few years. Links to Will Zoll's series are: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/1871 and "Urania" https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/urania-part-i

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I appreciate you adding a great author and his fine work to this important history my friend.


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I'm reading this now - thank you!!!

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Will Zoll is doing excellent work. I have pointed out that it is Germany, strictly Prussia and now more strictly Nazis/communists who both arose out of Marxism who are at one level a primary group behind the evils in the world.


Germany has been a particular problem for the world since its inception as a united nation in 1870.

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Yes! I am learning so much from Prussiagate. Good to see someone else acknowledge him.

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Thanks for the sources - Since Trump took Office in 2017 I've come to learn that 95% of our Presidents were communists - Including Nixon & Reagan. Sadly everything we've been told is a lie.

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Psalm 12:1-5 May be appropriate to these things.

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London, not Berlin.

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What do you mean by “real Nazis”?

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Tim…I’d refer to Matt Ehret and Will Zoll. Five eyes was alive and started WWII and at the end of the war most Nazi’s were spared and integrated into our OSS which became the CIA…the evil brute army and the globalist agenda. All modern wars and proxy states are run by the CIA made up of Facists. Do some digging and be amazed!

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The same forces behind WW2 who never went away but returned to administrative positions in Germany and elsewhere around the world.

Also continued built up industrial empires, especially the pharmaceuticals which are principally Germanic in nature.


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Fits right in to the covid op.

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I totally agree. EVERYTHING in our lives and way before then, has been planned and orchestrated for a particular outcome. WWI, WWII, as well as the upcoming WWIII. Our entire medical system was created by the same people. There's nothing happening on the world stage that they didn't have a hand in. We can't allow Agenda 21/2030 to become a reality. THAT is what we should be concentrating on. Everything else is distraction. Created by them, of course. Thank you for the link. Every piece of knowledge adds to our arsenal. 🙏💟🇺🇸🙏

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Agree. We did not win WWII. Hitler and lots of others escaped. The scientists were divided up. The goal was the technology. If you can read "Ceres Colony Cavalier" you can learn ever more.

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"The Devil's Chessboard" also covers some of the same. It chronicles Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government

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Of all the alphabet agencies in the swamp, the CIA is the worst. They assassinate our own president. They gave us Obama. Treason is all in a day's work. The Constitution says firing squad or death by hanging. I prefer to see hanging, but will be happy with either.

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I’m with you Deb!! Scatter them to the wind!!

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God can judge them, but it's past time to arrange that meeting.

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I second that!

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Amen to that! I pray for God to have mercy upon some of these people and save them, because there is no sin too great for the cross of Jesus Christ. God can and does save the very worst of sinners. That does NOT mean, however, that they should not pay the penalty for their crimes in this life.

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God does forgive and save sinners, but they must repent! Didn't Jesus say, "Go and sin no more"?

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Jesus also said 'in my Father's house there are many rooms.' (John 14:2)

I'm pretty sure some of them are more pleasant than others.

We are not saved by our works, but saved for them though belief in Jesus Christ (see John 3:16, 14:6). Though a sinner is saved, he still must answer for his sins.

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A truly “saved sinner” would want to atone for his “sins” and devotion to a spiritual path would be a natural consequence to God’s Judgement and Forgiveness… Love heals the deepest wounds. ❤️🕊

And I always interpreted: “In my Father’s house there are many rooms” to mean that though there are different religions and beliefs in the world, they all have the potential to lead to Heaven, which is a state of Mind. Different rooms, different dimensions of understanding.

That’s just my thinking ❤️

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Yes. Absolutely.

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He judges them already. He came to this world to do that.

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I am willing to re-enlist for "squad" duty

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Yes the CIA is evil incarnate, their elimination is priority #1.

However and I don't say this to sound hyperbolic, they will be next to impossible to remove by normal citizens or groups of citizens using standard legal and law enforcement methods.

As this article as laid out, this is a very well trained and well motivated group.

They have excellent information gathering abilities and are expert at covert operations.

They are also complete and utter psychopaths who will have no problem eliminating anyone or any community who stands in their way.

