The Nazis came in with the creation of the CIA.

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Operation Paperclip and Operation Mockingbird, to start…. DC is controlled by Nazis.

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Excellent summation of what we are seeing transpire. Well done, Erik.

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Trump is a master Chess Player and Chess is a game that is won by setting up your opponent many moves ahead of the capture of his King.

"Trump has already shifted control of America’s banking system from the City of London to the US Federal Reserve by switching from LIBOR to SOFR." This move from LIBOR to SOFR is merely one of the masterful chess moves Trump made to set up the complete downfall of a corrupt financial system in the end, the Federal Reserve System.

There is nothing in the Federal Reserve System that is American except the Illusion of the name, Federal Reserve. In reality it is no more "federal" than Federal Express and it has no "Reserve(s)"!

It is a total fiat monetary system controlled by private wealthy families who's only connection to the U.S. is their ability to fool the majority of Americans into thinking the Federal Reserve System is there to benefit the American people when, in reality, it is the basis of the inflation that is sending many Americans to the poor house while making those private wealthy families even wealthier!

We must not forget that the FED is the US Central Bank that has told us we will have a CBDC. If there is ever a CBDC then the FED will be able to control everything you buy and shut down your ability to purchase the necessities needed to keep to keep you and your family alive.

When understood in its proper context, Trump's move from LIBOR to SOFR is nothing more than a chess technique of setting up the FED for failure in order to move America from a fiat money system to a hard asset backed system, (gold, silver, platinum, palladium) which will be able to compete on an equal footing with the BRICS monetary system which is also hard asset backed. For those of you who don't understand Trump's movements, he makes some movements calculated to keep the enemies of America, like the FED, from catching on to his end game scenario until their fate is sealed.

Keep an open mind and eye because things are going to change "big time" in the financial area in a relatively short period of time!

Erik, brilliant move using "Imagine" to start off your article! It showed that there are still some people who have not completely learned to look past the obvious to the real meaning behind what is said, or sung! I believe the rest of your article was calculated to help those people learn to look past the obvious to the real reasons that are important!

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Well said. 💪

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Indeed, there is so much more happening than appears. Even more than the LIBOR move, Trump pulled the Fed under the Treasury as well. I believe it was in 2020, can't remember. The enormity of this cannot be overstated - the Fed and the City of London were the very means of all [their] control of all of us, all countries too, and there is no way in hell Trump could have done it if [they] were still in power. All the central banks are well under control, and being used to play their part. I believe even Blackrock and Vanguard are no longer under cabal influence: hence the over-the-top sensational "events" we see in the "news": Bud Light and other corporations self immolate while outrage grows over the imposition of DEI in every aspect of our lives. The proof is in the outrageousness. The cabal was never stupid enough to expose themselves so - they played a very long game, and we were as frogs slowly boiling in water. We were dead asleep to it. All the drama happening now is waking people up - exactly NOT in the evil cabal playbook. We are likely in for a lot more drama before this year is over, too!

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Don't forget the Vatican City is the oldest of the 3 Central City States; Vatican City, City of London and Washington D.C. All 3 are surrounded by a nation and yet are not a part of that nation that surrounds them. Each of them plays a role.

How many people knew that the end all bank of the World's Central Bankers was the Vatican Bank? How many people knew that the City of London was the headquarters of the World's Central Bankers? How may people knew that Washington D.C. was the epicenter for the World's Central Banker's control over smaller nations? Yes the so called "wars" in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc where American's bled and died were all orchestrated by those in power behind the scenes in the 3 City States named above and all for the benefit of those in power behind the scenes in those 3 City States?

If you understand what was just said then you realize that the "Swamp" is much deeper and much wider than most people thought! Actually the "Swamp" is 3 "Swamps" all corrupt beyond human imagining!

Now you know why it takes a lot of "time" to drain the swamps!

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Yes all of the above. And, it's been going on for centuries. And here, since well before the American Revolution, during and infiltrated into the American Revolution too. It's my belief now too, that all of human history has been kept from us: who we are, what we are, where we came from, who else is among us.

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Not all of human history, but a lot of it has been kept from us.

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There is nothing we "know" that wasn't told to us by someone in power, whether through church, through school, or through governments. They wrote all the books, enforced all their rules, corrupted all the sciences as well.

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Most of those events started around the start of the 20th Century,.

That is why it is a good idea to, if possible, read old history and other books printed before that time period. You'd be surprised with what you earn.

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Sarah, you are correct but reality is highly unpopular.

You would probably be fascinated by some of the energy findings that Michael Tellinger surfaced the last 20 years. The physical design of many ancient structures is designed to concentrate and direct the flow of either sound or energy overall, much like modern circuitry design in microprocessors.

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Oh yes, I am always watching videos like his, and have seen some of his before. The pyramids of Giza are especially interesting to me, as I have visited them myself. It was a profound experience. Another great channel is Bright Insight (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsIlJ9eYylZQcyfMOPNUz9w/videos). It's not possible to really know yet, but I am putting together bits and pieces that make sense to me about our history, things like the Mud Flood, the cities that used to be in northern Africa before they were inundated by some kind of tsunami and became the Sahara, very likely Atlantis was there as well. I read and watch all I can about Tesla too of course. One of the most interesting books I've read is The Invisible Rainbow (Firstenberg). Another really interesting video (and very long) put out by Jake Angeli-Chansley that I just watched is called, God is Real and Reincarnation is Physics (https://rumble.com/v3m3dyu-god-is-real-and-reincarnation-is-physics.html) - he does a very good explanation of Ether - the energy all around us, that we have been trained to believe is just "empty space."

All the new physics/energy that's coming (free energy, zero point gravity etc) is all I can think about these days. :)

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Beautiful, you don't happen to live anywhere near North Carolina by chance? Haha!! I know for sure we are interested in a solid intersection of reality most aren't imagining right now. And, believe it or not, Trump's nod to flying cars I think is a hat tip to the future we should have had the past century had Nicola Tesla won and Edison/Morgan lost.

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Haha yes, it's not easy to find people who even understand what I am talking about most of the time. We are up in Vermont though. :)

And YES, I cheered when Trump mentioned flying cars and "new cities"! I yelled out, "I KNEW IT!" For the past year or so using different X accounts I regularly comment on Musk's posts, "When am I getting my flying car and my Starlink phone?" haha. Then a couple of days ago I saw this:


Which led to this, which was all the proof I need since I know "Musk" and "Tesla" and "SpaceX" are all most definitely white hat operations. The deep state/secret government always owned Twitter from the start - it was never private. So then it was "purchased" by a very changed "Musk.":


It's still crazy prohibitively expensive, but that will change in the future. Two years ago I invested (very small amount) in a small start up out in Washington state, where they are developing and building flying EMS vehicles (ambulances, etc.) I have yet to see anything from it yet, but I know that tech is coming much sooner than people think.

