Jan 1Liked by Ryan DeLarme

"Their democracy" is incompatible with Our Constitutional Republic.

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Well done. It’s analyses like these that might deflate the Plandemic-induced balloon of Mass Formation Psychosis that has obscured the critical thinking of so many intellectually lazy Americans.

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Jan 1Liked by Ryan DeLarme

As I read that Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Katie Bernhardt issued a statement “Protecting our democracy has never been more important, because as we saw in the election of Donald Trump vs Joe Biden, Republicans don’t like to accept when they have lost .” A notification ding on my phone leads me to this article. What a cosmic coincidence lol.

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When I die don't let me vote democrat!

I have a T with that quote. This one: t.co/jhM0aRfLef

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Jan 1Liked by Ryan DeLarme

You got that exactly how I have come to view it:

"The words ‘our democracy,’ as we tend to see them in the context of current political events, appear rational at first glance, much like ‘our constitution’ or ‘our rights.’ These words invoke a sense of unity and inclusivity. Put simply, the use of ‘our’ to denote ‘everyone’ is intended to be positive, correct?

However, "our" in this case does not refer to all individuals but rather only to a subset of them—in this case, the ruling class."

Thanks, Ryan

Democracy is really just mob rule. This Government is a Corporate Franchise, operating as a "Democracy between Stakeholders," excluding all the rest of us.

The Republic needs to be restored, all forms of Corporate Frameworks must be abolished. Including the Admiralty Courts in the US Inc. I am not sure that Trump will do this though.

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If the Democrats want to see a tyrant just consider what Biden has done to destroy our country in the last 3 years. And sadly both parties are selling us out.

Please share widely. When you buy a new car, in 2026, it will come with a mandatory "kill switch" which will allow the government to remotely disable your car. You can thank Debbie Dingell, most of the Democrat party and 19 Republicans for that. If it is not yet obvious the government wants to control every aspect of your life.

Like most Democrats Debbie Dingell is a globalist "true believer," who blindly supports the WHO, the UN and most of the policies contained within Agenda21 and Agenda 2030. Sadly many of the Republicans are also globalist "true believers," as I will disclose in this essay. The reason most Americans are unaware of this reality is because Globalist Corporate Media (MSNBC, CNN, FOX etc.) rarely talk directly about globalism or the many interlinked planks of the globalist agenda. Instead they maintain this false dichotomy that most issues divide between conservative and progressive ideologies.

Representative Debbie Dingell: Globalist Witch from the North

BRUCE CAIN, DEC 30, 2023


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Jan 1Liked by Ryan DeLarme

I remember the day that the "Our Democracy" message was read on air around the country. I saw it twice and was horrified from the beginning of the first time. It was proof of the absolute collusion seen throughout the media.

Another instance that made the same impression was during the 2016 election in September when Dame Hillary got a cold or flu or something and had to cancel campaign events. Hilariously a statement was pushed across multiple television stations where she claimed that she was trying to "POWER THROUGH IT." Reporters and anchors (Anderson Cooper for instance) across the media spectrum related this obviously seeded story that came directly from her campaign. It was written to make her sound strong and powerful - and reported by all these supposedly honest and unbiased reporters as "news" rather than a campaign tactic.

The Our Democracy BS was being spouted back during that election cycle as well and burst out of the mouths of the entire democrat establishment like foam from the mouths of rabid racoons ever since. I have to suppress laughter every time I hear it. Or is that rage that they are saying it. Morons.

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Jan 1Liked by Ryan DeLarme

This aligns with what I wrote back on Nov 6, 2023


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I don't even think the EVIL ones know what a Constitutional Republic is & if they do, they are very, very frightened of the meaning. Gosh with every article you write, you expose the total hypocrisy of the "demon party"

Thank you for all the time & effort that you put into your research & writing as it is quite eye opening.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas & New Year

God bless you & your family.

P. S in case anyone is looking to read a chapter in the Bible that helps us to resist our enemies & to pray for their destruction try Psalm 109

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Jan 2Liked by Ryan DeLarme

If they would use lawfare to keep President Trump off of the ballot in 2024, why would anyone doubt that they would use similar underhanded and devious ways to steal the election in 2020? It would be difficult to use the same tactics in 2024 since it would be far too obvious, so they are trying Plan B and Plan C. You can see the panic in their eyes. You can smell their desperation from a mile away. The American people are waking up one by one as we watch their last-ditch efforts to save themselves from the inevitable.

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Jan 1Liked by Ryan DeLarme

2024 voters in the millions are walking into the nation now…it’s over I feel.

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We all know what comes next.

If you can't get to the King, you target the King's family and inner circle, which they have but were not successful taking them down or silencing them.

When you can't take down the King's advisors and friends, you target the kings most vocal supporters.

This is next on the list, I fully expect the more prominent MAGA and Trump supporters to be targeted for "investigation" and official harassment, people such as Tucker Carlson.

If you cannot break the King's more visible supporters, you target the peasants supporting the King.

I expect this tactic to be unleashed in the summer on people attending MAGA rallies and election gatherings for Trump.

This is all from your standard Third World Handbook of Banana Republics (3rd Ed, revised) playbook.

So expect a long, hot summer, a revival of the "Summer of Love, 2020" but with Feds standing in for BLM and Antifa.

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Thank you Ryan... for this outstanding clarification!!

I hope all who read your Substack SHARE this on all of their social accounts.

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Jan 2Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Those who accuse MAGA of trying to destroy our ‘democracy’ are (as you pointed out) desperately trying to maintain their so-called and extremely corrupt version of democracy. Their democracy, using the 3 letter agencies to enforce within the country and to collude with international organizations to enforce their corrupt system without the US, is at the orders of the next step up. This is all intertwined with the various entities around the world. Of course this has been planned and slowly implemented over decades. The US is still in possession of our constitution and the ‘rights’ guaranteed within make our nation a threat against their corrupt democracy and they will do anything to protect theirs. They aren’t ready for US citizens’ response this fall.

God bless you, Ryan, for another great article!🙏🙏

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They are correct, Trump is a Direct Threat to Their Democracy! The Democracy exists only in Washington DC. All elected officials are part of a corporation. That corporation is their democracy. That is why it doesn't matter if they are Left or Right, Republican or Democrat, Progressive or Conservative. They all belong to the same Democracy. You will not find the word Democracy in the Constitution for the united states of America. Because it's a Constitutional Republic as so many have previously stated. The first three words of the Constitution are "We The People" indicating We The People created the constitution. We The People are the only ones that can change it... When did you or I actually vote in a legitimate election using the Laws required for We The People in the Declaration of Independence? When you register to vote you have to swear under penalty of perjury you are a Corporate Slave, commonly known as U.S. Citizen!!! Look up the definitions for Citizen. Who's subject are YOU??? Great post showing some of the real truth and issues that the Lame Stream media and Social Media doesn't allow.... Peace

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Great presentation of the big picture Ryan. This pulls our heads out of the rabbit holes, focusing us on the main battle. There are many skirmishes ahead, but the war to secure our Republic is key.

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