Great essay.

In 1958 the founder of the John Birch Society predicted that the end of US Sovereignty would be accelerated by the Federal Government spending money as wastefully as possible. Is that not exactly what the Biden Administration and other world leaders have done over the past 3 years since the Plandemic began?

"A part of that plan of course is to induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty piece by piece and step by step to various international organizations of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example. Here are the aims for the United States. Step One: Greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means of getting rid of ever larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible."

Certainly the four major issues threatening our sovereignty and inalienable rights are Fake Climate Change (Net Zero Carbon emissions), the WHO Pandemic Agreement, a US Digital Currency and the War in Ukraine. Now with the bankruptcy of the Silicon Valley Bank we can add -- a Depression level bank run. Unfortunately Biden supports all five which, in my mind, means he is committing treason against the ,American People. The overarching goal is to impoverish the world’s population and force them to accept a Digital Currency (CBDC) which will usher in a system of Global Slavery. And sadly most world leaders support Digital Currency and are also committing treason against their citizens, as they collectively push for a Global New World Order.

The way I look at the world is that there is a globalist agenda at the apex of the power hierarchy. They -- the EU, WHO, UN, WEF, Blackrock, Vanguard etc. -- call the tune for China, the US, Israel and all other nations. And they are the real enemy of humanity.

Net Zero: How the Globalists intend to impose Digital Slavery through Vaccine Passports, Digital Currency and Fake Climate Change (03/11/2023)


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True! ....the agencies you’ve mentioned are the tools for those at the very top and we know who they worship. However, God only gave him a ‘time’ to rule the earth. We’re really at the point the Israelites were on the edge of the Red Sea.

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It’s a culmination of every and the rapid development of the new world religion to enslave those necessary to maintain their needs When we look around us and we are at odds with most of the world, we trust our Lord and the promises He made!

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Perfectly said. However, we need solid ways to stop them.

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Agreed. But how? I can’t believe there hasn’t been a push to get Biden and Harris impeached. They both have broken their promise to uphold the Constitution and instead they are just letting it go. Unless we are really watching devolution in action. What do you think?

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Oh, I totally agree and have said when Covid was declared & they pushed for people to vote by mail, that it was a Coupe. I am not happy that I was right. Our forefathers knew what these beasts were doing. That is why they wanted us to stay armed and why the Cabal wants to use every excuse to grab our guns. More than impeached, they should be arrested and the key thrown away for their crimes against this country, the Constitution, this country’s citizens, our elections, and crimes against humanity. We need to get rid those voting machines, start uniting locally, get involved locally to push them out and stop their making laws against us, get our sheriffs (who are the only police we vote for) the proof they need to arrest these people, Stop shopping at big box stores, & their online stores & paying for their products, most of all keep praying. Other than that, I am not sure. They have been at this since before they came to this country, so they had a long head start.

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"While I fully believe there is a group of Patriots working diligently behind the scenes to take our country back, they can’t do our homework for us. We need to do the work. We need to educate ourselves, to lessen and remove the control the Cabal has over us."

Absolutely. That is our job, not only to educate ourselves (many of us here have gotten to that point) but also to educate those coming along behind us -- the Normies who are 'transitioning.' The faster things change (and it has been accelerating lately), the more overwhelming that awakening becomes. We must be kind and patient with them, because we need their support.

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Good point, WildBill. Education will be key to undoing the false/fake understanding of how we got here and to help future generations know the truth. Imagine if Americans had been taught their true history. Honest historians with integrity will be so valuable in the coming decades. 5Gen Warfare is being fought on so many fronts right now…the historical perspective unites those fronts under a common insight.

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Just think what a difference it would make if only every American read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution -- neither is very long, nor are they difficult to read.

The most common comment I've heard when people first read the Constitution is, "If it says that, then why can they get away with doing the things they do?"

The answer is "Because very few people have taken the time to actually read and understand the Constitution." If we are ignorant of our rights, how can we expect to keep them?

