Nice article, analogous to one's walk with God. The prodigal son (daughter) is nervous, anxious, unhappy, and a slave to temporary physical pleasures to alleviate the pain and doubt. Reading the Bible and thinking about what it conveys, is the path to redemption, freedom, and happiness.

True Awakening is to God and the real Truth, the real reality.

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Thank you for your thoughtful words. The journey home to God is indeed the true awakening... shedding illusions, seeking truth, and finding lasting peace in Him. The Bible lights the way, guiding us back to freedom and fulfillment. Grateful for your insight... may we all walk this path with open hearts. 🙏✨

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One of the best “articles” I’ve read in a very long time! Thank you! A meaningful insight regarding our shift in consciousness - an on point exploration of what it means for our future wellbeing and why these emotions feel so foreign and uncomfortable-

Nothing this profoundly life changing ever comes easily - you have to truly want to make that shift

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Thank you so much, Jen! I truly appreciate your kind words and am grateful that the article resonated with you. This shift in consciousness is both challenging and transformative, and you’re absolutely right... nothing this life-changing comes easily. It takes courage, intention, and a deep desire to embrace the unknown.

Wishing you continued clarity and strength on your journey... exciting times ahead! 🙏✨

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Great article!! Once again you are spot on. This describes my journey… but it was a spiritual journey for me. The only path that was truth for me was my faith in God.. the distractions of the world brought me so far from Him… I allowed all that noise to take me away from the one truth….God ! Once we walk in His way, we begin to open our hearts and mind to Him… letting that light inside of us. By His mercy and grace He reveals truth to us. What a journey. Thank you … as always, for helping us on this journey as well. We are never alone! May God bless you!

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Thank you, Patti! Your words resonate deeply. I tried to write this from an agnostic perspective to reach as many people as possible, but like you, my journey ultimately led me back to God in ways I never imagined possible. The distractions of the world pull us away, but once we surrender and walk in His truth, everything changes. His mercy and grace illuminate the path, revealing what was always there.

I’m grateful to walk this journey alongside others like you. We are never alone. May God bless you abundantly! 🙏✨

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OC, great post. Those of us who have transitioned from the fear based programming and done the internal work to connect to our I AM. To gain access to the higher levels of consciousness, we have a better comprehension of the process and can use that knowledge to assist others in their transition. Your post does exactly that. It's a struggle to constantly watch people in society struggling with the MKUltra fear based programming on a societal scale. They don't know they are even in a fear based thought process loop because that is what is familiar to them. We have to tend our gardens, plant the seeds of a better life into their thought process and allow those seeds time to germinate. Before we know it, they are seeking us out to show us the sprouts as they learn and grow. They get a bit of exposure to a different level of thought that can lead them to the calm confidence of God's Loving Light and a pathway to healing of the soul from all the fear based trauma programming. Great post that is needed by many... Keep doing what you do.. It is greatly needed... Peace...

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Thank you, GW... your words resonate deeply. The transition out of fear-based programming is no small feat, and those of us who have done the inner work understand just how powerful and liberating it is to reconnect with our I AM presence, the Holy Spirit. It’s both a responsibility and a privilege to assist others as they begin to break free, planting seeds of truth and watching them take root in their own time.

You’re absolutely right... so many remain trapped in these loops without even realizing it, but as more awaken, the ripple effect grows. The path to healing is there for all who seek it, leading to the calm confidence found in God's Loving Light.

Appreciate your insight and encouragement... together, we continue tending the garden. Peace, brother.

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We are in the process of our own spiritual 1776 Revolution to spiritual understanding and access to even higher levels of consciousness. Blessed to be in this battle with a warrior as yourself... Peace...

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Excellent!!! Thank you for this. I wanted to also mention Floating (Sensory Deprivation Tanks) as an amazing tool for the nervous system. An amazing opportunity for someone to drop into the Parasympathetic NS and develope a mind/body connection. Using floating combined with these other practices mention can help.

