We should get college credit for Joe’s work. 😂

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Feb 21, 2024
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Why don't you just tell us what the thing is we are supposed to do ASAP!

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What an in-depth history lesson. I am going to make a banking tree from your info for reference.

Thank you for your mission to awaken us!

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A lot more info on Citibank coming in my next article. I don’t think most people have a clue what all this bank has been involved in.

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This is amazing. What We The People do not know. Praying for President Trump.

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“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

Nothing has changed since Rothschild made this statement. But, I agree with your well researched article that proves this point! It’s also true that it’s the love of money…. However the Bible doesn’t state the obvious we know today, and that love of money actually is only the means justifying the goal. Money is just the means to acquiring power. Power, apparently, is THE drug of choice, and based upon the history of the world’s wealthiest people; the acquisition of that money is via any and all means!

Your articles have been a wonderful wealth of information about the true state of our country, and demonstrate how far the elites and their minions in Congress and the bureaucratic apparatus have led us away from our Constitutional Republic in favor of a totalitarian regime. So, when we hear the talking heads wringing their hands over losing our ‘democracy’ we know without a doubt they are referring to the control they’re afraid they are losing; NOT the Constitutional Republic we intend to restore!

God bless you, Joe, and thank you for sharing your God-given gifts with us! What a time to be alive!🙏🙏

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Thank you for your very kind words my friend and your comments are perfect and timely.

I began writing the follow up to this article and one of my focuses will be on exactly your point.

Money gives control and control gives power.

The battle over control is all about who holds the power and as Q and Trump have said many times...they are going to restore the power back to the people.

With many safeguards in place to maintain that power with the people.

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Your articles fill in so many gaps in so many areas! We get a better overview picture and that’s why your readers always ask when the next one is coming out!! Thank you so much!! (I can’t wait for the next one, either)🙏🇺🇸😊

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May the Lord be pleased to make it so!

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ALtab, you are just the best. I love reading your well thought out replies. Joe isn't too bad himself.

God bless both of you

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I’m with you, Floridafan! Joe and ALtab and several others are excellent ❤️What a gift to our times!

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Thanx Featherjourney. I used to say " I am so lucky", but now I've changed & I say "I am so blessed" to still be alive at this time. The contributors at Badlands are just what I needed. Their articles are wonderful & that doesn't even truly describe their intellect & their abilities

Have a blessed evening

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Well stated!

Have a blessed evening to you also ❤️🙏

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Thank you much.🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Great comment! One of my first thoughts was the scripture “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”, and nothing has changed today! The greedy politicians and wealthy are in for a rude awakening as they continue grasping for control of all the world wealth and power. My peace is knowing God’s got this!

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Joe, Another awesome article. One area you didn't mention, and I understand you had enough to deal with while researching CitiBank! At the same time as CitiBank was established, and the war of 1812. Just before 1812 in 1810 The original 13th amendment was drafted and a Constitutional Convention held to Ratify the Original 13th amendment. Which was the Titles of Nobility Act. Because we were kicking England out of our banking system, the people wanted Lawyers out of Government. An Esquire is a Title of Nobility, attorneys are Esquire's. Researchers have gone to the constitutions of the states in existence during that time and found language in all of the state constitutions to ratify the 13th Amendment. It was also included in the Statutes at Large in 1811! However, the researchers couldn't confirm the ratification. Why? Because during the war of 1812 Washington DC and the capitol were destroyed by the British including all records of the ratification of amendments!!! Start a war to destroy the documents of enslavement and take over the financial system through debt. Who control's our courts today? Why are all Attorneys "BAR" attorney's? What does BAR stand for? "British Accrediation Registry (BAR)" Our courts are controlled by England. Who really won the revolutionary war? I've touched on this in several of my substack writings. LAW is one, and one that will provide a different view of your article for those interested in learning who we are. If you look at what Trump is going through with our courts you see the same playbook in action. They only have one play book. Attack with war, violence, fear. When You Walk Your Day In Love, you no longer live in fear. You see through their playbook and they expose themselves!!! Great Article Joe. Looking forward to part 2!!!

