The petrodollar is like the mob, they get a cut of everyone’s action and nothing gets done without their cooperation.

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That is the perfect analogy. We’ll said Erik!

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Well....not we’ll! Stupid spell check!😁😁

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I know you aren't stupid. I hope others give me the same grace when spell check interjects. LOL.

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As they say... spellcheck is my worst enema!😂😂

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Spell chook works perfectly 😀

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You are typing along and post and read back and are shocked at times the changes made to your statements!

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Why is my post disappearing ?? this one

What the majority of this country-America and the world don't realize is the FRN aka. the world reserve currency is nothing more than a commodity.  When Nixon removed the gold from the FRN giving it some means as a asset backed currency... it then thus became nothing more that a commodity that Countries needed to buy petroleum from them OPEC Countries. The only value of it was the need to have it. Like ever other commodity, the value is in the need and supply demand. How can someone be taxed on a commodity, and no other means but to use is it ?  Your taxed on the use of this commodity, so one can claim, In ability to preform otherwise. I'm glad I stopped being insane in 97..the last year I filed a 1040 at 30. 

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Don’t know how you got around that because they go after us every year!

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Incredibly interesting article Joe! I have a question though? Since Brazil was one of the founding members of BRICS when President Bolsonaro was in power, what happens now that the stolen election in Brazil put the corrupt Globalist Luna in power. If Luna is aligned with the Globalist, where does that put Brazil’s support for BRICS? Or is that another story that hasn’t fully unfolded yet?Maybe waiting when the global FIAT markets finally collapse? Just curious.

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That is a great question and the answer to that I was going to include in this article but I needed to cut down the length.

Here’s an interesting tidbit nobody knows.

Luna was the president of Brazil when BRICS first formed. He was there at the first ever BRICS forum.

That begs the question then..... who’s running this show?

My answer is that our military has been setting this table for many years. They are an invisible hand working in the background and a lot of what we see isn’t what it seems. That’s why I’m not worried about Luna or Brazil. The ball is rolling

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I pray you are correct. Still praying for God’s intervention!

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Wellll.... if you believe that Brandon being the Resident is part of the plan, and Trump is still a major player and that he will return in his official capacity... then apply the same paradigm to Brazil. Lula, like Brandon, had to be in place when the house of cards came tumbling down.

Unfortunately most people don't read sources like badlands, and they have no real idea what is happening. The optics require that the globalist cabal types be at the apparent reins of power when TSHTF. They need to see that direct connection between Brandon, Lula, Trudeau, Sunak in UK, Greens elsewhere in EU, and the collapse that is causing them pain. They must be motivated to return to better times -- symbolized by Trump, Bolsonaro, Harper in Canada, etc.

It had to be this way.

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You are of course completely right my friend. When the system collapses the enemy will get the blame.

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Such a great point!

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Wild Bill:

I am Canadian. You need to listen to the attached.


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Thanks. Friesen makes a great point about how deep this corruption goes. The normies will only awaken when reality intrudes into their life. The Sovereigns are pushing that intrusion forward.

There are two sides in this great 5GW -- the cabal/deep state, and the sovereigns. The cabal/deep state has been in control now for centuries. But they are losing momentum; for those who are paying attention the evidence is in places like badlands. WEF is a sorry shadow of what it was only a few years ago.

BTW I'm dual citizen USA/CAN -- agreed the Tories aren't much better than the Grits, much like the Uniparty in the USA. Though I did not agree with him, I always respected Jack Layton because I thought he said what he meant. For the most part anyway. Today, I think the majority of Canadians, if they had a true vote, would be ready to dump Trudeau. But for who? Poilievre? Sad state of affairs, that.

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Canuck here. Expand your thinking on Poilievre, please. And while you are at it toss in some thoughts about Mad Max and the divide the right debacle.

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I've been less connected to Canadian politics since moving to Utah in 2020, for personal reasons, after many years in Alberta and interior BC. Bottom line is that Pierre has changed his positions too often for my taste. He does not seem to have a strong personal compass guiding him, which basically makes him perhaps no worse but certainly no better than most politicians. Just my 2 cents' worth, others are free to disagree.

Max is continuing proof that the Canadian right cannot seem to help but shoot itself in the foot over and over trying to appease every interest group out there. Someone like Max, or Leslyn Lewis, who have strong conservative creds, cannot win because the CPC is trying to hold the 'middle ground.' Eventually there is a split and someone forms a new right-leaning party to challenge the Tories -- ensuring the right loses again.

