Exactly what I have been thinking for a long while now….we are the ones to help educate the newly awakened people in the truth. You said it so very well,
‘We should be honored we have been chosen. It is an honor, and a responsibility that comes with battle scars. We have been chosen for a reason.’
So many have been gifted by God for the exposing the truth and, as I have commented previously, they will be the true heroes in the history of these times. Yet, it has seemed to me that we are not the heroes, but that we are here, awakened early, many of us much earlier, for this time…to help our family, friends, colleagues, etc. in making sense of the past as well as to celebrate the future..with kindness and patience.
God bless you, Erik, for this excellent and timely article!🙏🙏
Yes, ALtab, we have been blessed for some time with this recognition. It is something we all can do, regardless of age, physical condition, even health.
As Erik points out (and you and I have discussed), we must show kindness and understanding to those who come to us, their 'friendly neighborhood conspiracy theorist,' when everything around them is falling apart and nothing makes sense anymore. They will seek us out -- we don't need to go looking for them. Sure as the sun rises in the morning -- to the smells of coffee and bacon, and the sound of eggs frying in the pan.
I've been doing this quietly for some time now, being called "crazy" to me was a compliment, as inevitably, those who weren't too controlled by the cult came back and asked me how I knew, so I could teach them to see more than before.
I was "fortunate" in my youth, I died when I was 23 and came back very different, feeling like I had my vision replaced with the sunglasses from the movie "Them". The awareness cost me a lot, most of my social circle, my fiancé, even my parents, and path of "success". But once you see, you can't un-see and as thorny of a path that is to walk, i wouldn't trade it in for the illusion of what passes for wealth or success.
I too council don't become bitter, angry, or resentful when those whom I've peeled back the curtain for catch flak from their social circle, its part of the initiation I tell them, receive it with dignity. Its our duty and arc of redemption to guide the lost when they reach out to us.
But while I tell them to be patient and empathic, I also council to not waste time on those in the cult, its where they *want* to be and they *will* fight to stay there. Its interesting how the movies Inception, Matrix and Wizard of Oz all help pass on the message, though I often include Alice in Wonderland as well, can't tell you how many small dinners i stirred up with digging into that classic with a more philosophical/esoteric lens in place.
I am glad to have been chosen but it still came with all the emotions and scars these unawakened will come to endure. When I first heard of the lies, I was emotionally upset, especially about the children being tortured for adrenochrome. Then the realization that health care was an industry out to make us all sick to keep us permanently on drugs, and so on and so on. The flood kept coming for the past 10 years until today. The good news, I have realized that Satan and his minions have been strong and in front of my eyes my whole life and I didn’t see it, then gradually I have seen him everywhere, in everything, and all the people that worship him. Because of that, my personal relationship with Jesus Christ has made me stronger towards my salvation and with the help of the Holy Spirit in me I can take it all in and feel more comfortable with all the horrific news. That is what it takes, belief in God! And now, I can pray for the children, pray for the truth to keep coming out, pray for revival and renewal, all the things I never knew about. It is so hard knowing but now God is listening to the prayers of His chosen, that is what keeps me going.🙏
Being born in 1964, months after the assassination of JFK, I viewed that event as history. It never set right with me and over the years I watched documentaries and read articles that the disputed the official story. I was open to these ideas but held off accepting them because to do so would mean accepting that our own government was capable of such an atrocity. Then, as an adult and father of four I watched the horror of 9/11. In the year that followed, I again watched videos and read articles that challenged the official story. But, this time I could not deny the truth. I remember the moment I became physically ill, sick to my stomach, when I finally accepted that, yes, OUR GOVERNMENT committed this atrocity, and by extension JFK and all the others. I was awake, and you don't go back to sleep. This present chapter with Trump and the golden escalator, has been a huge challenge for me and I realized that I would someday have to help the others, as you describe. Needless to say, my wife still thinks I'm crazy. I will help her, of course, and anyone else that I can. I have no doubt that this time in history is why I am here. I'm ready. Bring it on. Thank you Erik.
