Mar 20Liked by Joe Lange

Another excellent example of your gifts of research and tying disparate bits of information together. The BCCI corruption certainly explains how the CIA in increasingly corrupt methods, has come to dominate the world of black operations, including many coups, and the world of black funding via their drug trade, as well as the trafficking and money laundering to ‘clean’ their sources.

What is very revealing about the players in this article is applicable all across the cabal and their minions….that is there is no loyalty among themselves. You’ve clearly described how Bush and his CIA colleagues funded and used many high ranking members of countries, families and banks to prepare their steady march to the desired one world government. In this case, you’ve shown how Bush had close ties to Sadam; created in him a well funded and well weaponized friend ahead of his plan to divert attention from the widespread corruption by destroying the puppet he created. He had to make the ‘war’ last long enough to establish the long term war benefits for the cabal.

I know you’re headed to the Bush-bin Liden relationship so I won’t comment about it. It occurs to me the announcement by Rumsfeld was made the day before 911, where he said over 3 trillion dollars was missing from DoD. The false flag on 911 stopped the reporting on this completely; it also gave a false reason to go to the Middle East.

When the world hears what you have reported, plus where you’re going, there truly will be NO place the participants and contributors to the coverups can hide. Evil knows no limits, do it?

The wide web of connections ARE being used and will ultimately lead to the demise of the cabal’s plans for humanity.

Thank you, Joe, for your role in this narrative war!! God bless you.🙏🙏

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When Iraq plundered Kuwait we were told the Iraqis stole whatever they could get their hands on: all the gold, money and personal effects of the royal family and its citizens. We were also told there were Russian advisors on the ground in Baghdad. That took all the heat off of the US having the American People believing Saddam fueled by Russia. The Kuwaiti people suffered.

I want to know more about Oliver North.

I can honestly say I hate the Bushes. Thank you for this awesome research. So many things going on at this time in the early 1990s. Iraq, Central America, the Balkans, Africa (Rwanda). It all connects.

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Mar 20Liked by Joe Lange

I can only say WOW Joe!

I was such a supporter of the Bush’s. So disappointing and EVIL!

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Joe Lange

Where is George W. Bush hiding these days? He and his weak brother Jeb? Laura was such a primidone, she knew all the dirty business, yet she behaved like a doting wife, always playing her part well., and those spoiled daughters...UGH! "Our family is so perfect", all the while, the filth was being covered up. George's reaction at story time, of the news of the towers, looked like he had a bubble thought over his head (🗨️"OK, now its time to turn on my acting skills, the dirty deed is done" "🗨️Come on georgie, you can do this"....🗨️) nice alibi,' I was reading to the kids and cameras were rolling as evidence'


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WOW! Joe this is amazing and yet terrifying! I was such a supporter of the Bushes. No wonder they had the look of terror on their faces at the funeral. And why they have tried desperately to get rid of Ken Paxton here in Texas. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. It is greatly appreciated!

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Thank you Joe, for all your persevering in uncovering truth. Appreciate it!🙏❤🔥

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You have touched on an important topic. The narrative is controlled by those who are good at manipulating us. So many of us readily consume and agree with what our set of believes are...good bad or indifferent. It's happening everyday. As we speak.

I would have liked to see more of that mentioned in this article.

As a society, we have lost the art of intelligent analysis and the art of using our own faculties when we form an opinion about anything, rather than following a mob mentality.


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WOW! Just Wow! I can't believe all this was taking place under our very noses! There is simply not enough accountability for our elected officials in Washington DeCeit! 😡

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Mar 20Liked by Joe Lange

“This aggression will not stand!” 😁

Another excellent and fascinating piece, Joe.

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Mar 20Liked by Joe Lange

That’s some remarkably extensive research you’ve mined up!! May GOD Bless the work of your hands & may HE continue to download His brain power as you leave no stone unturned in exposing the reprehensible & condemnable deeds of the wicked powers that have ruled far

too long. G.H.Bush Sr. is reaping the consequences of his deeds now & through eternity, however, it’s not too late to hopefully see some justice rendered to G.W.Bush, & all the traitors disguised as American leaders. ⚡️💥

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“The CIA needs constant funding outside of Congressional control.”

This is how you know that CIA is just another criminal enterprise.

Like the clown fish swims in the anemone, the CIA uses government powers and regulations to protect and hide its criminality.

Color of law and all that. No better or different than any other crime syndicate.

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Mar 20Liked by Joe Lange

Great Article, again, Joe! Is there any validity to the Bushes actually being originally the Schiff family that came from Germany and associated with the Nazi Party pre WWII? Seems there was a series of articles in a small conservative newspaper from N. Idaho back in the late 1990's or real early 2000's to that effect, complete with pictures.

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Mar 20Liked by Joe Lange

Your research is incredible! Another great article! I can’t help but wonder if Hussein and all the other “evil” leaders were not actually killed but paid off to go away. I remember reading about Hitler not really dying but never expanded that thought out to other leaders. Just a thought.

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Mar 20Liked by Joe Lange

WOW! Another mind blowing substack! A good thing HW is already in the grave. Past time to take down the rest of the ‘Banks of Crooks and Criminals’.

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Friends went to see the Big Lebowski when it came out.

The said that I 'was' the dude. I'm good with that.

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More and more exposure of the Criminals In Action. Exposing the truth about the real criminals running our so called Government... Is the Government too broken to fix? I believe We The People need to unite and take back what is rightly ours. Given to us by our creator. As stated in the Declaration of Independence!!! It only takes a small group of like minded people to make big changes.. Your work is an inspiration I lived through a lot of these times of which you speak. I remember the headlines. Keep up the great work... Peace...

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