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That is some really interesting information that I haven’t ever looked into. It certainly makes sense given what I’ve learned about our real history.

Blessings Grow!!

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Thanks, Grow-Wizard. Very interesting and important comment!

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I've read comments on some Badlands podcasts that mention these things and thought, "that sounds a little too crazy", but you make a good case. Dang, we need to get our country back in even more ways than we thought!! Thankfully, with God ALL things are possible.

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This is very interesting information! I've read that many or most of our courts today are not applying English common law but maritime law. (Anna Reizinger). Do you know if this is true?

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Penny Read my Substack LAW. I go into the subject deep in that post. To answer your question Yes. Also We The People do NOT belong in those courts!!! They have no authority nor jurisiction over We The People.

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Wow! I doubt if there are any history teachers/schools in America today that teach who John Jacob Astor was (not JJAstor IV who died on the Titanic), or anything about the history of Citibank/Central Banks/Federal Reserve Bank. What a refresher course!! You simply amaze me in the depth of your research! ❤️

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I really do appreciate you Carol! Thank you!

I have really come to enjoy digging into and revealing our hidden history and I do think it is important going forward.

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Another amazing history lesson from a gifted writer who has a real skill at making history interesting! I love reading your articles and thank you for the education.

“Creating hard times in order to take advantage of others”…of people who then have to endure the hardships being manipulated on a global stage, all for the wealth and power of a privileged elite. Such a terrible depravity of the soul.

Your substacks are worthy of being gathered together and taught to future children, students. I like the idea of it being required reading! Because we have lacked awareness our true history and how intertwined in our institutions this power-addicted cabal has been, then awareness is a necessary first step to ensure that our freedoms must be reclaimed with full knowledge of how those freedoms were undermined and must be safeguarded with educated vigilance.

Thank you so much, Joe, for your work! A labor of love for your country and for humanity! 🙏❤️🇺🇸🌎🕊

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Thank you so much Feather!! I do think we all have a huge responsibility to learn the truth and the lesson about how easy it is to fall for lies.

We are going to be given a great gift of freedom and we need to teach every generation that follows about this corruption and evil so it can be prevented in the future.

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"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for, protected and handed on. Or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free."

-- Ronald Reagan

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I love history today, but I hated it in school. Names, places, dates... booooring!

Nobody ever took the time to connect the dots. That is the interesting part, and what Joe does so well!

And nothing Joe talks about would have passed the Scott-Foresman filters, even in the 60s and 70s.

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Me too, WildBill. I began to take some interest in our history after 9/11…but reading these articles by Joe and some others and that book you recommended (Five Thousand Year Leap) took my interest to a whole new level. All the history teachers I had in school, including college, were dry and boring.

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Another Great Article, Joe:

I particularly enjoyed 3 areas of it:

1. Andrew Jackson; many times I have walked over the Hermitage grounds, Jackson's Plantation near Nashville, Tennessee. A long time ago, over 50 years ago, I ran across a story in an old book in the "stacks" of a small College Library in the south. The book had a story of President jackson, having been a Gereral In the Army and famous for his role in the Battle of New Orleans, knew there were men out to get him for his getting rid of the Second National Bank. So he had a small mirror attached to his spectacles in such a way as to be able to see behind him. One day he was walking in Washington D.C. near his residence when he noticed a "gentleman" passing him and then whirling around and drawing a brace of pistols, aimed them at him and they misfired!

As a Lawyer, before being President, Jackson was trying a case for mayhem. He was questioning a witness who claimed Jackson's client bit off one of the man he was fighting with ears. Jackson asked, "Did you see him bite it off?" To which the witness replied, "No, but I saw him spit it out!"

Years later I was able to visit Philadelphia and spent some time in the Building that housed the Second National Bank of the US. which was at that time an Art Gallery but had plaques with bits of the bank's history interspersed among the paintings.

2. For two years I lived in Astoria, Oregon, named after John Jacob Astor,3. and one of the sites of his fur trading business.

