The judicial system along with many other American systems sucks. It’s corrupt and has no sense of fairness. Judges are either afraid or in cahoots with the criminals. I watched probably 75 percent of this trial. I am not an Arizonan. I never heard what the industry standard of a signature comparison should take. Businesses must know this information for capacity planning. Somehow they got almost 300000 signature comparisons done in 36 hours (when they were doing approximately 50-60k a day). And to think that this is just one facet of the election count. The avenues available to cheat is overwhelming.

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The Judge Is Bought & Paid For!!!

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It is time for a fight, these criminals even these Judges need to burn for treason!

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Ashe do you have any information on how the people of Arizona are reacting to this utter display of lawlessness?

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I'm in Az. From my view, the left is pleased and stating their expected "I told you so" and sore loser comments. Yet when confronted with the facts, they refuse a dialogue. Those that read and think see the corruption and are pissed. Add to this the governor (Hobbs) has rejected signing 94 legislature passed bills. People are thinking it is because of the right controlled state legislature. The divide is getting greater than ever and the lies are more extreme.

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Well said. Thank you. Black robed pawn, Thompson personally proved twice now, as in the rest of America, there is NO RULE OF LAW in Arizona. We citizens of Arizona are made fools of, and are openly mocked in open court by corrupt judges like political hack, Thompson. As along as we the people accept malfeasant perversion of the law, we can surely expect more of it. Thompson's political opinions do not outweigh evidence, nor do attaboys, blackmail, extortion, incompetence, pats on the back, threats of violence, or whatever drives Thompson's willingness to violate his oath to protect and defend our Constitutional right to vote per Amendments 14, 15, 19, 24 and 26. Thompson MUST be removed from the bench and if he's a lawyer, disbarred. Thanks again.

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As you say, more Americans may be 'awake', but that is, by itself, not a 'win'. If losing a verdict is winning because people wake up, then we have been winning for 2 1/2 years without consequences. Election fatigue is winning. Corrupt courts are winning and disinterest from the public is winning. At some point, people simply won't care anymore. I fear the flame for truth is fading/dying and real change for all this corruption will be lost.

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Do not fear. The real objective -- the real 'win' -- is for the Normies to wake up. This would not have happened if the election results were overturned in the weeks after the election. With every disclosure, every time the courts or the election officials or the candidates do or say something damning, more people wake up. The longer this goes on, the worse it is for [them].

So yes, our side is winning -- because people are waking up. These things happens slowly at first, and then all of a sudden. NCSWIC.

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I have been listening to this theory that normies will wake up... and then all at once. they are called "normies" because they are slow to see truth. If they still can't see it now, they will be normies forever. A certain segment of the population simply won't care even if a A bomb goes off in the country. Seeing the truth and acting on it are two very different things. Normies may eventually 'see it' but I doubt they will ever act on it. Time's up!

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Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you now believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.”

-- John 20:29 (NASB)

At the time Jesus was crucified, many Jews did not believe He was the Messiah, because no Roman could kill the true Messiah. They wanted a leader who would lead them in war to victory over their oppressors; Jesus was 'the prince of peace.'

But in the subsequent centuries, the message of Jesus Christ spread far and wide; today over 30% of the world's population (2.4 billion people) have accepted Christ. There remain only 16 million Jews, 0.2% of the population; most converted to Christianity.

Sun Tzu said that “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” It appears that indeed, based on the results, Jesus did indeed succeed in converting more followers than any competing faith; and he did so based on faith alone.

There is plenty of evidence that 'we are winning.' You are impatient to see results; that is normal. I have offered the following before as what I believe to be pretty strong evidence:

1. Donald Trump would not be running in 2024 if he did not believe he would win.

2. Trump knows that he cannot win if the Deep State can fraud 2024 like they did 2016, 2020, and 2022.

3. Ergo, Trump knows that the White Hats have a plan which will produce fair elections in 2024.

4. The Deep State knows this and are powerless to do anything about it, because they do not understand the White Hats' plan. So they are acting out, making unforced errors like the Moloch Speech.

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Yes, I am impatient... I have been waiting for 'white hats' to show up and handcuff these traitors. I realize exposing the enemy, allowing them to make foolish decisions, is part of the Game Theory of success. I want to "trust the plan" but waking up normies has a law of diminishing returns. No amount of Jesus quotes or Sun Tzu strategies compel me anymore. I want ACTION. I want Kari Lake as Gov. now... you should too.

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Understand, and I want that too... so do we all.