There is zero chance of any normal law enforcement or even normal military being able to seriously challenge them.

The only hope to eliminate them(not capture as even if you capture them they are adept and trained to escape captivity) are the extremely well trained military special operations teams, these are very elite units in the military and unfortunately there are many CIA operatives who are also ex-spec ops and know their playbook very well. The CIA draws it's corps of assassins from such people especially the ones who are drawn to such work and fit a certain psych profile.

The CIA needs to be leveled to the ground however taking them down will be equivalent to mounting a full guerilla warfare campaign, the kind of fighting style the CIA are adept at.

Eliminating their leaders will help but the rest will be scattered into the equivalent of terrorist cells, and they won't wait around to be captured, they will take the fight to their enemies so expect anyone leading the fight publicly to eliminate the CIA to end up like JFK did.

This sounds like a Jason Bourne movie and frankly it will play out similarly, dedicated specialists will need to be hired/trained to fight the remains of the CIA who will be ready for such a move against them.

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Another great article Joe. Thanks for writing it. It is so disappointing finding that people that I thought were the good guys were really crooks, and worse. That is the really sad part of the "Great Awakening". It is hard not to be extremely cynical. Justice has to be done, soon.

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That’s proof that we are going to ultimately win this war.

Once a person is awake to this evil and the hidden enemy, they won’t ever take the enemy’s side again.

Humanity is uniting globally and it’s amazing to witness.

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You will also be surprised to learn who some of the good guys are. People [they] have demonized. People the MSM tells you are our enemies. Vladimir Putin, for one.

Putin is indeed [their] enemy, but that does not make him ours.

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Well said!

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My thoughts EXACTLY!!

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Don’t hold your breath.

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Joe, have you researched Operation Gladio? It was formed during WW2; Gehlen used it to secure his and Gen Wolff’s freedom. They were originally called werewolf or stay behind units in Axis territory. Dulles learned of their ops and locations. He created replicas all over Europe, the. Asia and South America. They are terror cells that were used to create the coups you mention in this article. The Vatican bank, created in 1942, Gladio units created in 1942 and OSS created in 1942. That isn’t a coincidence. They shot John Paul II, they assassinated another pope when he decided to expose it. I reviewed one of the better books about it on Rumble here: https://rumble.com/c/c-4232602 I’d love to discuss it with you. I’m on TS at @ColonelWatkins I’ve talked briefly to Chris Paul about it and mentioned it when I was at GART during discussions after a panel when addressing Trump’s speech in Poland. It is the common denominator to all of this; including the current terror attacks. Dulles and Gehlen (who became West Germany’s spy chief worked for years developing and using it thru out Europe to ensure fascist leaders disguised as democratic leaders were placed all over the world all working toward the NWO and developing all the international bodies we see surrounding us.

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Certainly sounds interesting and like the basis for a lot of what’s been happening for many years.

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Excellent drop, Joe! I am appalled that I have lived in the dark all these years and even voted for these thugs! What’s coming for those still alive will be just a little less than what they deserve! Our country has betrayed every American by its horrendous acts of evil against mankind. It is no wonder America will not survive what’s coming in these end times. Praise God for what is to come for the wicked who will feel His wrath. Blessings of peace and safety prayed upon you, Joe! Keep spilling the beans to open our eyes! 🔥

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Thank you Carol. I have similar regrets in having supported and defended the Bush family.

They are going to meet justice and then answer for their lives before God.

Something big is happening though.

The corrupt cabal controlled America is coming to an end.

American patriots are going to end it and also free the world from the cabal control.

We are still the only beacon of freedom left and I don’t believe God is going to let it be extinguished.

God is using us to bring freedom to the world.

Blessings friend

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This is my first read of your Substack, and very glad for it. A couple of things I might add. It took me awhile to separate the Reagan administration into the good and bad elements. Agreed Reagan was good but naive. But Bush Sr. brought in with him "the crazies in the basement" that later in the Bush Jr. administration wrecked their havoc with abandon, including 9/11. Names like Cheney, Libby, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Abrams, Perle, Feith, Kagan, etc.