I look around at all the mess of telephone poles, paved roads and bridges, and all the ancillary industries of plowing, repairing, paving, and digging out massive gravel pits, along with the dangerous and ridiculous trucking, rail, air, and container shipping, plus the ongoing power outages, electrical fires, the expense of it all and I think, "Every single molecule of this crap was obsolete before it was ever built. And [they] KNEW it."

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Yes, Twitter, Facebook, Google, the whole lot of "Big Tech". There's something highly off about Amazon too. But that's pure speculation on my part, but how can a guy run an online book biz in the red for 10 years... where does the money come from to front these businesses that always operate at a loss for years until they finally turn profit and displace every major competitor there is? So anyway, so glad to hear from another equally "insane" sane person. LOL!!

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I believe we've stripped the Vatican of their hoards of Gold, The triangle of power of the Central Banks is crumbling. Two more to go?

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You've got it! The other two are not in great shape either!

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...and that's a very good thing!

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Maybe, but the fact that house prices have gone up 300% since 2020 in many areas of my state and surrounding states within at least 300 miles tells me they aren't just giving up...

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That's part of dismantling the old financial system. Trump cannot simply crash it and create chaos - many citizens will die if he were to do that. How do you take down an embedded system? The banking system is being consolidated, using their own evil playbooks. Inflation and lockdowns destroyed the commercial real estate market, this in turn is destroying regional banks, which are being slowly eaten up by the big banks: Citi, et al. Those banks are the most evil ones - it is they who will die by lawfare, RICO, and Trump's Executive Orders. It is a slow motion train wreck, and ask yourself too, why is the Fed behaving in such in irrational, unusual way? Longtime watchers over at ZeroHedge have been perplexed by it. The Fed is also under control, and it could not have been any other way. That fact alone, that the Fed was brought under the Treasury would have been impossible if the cabal were still running it. Impossible. It cannot be stressed enough just how profound Trump's action was. This is a takedown of a worldwide financial scam, with billions of us little people attached to it. There will be pain, but that is also necessary for us all to wake up and see it for what it is. Most of us still look at the financial system the same way a fish understands water. It's just there. What's water?

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I prefer this and I did see what happened with the Treasury and the Fed but it's also consistent with 2030 "you will own nothing and be happy" so as a current renter for extenuating circumstances, it's pretty damned alarming...

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I think it's meant to be alarming. People will coast along if they are not startled out of their slumber (clearly). However think of it this way: the reason the cabal held such power over the world was because every one of their institutions and structures was embedded with and supported by every other one: Medicine, Big Agriculture, Politics, Churches, Hollywood, "news" shows, Social Media, and Financial, even as Educational institutions churned out good little Communist graduates. Our Presidents chatted about war as though it were inevitable, even if nuclear. So yes this is, and has been frightening.

But, [their] very strength is also their weakest aspect. I used to work in tech, as a network engineer for a large cable company - it is a well known fact that when networks fail, they fail all at once because of the dependencies between nodes. It's called "cascading failures." When only one part of society is exposed as corrupt, it calls into question all the other parts, because there is a scramble among them to hide it. This is what happened with "Covid" in 2020/2021: the government and "health care" industries have now lost their credibility. Those who see this begin to ask more questions, which leads to new awakenings. The whole thing opened up a big can of worms for the cabal, and a large segment of society suddenly sees the corruption with their own eyes. Think about how hated Fauci is now.

The link below describes the concept of cascading failure, which is happening right now to all of our societal structures, (and it needs to happen - there is no part of evil that should be saved): https://academic.oup.com/comnet/article/8/2/cnaa013/5849333?login=false

And anyway, remember they wanted to lock us down for five years, not two weeks. Absolutely nothing has gone according to [their] stupid WEF plan for the past several years! :)

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Absolutely awesome, this explains your rational detachment to emotional manipulation. I also worked in System Administration, Network admin, database admin, then software design. 25 years until we were forced to outsource all intelligence to India. I'm sure we'd have a ton to discuss and share. Much later in life I met my wife and now have a young family to raise which has been very interesting. LOL!!

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Haha yeah the tech world is one of those difficult to explain to others - for almost 30 years now it's been changing profoundly every couple of years, and now that it's been ages since I worked in it, all my skills and information are obsolete. I got my first computer in 1994, taught myself everything until I knew enough to land a job in 2002. I quit that (stressful) job in 2010 and I became an artist instead, which is who I truly am anyway. :) But technology has been an extremely valuable education/experience and it's served me very well. I can fix all of my own shit, make my own websites, I'm not afraid of technology. I taught myself Photoshop in order to put my art on products, that sort of thing. Most people are stuck having to pay people to do all that.

My husband and I have mused about why it is apparently easier for some people to wake up than others. I came up with the idea that because we both had crappy childhoods full of abuse, we learned early not to trust "authority", learned that people lie to us all the time, and learned to make our own way. Maybe it's true, I don't really know. :)

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For me, I was apparently born not trusting authority. I even doubted my own parents at a very young age (like 5 or 6) and I just always go after the Truth that checks out logically, rationally and holistically. That loyalty to Truth has served me well in spirit, but not super well in cash. LMAO!!

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Haha indeed it has! But this is the real gold after all: the Truth. I welcome each and every bit as it comes to me. :)

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The fact that housing prices have gone up 300% has nothing to do with "they aren't just giving up..." It has everything to do with the fact "they" haven't been able to print Federal Reserve Notes since 2017!

So the reduction in the "money supply" is what is driving "inflation".

To prove this, look at every $20, $50 & $100 Federal Reserve Note you get. Look for the "Series date" on each one and you won't find one printed after 2017! Why are none dated after 2017? Because the ability of the FED to print new "fiat money" was removed in 2017!

So as the "fiat currency" becomes less available because a paper dollar eventually wears out, the relative scarcity of the paper money pushes inflation higher.

You are watching the death of a corrupt monetary system and soon you will see the birth of a new system backed by real assets and not just a promise. This new currency will not be under the control of corrupt World Central Bankers.

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What will this do/how will it effect peoples’ retirement 401K/Roths/savings/etc.???

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It depends; If the 401K/Roth is invested in the stock market like many are and the stock market crashes, the retirement is gone-same effect if there was not a new financial system coming. If the bank the savings is in goes belly up like some banks did last year, there is not enough in the FDIC to cover all losses-FDIC only has to have something like 3 cents/every dollar insured in a reserve account so that amount is always burned through very quickly. Not all account holders in the banks that went belly up last year were made whole.

I am not a financial advisor, but a retired J.D.