It is important to remember that (we) will only get one shot at this, and it has to be done right. We -- you and me and the rest of us here -- are not privileged to the 'big picture' of what is going on. Matter of fact, I am pretty well convinced that this whole situation is far bigger than we can understand today, based on what we do know.

It appears that this whole operation started in 1963 in response to CIA involvement in the JFK assassination -- if not before. It started out as a US operation; once they understood how wide-ranging all of this 'Controller' stuff was, and that it was international, it has been expanded to include participation from many other nations, including some you might think of as 'enemies' based on what the MSM tells us. Trump being elected president was one part of the operation; there is more yet to play out.

I think Trump being president again 2025-2029 is likely part of the plan, but there is much, much more to it -- tens of thousands of sealed indictments of conspirators in the USA alone. Plus parallel operations in most of the 'significant' countries of the world.

So if we've been waiting 60 years already for this, I can wait another year if that is what it takes. Tom Petty said 'the waiting is the hardest part.' He was right.

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Regarding your Tom Petty's quote, I do prefer this one from our "Tiger" Georges Clémenceau:

"The best part of love is going up the stairs..."

Enjoy !

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I'm not from Arizona, but anyone who watched Kari Lake's campaign couldn't help but root wholeheartedly for her victory. I was outraged by her obvious crooked, stolen loss to that reprehensible little weasel, Katie Hobbs. This latest loss was a soul crusher and I urged Arizonans (on another site) to burn their state to the ground bc they are blatantly, publicly and to there faces being cheated and robbed, with no relief in sight. They've done everything through the proper legal channels and they've been repeatedly disrespected, mocked by the corrupt system and figuratively spit in the face. There's nothing left but to fight fire with fire and go BLM on the cowards and criminals running their state. Enough is e-fuckin-nough. But that's just me and I'm far away. Maybe I'd be afraid of the Sinaloa cartel too.

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You are 100% Michael! I approve this message-LOL!

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I admire your optimism. I felt the same way several elections ago.

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Several elections ago the world was, at least on its surface, a very different place. Woke-ism had not reared its ugly head, nobody was talking about corrupt elections (though I believe the fraud actually started in some places like California ca. 2000), evil was not on full display everywhere, the borders were not being overrun, cities even in the hands of democrats were still livable for the most part.

Even in Hawai'i, though strongly liberal, it would have been possible to be a happy Normie, and I'm sure most people were. But much has changed.

Now we see the face of evil; Rev. Franklin Graham said yesterday "every demon in Hell has been turned loose." But there is also compelling evidence that much of what we see is the death spiral of the Cabal and Deep State, who are losing bigly but trying to convince everyone that 'everything is OK.' Read Jon Herold's 'Patel Patriot' substack on devolution, or Burning Bright's substack on the Narrative Wars and related topics. [They] will fight to the last Ukrainian, they will scream like stuck pigs, they will lash out in fire and fury as if there is no tomorrow. Because for them, there IS no tomorrow. The walls are closing in. They are the ones hoping for a miracle, but their time in the sun is almost done.

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Thank you for responding. I have tried to remain hopeful and I struggle back and forth with it. The first time I ever voted in my life was in 2020, for Trump, bc I was so compelled to and I felt so emphatic that a democrat win would spell doom for the nation. I felt that my vote would matter. Imagine how empty and dazed I felt on election night when Fox news betrayed us, when they stopped counting and it became obvious the fix was in. Then, in the following days, when all the evidence of election misconduct started coming in, I was so sure things surely would turn around. To feel my hope rising, only to be crushed again. I followed Patel Patriot and his devolution and yet again, I was hopeful. It carried me through to 2022 and Kari Lake seemed unstoppable, a shoe-in. The red tsunami was inevitable. Election night felt like 2020 all over again. How many times can you get conned before you realize elections are rigged by an unscrupulous, corrupt party, that will keep winning until the system is fixed? And did anyone do anything in the interim between 2020 and 2022 to fix the system? Sure, a few voter rolls were cleaned up, here and there, but it was a bandaid on a huge and festering boil. But Wild Bill, bc you took the time to nudge me back to my senses, I will light my flame of faith, once again and keep the fire going. Yes, it may seem like they're winning bc the media never reports on our victories, but there are definite cracks in their seeming unstoppable power. Thank you. I'm headed for Patel Patriots site and doing some catch up, right now. Keep doing what you're doing. Peace.