Great, timely reminder Erik! Honestly, I had to gulp. If I’m honest, I admit that the knowing can engulf me sometimes, but love of unawakened family and friends puts me in that place where I remember how unawakened I once was. My own post “I Was A Yellow Dog Democrat” is now a self reminder that I grew up in and bought into the lies. Waking Up can be hard to do, and we, especially as Christians, must mindfully and gently help our conned family and friends into the beautiful new reality. Thanks for the wake up nudge Erik. Peace
Great piece Erik. I don’t know why I have woken up during this time while everyone around me has stayed fast asleep. I did not begin to question anything until the stolen election and covid. Then the jabs. Everyone around me fell in line with MSM—-masks, jabs, stay inside, etc. I called it all BS. I was alone in rejecting the jab and called every name in the book—by my own family. I don’t know if they are awake to what they have done to their bodies or not—I am a conspiracy nut. Have the deaths of a father and 45 yr old son-in-law within the same year and the death of another 45 year old father of 2 little girls RAISED a flag in their minds? All heart attacks. And TDS is real among some family members so they will never believe anything out of his mouth or ever admit that life might be better with him. As you said, some will forever stay lost. I hope I will be able to talk with my kids and others about all of this and how they were deceived. I pray daily for their awakening. I am so ready for the next phase of this story to commence. I pray for the healing of our country and for people to come together. Way too much division and anger now. 🙏🏻🇺🇸
One thing I've observed throughout all this is how absolutely iron clad brainwashing is. It's fascinating to observe brainwashed minds, then present them with easily verifiable, excellent sources of information from top scientists, psychologists, physicians etc. only to see them reject it outright or take some of it in but quickly retreat back to their comfortable ignorance of nearly complete denial. I was shaken to my core in about 2015 when I realized much of what I thought I knew was lies so I get it. I didn't retreat though. I just kept digging to see how deep the lies go. It's mind numbing but it also really strengthened my faith in Christ Jesus.
THANK GOD YOU WROTE THIS🙏 I needed this more than you can know. I have less than zero in patience and have been asking myself how in the hell am I going to deal with these normies when they finally wake up? You just gave me a professional guidebook of procedures. This is being printed out and indexed as I write this. You’re a GENIUS🏆
Q said that 4-6% were unreachable, or unsalvageable.
I would tend to believe he's in the ballpark.
I believe there are two end phases of Trump Derangement Syndrome(TDS) which will resolve itself in the near future.
1) those who are not too far gone and are still reachable will have to go through something similar to cult deprogramming (maybe 90% of the people suffering for more severe TDS).
" Be patient and respectful when asking questions.
Teach by sharing similar examples and experiences.
Learn about mind control techniques.
Work to establish a relationship and connect with your friend or family member, which will build trust."
Some of them will eventually re-normalize and reintegrate into society, much of what is mentioned this article falls under the definition of a cult, which is what the Cabal/DS are and which their psychological warfare tactics have encouraged.
2) The irredeemable:
There is a term I've seen but it's never been really defined: Socially induced Catatonia.
"Catatonia is a disorder that disrupts how your brain works, disrupting how a person processes and reacts to the world around them. People with catatonia often don’t react to things happening nearby or may react in ways that seem unusual. Impaired communication, unusual movements or lack of movement, and behavior abnormalities are the most striking features of this condition."
I believe when the truth comes out that a small percentage of these diehard "woke" zombie supporters of the DS will never recover from their shock at the shift in society.
You can already see this in how some people are reacting to Trump's popularity, their statements are becoming more and more incoherent and illogical.
Some of them will become as stated in the article, they'll be socially and cognitively impaired.
Much like those who have become covid hypochondriacs, these people will see the enemy everywhere, their paranoia will go off the charts.
Unfortunately a minority of them have been conditioned to react violently to any shift away from their worldview.
My own guess would be that 0.1% of the population will react this way, that's around 350,000 people in the US out of 350 million people.
Doesn't sound like much but 350000 people becoming violent and possibility attacking anyone who crosses their path.
Look at the first Trump assassin and think 350000 of them coming out of the woodwork to attack any government officials or even average MAGA supporters.
Already reports of vandalism and in some cases violence against Trump and MAGA supporters are already on the rise.
I believe the Deep State will use their waning media influence to "trigger" these mentally unstable people into creating as much chaos as possible over the next 12-18 months.
These people I consider to be in a permanent "psychopathic state", you can't reform psychopaths and some of these people will never be "saved".
We probably all know someone who fits that description.
The only solution is either incarceration or elimination.
I think this is a realistic assessment of what we'll be facing in the new Trump era and hope I'm far off in the numbers but I can't ignore the ongoing trends on the behavior of these people, and it doesn't point to a happy ending for them.