If it was me, I'd consider moving my 401K/Roth to a gold or silver company who can accept the 401K/Roth and that either sends you the gold/silver to hold (but not in a bank vault because if the bank fails, everything in their vault is lost also.) Or move the 401K/Roth to a gold or silver company that can do 401K/Roth and has a secure facility that holds your gold/silver but not in a bank vault. I'd consider removing my savings and buying gold &/or silver and holding it in a safe at home. Then if any funds are needed, sell some of the gold or silver. They will very likely be worth more when sold than when bought and they are natural sources of value.

Once the new financial system replaces this one, the banks that survive should be much better managed and stronger than the current banks are, so you could go back to using them.

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Your article is amazing. There has been so much to unpack that it is sometimes confusing! You make so much sense! Scary but we’ve been through so much and I trust Trump with his 5D chess moves! This was planned long ago and I believe we have the best of the best executing the plan. Thank you Erik!

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Excellent commentary, Bitterroot.

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Let the King’s Gambit be revealed.

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Yes.. the Imagine lead off was worded perfectly but I never knew until this article, what it meant!

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Congratulations Deb! You are now one of those who understand much more than you were originally taught! Good job!

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Trump knows exactly who he can trust and who he cannot - he did in 2016 as well. Every single cabal-controlled puppet he appointed, hired, put front and center - all was done to SHOW us who these people are. (Fauci is a good example.) Now, the CIA is being put on stage.

We in the U.S. are operating under Devolution: Continuity of Government. "Biden" is not Biden. All of this, including the past four years, is a wake-up operation, and it is happening across the world, not just here in the US.


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When I started reading Jon Herold's Devolution series I initially couldn't believe how well researched and organized it was. Of course getting through all 25 parts and 5 addendums and trying to remember most of it almost melted my brain.

The vindication for his Devolution series came when a sub-segment of the truther community refused to believe it and tried to "debunk" it.

The more they tried the more they only proved a lot of his points.

This is when I realized elements of the Deep State really wanted this information discredited and buried.

Unfortunately there are still too many patriots and truthers who aren't even aware of it's existence and many who are too lazy to do their own research.

The truth never simply drops into your lap, it's always earned through hard work and a lot of sifting/sorting and analysis. But too many people these days have never been taught in school on how to apply critical thinking and analytical thought in evaluating information presented to them.

It's why there are a lot of grifters, scammers and con-artists along with disinfo agents in the MAGA/truther community, kind of sad really.

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Exactly - most people simply don't want to do the work of discernment - they want to be told what to think, what to do. I ran across someone a few days ago who said, "Devolution's a psyop!" and of course she meant, The Bad Guys Are Trying To Fool Us with it, and she has no idea that psyops can be used on all sides. I call these people Followers. They are perpetually searching for a guru to Follow: someone who will hand everything to them on a platter: This is What To Think, this is How To Think..... this is why they get so defensive when you say anything different. Their entire world view is tied up into believing that their Chosen Oracle is Right. They are so easily led, it's disheartening to watch sometimes.

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This area is a pet peeve of mine.

If you really want examples of "lazy thinkers", look no farther than the New Age community.

I've never seen a community so full of lazy thinkers, the gullible, those addicted to hopium and the 5th Dimension with the Galactic Federation UFO aliens about to rescue us all and give us Star Trek style medbed technology and infinite energy sources, while resetting the world's financial system to a Quantum based financial system which is operating on "God energy".

This area is so full of grifters, con-artists, the delusional and the blind, and yet their followers eat up every "prediction" and every pronouncement.

It's this community which has partially tainted the patriot truther community and given it a poor reputation.

These are the same ones who've said that Devolution is a definite Deep State psyop and to only follow the "lightworkers" who know the truth.

These people are impenetrable to logic, facts, evidence and analytical thinking because they have "faith" in their "New Age" while refusing to see the world as it really is.

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I agree, when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's, my parents were very much into the New Age stuff that was just beginning back then, so I was forced to deal with their kind of thinking for a very long time. One of the things that always bothered me the most was the extreme pacifism (passiveness) that they all espoused. None of them felt it was important to DO anything about the troubles of the world. None of them felt any responsibility either. They all just sat there navel-gazing, feeling their feelings, and thinking that was enough, meditating with each other. It's incredibly selfish and narcissistic.

Now, I have nothing against meditation per se. It's an excellent way to clear your mind and listen to yourself - clearing away the distractions of the modern world. Also, I know that belief in extra terrestrials and astrology and the new technologies that are coming does NOT require me to also believe in the grifters trying to sell me something. I actually do know that free energy (proof of it was 9/11 itself - even the military has declared it on websites) and anti-gravity (CIA Special Access Programs) are already very real technology, as are frequencies being used for medical care (ordinary people can do this right now).

HOWEVER, I do not believe in these things because some guru told me about it. Quite the opposite, I've been researching them for many years. And, nowhere in all of this do I believe that someone is coming to hand it all to me next week, or "when Trump comes back", or that any of these woo "influencers" are somehow plugged in and know better than me how it's all going to happen. That's the part that hooks the weak-minded in - they Follow anyone who tells them what they want to hear. They want someone else to lead them down a path.

To me it's quite obvious that these technologies have been hidden from us, but that it will also take some doing to introduce them to the public. There are huge, interconnected edifices that need to be dismantled in the process: the Fed, "Science", Medical, Pharma, Big Ag, Politics, Dept of Ed, and all the three-letter agencies to start with. It's going to take some time.

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Mar 25Edited

The technological aspects, while interesting in it's own right is to me a distraction from the mission patriots should be focused on, the total and complete eradication of the Deep State/Cabal, everywhere and for all time.

Unless the enemy are using anti-gravity vehicles and free energy powered weapons directly on this war it's of no direct relevance.

Although I've listened some "woo" theorists like Clif High and give some credence to some of this observations and "predictions" I also don't believe a lot of what he says about how the future will turn out. As always discernment and thinking are the keys in this war.

The New Age scams are so obvious like the Zim dollar/Quantum Financial scams, the "insider' sources which many of these grifters claim to have and the whole thing about "channeling" higher truth. I can't believe people fall into these traps and actually support these people! it sad that so many are so blind.

For example: One of the stupidest theories I've heard is that nuclear weapons will no longer function on Earth because the Galactic Federation has disabled them on divine orders.

Want to find out the hard way that you can't simply suspend nuclear physics? Launch a couple of nuclear tipped weapons and find out...

BTW, I don't think a nuclear WW3 will happen because I do think there is a level of agreement between the sovereign nuclear powers at the military(not political) level that it's not an option which will be used no matter what the politicians say publicly.

What grinds my gears where New Agers are concerned is their complete and willful ignorance of not only their own history, which was a snake oil movement started in the later Victorian era and magnified by the seance craze of the time and one Mdme Blavatsky/Theosophy movement, and how it came about but of the role they are playing to HARM the "real" truther movement.