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Thanks, Paul! I completely agree... floating in a sensory deprivation tank was an incredibly educational experience for me. I went all in... total blackout... no music, no lights, just 90 minutes of complete darkness and letting go. What I learned was eye-opening... even when I thought I was relaxed, I wasn’t truly relaxed. It took a series of relaxations to understand how much tension I unknowingly hold, almost like a subconscious grip on our environment.

It’s amazing how floating helps deepen that mind-body connection and shift into the parasympathetic state. Definitely a powerful tool for anyone looking to truly unwind and reset. Appreciate you bringing it up! 🙏✨

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my therapist gets the first copy of this...

thank you !!!

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Captain... that means a lot... thank you for sharing that with me! I’m truly honored that this resonated with you in the way you had hoped. Your journey and reflections are powerful, and it’s incredible that you’re sharing this with your therapist as well. Wishing you continued insight and growth... this is just the beginning of something profound. 🙏✨ Thank you!

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Profound, deep, and reaffirming. Thank you. Excellent vision.

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Thank you, June! I truly appreciate your kind words. Grateful that it resonated with you! 🙏✨

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Thank you, that is very helpful

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Thank you, Dave! I truly appreciate your kind words. Glad it was helpful! 🙏✨

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Thank you so much for this article!! I have shared it with my daughter who is struggling with so much of this very thing.

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Thank you, Jacki! I really appreciate you sharing this, and I hope it offers your daughter some insight and support as she navigates her journey. She’s not alone in this... sending both of you strength and encouragement. 🙏

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What is sanctuary?

1. Safe Place. Safe from what? Physical, emotional & spiritual assaults

2. Sacred Ground. What makes any place sacred?

A. Earth possesses specific energetic hot spots where she gushes lifeforce. Such places feel nourishing. btw: Many church are built on top of native sacred sites which coincide w/ Big Mama Earth's energy spots.

For 6 yrs I lived at Kripalu Ashram in western MA which had previously been a Jesuit Seminary surrounded by hundreds of forested acres overlooking a lake forming a natural bowl. For me this land always pulsated with Earth Womb nurturance which making it the perfect location for a yoga monastery which is what an ashram is. I've been blessed to spend time at numerous earth hot spots in US, Mexico, India, Thailand, UK, Japan, Nepal, etc. Have U ever walked into a fairy forest? Or felt the crossing point of ley lines? Or journeyed through pyramid structures designed to awaken consciousness?

B. With repeated pure rituals devoted to God awakening in personal Self & collective Self, people create morphogenetic fields of sacred ground.

When energetic awakenings happen, it is vital to recognize it as the sacred opportunity = opening of gateway to direct source connection. Often people with little previous experience will recoil in fear of what is unfamiliar. The most divine blessing is knocking at the door. And many times people will go back to what is familiar. Right now many sacred blessings are and will continue to flow for planetary ascension. Look ... with or without humanity ... Mama Earth is gonna ascend. So why not climb on her back and take the sacred ride with her?

What is required to let God & Earth take the lead in ascension? 1. Actively Inviting the purest love, light & consciousness into the heart again and again. 2. Actively Inviting sensitivity in strategically intelligent ways (instead of repelling it). 3. Placing higher credence in yielding to authentic authority than capitulating to fear. Anyway these are some thoughts on the opportunities at hand for myself and perhaps for others.

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SY, great insight... your understanding of sanctuary as both a physical and energetic space resonates with me, and your experiences with sacred sites across the world beautifully illustrate the profound connection between Earth, spirit, and awakening.... it is truly all connected...

I especially appreciate your alignment on the importance of recognizing these energetic openings as Divine invitations rather than recoiling in fear. Too often, the unfamiliar is met with resistance, yet it holds the greatest opportunities for transformation.

Your words reinforce that we are not just bystanders but active participants in this planetary ascension. We are the bridges... between the seen and unseen, the physical and the energetic, the old and the new. The invitation is always there; it’s up to us to step forward and embrace it.