Kudos for mentioning Frank Vanderlip! not many people know of him or his role in what later became the FED.

Waiting for your next installment!

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Wow! Those are really interesting comments my friend! Thank you for adding to the story! I really do appreciate you!

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I appreciate you also!

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The best article I’ve ever read to explain the formation/evolution of our current banking system and what Trump has planned to clean it up.

Gives me hope again !!

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Exposure is the first step to cleaning up this mess and I’m just trying to do my small part.

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"one of the excavators of evil, Feargus O’Connor Greenwood, posits the seven virtues needed to understand and defeat the Luciferian cabal. All that is needed, he says, is passive resistance. Not violence, violence almost always ends in another set of psychopaths taking control."

-- https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/do-not-fall-for-the-demoralization

A very interesting piece from an equally-interesting author...

The first virtue is exposure; the seventh, retribution. I never considered retribution virtuous, but I am reconsidering my opinion.

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James 4:7

James 4:7 KJV says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you"12. According to3, you are to resist and oppose the devil in whatever way he may approach you, whether by allurements, by flattering promises, by the fascinations of the world, by temptation, or by threats.

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I’m forwarding this to everyone I can!

It’s both a great revelation and explanation of many things people don’t have a clue about. You have been given a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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It never ceases to amaze me that you can take the pieces of what I have learned and tie up all the pieces into one articulate and well researched bow! Can’t wait for the next one!

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Thank you so much Bridget!! I really appreciate that! I too have learned bits and pieces of our history and that is what leads me down the rabbit hole in search of the real truth.

Blessings friend.

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Great article Joe. There was a reason Trump had a picture of Andrew Jackson behind him. It was a clue.

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You’re exactly right Quinn! Trump is going to finish the war against these private bankers that Andrew Jackson started.

They all know what’s coming and can’t do anything to stop it!

Blessings dear friend!

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Fascinating Read & Awesome Polemic on corrupt financial history of our (otherwise) great Country! Very happy/engaged; when, You highlighted DJT's (1st) official visit, into venom-viper's nest: CIA!

Also, greatly appreciate back-drop to Andrew Jackson; clarifying for me, DJT's early~AJ fidelity! I firmly believe; evil cabal-control was destroyed & QFS' operating nParallel. Eager, Your next post!

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Thank you Al! I think Andrew Jackson was an incredible president considering what he was up against at the time.

He set some great examples that I think might make great safeguards for our future.

Blessings my friend.

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Great article. The phrase “follow the money” is never truer. I’m amazed how these men became so powerful.

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Unfortunately, money has equaled power for many generations but Trump and Q promised to give the power back to the people and that means an honest financial system with honest money that is owned and controlled by the people.

I believe it’s already being set up for the near future.

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Trump keeps his promises. The Andrew Jackson painting in the WH is a good sign too.

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Amen Melissa!!

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Thank you, Joe, another very informative article. I can't believe that I have never even thought about these things.

IF ONLY!!!! This makes me very aware of the saying " you are never too old too learn ". I admire your diligence & your ability to do the amount of research that these articles require. Can not wait for your next one.

Please, please take care as I'm sure the " evil ones " don't want their dirty laundry, aired, but my goodness thank goodness for your diligence

Have a blessed week & remember God wins

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Thank you Florida!! I agree with you, we’re never too old to learn something!

Blessings friend!

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Pay dirt. Thank you Joe Lange!

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Thank you John! I’m glad you liked it. I began the follow up to this article last night.

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Admiralty Law

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Bravo! 👏

Very well written. I look forward to your next article.

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Thank you James!! My next article reveals more on Citibank and I begin to reveal how Prince Alwaleed became so powerful and was Trump’s greatest threat when he became president.

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Enjoyed the history lesson. Great article

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Thank you Andie! I like digging into the history that has been hidden from us purposely and I also want to know why the hidden enemy has gone to such lengths to hide it.

I believe the truth must come out no matter how ugly it is, if we are going to prevent this corruption in the future.

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Stay the course, praying His favor and your safety 🙏

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