What we really need to focus on is fighting the Information War and understanding 5th generation warfare tactics and turning it on the enemy!

This is where discernment and critical thinking are the most valuable weapons we have and must be armed with.

As you've mentioned their pacifism while admirable at any other time, is inappropriate at this time. Just as the pacifist/isolationist movement in the 1930s in the US was actually detrimental to the US just prior to Pearl Harbor and WW2.

A lot of these New Age "truthers" encourage zero action on the part of everyone, having everyone think they're doing something by doing nothing except meditate and pray.

What's even more alarming is the passive acceptance of death!, they keep talking about Ascension to 5th density and how physical death is meaningless so if you die here you're going forward anyways as long as you maintain your good karma and follow the instructions of lightworkers!

Encouraging a form of surrender when people should be banding together and standing with each other against the evil coming out of the woodwork.

Those Deep Staters certainly aren't going to give up and arrest themselves! somebody has to do it.

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Unfortunately it is of direct relevance because the enemy (most especially the enemy within, our own IC) has been using these devices and these technologies on all of us, in many countries around the world, for a long time now. 9/11 was the most dramatic one (Directed Energy Weapon). The hurricane off shore of NY that day used another hidden technology. So was the tsunami in Indonesia and many targeted earthquakes around the planet. Very large forest fires have been started with them, including in California in recent years, and all across Canada last year. Our military and others have been using these technologies for decades. Decades. Going back to at least WWII. They exist. They are very real weapons. They have also DO have anti-gravitic flight (zero point gravity) and have been using it. The same tech that's been used for evil can also be used for good.

I fully understand your point, however I object as to whether or not anyone "should" be doing something - what people do is up to them. It's not for me to tell people what they should be doing, although I do have opinions about it.

That being said, I FULLY agree with you when it comes to people like Clif High, (who is also as divisive as it gets.) Things like a "Galactic Federation" and crap like that is just fantasy. We have no real way of knowing anything like that, and these grifters will take a grain of truth and make the rest up out of whole cloth. The idea that death doesn't matter is just idiotic.... they might as well say their own soul doesn't matter. And don't even get me started on the Flat Earth crap.

My own parents read Blavatsky and Alice Bailey and all that theosophy b.s. too. Very stupid stuff, I loathe it, and I do not think pacifism is admirable in any way at all. (Meditation does not equal pacifism.) I think pacifism is one of the most dangerous mentalities in the world as it abdicates all responsibility. Example: my mother said once that she would never, ever, under any circumstances kill or hurt another person. I asked her, what if you were standing there with a gun in your hand and a man was attacking your young grandchild trying to rape and kill her? Would you shoot him? Stop the attack? She said no. That's how fucked up she was.

I do believe there is a very coordinated take-down happening against the Evil ones. It's been in effect for years now, and it takes time. Don't believe everything you see and hear, especially in the media. It is all designed to fire you up, get you either angry or scared or anxious. There are many, many evil people who have already been taken out, if a person has eyes to see. What we are experiencing right now is a giant Wake Up operation, and the reason that is necessary is because if we leave half of humanity asleep as sheep, the evil will just regroup and take over again later. Things beyond what we ever guessed ARE happening - there is just a lot of lesser demons out there gleefully leading people down psychological paths. The real power is in the waking up itself. As soon as people understand the world they are living in, they will become immune to those damaging dialectics and lies.

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Mar 25Edited

I understand how DEWs work as I have an advanced physics background and yes they exist and have existed since the 1960s with the development of industrial lasers.

And they’ve been testing them on in airborne and space based systems, the Deep State even told us their plans during the Reagan era Strategic Defense Initiative project(SDI or Star Wars as it was known back then).

I’ve also known about their use in mysteriously intense fires in California, Hawaii, Canada and the Texas Panhandle.

My parents were the opposite of yours, they’re were immigrants from China in the late 1950s, they lived through the Japanese invasion/occupation of China, fleeing days aheads of them and surviving as best they could. They theyn had to flee the Chinese civil war and the Communist victory and take over of China to Hong Kong.

When they got to Canada (separated by a decade) they finally settled down, but the one thing they never forgot is the value of freedom.

When I was born in the 60s they drilled it into my head growing up to always question what was being told to me and never to trust any authorities or self proclaimed experts.

They didn’t have any strong religious beliefs and left me to choose my own, my grandma on the other hand was a devoted Chinese Christian and had to flee with my mom because Christians were on Mao’s ‘terminate with extreme prejudice list’. She insisted on me going to church in my childhood, I guess that influenced some of my attitude and why I do believe that the Cabal are Satanists for whom no quarter should be given.

I guess I have a hardline attitude when it comes to evidence and beliefs and why when this whole evil mess was exposed after Trump came to power I finally understood what my parents had prepared me for, hard times and how to survive them.

It’s why I’m so hard on groups like the New Agers whom I view as spiritually lazy and worse than normies, because normies for the most part are simply ignorant of what’s going on.

New Agers on the other hand are aware but like your mother they preach surrender to evil because in fact they don’t value ‘3rd density’ concepts which are ‘ego driven’, like selfishly holding onto their physical form.

Normally I wouldn’t care what happens to them but they’re actually aiding and abetting the Deep State’s propaganda and disinformation campaign and neutralizing people from taking action to save themselves and those around them.

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I'm so glad for you that your parents have their heads on straight. I wish mine had been. I grew up in the 60's too. And I hear you - it's beyond frustrating that people who do NOT live through horrific experiences (like Mao's China) seem apparently incapable of thinking at all. It's as if there is a large percentage of people who will learn exactly nothing unless they are challenged in some way. In my case, my parents were such freaking awful parents (I left home at 15), that I was able to get away from their mental illness and distorted thinking. They were so bad I wanted nothing to do with them.

But because people like my parents tend to hang out with others who are just like them, I also knew a bunch of other families who raised their kids with this ideology. Most of them were slightly better parents, and because of that fact most of their kids simply adopted the same beliefs! So they all sit around reinforcing each other, they watch TV "news" and are reinforced again. It's just... Idiocracy.

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It's sad but there's absolutely no way the globalists wouldn't infiltrate the networks they were actively monitoring. So, we just have to continue enduring.

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Yes, finally, someone else researching Devolution, but my problem now is the slow elimination of house republicans during 2024. Can the Cabal decertify the 2024 election on Jan 6, 2025?