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“…a History of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny….Let facts be submitted to a candid world “

Sure sounds familiar today! ❤️

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....exactly why we also must act once we know. 👏

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Like we acted on January 6th,2021?

The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights hasn't been taught in schools since the 70s. Our supposed 'elected (really selected, with modern digital systems) representatives are ALL leveraged, blackmailed or bribed to 'go along to get along'. And MOST importantly Federal law enforcement is weaponized beyond the scope of imagination. The Smith-Mundt Act modernization signed by Barrack Obama has weaponized the Media.

'The Perfect Storm to demolish individual and national sovereignty and solidify the Slave System.

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And the best historical book the Bible!

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Erik Carlson has another article called “Is Jerome Powell a Patriot” that is most excellent and a great follow up to this article.

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Absolutely! Be grateful for their awakening. I am fairly new comparatively speaking and I had so much support. We aren’t expected to do this alone because that’s impossible.

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EXCELLENT. May be the best summation of the beginnings of the American cabal power I've read.

Many miss the Rockefeller chemical medicine piece and virology piece. Even today there are multiple published, double-blind studies showing that things like grape seed extract and raw organic ginger root are hundreds to thousands of times more effective than chemo with NONE of the chemo side effects. Combine this with getting people to FEAR a virus boogeyman around every corner - and the masses are easily led with the Hollywood/Madison Avenue propaganda and the it is near impossible to derail that disinformation juggernaut. (Study the Beauchamp vs Pasteur battle to understand how the world has been misled on viruses).

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Absolutely excellent. Well laid out & simply put without the fluff. ;D The only things missing is Dec. 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment was ratified. Originally, it was to ban all NOBLE TITLED people from being in gov. (including attorneys). It became a PROCLAIMATION, NOT a lawful LAW or Amendment. It set the road for enslavement. They also changed a few words in our constitution. We are NOT using our proper constitution, we are using the CORPORATE version. In 1871, the ORGANIC ACT was put in place, making WASHINGTON, D.C. a foreign country & corporation. Note- All corporations are done in caps. Look at your birth certificate some time...

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Yes, but the 1865 13th Amendment dust binned the original 13th, ratified in 1810, and is being resurrected by people waking up to our true history. The original forbade anyone with a title of nobility, like esquire, from holding an office, or they would cease to be a citizen of the United States. Today, over 80% of federal politicians are attorneys. THEY are the problem, if they are members of the BAR, owing their allegiance to the Crown.

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I do not think you comprehended what I wrote- "The only things missing is Dec. 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment was ratified. Originally, it was to ban all NOBLE TITLED people from being in gov. (including attorneys). " It is a summary, not an exact copy of the original amendment, which, as I wrote, was rewritten & became a supposedly anti-slavery proclamation, not a lawful amendment to ban slavery. The original 13th Amendment was never properly ratified. Many things we thought were properly ratified, was not after the 10th or 11th Amendments. I cannot remember which one before the parasites started their various methods to screw us & America. The parasites we are dealing with now had been hard at their crimes before the ink was dry on the original Constitution.

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I loved this. I shared it with a group I’m in, I just wish I could share with more. They aren’t ready for it.

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Keep encouraging them. 💖

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Moral of The Lesson, BE NOT AFRAID!!!

Be your own thinker, do not let AI Think for you!

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If time permits, please take a look at shirenews.substack.com.

i appreciate the essay very much. i will be getting to these details in history later in my "chapters" of the history of America and how we got to this place. The evils of this millennium cannot be thwarted unless we understand our history. So, thank you for the summary.

The problems are an intricate and carefully weaved web, and it started long before Lincoln's War. In some ways, it began with the fall of Jerusalem and the rise of the Catholic Church (cradle Catholic here) within the Roman legal system. This is where the enslavement of the last 2000 years began. It has nothing to do with Christianity itself, but the opportunity taken by evil to take the love created through believing in Yehusha/Yeshua/Christ, and taking advantage of the believers through a corrupt and limited group of people and families.

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It’s always been the ancient battle between good and evil.

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Look at the date the IRS came into existence. Same for the Federal Reserve Bank robbers 2/25/13.

