
There is really only one difference between Harris and Biden:

-- Biden lost his brain as he went senile.

-- Harris never had a usable brain to begin with.

So now they're pretty much even. The change was for some other reason...

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Oh that's a good one. Wild Bill. Thank you for posting it

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Aug 24Liked by Ryan DeLarme

It's just the "as long as it isn't Trump" bandwagon. Try to spead the Intercept story around. Can't hurt.

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I've been posting it at least a few times a day in response to pro-Kamala posts I see across the internet.

It's really a shame what happened to the Intercept, they used to be in the vanguard of objective investigative journalism when Greenwald was still influencing the outlet, now it's just another co-opted Democrat propaganda organ. This video was from it's glory days. Thanks for reading!

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Aug 24Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Here's a copy of the SF article by Matt Smith on Internet Archive.


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Sorry but Lyin' Kommie Kamabla and her pathetic fake VEEP are funnier than the Keystone Cops.

Nobody, and I mean nobody in their right mind believes she has surged past Trump. Like a recent poll on X after the RFK Jr endorsement show there are not more than 12% that might vote for Kamabla.

DS Rat Bastard MSM can Lie all they want, no one cares, or watches.

We the People are the news now so loudly and proudly I laugh and call bullshit.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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The purpose of the polls is to make it look close, so the sheep will accept the Kamunist's 'win' when they fraud it every which way but loose. If Trump gets 150 million votes, somehow Harris will get 180 million -- notwithstanding that there are not that many voting-age citizens in the USA. Nobody ever even makes basic sanity checks like that -- all they say is 'there is no proof.'

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Their lies only work if we let them, so loudly and proudly I call bullshit. Peaceful non-compliance.

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Exactly. Just say no. I will not comply. Period.

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Looking deep for something that’s never been there with Harris. Basically she is the assigned leader of the Hate and Beat Trump Gang. That’s all she’s running on. “Let’s Beat This” ??? This = Trump. Then what? Fill her up and twist the lever and point her whatever direction deep state wants. Any working lawyer is supposed to not have any strong opinions either way in order to serve. Probably the only way she passed the bar.

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I think you're right. Kamala is like an episode of Seinfeld - it's a campaign about nothing.

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There is a much bigger agenda going on that you need to look at. First off on the White House website is the 17 point goal the Biden supposedly posted about their global agenda. They don’t care at all about America… it’s a global agenda they’re pushing. Kamala is the Biden with a cackle.

Second, watch Flyover Conservatives with Mel K from yesterday about the water, the land and the global agenda.

Then go back and watch as many Julie Green videos as you can to catch up on what God is saying and instructing us on so we can win this spiritual war for the world. 😉

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They must really think the public are Blind, Deaf & Dumb to the Hype they’re putting out about Harris, if they think the public are going to fall for that load of propaganda!!!

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Sadly, a large portion of the American public is blind, deaf, and dumb.

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The policy people sat there quietly and enjoyed the show. The Harris energy platform is in place, for instance. But it is over at the Evergreen Institute.

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BREAKING: Naval Officer Publishes Powerful Dossier Exposing The Leaders Of The Deep State—Meet The Council Running America


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Thank you, Ryan, for speaking my mind.

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Ryan, good article. The timing of the RFK announcement is perfect to take the wind out of the sails of the demonrat convention. Which as expected was just a lot of hot air blowing through a building... There is nothing of substance on Kameltoe's website because those people are nothing of substance. They don't have any character and stand for what ever is donating to their cause at the moment.. Finally the lame stream media is exposed for all of their lies and no one with a thinking brain believes their lies.. Their viewership is circling the drain as we speak... Alternative media however is overflowing with good information like your article... Keep doing what you do... Peace.

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Fascist Book took it fíen within a minute.

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Patel Patriot




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You’re right. It can all be summed up as the stooge selected to complete the last 8 years of the 16 year plan…. Nothing stands out about her. Bland, malleable, truly without discernment or independent thought. Too many Americans are awake to fulfill the goals of the cabal masters. They, and their minions in our government/corporations/media, are going to fail. Then, hopefully, we will finally see some justice and prove to ourselves that change has come. Otherwise, it’s the same old story.

God bless you, Ryan, and thank you for sharing your gifts with us.🙏🙏

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https://www.disclose.tv/id/3g19l7niyi/ Telegraph founder arrested ipo. Landing in France.

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