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It's all a show. The election of 2020 was proven to be treasonous, ("We have it all...") hence the emergency legal mechanism of Devolution was put in place. In fact Trump would have been derelict in his duty if he had not done so. There is no President currently, our country is operating under Continuity of Government being run by the military. Trump has repeatedly assured us that the election will be fair -- however since fully 40% of this country still thinks "Biden" won the election fairly, it is still necessary to bring those folks to the brink. Most of them already dislike "Biden" now, but have yet to trust Trump - I think they will, most of them, by the time this year is out. Even then however, it is my opinion that we will still see a repeat of a stolen election - but this time everyone will realize it's true, not just Trump supporters. This is the goal. Much as I dislike the woke crap, we need those people - we need them to wake UP. Also it will give the military command of Continuity of Government a legal mechanism to declare the election fraudulent - this time with 90% of the country on board - and then hold a new one using nothing but same-day paper ballots and IDs. Again, they could have done this legally in 2020 - but half the country would have seen it as a coup, rather than saving our country. Nope, these past four years of pain were necessary, unfortunately.

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I agree, Sarah, and you stated it very well. I cringe to think of the emotional turmoil of watching another stolen election. I thought something like what you said would happen before Biden was inaugurated, and it was a bitter pill to swallow that it did not. Praying we are right and it really WILL be different this time. God is in control.

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Oh God yes that was sooo hard to watch. But see that's just it - WE experienced it, but the other half of the country thought it was a "great and fair election and hey awesome our guy won!" Those annoying AF woke people are unfortunately exactly the ones we need to wake up. Ugh. But we are battle-hardened now. We can handle it, and as you said, God is most definitely in control. :)

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Sarah—I so want to believe your explanation. There is a chance it is true. SCOTUS 9-0 helps.

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I started to understand events this way by getting past the wish for things to just turn out the way I want. I had to get past wishing things like, "if only we had Trump in office everything will be alright", or, "if only all the criminals were just rounded up," and "if only God would just intervene on the behalf of good people everywhere." The problem with this is embedded in the statement WWG1WGA. We go ALL. Once I began to see all of this as a Wake-Up operation, the puzzle pieces started falling into place. The goal is not for Trump, and by extension us, to win. The goal is for everyone to win: for all the asleep people to see the truth too. (None of us have the whole truth yet anyway.) The reason we absolutely must have everyone awake is because if we do not, the entire sick, evil edifice will simply be built again. Evil is built upon lies - as long as half the population believes wholly in those lies, we will not be able to build the beautiful new world that Trump is talking about. He knows this, he knows it takes time too. He also knows that we (us anons) are getting better and better at discernment, seeing how it works. It's uncomfortable, but necessary. I think most of us underestimate just how in control our "good guys" are. They already have the legal, financial, and tech power to enforce their will. But they are wise enough to understand that each human being has free will, and must be shown the truth, not told it, in order for them to join us.

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I love your analysis. I believe the situation is very similar in Canada. Currently there are mountains of evidence coming to the forefront in regards to the prime minister and his corrupt government. It is causing people to finally wake up to who he/they are.

I’m not sure if the conservative government will save us, but at least the people are paying attention and scrutinizing what’s going on at the gov’t level.

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I agree, we cannot look to government to save us. And this should actually be the goal right? For us to wake up enough to trust ourselves and know our own sovereignty; to stop looking to governments and churches and scientism and technology to save us. The saving is in the waking. Once we are awake, evil cannot win, we see the lies, it's game over for [them]. 🎶🌷

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🎶 🎵 We all need the darkness, to see the light🎵🎶

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And *hugs* btw 🥰

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From your mouth to God's ears. In all my 72 years on this earth, I have never experienced a period so stressful as the garbage that is being thrown around these days. Prior to this, it was the Vietnam War.

I went from a moderate Democrat to a extreme Republican after Obama's 2nd term. That was my wake up call, watching him bring back racism, division and terrorism.

I want my country back!

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I totally agree, and also agree it will be stolen again. People are stubborn as hell...

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They sure are, some of them are so important to me personally too.

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Most of my blood relatives. All the TV watchers are brainwashed. And you can't exactly tell a brainwashed person they're brainwashed. "Where did you hear THAT Greg - let me guess... THE INTERNET??"

Oh migraine...

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LOL I know, right? As though CNN were the real news.

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Communism is not a failure for it's leaders, just for everyone else. The leaders usually do just great.

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Exactly. Same with Socialism, which is soft Communism. Both have the same end result.

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I felt back in the 70s the UN should be expelled from America! When Trump comes in, that should be one of his many priorities. It’s a deviant, den of pedophiles! Along with all the other facts you stated, I hope there is a plan in place to rid this country of every single illegal alien that invaded our country! Yes, the CIA should be dismantled and the evil doers should face a Military Tribunal. Our education system and the Communist Curriculum must be banned. They’ve already destroyed GENERATIONS!

Thank you Eric for bringing all this to light. I learn and enjoy your articles, tremendously. Keep them coming!

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I'm 53, in our family home I remember my dad putting a bumper sticker above the door leading to the garage that said 'Get US out of the UN!' He was right about everything it now seems, God rest his soul.

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Father knows Best!😉

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Funny you should mention that! Several months ago that slogan popped into my head.

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Absolute Power Corrupts; all the U.S. Alphabet agencies are corrupt, it is part of man's sin nature!! No one is Good, only God is Good!!

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Brilliant article! Thank you

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You had me @ “Imagine is one of the most annoying songs ever written. It’s pretentious and childish at the same time.”

I am already convinced that the CIA is an abhorrent and thoroughly evil entity motivated by power and control. That they kill to reach their ends is perfectly acceptable to them. It confirms them as allies with the “ends justify the means” crowd of any political stripe.

The predatory “dark angels” will jump from one host to another as they continue their forever war against informed human agency.

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"Imagine" and "I'd like to teach the world to sing." Are 2 of the most insipid songs, yet Obama wanted the latter to be our national anthem.

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I've got one for Obama: "They're Coming to Take Me Away" -- performed by Napoleon XIV, 1966:


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I thought only my little cir;le in Brooklyn knew about that one. Well, I was a kid then.

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Nope, it was a bona-fide national hit, reaching #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in August, 1966. Considering that some stations would not even play it, that was quite an accomplishment, especially considering that back in the 60s there really was not a national radio market. Songs by East Coast artists (NY/NJ) would hit there first, then move West, and songs from LA/SoCal, the opposite. For stuff from Chicago and Detroit, the other 'major' sources of hit music, they would normally start local and radiate outward. So it took quite a bit of moxie to hit all across the nation simultaneously and make the top 10. It helped if you were a recognized and successful artist, which Napoleon XIV definitely was not, he was a one-hit wonder; never charted again. Different times, those days.

(BTW the guy's real name is Jerry Samuels, a recording engineer and composer from NYC. And no, I do not know all this stuff off the top of my head --this is from 'Joel Washburn's Top Pop Singles 1955-1986.' An excellent source for the trivia buff.)