These evil people have controlled us for far too long. Other than refusing to pay income tax as a majority would really throw a monkey wrench into things, wouldn’t it?

How do we help those patriots who are working behind the scenes? What plan could we collaborate on to pull the rug out from underneath them that wouldn’t upend the global economy? Could people across the water in other countries be enclosed? I’m reaching here but I’m angry.

My grandparents were sharecroppers. My mom worked in cotton fields with them. My grandfather was illiterate and they had nothing. I suppose if we are really in end times then we may not need do anything because God’s plans are underway.

I’d like to thank you for putting it all together in this article because it is clear to anyone who is still sleeping may see what these satanic elites who have been with us since Genesis 3 has done to all Gods children. That old snake is a viper who has weaved his evil throughout history. God promised to throw him and his fallen angels and the false prophets in to hell. So until that time what can we do?

What happens to all of our money when the dollar tanks like the Great Depression? It will be worthless and people such as myself will surely suffer. Maybe you can point us to someone who does know before it’s too late.

My last thought is this. 5 years ago my relationship with God was not where it should have been. Placing all my trust into worldly matters. I am one of the fortunate ones who has found myself in a solid relationship a with Him and His word. Moments of clarity and understanding like no other time in my life. I’ve never been one to really be interested in politics and my head was stuck in the sand. Had these past few years not gone in this direction, I would be one of those unfortunate people who’s relationship with Yesuah was lacking. I would be looking for the wider gate. I repented my ways, dug into my Bible and filled my lamp with oil. I can’t imagine not being able to walk with him in the millennial, seeing Yesuah knowing how much he loves us all. I wonder how many others like myself are believers

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Part two. I messed up so this is the conclusion to my first post.

He knows the time because he’s all knowing. He’s waiting for the rest to accept him as their savior and repent of their sins. Maybe we should assist in a global effort to bring as many people to the Lord, God almighty so they can walk with Him in the millennium too. Wouldn’t that be an amazing kick butt time. Exposing those consumed and controlled by that serpent from hell would be one wild ride. I really believe we should be making a plan for others to experience what we have. Can’t keep it if we don’t give it away!

Thanks again for all your hard work. I do not know how, but I believe it could be exactly what we are to be doing in these times. He wants all His children to be brought out of the darkness and into the light. Fearless warriors to assist in doing so would so be fulfilling. Salvation by Grace alone, in fear alone, in Christ alone! Amen 🙏

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There are many here who believe, Deborah. 🙏

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I see that🙏 I may have come off to strong. I have been sensing an urgency and I couldn’t quite figure out why. So standing back and watching what is happening here and then what’s taking place in the Middle East, of which we hear nothing or little to nothing, only to realize it’s a hot mess, the urgency come from a biblical/historical perspective and there are so many who haven’t heard the truth.

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I understand. Trust in God, and His Son Jesus Christ:

"Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing, you do not realize right now, but you will understand later."

-- John 13:7 (NASB) 🙏

It is all in His Hands now.

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God bless you! We must always trust all is in His control and whatever happens will be in His time! Prayer first, then every way we can become self sufficient from the fascist corporations, and teach all around us whatever we can understand. God’s gifted and placed so many exceptional warriors in this ancient battle and that gives us hope.👍 We know who does not survive the battle and we can act without fear! I wonder what miracles will come.🙏

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Here’s three I’m praying for. That God opens eyes, so those who haven’t sought Him do so. May all ears hear His voice of salvation and most importantly, their hearts filled with the Holy Spirit so all Gods children will seek him out. How’s that for miracles?

I am so very grateful to believe in Yesuah. What we live in is a world where Satan and his demons have been attacking our hearts, minds and souls and I am eagerly waiting for the rapture to end this hell on earth.

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Excellent and timely history lesson. I had quite a few of the highlights - through research and articles in these past few yrs -but they were jumbled around in my understanding; this timeline is a perfect summary of how the highlights all fit together…and here we are! Our true history is being exposed! Thank you for the work you have done here.