Agreed that Reagan assassination perps used mk-ultra, but no one truly investigated the militarized .22 cal explosive-head ammo used by the would-be assassin - where’d he get it? No one investigated the dinner date the day after the attempt with Neil Bush and the would-be assassin’s brother. And no one investigated if Reagan’s dementia was brought on by lead poisoning from a round that could not be removed. If known, was chelation used or would that spoil an opportunity?

There was a stick-figure comic in Time Magazine that showed a forlorn Reagan lamenting no VP candidates would step forward, while over his shoulder there was Bush, alone, waiving his arms saying “I’ll run! I’ll run!!” Who were the VP candidates that refused to step forward, and are any alive today?

Sorry for the long rambling comment, but it’s my way of complimenting your excellent essay. Very well constructed.

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You make some excellent points my friend and some I had not heard before.

I really appreciate your contribution!

I would love for you to go to the beginning of this series I’m working on.

The first article is titled “Trump takes out the king.”

Blessings friend

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You can still buy that same ammo online in many jurisdictions. If you live somewhere it is restricted (which may be due to nothing more than that it's ammo and all ammo is restricted), you can easily travel across state lines and buy it. For instance, if you were in DC, you can go a few miles to Virginia or Maryland.


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Thanks Wild Bill. I’ll look into it. My understanding is that it was new or newish at the time of the attempted assassination, and not available OTC. I could be wrong about that. Regardless, thanks.

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This story from WaPo claims that the ammo was 'readily available' in at local gun stores in Lubbock, TX (where Hinckley bought three firearms) at the time of the Reagan attack:


I know, it's WaPo -- but this article was written in 1981 before they went totally nuts. (They have always been the CIA's outlet of choice, though.)

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This opened a rabbit hole for me. First, you’re right it was available then. I’m going to try to find NYT article about that.

There’s apparently conjecture as to what form the exploding tip had. Mercury forms an amalgam w most metals so no soft ball slamming forward on impact (think dead-blow hammer.) Homework to do. Thanks again.

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Sorry for the delay in responding; I've been traveling the last two days.

The exploding tip was a reportedly a cavity, like in a hollow-point bullet, filled with lead azide (PbN3). Lead azide could be used as a primer in small arms ammunition, though I do not know if it has been at least in recent times, where lead styphnate is typically used.


Lead azide is detonated by contact, and it reportedly required an impact velocity of 700 fps to trigger it in the 'devastator' rounds, which resulted in it being less than totally reliable upon impact. It was intended as a defense round and for varmints, where a 22 LR bullet (if it detonated) would reportedly deliver the terminal performance of a much larger .38 special round. Or so they claimed.

My dad had a little novelty piece, a tie tac which was in the form of a pistol about 1-1/2 inches long. It had a small working trigger and hammer, and you could buy 'rounds' for it which were little copper cups about the size of a cooked grain of rice, maybe 1.5 x 8 mm ( 1/16 x 5/16") with a small amount of lead azide inside, and a little wire sticking out the side that the hammer of the mini-'gun' would hit when triggered. These little things made quite an impressive 'bang' complete with a little cloud of smoke, much of which was likely lead oxide and other things not particularly good for you. He was a chemist and fired the thing off a few times for effect, but I do not recall seeing it again after it first appeared. I suspect he put it away and never fired it again, likely used up the few 'rounds' it came with and thought the better of buying any more.

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Eight possible choices, according to this article: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/09/the-dynasty-that-almost-wasnt-213150/


Howard Baker

Donald Rumsfeld

Jack Kemp

I've also seen mention of Richard Lugar and Gerald Ford, among others.

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When you consider how deep and how far back this corruption goes, I can’t help but be amazed how well thought out the plan must be to take down this evil.

I don’t believe that those responsible for carrying out this plan would’ve embarked on it unless they knew it would be successful.

Thank you Joe for detailing and expressing the evil that has surrounded us. With God’s help we will defeat the enemy!