The perpetual mask wearers walking around by themselves outside or working out in a gym are so sadly brainwashed. I often want to nicely approach them to see what they're deal is but it seems to me it would be too depressing to do that. I saw a very fit 35 or so year old guy at my gym wearing a big black mask that nearly made him look like Hannibal Lecter. It's so bizarre, and sad. It's like they were born to respond irrationally to the slightest fear.
".....humbly assist those who seek to understand the truth."
For sure that is why we are here. For many this will include family and "former" friends. It will be interesting/gratifying/fulfilling to enlarge our "bubble of awareness" to include those whose "bubble of denial" we could not even ever-so-gently pierce.
Tough times of Truth ahead. Bring it on..........and bring it "Brightly"
The Mainstream media has been the enemy of the people for decades because they ARE part of the deep state. Citizen journalism has exposed the media, FBI, DOJ just to name a few. The Deep state has been exposed, it’s just a matter of time before the masses understand just how corrupt the government is .
As Elon said…Very few Americans realize, if Trump is not elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it.
“Democracy” is the democrats word for ….Do it our way…Let us money launder through wars….Let us do Insider Trading….Let us Lie…and if wars break out because we are corrupt, we will send your sons and daughters….Let us have a wide open border to increase the crisis we started….Let us make Illegals citizens so there will never be another party in power and then we can screw the tax payers any way we want….Destroying the 2nd amendment and pack the Supreme Court is our goal.
One minor point: you might want to add a shout-out to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who first pointed out the 'five stages of grief' in her 1969 book 'On Death and Dying.' Also known as the Kübler-Ross model.
She was amazing. She was at University of Chicago for some time. She hired a black woman from either Hyde Park or South Shore as her assistant. Everybody on the floor where the offices were liked the woman. One day the assistant died but a couple days later Ross, and a number of people on the floor saw her walking in the hallways, and the others wondered WTF was up. Ross knew what was up because of all her experience with people at the portal of death. Some people can see the human etheric body which survives bodily death for 3 days then disperses into the vast cosmos of the spirit realms. Christ Jesus will return not bodily to earth but in his etheric body. After he defeated death he was with his disciples, and others for longer than 3 days though, and at least, according to the doubting Thomas account, people could touch Jesus as if he were still alive in physical body.
As the Bible states we are body soul & spirit. When started in the womb our God places a soul (I knew you before the beginning of the world) to that little child growing in the womb. The child’s spirit is with Jesus and the body is an Earthly body. If the child’s spirit doesn’t make it to an Earthly born being it is then with Jesus permanently. Meaning its soul is saved to Jesus. I agree with you that our Earthly body is “adjusted” a few times before we get our heavenly body. Of course only saved by Jesus’s grace people will receive their heavenly (or permanent bodies). They way I understand the Bible is we have these bodies, Earthly -> interim -> heavenly
I believe we receive our heavenly bodies upon our judgment to eternal life (by Jesus as judge). Remember believers are not judged by the Great White Throne Judgement.
During my college time my girlfriend at the time was required to read this book for her degree. She thought the information within was very informative!
This book made quite a splash when it came out, both in the popular media and academia. There are not many books that do that -- most academic tomes are too dry and laced with insider jargon, 'popular' books deemed by the academics as non-serious. It's a tough needle to thread, but she did it.
“In some cases, it’s like someone who reads and memorizes the Bible word for word and still believes Christianity is crazy. It’s not that they are uneducated on what Christians believe, they just think what Christians believe is crazy.”
I know someone who fits this profile exactly - Oxford educated, more biblically literate than many Christians but as unsanctified as Screwtape’s uncle.
That was really good. Thanks for writing this. I have so many family members that qont speak to me over this. They say they trust facts and not a crystal ball that I've been trusting since I started waking up.
Exactly what I have been thinking for a long while now….we are the ones to help educate the newly awakened people in the truth. You said it so very well,
‘We should be honored we have been chosen. It is an honor, and a responsibility that comes with battle scars. We have been chosen for a reason.’
So many have been gifted by God for the exposing the truth and, as I have commented previously, they will be the true heroes in the history of these times. Yet, it has seemed to me that we are not the heroes, but that we are here, awakened early, many of us much earlier, for this time…to help our family, friends, colleagues, etc. in making sense of the past as well as to celebrate the future..with kindness and patience.