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First of all, thanks for your kind words. We all come here to encourage and be encouraged. It is a wonderful community, where 'hope' is replaced with 'expectation' -- informed belief that on balance, what is going on in the world is good for freedom, a free people and free country/countries.

It seems to me that the losses in the recent elections, as hard as they are to accept, are a necessary part of getting where we need to be. Necessary, in that this is an operation that has been going on for decades now, it is very complex involving participants from many countries, and people like Brandon and Lula (BR) and Sunak (UK) and Hobbs (AZ) need to be in charge when things fall apart. For a good take on this, see https://burningbright.substack.com/p/the-spider-man-2-effect.

Nothing was done to correct the fraud in 2022, but that does not mean it isn't coming. Trump would not be running in 2024 unless he knew that he could win, which would not be possible if the fraud continues. I expect that the White Hat plans for the 2024 election involve military running the election, counting the votes manually, one-day in-person voting, 'real ID' like you need to get on an airliner, cleaning up the voter rolls, and no results reported until everything is tabulated, i.e. the counting is done. Remember that counting is actually pretty easy -- it's only when the results are manipulated that it gets complicated and takes weeks.

However, keep in mind that while winning in 2024 may be an important part of the plan, there is much more to it and there are challenging and difficult times ahead both here in the USA and elsewhere. It won't be over on inauguration day; there will be a lot of work to be done to rebuild everything the Controllers have destroyed. But at least we can look forward to it being a positive task -- hard work, but with a great result.

Keep the faith, JB from the 808, don't let [them] get you down. As the Badlands writers tell us, this war is a psy op or psychological operation. [Their] primary goal is to make you give up and believe we can't win; even if we could it would be so hard to not be worth it; and even if we did win we'd just be better off not trying. Whenever you feel down, remind yourself "This is exactly how [they] want me to feel -- and I am not going to let them win! I have Power, I have Agency, and I have Strength! I will not lose without fighting! And I am not alone!" Remember the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz -- these Controllers are nothing more than an evil version of that man.

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Bring on the revolution.

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We, French 🇫🇷, have a unique technology to shorten our despotes lives ! 😁

I'd enjoy lend it to you as long as needed 🇫🇷 🇺🇲

God bless us all!


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Thanks for covering this! Excellent article and this verdict is so disappointing but not surprising. I had hope on this because it sounded like they proved their case, but the corruption in Arizona is locked down!

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Hi Deb !

I re-post here my comment from Burning Bright today:

The answer could be in the last cases (Kari Lake, Brunson, Abe Hamadeh in Arizona, Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes in Pennsylvania) linked to elections integrity which are moving "timely" towards SCOTUS.

Were SCOTUS eventually to fail in standing for your Constitution, I think the whole judicial probes and evidences package would finally be argued and defended in front of military courts.

"Military is the only way" ...


WWG1WGA 🇺🇲🧑‍🤝‍🧑🇫🇷🧑‍🤝‍🧑🇳🇿🧑‍🤝‍🧑🌎


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You are a better patriot then a lot of Americans! God bless you.🙏

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Hello ALtab! 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷

This fight helps me in fighting my disease as it gives me a deep hope and a powerful goal under God !

Rather than being a patriot, I'm a GRATEFUL French and European citizen who visited and saw the many cemeteries and memorials which witness the BIG price unknown men and women paid for US, for me !!

I praid for them each time I could ... 🙏🏻✝️🇺🇲🕊️

I cried with tears hearing your clarions sounding at the end of the day, while your Stars & Stripes were brought down with a marvelous care by your soldiers.

Just THANK YOU, and Glory to God for all of them 🕊️🌎

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Yes, I visited them too, when living there. We have patriots all over the world and it’s a wonderful thing to realize!! God has gifted many for this time and I am so very thankful for that!🙏🙏

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It’s not a verdict it’s an opinion of a judge. The things the judge has decided are subject to appeal and they should take it all to the Supreme Court of the US if necessary. If the judges overrule state laws that isn’t within their authority without explanation of why the law isn’t followed to the letter and that is appropriate for appeal.

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Time for the Supreme Court to see the evidence .

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Hello ALtab! 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷

I agree but who can see the best comparing a blind institution and judges with caps on their eyes ??

I hope/wish this will finish in front of military courts duely packed with conservative, sovereignist and maybe MAGA judges! 🥲


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This case could of been figured out by a 5th grader. We are seeing the courts are crooked as the FBI and CIA. Pray the SCOTUS hears this case and gives a verdict that is lawful. It’s sad, we are suppose to honor judges, yet they are some of the worst offenders of the law. May God help us.

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