What an amazing ability to explain in easily understandable ways how the cabal has worked to completely fulfill their goal of a permanent totalitarian governance of the world. I told my husband years ago that the cabal planned on the internet to finally complete their goal, yet the opposition used that same tool to begin the awakening to the truth. After reading your assessments, I have realized how small I was thinking when, in fact it’s massive. Yet, as you’ve pointed out, the interconnected system is vulnerable as pulling on the right string unravels the entire system. I came to that conclusion, too, but you’ve brilliantly explained the scope. Like all organized criminal organizations, there is no true loyalty, thus once the right person at the bottom is turned the lack of loyalty ensures each step will rat out the next.

God bless you for using your God given gifts to educate us about this.🙏 Thank you!

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This comment means a lot to me. I was concerned about not sounding too technical.

Your statement "there is no true loyalty" becomes very important as we explore further dimensions.

Thank you for the kind words, God Bless You. 🙏

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Can it be that Trump pulled on the right strings in 2017? 650 cargo planes loaded with Gold is more like a huge rope rather than a string. I think that little tug has disrupted this apple cart. How can the cabal stop the inevitable?

Educating the public is all that is needed to restore greatness, and Trump knows this better than anyone in America. He is the string-puller-in-chief.

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We certainly hope this is true, but clearly it remains to be put into actual practice.

Economic control is one of their most effective loops and it is significantly more potent today than it was even in 2017. So, while I desperately desire this gold confiscation/redistribution narrative to be true, so far there is no evidence at all that it's being used to liberate the financial tyranny of the banking system.

Home prices are at all time highs, incomes are stagnant, classically assertive white males are passed over for high paying tech jobs favoring more obedient "minority" imports who then spend all their income on mortgage interest payments feeding the very system that most effectively pins humanity to the ground by its neck. Meanwhile, supposedly quadrillions of gold value sits gathering dust.

I'm in the group who's starving for real solutions to all of this signal noise and i imagine I'm not alone with most Badlands readers in this. With one exception: my active non participation in these various systems since 2007 has put me into the exact same financial position as most of Gen Y/Z while my Gen X peers have already established the majority of their financial security.

I can say with absolute certainty that buying a home in 2024 is far more difficult than it was in 2000 on every level and the cost is utterly oppressive locking one into wage slavery for life if they cannot maneuver the castrative impacts of their promissory note negotiable instruments.

What the people desperately need are actionable solutions. Methods to effectively discharge debt, notice of liability actions to hold positions of authority accountable, and comprehension of how to maneuver the legal system system of commercial law we all endure.

Until those solutions are actively promoted, excellent articles like this which are written to a very tiny audience of highly educated, discernimg and intelligent readers, are mostly a highly sophisticated methods of mental masturbation.

I love the article, but it still only states what we all endure and offers no solutions. Worse, and somewhat depressingly, it can only be digested by maybe 3% of Americans - *EVER*. The 97% are too busy watching orchestrated sports, drinking toxifying hops in alcohol, and glutting out on various physical and mental opioids.

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Hang in there the Best is Yet to Come...

I have researched many of these same things, some seem too good to be true, some resonate with me and some don't but I try to file them all away without final judgement.

I believe dismantling and replacing the current fiat slave system is the top priority. The DS Rat Bastards use that system to control everything else.

I have observed since Trump won in 2016 many signs that the fiat and system is actually being dismantled along with the Cabal.

Since the 2024 Win things have really shifted into high gear, Trump and team ain't playing.

I believe our entire paradigm is in the process of changing and because of our prior conditioning it is very hard to see how differently our world will be, but it is coming.

I continue to pray for discernment.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I read somewhere that Trump had intended to announce the issue of his new Gold backed dollar on July 4th of 2020. The idea was similar to what JFK planned before he was assassinated in 1963 with a new Silver certificate. Gold was to be our backing in the Trump plan, 650 plane loads. This plan was set aside by COVID and the need to let the Cabal take over our government to show how bad things could get, and how quickly.

So, if this is true, the FED is already dead. Nothing needs to change but banks will begin substituting Gold backed dollars for the fiat dollars that come into the bank. The Fiat dollars can be incinerated. Thus will end the game of printing worthless dollars. The Gold backed dollar will look identical, but the banner above George Washington will not say it is a "Federal Reserve Note" because it will not be. There will be no need to rush to the bank because this will just happen naturally and what will also happen is the Congress will have it's credit card taken away. The Treasury can sell bonds, but they can no longer create dollars from nothing. They will have to buy back bonds with Gold backed currency.

All dollars off-shore will be a problem for the holders. They are still worth a dollar, but will somehow need to come back to America to be reclaimed with Gold backed currency. This should be great for our businesses. But, the majority of those dollars are sitting in banks as assets to back other currencies. They represent the promise of America to repay the debt they represent. In other words our fiat dollars, backed by debt, are paper assets to add value to other currencies. That is a very shaky foundation and other countries know this. However, a sound, Gold backed dollar will be a much more solid base. It is a win-win.