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Have you read any of David McGowan's books? You might be interested in just how involved the CIA was/is in the music industry, in full swing even in the 60's. This one is eye-opening, called Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream:


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I've read it several times, Dave is another one gone...

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Grateful Dead, The Doors, The Beatles, so many were tools of social experimentation or otherwise directly connected to the spygame.

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All of them, and everything after that too, Rap and HipHop included. It is incredible, learning just how comprehensive the brainwashing has been... in every single aspect of our lives. There is nothing we have not been lied to about.

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Well, we knew about Hollywood, MSM, schools & universities, etc.; it should not be a surprise [they] controlled the music scene too. It would be a shorter list, to name the things they did NOT control. Perhaps as a mathematician might say, the empty set {}.

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Exactly, the more I learn the more I realize how comprehensive their lies have been. It extends much further back in history than modern quotes, but the sentiment is the same as when William Casey said, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

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OK, I just ordered it. This is the 3rd time that book has been recommended here. Looking forward to it 💖

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Glad you did! It's one of several that profoundly changed my understanding of our culture. Another one written by Dave may be even more profound, called Programmed to Kill, wherein I learned that "serial killers" are not what we were told - they were used to cover up satanic ritual killings, and the MKUltra programming was part of that too. As a woman I can attest to the fact that we have been repeatedly terrorized by these stories, to the point where many of us see the boogey man around every corner, and we begin to fear all men. Most of us grew up fearing we may become a random victim of a serial killer. It was actually a relief to find out that "serial killers" have actually been created intentionally, along with the help of corrupt police departments/prosecutors, and the media, all to serve those psychopathic cabal demons - it means it is NOT human nature, that men in general are no more evil than we are. This is a really big thing for women, believe it or not.

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I'm from Brooklyn too...Kings Highway and Ocean Avenue...

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Me too 2701 Ocean Ave to be exact, Decades ago. Kings Highway was ten blocks away.

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wow! we lived on Ocean Avenue for a few years, it was the James Madison apartment building, the address was twenty-something...I went to PS 255 and JHS 234...we moved to E. 18th Street also between Quentin Rd and Avenue R...I went to John Dewey HS instead of James Madison HS.

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Quentin Rd., long before moving up to Ocean Ave., we lived with my grandfather on Quentin Rd. He was a milkman, this was very long ago, had a horse which I fed.

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I think we were close PS 206, JHS 234 (Cunningham funny how you remember these things) HS I forgot. That was when we moved, but just to Long Island. College was Hofstra U. Then Woodstock and enlisting in the Marines. Best and worst moves in my life lol.

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you were in Sheepshead Bay...

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2234 Ocean Avenue, we lived there from about 1960 to about 1969

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Dr. Demento used to play that a lot

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Yes. I have his "Dr. Demento: The Greatest Novelty CD Of All Time" put out by Rhino Records in 1988 -- it is the 19th and final cut on the CD.

"Rhino R2 75768 (CD), October 25, 1988 (out-of-print)"

-- http://dmdb.org/discographies/demento.disco.html

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Maybe to go with his Coke?

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haha good one :)

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[In my opinion, the John Lennon song Imagine is one of the most annoying songs ever written.]

If you mean politically I'm with you. That song has an overt communist agenda. I can imagine tyranny, we have had several examples and I don't think it would be to my taste.

If you mean over all, I'd like to suggest "Muskrat Love".

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Ok, you got me on that one.

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Ugh, you had to do that. I don't need that echoing in my head. Have a nice day anyway!

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I've had a brainworm song, it's extremely annoying and goes back to the 50s. I left the name out so you won't be bothered too.

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Thanks, that's very decent of you!

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Oh good, brain worm song 🤪🤪🤪

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I thought of listing some other ones but that's a path best left untraveled...

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was that The Captain and Tenille lol

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Yes. More dangerous than they appear. CIA?

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TL;DR: This article ties into what is happening in Canada and why Tucker Carlson’s visit here was more important than it seems on the surface. (Mainly of concern to Canadians)

Good article and it's given me some clues as to the events happening in Canada in the past year or so.

As a Canadian and resident of Alberta it's also helped to answer the question which has bothered me a bit in the recent past for which I've written about my speculation in comments to other posts.

The big question I have is "Why did Tucker Carlson visit Canada just before his Putin interview?"

Carlson is closely associated with Trump and MAGA, he's so visible that he still earns major headlines and attacks from the Establishment.

Tucker is the bright spotlight thrown to illuminate the shadows and cause the rats and roaches to run for cover. His time and schedule are undoubtedly very busy.

Also in the Narrative War, Tucker acts as a form of narrative foreshadowing, something both practical and symbolic in 5th gen warfare.

So why did he come to Canada?

Why did he interview the Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith?

While she is an important part of the Conservative resistance to Trudeau's rule in Canada she's an obscure figure on international political scene. It would be like Tucker going to Australia to interview the Premier of Queensland.

Also as funny as it was why did he troll Trudeau's office?


He certainly did panic the Canadian left who wanted him banned from entry into Canada.

Canadians are signing a petition to keep Tucker Carlson out of Canada


NDP MP fails bid for official condemnation of Tucker Carlson's 'invade Canada' rant


Personally I give credence to a "sovereign alliance" existing in this war against the Cabal.

So in this war, what was the significance of the visit to Canada and Tucker's trolling of Trudeau and his visit here?

In light of this article I think this was both a prediction and declaration by the Trump/MAGA alliance that Canada would NOT be a part of the Agenda2030 plan as set out by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. It was also part of the psych warfare campaign to keep the Cabal's level of fear up.

Tucker was very specific about the "liberation of Canada", yes as thinly disguised prank. But I believe the words and the promises he uttered are very real.

In your article you talk about the CIA being setup to take the blame, become a scapegoat while the Cabal withdraws into "Fortress EU" to regroup and retrench themselves.

I believe this is a correct assessment, using the EU, NATO and the UN, WHO as cover organizations to accomplish that goal.

As a counter balance to that I believe Trump and the alliance intend to build "Fortress North America", and as an integral part of the plan Canada cannot be left out because it’s the US’s largest trading partner and also the largest storehouse of resources and energy (drill baby drill) on the continent.

I believe Canada and Mexico are due to be integrated into a North American wide financial/economic, political and military alliance as a separate "pole" in the multipolar world as laid out by BRICS and Putin/Xi.

Here in Canada, the globalists and the WEF are being increasingly exposed, their infiltration and corruption being laid bare for Canadians to see. There are THREE separate scandals which have reared its ugly heads to plague the Trudeau government.