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We are literally watching the most complicated military planning in world history and us being awakened is a huge part of that plan.

An awakened populace is a bulwark against future oppression.

God is in this fight.

Because of that, the victory is secure.

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When you say, "the most complicated military planning in world history" my mind immediately goes to the video clip of Chris Miller saying something very similar to Mike Pence, and thanking Pence for his role in it, his leadership, etc. I'm still hoping and praying Pence is one of the good guys fighting this crazy psyop war.

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Pence is a patriot in my opinion!

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Quite possible. Think Severus Snape in Harry Potter. There will be more than just him no doubt.

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Good comparison. I would keep an eye on Snape, just as I do on Pence.

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Bingo! There will be many surprises.

Pence is either a bad guy, or a very convincing actor doing things he finds distasteful but necessary -- taking one 'for the team.' The jury is still out on many of these guys, but your hope in Pence is not unreasonable. He always struck me as a true team player, and I was surprised by his actions on January 6. When the dust clears, we will know many things that are hidden today.

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It is all part of this bizarre COVID 19 final act of the pantomime. Pence is keeping us in sus-pence! :) These jokes and more to be found on my sites WordPress and substack.

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A tuppence says he’s not a good guy, but that’s just my two cents. Compared to the cost to society, the cost of politicians is cheap. Maybe that can be part of voting... how much is the taxpayer willing to pay-off the elected person. A cost to the taxpayer can be published in the voter’s guide.

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Concrete evidence is that Trump is running in 2024. He would not run if he did not believe he would win. He knows something we do not, likely that the White Hats have a plan (among many, many other things) to secure the 2024 Federal elections.

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I agree

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Exactly! I've clung to Trump's giant aversion to losing, when all other hope was lost. He seems so relaxed and unfazed by all they continue to throw at him. I simply follow his lead. Why should I worry, if he doesn't?

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Trump knows how this story ends, and he knows that we will like it. Don't worry, just sit back and enjoy the rest of the movie, ready to help if and when that becomes necessary.

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Thank you! I must say, the people on this substack are the nicest, kindest most supportive people I've met in a very long time! It's nice to know you still exist. And in spite of the ugliness you've been exposed to, you never seem bitter or "black pilled". I know I was, for a while. The powers ranged against us seemed unstoppable. But here, I get the sense that we will win! Thank you ALL for giving me more than hope, you give me certainty. 💟

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Always remember that you control your response to what happens to you, and to what you see and hear. [They] would like to control you, and they will resort to almost anything to do it.

But you can say 'No!' and instantly take back control. And [their] power is waning, as many voices here on Badlands regularly point out. Because so many are now saying 'No!' 💖

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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Yes, I find that when I remove myself from the chaos of the world, at large, and stay in my immediate, tangible corner of it, I see it's still a beautiful world. In spite of the evil that's trying to undermine it. That's a perfect quote. Thank you, Wild Bill. 💟🇺🇸🙏

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I feel so humbled having been so clueless. I recognized the lies and the agenda in our media back in the 90's. Now every movie I watch, amid the garbage, I look for the grain of truth. So my hubby and I watched "6 Underground" recently. Way over the top with graphic horror and violence. But there was the crumb of truth I was looking for. "Every dictator's favorite necessity- state controlled media". (I paraphrase) Having spent a semester in the USSR, I pitied the everyday Russians/Soviets who became my friends. Now I am the propagandized citizen. We are they. Coming to realize our own "free nation" corrupt to the core by a sinister, surreptitious mind control that worked so very well. Everything is a lie. And the liars are the very ones I thought to be "patriots". Makes me VOMIT! THANK YOU, TO ALL THE DIGITAL SOLDIERS!!

Isaiah 3:13-15 NIV

The LORD takes his place in court; he rises to judge the people. [14] The LORD enters into judgment against the elders and leaders of his people: "It is you who have ruined my vineyard; the plunder from the poor is in your houses. [15] What do you mean by crushing my people and grinding the faces of the poor?" declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty.

But now we know. God knew all the time and His plans are never thwarted.