A favorite subject of mine wasn’t included here precisely (would come under the Hollywood chapter of enslavement) but the diabolical changing of the universal tuning from a harmonious 432Hz to the Nazi Goebbels’ 440Hz by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. It was a shift to create a subconscious discordance.

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Excellent view of 1861 through to Biden and 2023. He did not just show up on the stage with new ideas. He is the epitome of this entire brainwashed system we find ourselves under for almost 200 years in America. I'm sure my ancestors of 1654 came to Jamestown to make a great place to worship the Father in Heaven. Then came the devil satan and his evil ways to hold us down from our potential greatness as an independent nation. This needs to change but without Christ's intervention will remain an unachievable goal of our imagination. As Christians, we must align ourselves for greatness and be ready always watchful for His return.

My forefathers left Jamestown and settled in Albermarle County what became Charlottesville, an English City in Colonial of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson stayed in the Inn while building his home near Charlottesville. My forefather was a Patriot and fought against the Brits as a volunteer from VA under General Nathan Hale of the North Carolina Militia 1783 at the Battle of Guilford County, Greensboro, NC. I am of that same blood.

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Parts of my family fought in the Revolutionary War and we are descendants of great men. Our turn, now. It would have been much worse had Obama been able to achieve his part of the 16 year plan for us. God bless you!

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Eric, you are correct, the civil war - an undeclared war - was not about slavery, but nor was it all about money either, though financial considerations were part of the tools utilized. The civil war was a contrived event intended to split the country, do away with the organic Constitution FOR the United States of America (September 1787) and more specifically, the 13th Amendment, and to create an incorporated government services entity owned and controlled by foreign interests. The civil war was the "problem" in a "problem-reaction-solution" scenario typically employed for such purposes. The war was contrived with the North acting as over-reaching big government supporters and the South as protective of its interests and wishing to preserve the original, dejure design of America. America is not a republic and there is no reference in any founding organic document that makes it one. America is a confederation of sovereign independent nation-states operating under delegated authority from the Sovereign people, which is why the South called themselves the "Confederacy," they were standing up for what America was founded to be against a seemingly large over-reaching central government, which was never supposed to exist here.

After the civil war, a new Scottish incorporated British controlled municipal (Washington DC only) government services corporation was put in place and the Constitution of 1787 was adopted as its bylaws with a name change to The Constitution OF the United States and 13th Amendment simply disappeared. A Constitution FOR something implies a duty or responsibility towards something, a Constitution OF something implies nothing.

The "new government" was supposed to reconstruct the the states, but instead became the defacto government and most people were unaware of the shift. To this day, the current defacto corporation claims the dejure government is in "interregnum" and further claims the self-governing sovereign people never showed up to take care of their own business so they have been "helping us out". A little later, the Catholic Church saw how profitable it was to rape this country and formed its own "territorial" corporation and both now operate on our shores to this day.

In reference to your article, we are not slaves. A child of God can never be enslaved but by its own ignorance. The ability to be and act freely and independently is our very Nature, it is just a matter of what does it take to recognize the wisdom required to assume this responsibility for ourselves.

The "Great Experiment" of America was recognizing men are by Right Sovereign and Free through Kinship with God. America was the first and only country in the history of this planet to recognize God as the Creator of ALL men, recognize mans senior position in the universe via direct Kinship with God, recognized men are by right and Nature free and that no man has the right to rule over another man. America was founded upon these principals and this is founding organic law that cannot be changed or modified. Founding Law is based on the Sovereignty of the individual man and forever supports the freedom of the people, if we but take responsibility and act accordingly.

When America was formed as 13 states, what was the "citizenship status" of the people? They were "citizens" of the state they lived in of course and this "citizenship" is termed an American State National. At that time, a "united states citizen" was an adjective or descriptive of the general land population. Everyone is born on the land in a state so your birthright status is that of a State National. There was no such thing as a "government" or "federal" or "united states" citizen (as a noun) although, if you read your constitution (which was a contrived and unnecessary document to create precisely the problem we have today), if you read the original constitution you will see the "United States" was to form a "district" where it would exercise "exclusive legislative authority", i.e., American common law which was and is the true law of the land here was not to be recognized in Washington DC, which meant the residents of the private city-state of Washington DC had no rights and were subjects of the United States government (Inc.) under "civil law" descended from Roman civil law, descended form Babylon etc. It's the same old system they have always used to control populations.