This is why I refer to it as 'a sad state of affairs.' Poilievre might be able to win the leadership contest, but isn't really 'different enough' to win a national election. Best hope for the Tories is always for the Canadian public to get tired of the Liberals' antics and scandals, or to wait for them to run someone like Ignatieff again.

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Thank you! You may be right. Canadian voters are lazy and uninformed. Talked to a middle-aged lady this week who is quite aware of many things but did not know what a "riding" was and did not know who Kamala Harris was. Where does one begin?

Big fan of Leslyn. Saw her speak to a crowd of 150 last week and she was on fire. She truly is the real deal. Even though she insisted she would not let herself be co-opted if she won the leadership or became an MP, I think most of us thought she would not be able to withstand the pressure.

But she has kept her moral and spiritual values and will not back down. A great Canadian. The best prime minister we never had. But hopefully if PP wins she will gain a prime cabinet seat (Attorney General?) and be a strong influence.

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Wishing you all the best Bill!

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I am Canadian. I will never vote for Pierre. Did you watch the video I shared with Bill? Pierre was on the WEF. His name was scrubbed off when he was running as Leader. What has he said about the Pfizer Report, Covid Vac Injuries and Deaths? Zero. He pushed them like most of these politicians. His wife owns shares in the Vax Companies. Look at his voting records on select abortions. You might not like Max, but He Stood Up For Canadians. Have a nice day.

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Thanks for your thoughts.

But we both know Max will never win - and perhaps never even win a seat.

And, in the process, with divided conservative votes, it could lead repeatedly to minority Libs propped up by Dippers. At least the Dippers win seats so they can prop up.

The thought of more years of JT gives me palpitations. There will be nothing left for our children and grandchildren. At this stage common sense says to me that PP is the lesser of two evils. Sad that we are reduced to this.

In the meantime we are facing a by-election in our riding and so we are working for a stellar, truly conservative candidate to win the nomination.

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Excellent perspective.

I think Biden is himself implementing (perhaps unconsciously) this process: today he nominated an Indian American executive (former MasterCard CEO) to head the World Bank.

This person has extremely close ties to the political leadership of India. It would be a mistake to assume he’s a blind servant of the globalist elite cabal.

Stay tuned.

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That is very interesting. I’m of the opinion Trump is pulling Biden’s strings so that is interesting

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This is the BEST description that I have seen on the BRICS countries and their purpose of bankrupting the evil Rothchild Central banking system and getting a new system going so the evil global elites can't enslave us all anymore. Great Article Joe

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Thank you Rich! I could have added a lot more info but needed to keep it under 4000 words so I focused on the major players. The other BRICS nations have also set up separate financial institutions and are connecting them together to completely avoid the dollar domination and the central banks debt system. It’s a large coordinated effort

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I am so thankful to hear that, and that there is a Worldwide White Hat Alliance feverently working behind the scenes to put an end to these global elites. So looking forward to them going down.

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I honestly used to be terrified.

Now, after reading this, I feel an inner peace

I almost can't WAIT for the transition to occur!


Thank you, Joe!

Looking forward to the next installment!

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We are living through some of the most incredible world history ever. It’s amazing to witness in real time.

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Outstanding writing! Thanks! I’m a Finance and Econ major from the 70’s. Reading your articles has SO opened my eyes. Hurray for leaders around the world who are saying “No!” to the corrupt, and using wonderful cooperation and genius to uphold autonomy for everyone!!

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Blessings Patricia! We are truly living in incredible times. The world is completely changing.

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Extremely interesting Joe! I'm learning so much from your articles, thank you!

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That makes my heart smile my friend!

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Thank you for the great clarification and continued history lesson! Almost like a Global level Kayfabe… Maybe?

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It totally is!!!

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"a proxy war between the Rothschilds ............. and the BRICS" - I pretty much knew this was the case when Russia launched its SMO into the Ukraine, and almost immediately, several prominent members of the Rothschild family were screaming loudly and calling for war to stop it. They are revealing themselves on a daily basis.

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The hidden enemy has been exposed like never before in my opinion and as Q said, it’s their greatest fear.

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Thankx Joe just amazing WRITE-UP ! I for one can't wait for the FIAT demise .

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Me too! What will end inflation is a currency that actually has value. It can’t happen soon enough!

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The best is yet to come for some, but what about all the people that are retiring and have a life of saving at risk. Even if you changed it all to gold the cost would be incredible and will destroy many people by no fault of their own.

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People in retirement or about to are already getting their financial lives ruined by inflation. The nonstop money printing since we went off the gold standard has destroyed the value of the dollar.