Thanks, Joe. Keep the truth coming!

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Love that! Thank you for your great comments my friend!


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I know what you mean, Sal. We lived in Moscow for 17 years, beginning in ‘92.

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Tim, how is life in Russia now for the average citizen, vs. how it was when you were there?

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We’ve been back in the States since 2009, so I can’t answer your question very well, but to say that they are people like us. Their history is dramatically different than ours. What impressed me about them was that the older ones were survivors. Most were very kind and warm towards us. I’m not sure what the younger generation is like there now, those who never lived under Communism.

Thanks for asking. It would take a long conversation to really answer you good question.

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By the way, Margot, I am fond of The Russian people and culture, and what brought me to Substack and Badlands was Burning Bright’s 9 part series on Righteous Russia. It resonated with me.

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I loved the Righteous Russia series! BB is brilliant, although very wordy and harder for me to follow than Joe Lange. So much talent on Substack. Wish there was time enough to go back and re-read it all!

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I understand.

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Sounds like I've found my new series to get into! 🙏🇺🇸💟👍

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"God knew all the time and His plans are never thwarted". Very true. He had his grand finale for history, His story planned for a long time.


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Holy Moly! Great balls of fire!! ☄️

Bush Sr exceeds Judas, Brutus, & Cassius in evil. I want a front row seat in eternity when my Father dishes out His righteous judgment upon the wicked. Even still, in my finite, minuscule mind, 1 life damned to hell, in comparison to the zillions of lives suffered, maimed, & grotesquely murdered in connection w/Bush Sr’s sinister dealings, doesn’t seem fair. I for one, am looking forward to the fullness of time when the Son subjects all things under His feet to the Eternal God & Father (Eph 1:10).

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Amen my friend!!!

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Can you imagine if the souls of all those people "Poppy" Bush had a hand in murdering rose up before him, what a CROWD that would be? There isn't a venue on earth big enough to hold them!

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Thank you Joe for continuing to open our eyes to things we’d rather not see, but cannot ignore if we want to survive.

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That is very well put my friend!

Our survival is at stake and these evil tyrants don’t value our lives at all.

We must win. We have no other choice.

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Thanks for the history lesson. Upon Pappy Bush funeral many of the leading democrats each got a letter: each of their faces went ashen grey, the Clintons, Bush’s, Obama’s, Carters, does this connect in with all this, when Trump says we caught them all? And just exactly what does this mean? Do you have some insights? Bc the border

Crisis seems to be extremely dangerous. Thank you

For responding.

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I’m going to make my own guesses as to what was written on those letters at Bush’s funeral later in this series.

I keep telling people that they all know what’s coming and can’t stop it.

We are in the reveal phase still and won’t be in the justice phase until we have the market/economic crash on Biden’s watch and then the election fraud reveal.

When Trump says “we caught them all.” He knows that the justice phase is coming and we have all the evidence.

This is war and their crimes are treason.

It’s coming my friend.

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I sure HOPE SO! I have watched their faces and those faces are dead cold panic. I believe my eyes!

Forgive my concerns bc I am just an observer watching billions of dollars being stolen, while millions pour across our border, and a financial crash that is

Looming, along with WW 3, not even mentioning the vaxx nightmares.

I Pray I see the day that these people face justice!! 68 years in waiting. Joe,

I endure with perverance and a stubborn

Angry streak. Let the storm come. Treason is a hanging offense.

Treason against humanity as well not just the USA.

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We will see justice. That phase will be triggered by the election fraud conspiracy being exposed as evidence in a courtroom.

That triggers treason.

It’s coming!

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I say we are in WW3. It is a war of words, a propaganda war and with many false signs and wonders in the digital realm.


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Thanks for responding!!!

Much appreciated. I have kids

I am willing to die for a better life!

Life for the last 3.5 years has been

A slow descent into a strange nightmare.

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Trump is not exaggerating when he says the best is yet to come.

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I remember that now! Thanks for mentioning it.