God bless you, Erik, for this excellent and timely article!🙏🙏
Yes, ALtab, we have been blessed for some time with this recognition. It is something we all can do, regardless of age, physical condition, even health.
As Erik points out (and you and I have discussed), we must show kindness and understanding to those who come to us, their 'friendly neighborhood conspiracy theorist,' when everything around them is falling apart and nothing makes sense anymore. They will seek us out -- we don't need to go looking for them. Sure as the sun rises in the morning -- to the smells of coffee and bacon, and the sound of eggs frying in the pan.
I've been doing this quietly for some time now, being called "crazy" to me was a compliment, as inevitably, those who weren't too controlled by the cult came back and asked me how I knew, so I could teach them to see more than before.
I was "fortunate" in my youth, I died when I was 23 and came back very different, feeling like I had my vision replaced with the sunglasses from the movie "Them". The awareness cost me a lot, most of my social circle, my fiancé, even my parents, and path of "success". But once you see, you can't un-see and as thorny of a path that is to walk, i wouldn't trade it in for the illusion of what passes for wealth or success.
I too council don't become bitter, angry, or resentful when those whom I've peeled back the curtain for catch flak from their social circle, its part of the initiation I tell them, receive it with dignity. Its our duty and arc of redemption to guide the lost when they reach out to us.
But while I tell them to be patient and empathic, I also council to not waste time on those in the cult, its where they *want* to be and they *will* fight to stay there. Its interesting how the movies Inception, Matrix and Wizard of Oz all help pass on the message, though I often include Alice in Wonderland as well, can't tell you how many small dinners i stirred up with digging into that classic with a more philosophical/esoteric lens in place.
Beautifully said.
Oh my goodness, ALtab. Are you a mind reader as these were my thoughts also. Thank you for putting them out there. You are Awesome
I am glad to have been chosen but it still came with all the emotions and scars these unawakened will come to endure. When I first heard of the lies, I was emotionally upset, especially about the children being tortured for adrenochrome. Then the realization that health care was an industry out to make us all sick to keep us permanently on drugs, and so on and so on. The flood kept coming for the past 10 years until today. The good news, I have realized that Satan and his minions have been strong and in front of my eyes my whole life and I didn’t see it, then gradually I have seen him everywhere, in everything, and all the people that worship him. Because of that, my personal relationship with Jesus Christ has made me stronger towards my salvation and with the help of the Holy Spirit in me I can take it all in and feel more comfortable with all the horrific news. That is what it takes, belief in God! And now, I can pray for the children, pray for the truth to keep coming out, pray for revival and renewal, all the things I never knew about. It is so hard knowing but now God is listening to the prayers of His chosen, that is what keeps me going.🙏
It is all very upsetting when one sees the whole truth. Satan and his minions have never been really strong though, just very believable liars.
Being born in 1964, months after the assassination of JFK, I viewed that event as history. It never set right with me and over the years I watched documentaries and read articles that the disputed the official story. I was open to these ideas but held off accepting them because to do so would mean accepting that our own government was capable of such an atrocity. Then, as an adult and father of four I watched the horror of 9/11. In the year that followed, I again watched videos and read articles that challenged the official story. But, this time I could not deny the truth. I remember the moment I became physically ill, sick to my stomach, when I finally accepted that, yes, OUR GOVERNMENT committed this atrocity, and by extension JFK and all the others. I was awake, and you don't go back to sleep. This present chapter with Trump and the golden escalator, has been a huge challenge for me and I realized that I would someday have to help the others, as you describe. Needless to say, my wife still thinks I'm crazy. I will help her, of course, and anyone else that I can. I have no doubt that this time in history is why I am here. I'm ready. Bring it on. Thank you Erik.
Amen, Prof.
Great, timely reminder Erik! Honestly, I had to gulp. If I’m honest, I admit that the knowing can engulf me sometimes, but love of unawakened family and friends puts me in that place where I remember how unawakened I once was. My own post “I Was A Yellow Dog Democrat” is now a self reminder that I grew up in and bought into the lies. Waking Up can be hard to do, and we, especially as Christians, must mindfully and gently help our conned family and friends into the beautiful new reality. Thanks for the wake up nudge Erik. Peace
That is who we will need the most. The ones who didn't know at first, but realized later. You will know what they are dealing with. Thanks.
Woooooo baby. You’re getting me all jazzed up and it’s not even Friday.