1. The SNC-Lavalin case which Trudeau buried in 2019 (or so he thought)

2. The Winnipeg Biolab scandal, which he’s currently trying to bury(again).

3. The ArriveScam, $60 million corruption case, which again the Liberals tried to bury and it’s still coming to light.

The Liberal Party has fallen 20 points behind the Conservatives in National polls which is extraordinary in Canadian politics which has a 5 party landscape.

I think when Trump wins in November is when it’s game over for Trudeau and the WEF/Cabal in Canada.

Trudeau is psychologically behaving in much the same way as Hitler did in his final months running the 3rd Reich, he’s becoming increasingly erratic and openly dictatorial, he’s blaming his subordinates for his failures (including emotional outbursts in Parliament) and he’s becoming openly totalitarian with his “Online Hate speech bill” and his 26% increase in the Carbon tax.

He’s not bothering to even pretend to care about what Canadians are concerned about and has instead simply stated he’s not resigning or leaving. He truly believes everyone else is to blame for his failures.

His associates are not faring any better, and the Liberal Party even tried to link Conserative party leader Pierre Poilievre with Donald Trump, thinking that would make Poilievre look like an far right extremist and therefore he would lose support.

All of that is failing and the WEF plan for Canada is falling apart considering the losses in the courts and the lawsuits being filed.

My final thoughts are there is one final push Trudeau will make to hold onto power, he’ll try and go the Venezuela route and suspend Parliament and outlaw opposition parties and declare an “Emergency” where he’ll impose a total dictatorship.

This is why it was important for Tucker to have come to Alberta, because when Trudeau does this it will be from Alberta and Western Canada that the initial resistance will come from and possibly the initial fighting will start. Yes I’m sorry to say it might come down to actual kinetic conflict if Trudeau is serious about maintaining his grip in power.

I hope this can be avoided if some MP in the Liberal and NDP parties realize where the situation is headed and instigate a quick Non confidence vote, which will dissolve Parliament and trigger an election.

I hope and pray it doesn't come down to this but Trudeau is not going to leave voluntarily, he will have to be forcefully removed but he will be removed, there is no longer any doubt about it, along with the other WEF agents in the government.

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^ This is what I mean by someone practicing discernment, figuring out things for themselves. I agree with you that Tucker is acting as a form of narrative foreshadowing - indeed every time I see him do something, I know it's time for that person/country/event/concept to have a light shone on it, for whatever reason I may not know. Tucker represents the mainstream, as well. He stays away from the REALLY difficult subjects because his job is to bring as many people along as possible.

Regarding Trudeau, he doesn't look the same to me anymore - as though someone else is playing his part. Either that or he's simply under control now - I mean his performance is just Over The Top Evil, whereas before he flew under the radar. Canada, England, Australia, NZ - they are all right there with us Americans in their slumber. Something's got to wake them up!

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I've noticed that the MSM are frequently displaying Trudeau's image from different times.

With a beard, without a beard, younger, older etc.

So what are they trying to hide?

The biggest change came soon after the Trucker convoy was broken up, they tried to use images which did NOT detail his face and in which he was bearded.

When he made the speech from his temporary hideout, he look very different than what I had expected and his voice sounded somewhat different, also he didn't stick around to blabber on about how great his leadership is, that struck an odd note with me that it wasn't the real Trudeau giving the speech.

This to me suggested he might have a body double to fill in for him frequently, maybe even a few other look alikes who might wander around into public view.

The risk of assassination increases the more he wrecks Canada so the "original" might very well be in hiding (after all look at his lack of courage the second the convoy showed up in Ottawa).

Chrystia Freeland also looks and sounds very strange, she was high as a kite when making the bank account freeze announcements and that really struck me as someone who is medicating themselves in order to withstand the pressures of a situation they never expected to find themselves in.

Both her and Trudeau really look like the pressure is breaking them down and that the tactics employed by the Conservatives are working.

Behind the scenes I'm sure they're more than likely controlled by the Alliance or some form of "supervision" is being used on them.

You're correct in that Trudeau is acting really over the top these days and his policies have the subtlety of a sledgehammer in the face. Almost as if someone were directing him to destroy his own image and reputation in public and to awaken many still sleeping Canadians.

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Exactly. Well put.

We have fake "Biden" after all - that I am sure of!

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several fake Biden's...and several fake Hillary's too

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Definitely. If there is a principle actor playing him, he deserves an award. 😊

One of my favorite things to post, is that video Where Did Your Foot Go, Joe:


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Geeshh, GRY -- TL,DR and you write this? Pot and the kettle? 😎

Seriously though, excellent comment. Dual citizen here USA/CAN, AB resident ~10 yrs (Crowsnest, which is another story for another time...)

Your comments bring up something I observed during the trucker protest. Which was, why on earth would Trudope be so stubborn when he probably could have treated the truckers with a little respect, had a conversation with them, backed down on a minor point or two and sent them home with a small victory? He would have come off as a statesman and diplomat and a man to be reckoned with.

Instead he doubled down and called in the cavalry. WTH was he thinking?

Answer: I don't know what he was thinking, but I do not think it mattered. Trudope was not in control; the WEFfers and particularly Schwab and his trusted deputy Chrystia Freeland were in control, and they told Trudope never, EVER back down -- call in the military if you have to, these rebels must be DEFEATED and made to look like weak little fools. Pounded into the dust! Nobody may be allowed to embarrass the powers that be. NOBODY!! A nail that sticks up MUST be pounded down, and pounded HARD. So hard that nobody will ever, ever challenge our authority ever again!

And now Poilievre would get 222 seats if the election were called today, at least as of Jan. 27:


Talk about a shellacking. But then, the WEF and friends are on the run, they've been discovered (and can't complain about it, they've been bragging about what they are up to for what now? 20 years at least) and the People want nothing to do with them. Just see what's been happening in Europe lately, and it isn't just there, it's in Brazil and even USA.

I believe that will be the legacy of the Canadian truckers' protest -- it's OK, even required, to stand up against tyranny when and where you see it. You won't win every round, but the impetus begins to build and pretty soon, you have a runaway train.


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Dumb and Dumber(Freeland and Trudeau) were picked by the Cabal for their obedience, not for their brains.

The biggest mistake they made as you've noted during the Trucker convoy was to attack it so publicly. The fact that Trudeau ran and hid also embarrassed and shamed the Cabal very publicly as well as severely damaging Trudeau's image as any sort of statesman.

When they used the Emergencies Act as a hammer on a problem which didn't exist they did exactly what the White Hats wanted them to do.

They used the Act as a hammer and accidentally smashed the gong announcing the Great Awakening in Canada.

The fact that Freeland used bank account freezes with zero due process and openly bragged about it really shoved the Red Pill up a lot of normie butts.

The deployment of financial warfare on innocent Canadians was the jolt needed to push many Canadians out of their complacent state.

To extend your example, they used the Emergencies Act hammer to pound down the Trucker nail and now 2 years later 5 other nails have popped up.