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Your welcome 🙏 it left a deep impression. While they each in curiosity opened the envelope, then terror ran through their hearts, I could see it in their

Eyes their facial muscles. I expected justice to be swift…bc whoever wrote this letter, knew to film their responses as they showed each other.

To shock evil, to have the ability to spy on these people all together, one would think there is a force that knows everything.

On the surface of the way this world is going one starts to doubt that this force

Has control. Satan seems to be king here

Money, buys everyone. Father of lies

Has had its ways.

Hoping this is the long game to expose

All players all evil, if not we are most assuredly doomed unless Christ second coming takes place.

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Very well stated. I feel the same about the evil surrounding this. God be with all of us with discernment and the courage to expose it. I know there is a reason God is opening so many of our eyes and has for some time. I just need to know what to do with it. So many people refuse to see the truth. This evil really reaches your soul to know how evil all these people have been for years, but we have an obligation to our families once we are made aware to share it and do whatever we can to stop it. God bless you!

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Well said to You Too!! What to do with it?

You said that perfectly! When so many people refuse to see the truth…. Which is

So damn frustrating. Everything you said

Agree wholeheartedly!! Thank you for your comments!! God bless you too!

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The most important thing we can do is share the gospel. People need Jesus more than anything else!

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Now more than ever, especially since so many churches turned their back on Christ’s teachings and followed the Nazi regime in their mandates, intimidation and other anti-Christian behavior.

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Amen. Most churches are corrupt. Satan is very tempting, and hides in plain sight without being recognized.

"10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

-- Ephesians 6:10-18 (NIV)

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For accuracy's sake, Rosalynn Carter did not receive a letter.The wives of Clinton, Bush, Obama and Pence did, however.

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The Carters did not get one.

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Great work, so much research! 👏 Thank you for enlightening me on our world and the hidden horror Bush and Company created. We must defeat this evil!

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Thank you AP!!

Im far from being done with the Bush family. Still scratching the surface.

My hope is they won’t be able to walk the streets when everyone learns their corrupt history.

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A friend of mine, an avid Badlands reader, says everything is under the control of the Zionists. Does the Bush family "belong" to that group ?

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I don’t believe any of that. In this series I will prove that Alwaleed was the biggest threat to Trump the day he was inaugurated.

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Great stuff Joe. Are you familiar with the work of Kathy O'Brien?

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I’m not.

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Cathy O'Brien The Trance Formation of America lots of names you would expect but some i didn't - Kris Kristofferson for instance. Well worth a look in terms of what you are researching.

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Seriously! Bob Hope? Really?

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There is a synagogue of Satan. Satanists are a broad 'church'.

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Thank you Joe.... Your research is amazing. We love and appreciate you!

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Blessings Cynthia! Thank you for that encouragement!

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Excellent post!!

Last time You told me that your dig maybe would'nt touch my country (Venezuela). And it's logical, since the most obvious latin american countries are those You describe.

But the more I read, more connections are brought foward to me.

Almost forever, there's been said here that oil companies established here were a hub, or facade for the CIA's operations. That was supported like a mantra by radical lefst parties. Also that the 1945, 48 and 1958 coups were crafted by them.

For many years, from 1958 to 1989 we were almost the sole democracy of the region. Then every flipped. It all began with the ousting of President Pérez. For why? It was a impeachment over $150.000 (from a secret fund meant to national security issues) he gave to Violeta's Chamorro campaing.

His demise ushered the rise of "communist" MVR, Chávez's party, and then the infiltation and tutorship of Cuba in his government, which drove us to the actual state of poverty, hunger, violence and mass emigration.

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I’m actually going to touch on Venezuela in this series. Remember, one of the places Bush set up business for his offshore drilling company was near Venezuela.

There are two separate connections I can pursue but I haven’t decided which one to write about yet.

We’ll see.

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I will pray for the Lord to guide you on what He wants you to write!

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I really appreciate that!!