Let the second American Revolution commence! 🇺🇸🎺
Lol. The horn reminded me of Bugle Boy of Company 9! Or as Dire Straits put it, I see Trump, blowing Dixie double four time, LOL.
Great piece Erik. I don’t know why I have woken up during this time while everyone around me has stayed fast asleep. I did not begin to question anything until the stolen election and covid. Then the jabs. Everyone around me fell in line with MSM—-masks, jabs, stay inside, etc. I called it all BS. I was alone in rejecting the jab and called every name in the book—by my own family. I don’t know if they are awake to what they have done to their bodies or not—I am a conspiracy nut. Have the deaths of a father and 45 yr old son-in-law within the same year and the death of another 45 year old father of 2 little girls RAISED a flag in their minds? All heart attacks. And TDS is real among some family members so they will never believe anything out of his mouth or ever admit that life might be better with him. As you said, some will forever stay lost. I hope I will be able to talk with my kids and others about all of this and how they were deceived. I pray daily for their awakening. I am so ready for the next phase of this story to commence. I pray for the healing of our country and for people to come together. Way too much division and anger now. 🙏🏻🇺🇸
One thing I've observed throughout all this is how absolutely iron clad brainwashing is. It's fascinating to observe brainwashed minds, then present them with easily verifiable, excellent sources of information from top scientists, psychologists, physicians etc. only to see them reject it outright or take some of it in but quickly retreat back to their comfortable ignorance of nearly complete denial. I was shaken to my core in about 2015 when I realized much of what I thought I knew was lies so I get it. I didn't retreat though. I just kept digging to see how deep the lies go. It's mind numbing but it also really strengthened my faith in Christ Jesus.
This is all of us. Thank you.
THANK GOD YOU WROTE THIS🙏 I needed this more than you can know. I have less than zero in patience and have been asking myself how in the hell am I going to deal with these normies when they finally wake up? You just gave me a professional guidebook of procedures. This is being printed out and indexed as I write this. You’re a GENIUS🏆
Welcome to the fight, Sheila. 💖
Q said that 4-6% were unreachable, or unsalvageable.
I would tend to believe he's in the ballpark.
I believe there are two end phases of Trump Derangement Syndrome(TDS) which will resolve itself in the near future.
1) those who are not too far gone and are still reachable will have to go through something similar to cult deprogramming (maybe 90% of the people suffering for more severe TDS).
" Be patient and respectful when asking questions.
Teach by sharing similar examples and experiences.
Learn about mind control techniques.
Work to establish a relationship and connect with your friend or family member, which will build trust."
Some of them will eventually re-normalize and reintegrate into society, much of what is mentioned this article falls under the definition of a cult, which is what the Cabal/DS are and which their psychological warfare tactics have encouraged.
2) The irredeemable:
There is a term I've seen but it's never been really defined: Socially induced Catatonia.
"Catatonia is a disorder that disrupts how your brain works, disrupting how a person processes and reacts to the world around them. People with catatonia often don’t react to things happening nearby or may react in ways that seem unusual. Impaired communication, unusual movements or lack of movement, and behavior abnormalities are the most striking features of this condition."
I believe when the truth comes out that a small percentage of these diehard "woke" zombie supporters of the DS will never recover from their shock at the shift in society.
You can already see this in how some people are reacting to Trump's popularity, their statements are becoming more and more incoherent and illogical.
Some of them will become as stated in the article, they'll be socially and cognitively impaired.
Much like those who have become covid hypochondriacs, these people will see the enemy everywhere, their paranoia will go off the charts.
Unfortunately a minority of them have been conditioned to react violently to any shift away from their worldview.
My own guess would be that 0.1% of the population will react this way, that's around 350,000 people in the US out of 350 million people.
Doesn't sound like much but 350000 people becoming violent and possibility attacking anyone who crosses their path.
Look at the first Trump assassin and think 350000 of them coming out of the woodwork to attack any government officials or even average MAGA supporters.
Already reports of vandalism and in some cases violence against Trump and MAGA supporters are already on the rise.
I believe the Deep State will use their waning media influence to "trigger" these mentally unstable people into creating as much chaos as possible over the next 12-18 months.
These people I consider to be in a permanent "psychopathic state", you can't reform psychopaths and some of these people will never be "saved".
We probably all know someone who fits that description.
The only solution is either incarceration or elimination.