It makes sense to me that this is basically what Trump told the leaders of other countries in 2017. It makes the taking of that Gold rational. If Trump threatened to bankrupt the U.S. CORPORATION because our rampant deficit spending had bankrupted America, the only rational solution was to give us back the Gold to solidify our currency whichhas been the world reserve currency since 1945. Everyone relies on it, but our politicians screwed around and failed to maintain the validity of the dollar. Sorry!

Of course, I am making all of this up out of whole cloth, but it actually makes complete, rational sense to me. In fact, it fits 100% of every "fact" we have been given since Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes spilled the beans about the 650 airplanes. I have been working very hard to figure out how this can all work to our benefit. The key is the fiat dollar must die.

If I am right, we are already in a very good position. America went belly-up in 2017 and 97% of our citizens have no clue...as was just said above. The fact that 97% are clueless and drinking beer at football games says Trump is a huge success. Isn't it beautiful that something as painful as the failure of an entire country can happen and almost no one even notices? God, I cannot tell you how great that makes me feel as a part of the 3% who see it happening right in front of our eyes. And, won't it be fun explaining all of this to the 97% if they seem concerned?

Here is the fun part. Trump wrote the book on painless bankruptcy. I think that is why the military asked him to handle the bankruptcy of America. When his casino projects in Atlantic City were bankrupt he went to the banks and explained that it would be stupid and fiscally irresponsible to go through with liquidating his projects. It would be grounds for lawsuits because their losses would be greater than if they just gave him another billion dollars to finish the job. That way, everyone would make money instead of losing money. Hummm. Doesn't that sound precisely like what he is doing today?

His argument was liquidation would net them maybe $0.25 on the dollar while "investing" another billion would net them a full dollar per dollar. Who else would buy the incomplete projects for full value? It made sense to stay with Trump. Today it makes sense to stay with the U.S. Dollar. We just need to lock in the value at today's deflated value and hold that value long term. That will require a balancing of our books! Enter DOGE! See how it all makes sense?

Folks, this is going to be a classic year! So many things are about to turn upside down and it is all for the good. The downside is already 8 years in the past!

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Hear, hear!

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Brilliant! "The journey from manipulation to mastery accelerates now" - feel this so deeply as an incredibly powerful message for our time.

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Thank you for the feedback. I really put myself out there in this article series. Wasn't sure it would resonate.

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I've spent the last ten plus years gaining political and geopolitical understanding, and recently, I've decided that it's time to move on from this and learn about what Q's post about ascension meant. This is all still new to me, and I'm trying to become as knowledgable as I can about it. So, yes, it resonates, and thank you for putting yourself out there for us. I am learning more every day, and trying to live my accordingly.

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I am not sure would have paid any attention to this subject in 2008, though I was deeply clued in to the grift of our debt based manipulation of assets. Can’t even say I would have spent 30 minutes reading this in 2018. But as I now try desperately to expose the fear based reality of our culture, this vast nodal system of systems is becoming undeniable. I look forward to more. With deep gratitude.

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Thank you, Kelly.

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Excellent post, we probably see the same patterns and connect dots in a similar way.

This is from Severing our Political Ties: https://nefahotep.substack.com/p/severing-our-political-ties-ending

The Legal System is an Economy of Control; You are it’s Collateral, Your Compliance is it’s Currency, Your willing blind Loyalty is it’s Coin, why would it ever allow acknowledgement of your Independence from it?

-- Once most people really begin to recognized that we are of a non physical nature, the Control Grid the Parasites have relied on will be useless to the them.

Our options:

Repair or Restore -- We can try to Repair a broken system, to correct it’s Disposition towards our Freedom. How we relate to it, how it relates to us. This may involve us being able to Reduce the system in scope, to fulfill it’s intended original charter, I know there are some people who still think Elections work....

Severance -- If Repair is not a option, yet the system persists in it’s Intransigence, Intergranular Corruption, Parasitism and Usurpation of our Natural Sovereign Rights, this impels us to Sever our Political Ties to this system. This step would be Nullification. A Parallel System can then be developed reflecting how we choose live.

Dissolution of the System -- If Severance and a Parallel System is ever challenged by the Original System, then the next step is Open Revolt. This may be the ultimate result of an unwillingness on the part of the former system to Recognize that true Sovereignty belongs to Independent Individuals, only.

If we created the State; we have a duty to abolish it, if it consistently defies our right to exist.

Our Individual Sovereignty is seated from our deep Spiritual Self:


Language is Foundational to Civilization

Spirituality is Foundational to Identity and Language

Hierarchy is a distortion of Individual Sovereignty, which reflects within Society

Legal vs Lawful can be aspects of Intent:

What affects what is written, is Meaning and Intent; this can be applied to restrict freedom, just as much as it can be used to remove those same imposed constraints in the context of our Social Mind. How we See ourselves, becomes part of the clarity of how we Stand against legal deceit, written to define us and bind us to agendas that are not our own.

Freedom is natural to every Individual; Liberty is a word to describe an enumeration of it, that when defined by Government, continues to shrink over time........