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The influence and presence of the US was heavy here, not only in the oil industry. At the pollitical level, there was mutual cooperation in that "fight against communism", which involved prosecuting and defeating the Cuba-sponsored guerrilla. Also in the private and business level many large US industries set foot here, becoming in the '60s and 70's target of that same guerrilla, ex: bombings: ITT kidnappings: Owens Illinois' Mr. Niehous.

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There is a clear pattern. These countries have big US corporations come in and control most of the valuable resources and assets for the global cabal.

They keep the population poor and powerless.

When the people get fed up, they rise up and overthrow the corrupt government and then those corporations usually get confiscated which causes the CIA to wage covert war against the government, if not kinetic war, then at least economic war.

It’s happened in several countries.

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Have a question, and forgive my ignorance: Is there a connetion between Texaco and the Bush family? Because Texaco has been the *only* one american oil company allowed to operate here in the last years.

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I wouldn’t be surprised because the Bush family is tied to the oil business globally but I haven’t really looked into Texaco.

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I'm truly sickened and horrified by what the CIA has done to your once beautiful and prosperous country, in America's name. What they've done to many latin American countries, actually. These are terrible and evil people who rule our world. Keep the faith. They will be gone soon, and our countries will be prosperous again..

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What has directed you to this tangent, away from what was far more critical when it comes to the wickedness and perversions of the Bush Crime Family, that quite frankly, makes the Bidens look like petty thieves?

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I’m still in the process of writing my series on Alwaleed and why he was Trump’s biggest threat when he became president.

Alwaleed controlled the CIA so it was important to go back through history in order to lay out in detail why they were such a threat.

There’s no way to go into the history of the CIA and not see George H.W. Bush’s fingerprints all over it.

I’m not done with the Bush’s and the CIA yet and it will all tie back to Alwaleed.

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I am very grateful for all your work on this. I am glad you are not done with the Bush’s! I knew something was up with George Bush Jr. when 9/11 happened. How anyone could stand in front of the cameras during a such a horrific event and have this shit eating grin on his face that gave him away. He did this each time I saw him on camera. I knew then he was involved. Then when Trump won and Obama, the Bushes and Clinton stood in unison at his inauguration, it was very clear that they were all aligned. To learn how our country is responsible for all this evil and deaths throughout all these countries is disturbing beyond words. I hope one day the CIA operatives and their leaders are all put in front of fire squads. I am sure it will be easy to find people to pull the triggers after reading about all the evil they have done. It just gives me such a sick feeling how America was behind the most evil in the world today.

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They could auction off the privilege of pulling the trigger and pay down the national debt. Plenty of takers.

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Love that!

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Especially when you begin to see how many other players there were. Tens of thousands, likely. Bushes may be at (or near) the top of the pile, but it's a big pile.

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Huge pile!

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I can totally relate to your feelings my friend. I feel the same way.

Thank you for your comments friend.

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You took the words right out of my mouth!

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Right? I grew up thinking the U.S. was a moral and humanitarian country and if we did questionable things, it was for a good cause. I couldn't have been more wrong! But I think we conflate the "ruling class" with "we, the people" and WE are basically good and decent, not to be confused with the government.

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I am right there with you and it really gives me a sick feeling seeing all these past Presidents enjoined in all this evil and corruption, except a few. Our government must be gutted and many agencies just permanently disbanded. We don’t need the CIA, FDA, CDC, as they have been aligned with corruption forever. The FBI, DOJ, HHS, DOD, etc. have been aligned with corrupt officials and they likely can never recover from the depth of corruption that has occurred. Public Health agencies in general have become too powerful and ignore the real truth about the health issues affecting. The covid plandemic proved all of that. I do believe the majority of Americans are good people and just want to live their lives, but they still must be involved in watching our government agencies and holding them accountable. This liberal nonsense and the threats to America’s children must be stopped at all costs and any school administrator or otherwise who comes against their innocence need fired, prosecuted and tried for crimes against humanity.

