The judicial system along with many other American systems sucks. It’s corrupt and has no sense of fairness. Judges are either afraid or in cahoots with the criminals. I watched probably 75 percent of this trial. I am not an Arizonan. I never heard what the industry standard of a signature comparison should take. Businesses must know this information for capacity planning. Somehow they got almost 300000 signature comparisons done in 36 hours (when they were doing approximately 50-60k a day). And to think that this is just one facet of the election count. The avenues available to cheat is overwhelming.

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The Judge Is Bought & Paid For!!!

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It is time for a fight, these criminals even these Judges need to burn for treason!

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Ashe do you have any information on how the people of Arizona are reacting to this utter display of lawlessness?

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Well said. Thank you. Black robed pawn, Thompson personally proved twice now, as in the rest of America, there is NO RULE OF LAW in Arizona. We citizens of Arizona are made fools of, and are openly mocked in open court by corrupt judges like political hack, Thompson. As along as we the people accept malfeasant perversion of the law, we can surely expect more of it. Thompson's political opinions do not outweigh evidence, nor do attaboys, blackmail, extortion, incompetence, pats on the back, threats of violence, or whatever drives Thompson's willingness to violate his oath to protect and defend our Constitutional right to vote per Amendments 14, 15, 19, 24 and 26. Thompson MUST be removed from the bench and if he's a lawyer, disbarred. Thanks again.

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As you say, more Americans may be 'awake', but that is, by itself, not a 'win'. If losing a verdict is winning because people wake up, then we have been winning for 2 1/2 years without consequences. Election fatigue is winning. Corrupt courts are winning and disinterest from the public is winning. At some point, people simply won't care anymore. I fear the flame for truth is fading/dying and real change for all this corruption will be lost.

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Thanks for covering this! Excellent article and this verdict is so disappointing but not surprising. I had hope on this because it sounded like they proved their case, but the corruption in Arizona is locked down!

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It’s not a verdict it’s an opinion of a judge. The things the judge has decided are subject to appeal and they should take it all to the Supreme Court of the US if necessary. If the judges overrule state laws that isn’t within their authority without explanation of why the law isn’t followed to the letter and that is appropriate for appeal.

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Time for the Supreme Court to see the evidence .

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This case could of been figured out by a 5th grader. We are seeing the courts are crooked as the FBI and CIA. Pray the SCOTUS hears this case and gives a verdict that is lawful. It’s sad, we are suppose to honor judges, yet they are some of the worst offenders of the law. May God help us.

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