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I've been meditating etc since the early 70s... stopped watching TV in 1968-9; stopped reading newspapers & magazines. Read Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, the Seth books(!).... You've nailed it, my fren! Namaste🙏

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Thank you! 🙏

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If we could just get more people to pay attention locally. For example, all the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are being implemented into virtually every town, city, county in our Republic. These goals, however incompatible with our current political situation are promoted, financed and implemented through the "Council of Governments" which is usually located in the largest counties of the State. This is nothing other than a group of United Nations NGO's !

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Just read this again because I love it so much - it's a slightly new way or framework for me to think about how control structures perpetuate themselves. The frequential aspect of this is just so crucial and so often overlooked. I've heard the Pleiadians refer to this time as the Frequency Wars - where the real battle is for our consciousness. As you describe, everything about this multilayered and multifaceted architecture of control (I would further emphasize medical, religious, and scientific control structures as well) is intended to keep us in the lower frequency states of survival-mode consciousness. Maintaining the materialist worldview is paramount to their scheme.

I love how you are teeing up the hope aspect and can't wait to read the next part. Mercifully (though just physics), higher frequencies are more powerful and encourage greater awakening as those frequencies feed into the collective morphic field. I am so optimistic that we are steadily approaching that tipping point where the lowest frequencies simply cannot be sustained because there is no longer sufficient resonance and amplitude.

Kudos to Badlands for amplifying these kinds of articles that approach liberation and sovereignty from a consciousness perspective.

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Thank you, Carolyn. my goal is to show how frequency (consciousness) is at the core of [their] assault on humanity. To trap people in lower states of consciousness is to keep them from even being able to see the manipulation, let alone do something about it. I appreciate your kind words.

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Excellent article. And don’t get too hung up on the technical details of feedback loop refinement just yet.

The truly imperative aspect of your offerings is to the make the population familiar with the processes and completely comprehensive nature of how totally manipulated humanity is and has been. Since people started thumping on hollow logs around a fire.

Time to stew about PIDs can come next semester. 😉 But they’re important too, in the end.

And an afterthought, there’s no guarantee we get back to actual money versus monopoly “currency”. Unless the masses start “buying” eggs from their neighbors and paying for them with cucumbers or cherry tomatoes they grew in the flower bed.

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"The truly imperative aspect of your offerings is to the make the population familiar with the processes and completely comprehensive nature of how totally manipulated humanity is and has been." THIS... this is exactly my goal. Thank you for the kind words.

As far as other comments, I don't mind feedback when given in ways intended to build upon the subject matter, that's how we grow - together. Be Blessed!

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This is how decentralization can destroy the beast. Harmonizing all aspects of decentralization will set us free.

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As I read this so many examples ran through my brain...the Jan 6 insurrection....the Russia hoax, gender affirming care, financial crises (personal & corporate)

We were (still are)being bombarded with the news repetition on Jan 6 horror (the lefties will have this in our history books I suppose)

The normalization of LGBTQ starting in youthful education, adding these "marginalized" groups to every movie, gala, parade and book we read in an attempt to make this life style normal.

Financial news refusing to aknowledge our inflation, money struggles, our personal debt is an abberation because the stock market is doing well and that it isn't the governments fault. So we blame ourselves and keep spending because the banks have given us enough rope to hang ourselves.

These are simplistic comments to be sure but every one of us will process this differently and I do believe many of our citizens would read this and NOT gain anything from it. Education is key to bring about critical thinking skills again. TY

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Thank you, Deborah... I tried to write this in a way that allowed people to first see how it affects them daily, then slowly expand outward to higher dimensions. I appreciate your feedback.

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I remember receiving a psychic download that there was a large underground bell that kept the planet in a low vibration. Who knows, maybe it's in Greenland?. But a great read! Reminded me a bit of David Icke, joining all the dots but hopefully this has a happy ending. He wasn't very good at that. Thank you.

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I could see [them] playing with DARPA/HAARP and messing with the frequencies... I actually Tweeted long ago that partly Starlink was geared to offset those types of frequencies. We will see. Thank you for the kind words.

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Very interesting article OC. I like how you have organized things into a simple integrated structure that makes it easy to understand. I look forward to future articles.

Thanks for sharing your work.

Happy New Year!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you, Joe. I struggled with balancing the technical with the cognitively digestible. I am glad it resonated with you.

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Listened again. I’m kinda getting it. Kinda.

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I must listen again. This is all new to me. Can anyone recommend an app?

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What caught my attention (it's been wavering lately) was the simplicity of this solution. I could put myself out there and run for the school board. I've only been plotting this strategy for 29 years...it's time to bring it to fruition.

I can listen to music of the right wavelength. I can start walking and breathing again.

I believe I've severed and annihilated a couple of modes, processing this very well organized and executed tome.


I will listen again because my brain isn't working right and need to know what I missed. I hope this is going into a book.

My descendants will all need to study this marvelous, simple and relaxing Record of how humanity finally won its battle against evil.

Thank you!

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Thank you, Donna. Each of us are on our own journey. I started with things that affect each person directly to show how Deep State is in fact after each person, with the goal of trapping all of society forever. As we climb into higher dimensions, we will see how all [their] tools were used against [them]. The White Hats flipped the script...

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I like where I think you are going with this...

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