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Well said. Very disheartening to find out your government has been working against you as long as you've been around! I tried looking into how many depts there are in the govt once and gave up after skimming through the Cs! My god, there must be hundreds, if not thousands! Seriously daunting. Who has the authority to make these depts up, anyway? Seems very loosely controlled. I think the government can be cut by 75% and we'd all be richer and better off. Yes, and Big Medico definitely needs a major overhaul, as well as their partners in crime, Big Pharma. And get rid of those newly hired 87,000 armed (!!!) IRS agents! Thanks for responding. It's very refreshing to come to a site where like-minded people seem to gravitate, where nasty people aren't waiting to pounce and get you kicked off! (Although I was called a white supremacist when I first came here, for calling for capital punishment for treason on several people of the democrat persuasion. 😄😄)

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Thank you!!!! There are trolls who comes to these pages to try and make us look bad, but its easy to figure out who they and shut them down. I had to do it earlier tonight on another substack….a clear extreme liberal who says guns promote hate and hostilities when we were talking about defending ones home from violent criminals. Simply amazing. She said her experience is from the statistics she gathers!! It’s hard to make this stuff up. Of course she could never answer my question as to how they create hate and hostility. LOL!

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The CIA goes all the way back to the assassination of JFK. Johnson and the CIA carried that coup out. Probably plenty prior to that, but before my time. Treason, subterfuge, trafficking, eliminating... It must be part of their job description it's so typical.

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I read recently that GHWB actually organized the JFK assassination. He was already involved with the CIA and had been for many years.

I probably saw that in one of Joe's earlier pieces. I read so many things that it's hard to keep track of all the sources...

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Just wait Bill, I’m going to get to the JFK assassination in this series.

The plot is more complicated than most know and I’m going to connect several people to several CIA operations and then show that they were involved in the assassination of JFK.

They are all connected to George H.W. Bush.

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Great. Please don’t deviate too far.

I have had personal experience with George W. and he is definitely following the family tactics that have been passed down generationally. Those particular demons prefer maintaining their parasitical grasp on willing hosts to accomplish their nefarious deeds.

“The iniquities of the fathers are passed down to the third and fourth generations”, according to a very reliable source!

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Wasn't this supposed to be a four-part series, when you started? 😉

Keep up the good work. Rabbits dig deep holes sometimes...

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You’re right!!😂😂 I have dug up so much information and keep finding more.

I decided that the details matter and also make for more interesting articles, so this series will take as long as it takes.

I know what direction I’m going with these articles and where I want to end up but right now I have info enough for about nine more articles. I kid you not.😁

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"right now I have info enough for about nine more articles" -- It will be interesting to see where you are, when you finally reach the end of the rabbit-hole. You had four articles ahead of you when you started; now with several written you still have nine to go! And I'm pretty sure you'll 'keep finding more.' And more...

All of this is proof how deep and twisted all of this evil really is. Which actually should not surprise us, when we consider how long [they] have been 'building structure.'

Thanks for all you do. Fascinating -- and terrifying, especially to those new to all this.

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You’re right Bill. The web is massive. There are so many people and stories that are inner connected that it blows my mind.

I have to connect these dots to show just how bad and deep the corruption really is.

I’m going to connect to big stories in the article I’m working on.

It’s a daunting task but I don’t want to just paint over this stuff because I think it’s important.

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You are doing the best job right now of tying all of this together. There are lots of bits and pieces out there, actually not that hard to find; but it is perhaps the best example I have ever seen of 'forests and trees.'

Which of course is how [they] hide in plain sight -- it is all there, but we don't even know what we are looking at. Many of us know, and have for a while, that evil abounds in the world and we see glimpses of it, more and more as we pay attention and learn discernment. But the roadmap you are giving us shows us the paths in the forest, that we can follow to see 'the big picture' -- to understand the forest and how the trees fit together to build it.

Once We the People understand what you have discovered and are sharing with us, the stage will be set for the White Hats to begin their operation in earnest. Trump said if he revealed everything he knew in 2021 that it would have started a civil war. And as Q said, 'it had to be this way' -- your contribution is a very significant part of moving the operation forward, shortening the time until the People can accept the Truth.

You have been given a very important gift by our Lord, and you are using it as He intended for you to do. 🙏🕊✝

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