Grateful for your wisdom and the path you illuminate. Let’s continue riding this sacred wave together. 🙏✨

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btw: YES! Those choosing Pure Undifferentiated Cosmic Oneness aligning w/ Source ... YES ... we, Starseeds, are Bridges ... every bit as vital to The Galactic White Hat Alliance as any celestial, ascended master, angel, soldier, intel agent, free energy entrepreneur, sovereign wealth altruist or anon.

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Amen 🙏

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RU familiar w/ Star Trek TNG? Season 3 Episode 25 offers an excellent illustration of what happens during Quantum Leaps in Evolutionary Consciousness. Here's a snippet. From 1st time I watched it 1991-ish, I recognized a process akin to my own personal kundalini awakening. Even highly experienced yogis at the ashram panicked when I confided in them about my experiences. Why? Cuz they lacked the same level of trust in divine energies (Shakti ... I call her the cosmic party girl). So I know the paradoxical journey of aligning w/ Source ... to connect to all that it is w/n & w/o ... and yet be cast aside even by seasoned yogis either from jealousy or their own projected fears b/c they couldn't handle getting their asses kicked by Shakti. In this Star Trek episode Dr Crusher &.Picard supported the character named Joe Doe during the vulnerable phase of transfiguration.


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Hey Yogi, I just watched it, super insightful! The narrative seeding is wild.

And yes, Transfigurations is a perfect metaphor for quantum leaps in consciousness. John Doe’s transformation mirrors kundalini awakening... body changes, resistance, disorientation. I get why the yogis panicked; Shakti isn’t gentle... she dismantles illusions, and not everyone’s ready to get their ass kicked by her (love that!).

Picard & Crusher holding space for John Doe is exactly what’s needed, support, not fear. Aligning with Source is paradoxical... homecoming yet exile. But those who see? They get it.

Glad you shared this!

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Well done. This is an excellent piece of work. You’ve captured the healing journey we must all take to self-mastery. And you cite my favorite author again. 😊

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Thank you, Robin! That means a lot, especially coming from you. The healing journey to self-mastery is one we all walk in our own time, and I’m grateful this piece resonated with you. And I am glad that we share a favorite author... 😊 Always appreciate your thoughts and support. 🙏✨

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Exceptional and much-needed wisdom. Thank you for this post. I can think of a lot of people ("normies") in my life I would like to share it with.

Facing the hideou truth will not be easy for them. I am just glad that so many of us who have already tred this treacherous path will be here for them to helpsoften the blow, once their awakening to the truth starts to occur.

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Thank you, Bianco... I couldn’t agree more. Facing the hard truth will be a deeply unsettling process for many, but that’s why we’re here. Those of us who have already walked this path can serve as guides, helping to soften the impact and provide clarity when the veil lifts.

We are the bridges... holding space, planting seeds, and walking beside them as they step into the light of truth. Their awakening won’t be easy, but they won’t be alone. Grateful to be on this journey with you. 🙏✨

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Likewise, my friend.

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Thanks OC for another well timed Truth nugget.

As I began to absorb the wisdom that you shared in this article I found great connection to my Awakening Journey to date as well as many insights into current feelings and future possibilities.

I am at a point where I generally feel comfyAF and continue to search for Truther's like yourself who can help move me (us) forward in the Golden Age. I look forward with great anticipation to the world we will inhabit as the DS Rat Bastard's control is discarded from normal society. It is a Glorious time to be alive, an inflection point in human history and I feel very Blessed that my eyes have been opened to the point they are while many I have known for years remain blind.

I will share this gem with others as well as keep it handy to reread myself from time to time.

Thank you for all your work and your willingness to share.

Looking forward to future articles.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you, Joe... thank you for your heartfelt words and for sharing your journey. It truly is a glorious time to be alive, and witnessing this awakening unfold is both humbling and inspiring. We are all walking this path together, shedding illusions and stepping into a new era of truth and freedom.

I’m grateful that the article resonated with you, and I appreciate you sharing it with others. The more we lift each other up, the faster we move forward into the Golden Age.

Stay strong, stay aware, and keep shining your light... God Wins! 🙏✨ Blessings to you!

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