Now as to the reasons why, I surmised the following:

Freeland and Trudeau were AWOL from the main Cabal plan, Freeland and Trudeau really thought that using the Emergencies Act and their thugs in blue would actually intimidate everyone back into silence.

They thought along the lines that you outlined in your statement, they thought they would make themselves look strong and nobody would dare challenge them again.

In fact I believe Trudeau and Freeland didn't think or game theory out any scenarios about the possible reactions to their openly totalitarian moves.

I don't think they had any permission to act in the way they did from their bosses, they both thought they were untouchable and underestimated the reactions of the Canadian people.

As to the aftermath, note that Freeland was bragging about making bank account freezes a permanent power of hers under the role of Finance Minister, when she was announcing this she was absolutely giddy and completely high while doing it.

They didn't anticipate the kind of blowback they got, during the 72 hours of the Act and the account freezes many Canadians got spooked and started a run on the 5 big banks.

Also foreign currency investors saw what was happening and started dumping Canadian dollars and pulling their investments out of Canadian banks.

I personally had my own bank account inaccessible for 6 hours, thought it was frozen but was told that online banking was over saturated with transactions.

Tens of thousands of people withdrew their savings in cash, and the ATMs ran dry as well as the bank branches.

The Canadian financial system almost collapsed that day.

I think Klaus Schwab and the Cabal ORDERED Freeland and Trudeau to withdraw the use of the Act and to knock it off! It's why they quickly rescinded the Act and tried to pretend nothing happened. It's also why almost none of the truckers lost their trucks.

The Cabal was probably seething that Dumb and Dumber actually gave away the game plan of financial lawfare on citizens, that wasn't supposed to happen until the CBDCs were implemented.

Support for a Canadian dollar CBDC dried up overnight, they had announced it 2 months prior and a lot of people didn't object, but after the account freezes any support for CBDCs evaporated.

So in essence Trudeau and Freeland did a "self own" and scored...on their own goal!

Since that time they've lost ground and credibility, they cannot convince anyone that they're not a pair of screwups.

Hence the draconian bills on the table and the obvious coverups of their corruption, they panicking and they don't know how to stop what's happening.

It's also why this is the most dangerous time, they're cornered and can't do much, what happens when an animal is cornered?

It's why I believe Trudeau might very well play the Venezuela card and declare an open dictatorship, he doesn't want to leave and will do anything to cling to power.

It's also what will set off the powderkeg in Western Canada, especially in Alberta.

No matter which way you slice it, the WEF and the Cabal have lost in Canada, but if they go down for it, there will be a cost, they won't go quietly, unfortunately innocent people are going to pay the price in the end.

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Interesting perspective, I like your thought process. 👍

In the end it does not matter whether the WEFers ordered the crackdown or if 'Dumb an Dumber' did it all on their own. The net result is the same either way -- i.e., either way, we win and [they] lose.

If Trudope does try to play the 'Venezuela card,' it will be interesting to see if he is challenged and can survive a confidence vote. Many MPs might vote to cover their own tails rather than support a cornered, snarling animal about to take them all down. They're going down anyway, they might try to save some face and position themselves with a defence against possible prison time.

And yes, I'm reminded of an old African proverb:

"When elephants fight, the grass gets hurt the most."

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Freeland's grandparents were Ukrainian Nazis, I've seen photos of them with Hitler, etc.

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I live in BC on Vancouver Island...I was surprised Tucker went to Edmonton as it's become an NDP stronghold, and there's a lot of crime there now...re Nazis, Chrystia Freeland's grandparents were Nazis in the Ukraine, and were among hundreds or more who settled in and around Edmonton, Alberta, she is a Nazi too. Declassified docs a couple of weeks ago show Pierre Trudeau as Justice Minister allowed all the Nazis who wanted to emigrate to Canada to do so.

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Awesome work, it proves the old saying "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it."

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I think it was William Saroyan who wrote that

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[They] may think they can transfer their power base elsewhere, but I expect they are mistaken.

CIA on the way down, and good riddance; but Trump can destroy NATO (should have happened in 1991), UN, EU, and likely will. Trump knows where the evil hides, and it will no longer find even the merest shadow once the light is turned on. Like cockroaches, they will run for the corners, only to find there is nowhere to go.

Trump does not need to literally destroy anything, BTW, except maybe CIA if it has not already been done for him by Jan '25. All he needs to do is kick out the props holding it all up, financial and narrative. Dumping LIBOR was one step in that process; more are planned and once the snowball starts down the mountain there will be no stopping it. Once the US stops supporting UN, WHO, NATO... the game is over. All that will be left is a few forced moves before the result is evident to any who care to see.

And you're right, that money to Ukraine is all that's been propping up the European power center, ECB particularly. Uniparty greed has been a powerful tool for [them], but I expect the '24 elections will seriously weaken the Uniparty on both 'sides of the aisle.' People are fed up and MAGA is on the move.


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I think we are already at the forced moves part of the game. Nothing can stop what is coming!

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I agree 💯/💯. It's all over but the shouting and gnashing of teeth. [They] can still cause some damage, but the end result is already determined.

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Thank God. :)

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Eric. When you point out that Trump replaced Pompeo at CIA w Haspel and stopped running intelligence through the CIA are you implying he was attempting to remove a mole (Pompeo)? In a recent interview w Maria Bartiromo Trump responded to a question from her about would he use Pompeo in a 2nd admin by saying “I don’t know”. In the same conversation he said he would consider John Ratcliffe and Ben Carson because they “had done good jobs”. I loved this article by the way!

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When Trump moved Pompeo to secretary of state, he started running intelligence through the state department and stopped running it through the CIA. Haspel was out of the loop as was the CIA.

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Thanks for clarifying. He also told Maria that in his 1st admin he made some postings based on recommendations Bec he was new to DC -basically saying now he had his own assessments about people. I’m so curious about what he thinks about Pompeo now. He didn’t compliment him in that interview like he did others. Why is Pompeo out there saying he wants back in do you think? I don’t like him. I think he’s creepy.

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Thanks for the question Jan G and thanks for the answer Erik!!

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wasn't Haspel wounded in Germany over the election server there in Frankfurt there was a gun battle

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It's always so hard to tell - good guys look like bad guys and vice versa. And then they shift places again. It's hard for those of us watching, for sure! I suppose if we all knew what was going on, then the enemy would too - so we're left to try and discern instead. :)

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Starting to think that most of them need to be incarcerated…

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You spelled incinerated wrong 🤭🤣 where's that BBQ guy?

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Dang ‘ole spellcheck gets when I least expect it…😂😅🤣

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Richard Poe and Tom Luongo opened my eyes to the “British Cabal” a couple years ago….an article well done!

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