I think this is a realistic assessment of what we'll be facing in the new Trump era and hope I'm far off in the numbers but I can't ignore the ongoing trends on the behavior of these people, and it doesn't point to a happy ending for them.
The perpetual mask wearers walking around by themselves outside or working out in a gym are so sadly brainwashed. I often want to nicely approach them to see what they're deal is but it seems to me it would be too depressing to do that. I saw a very fit 35 or so year old guy at my gym wearing a big black mask that nearly made him look like Hannibal Lecter. It's so bizarre, and sad. It's like they were born to respond irrationally to the slightest fear.
Very thoughtful article on what has been, and what must be. The "WYKYK" applies.
One thing : "it is what we have been woken up early to do." I always try to avoid the word "woke", so I use "awakened".
And my comment was supposed to be slightly humorous, lol.
".....humbly assist those who seek to understand the truth."
For sure that is why we are here. For many this will include family and "former" friends. It will be interesting/gratifying/fulfilling to enlarge our "bubble of awareness" to include those whose "bubble of denial" we could not even ever-so-gently pierce.
Tough times of Truth ahead. Bring it on..........and bring it "Brightly"
Love the post. Thank you.
The Mainstream media has been the enemy of the people for decades because they ARE part of the deep state. Citizen journalism has exposed the media, FBI, DOJ just to name a few. The Deep state has been exposed, it’s just a matter of time before the masses understand just how corrupt the government is .
As Elon said…Very few Americans realize, if Trump is not elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it.
“Democracy” is the democrats word for ….Do it our way…Let us money launder through wars….Let us do Insider Trading….Let us Lie…and if wars break out because we are corrupt, we will send your sons and daughters….Let us have a wide open border to increase the crisis we started….Let us make Illegals citizens so there will never be another party in power and then we can screw the tax payers any way we want….Destroying the 2nd amendment and pack the Supreme Court is our goal.
Excellent piece, as always, Erik.
One minor point: you might want to add a shout-out to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who first pointed out the 'five stages of grief' in her 1969 book 'On Death and Dying.' Also known as the Kübler-Ross model.
Thank you for pointing that out.
Sure, glad to help. 💖
She was amazing. She was at University of Chicago for some time. She hired a black woman from either Hyde Park or South Shore as her assistant. Everybody on the floor where the offices were liked the woman. One day the assistant died but a couple days later Ross, and a number of people on the floor saw her walking in the hallways, and the others wondered WTF was up. Ross knew what was up because of all her experience with people at the portal of death. Some people can see the human etheric body which survives bodily death for 3 days then disperses into the vast cosmos of the spirit realms. Christ Jesus will return not bodily to earth but in his etheric body. After he defeated death he was with his disciples, and others for longer than 3 days though, and at least, according to the doubting Thomas account, people could touch Jesus as if he were still alive in physical body.
As the Bible states we are body soul & spirit. When started in the womb our God places a soul (I knew you before the beginning of the world) to that little child growing in the womb. The child’s spirit is with Jesus and the body is an Earthly body. If the child’s spirit doesn’t make it to an Earthly born being it is then with Jesus permanently. Meaning its soul is saved to Jesus. I agree with you that our Earthly body is “adjusted” a few times before we get our heavenly body. Of course only saved by Jesus’s grace people will receive their heavenly (or permanent bodies). They way I understand the Bible is we have these bodies, Earthly -> interim -> heavenly
I believe we receive our heavenly bodies upon our judgment to eternal life (by Jesus as judge). Remember believers are not judged by the Great White Throne Judgement.
During my college time my girlfriend at the time was required to read this book for her degree. She thought the information within was very informative!
This book made quite a splash when it came out, both in the popular media and academia. There are not many books that do that -- most academic tomes are too dry and laced with insider jargon, 'popular' books deemed by the academics as non-serious. It's a tough needle to thread, but she did it.
Yes, my friend was studying nursing and went on to be a nurse practitioner.
Well written. Agreed.
Excellent read as usual
“In some cases, it’s like someone who reads and memorizes the Bible word for word and still believes Christianity is crazy. It’s not that they are uneducated on what Christians believe, they just think what Christians believe is crazy.”
I know someone who fits this profile exactly - Oxford educated, more biblically literate than many Christians but as unsanctified as Screwtape’s uncle.
That was really good. Thanks for writing this. I have so many family members that qont speak to me over this. They say they trust facts and not a crystal ball that I've been trusting since I started waking up.
We all have that. It's weird isn't it?