Gold hasn’t changed.

An ounce of gold used to cost $200.

Now it’s close to $2000.


Because the dollar is worth a lot less. It takes ten times the amount of dollars to buy that same one ounce of gold.

No gold standard allowed politicians to spend whatever they wanted because it was just accruing debt. It allowed for all the corruption.

Here’s what’s going to happen if we don’t dump the dollar for a new currency backed by gold.


Our money will be worthless. You’ll have no retirement.

That’s how high the stakes are.

We are at the endgame of this global debt system.

This has all happened in the past.

It was the cause of the Great Depression and how the central banks cabal got us out of it was a world war so they could do a reset.

That’s why they want a nuclear war now, to make it the excuse so they can set up the Ponzi scheme once again.

This time everything is different. They aren’t in control.

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I am not arguing with you! What the Chinese and the Russians are doing is, dare it say it, good! But don’t you think it will be done slowly without a war if Trump negotiates a peaceful solution? I agree inflation is killing us all. But remember 2 short years ago inflation was not an issue. I can’t help but believe Trump will find some way of taking the dollar away slowly. What are your thoughts.

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I don’t think there will be a war and I think everything has been planned and timed so I believe there is already a new gold backed currency waiting in the wings along with financial institutions to support the new system. The new currency will have way more value than the fiat dollar that’s not worth much.

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Well that makes me feel much better! Thank you Joe for taking the time to reply to me. I learned much reading your report and I thank you for that also!

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Blessings Kim. I can totally understand peoples fear of changing to a new system. I’m a year away from retirement myself. But my fear is what happens if we don’t change to a new system.

This debt system is on its last legs which means we are close to hyperinflation where they are forced to print like crazy and our money becomes worthless like Venezuela. If that happens, my pension and 401k are worthless.

The cabal wants this to happen so that we will have nothing and they will own everything.

Thankfully there is a plan and the cabal is not in control of this demolition.

Our money will be exchanged for a real currency that will have real value and can purchase a lot more. It will take less dollars to buy houses, cars, food etc.

We’ll also no longer be debt slaves.

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We are living in exciting times!

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Thank you. I believe this "shared interests" is in control and will prevent a global collapse. Situated in Nigeria, there's few things we look forward to more.

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I believe countries like Nigeria that have been purposely oppressed are going to benefit the most in the long run my friend

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Great work Joe!

My mind has a tendency to block when I read about finance. But you explains it in a way that makes it easy to understand.

Kudos ❤️

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Thank you Jytte! I am just an average Joe which is why I think I can explain things in easy to understand ways.

Blessings friend

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Thanks Joe! This is a great read and makes so much sense. My 85 year old dad thinks I’m crazy for believing all this conspiracy theory nonsense. All this lines up so well with current events. How do we prepare financially? It’s scary and daunting. This article is so timely for me, last night I dreamt that I went to the bank and they were out of cash, and handing out vouchers for use as money and other weird dollar shaped papers and telling people they were “just low on cash today” then I get up and read this. My family has an inheritance offshore in a small country that we cannot access because their country somehow won’t give us the money because they don’t have an agreement with American banks or something. This helps me understand why. I need a patriot finance advisor. I think we all do!

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Thx Silent! Don’t worry, most of my family think I’m crazy too. But the day is coming after this all plays out that they will see us in a whole new light. We will all be unified. Blessings friend

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Gold ???????

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By the way, I am remiss in not thanking you for an excellent thoughtful column which I shall be passing on and rereading ... and rereading :^)

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As usual Joe, you have given us a perfectly written description on our ever changing financial system. I’m going to save this one, it’s a good one to re-read as the market comes tumbling down. Your writing style is wonderful, are you a teacher? You have excellent instructional skills. Of course the next article is the one I’m super excited about, you’ve set the stage perfectly!! Can’t eat desert first!!

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Thank you very much for this excellent article. I had, at a basic level, most of the pieces but that saying, “the whole is greater than the sun of its parts” describes for me the benefit of reading your article! Love it ❤️

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Thank you very much Feather!! I really appreciate you!

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Another Brilliant Article that I Agree with by The Great Joe Lange. Even though Trump is a genius & was chosen for this Astonishing plan, along with the 'white hats' & American military working with other countries military, it still would be very hard to defeat this evil enemy. I think this is GOD's plan to defeat this evil. Who knows maybe I am crazy.

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I have seen God’s hand in this from the beginning. If God wasn’t fighting then we wouldn’t be winning against this evil.

God wins!

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