The basic dichotomy is, God's law/Natural Law vs man-made law where men usurp upon God and set themselves up as the god in order to control others. Which law do you subscribe to?

The "Rights" of men as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and reiterated in some of the various Amendments ONLY APPLY TO State Nationals as they are the sovereign people, electors and founding class of America. United states citizens have no rights, as the constitution clearly spells out - they merely have government granted privileges but always are under the exclusive legislative authority of the United States government, which is a fictitious entity based in a foreign private city/state of Washington D.C. and whose jurisdiction shall not exceed "10 miles square," if you read your constitution.

State Nationals have inalienable rights via Kinship with God who is recognized in our founding law as the Ultimate Sovereign. United states citizens have no rights. This is why a "united states citizen" can rant and scream about his "rights" in a court and end up being fined for contempt of court. The court knows US citizens have no rights and YOU ARE PRESUMED TO KNOW THE LAW. You scream about rights you surrendered when you were defrauded, consented and "applied" for united states citizenship and now fall under the jurisdiction of a private city/state whose jurisdiction still does not exceed "10-miles square."

Correct your citizenship status, finish reconstructing your own government as is the duty and responsibility of self-government and "their" law no longer applies to you. Of course you will have to educate a few police officers, politicians and judges along the way and while that may be "uncomfortable," it is infinitely preferable to what "they" have in mind for you.

They are ridiculously few. We are the many. We have the power and ability to operate in law and clean up the mess we have allowed for mush to long to exist.

Go to https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/ and get your status cleaned up. Do it now and do it easy. Do it later and many will continue to suffer and die.

My two cents bro.

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Amazing, I’m blown away by your uncommon insight.

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Wow, that just blows my hair back. I've been trying to do this very same research for awhile now. I published an article on Individualized Sovereignty.


Just a small highlight:

"When we use language that addresses "I am" to (a subject) in this case, "citizenship" we are addressing ourselves within a linguistic constraint; tethering the infinite condition of a sovereign being directly to a conditional, legally defined fictional entity. Which is then controlled by the issuing entity; Depository Trust Corporation under the legal umbrella of the United States Incorporated. Through issuance and control of birth certificates, the citizen becomes legal collateral to the Bank of International Settlements, this creates ipso facto guarantorship for every living human being who holds a “citizenship.” [For collateral against the Debt]

Hence forward; I do not use the "I am" declaration of citizenship on any forms, I will write: I am currently "holding a citizenship," also I will never sign my name "under penalty of perjury" ever again. Above any signature, put "Without prejudice UCC 1 308."

UCC § 1-308. Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.(a) A party that with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as “without prejudice,” “under protest,” or the like are sufficient. 

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Yes, very good response and thank you. The thing to bear in mind about the whole "sovereignty" issue is, America was founded (as a Christian Nation) by recognizing there was One True God for all Creation and Mankind, and the One True God is the Ultimate Sovereign. This fact is also recognized in historical law. Man, being Created in the Image Likeness of God, is thus Sovereign in his own right via KINSHIP with God. You are Created by God OF God. The Rights of (Wo)Men thus emanate from actual Kinship with God, and nowhere else. As a rule and as established by the Romans, a "citizen" is one who has a duty or obligation to a government and is thus a subject. 14th Amendment/US citizens are subjects of the private city-state of Washington DC and the municipal/territorial corporations that control the territories. When America was founded, there was no such thing as a government or "US citizen." Everyone was a "Citizen" of the State they lived in and, as you recall, the states retained their sovereignty HOWEVER, is is the People who are the Sovereigns in America by fact of law and action. The States function off the delegated authority of the Sovereign People. When you think about all this, you see it can only be this way or America would not "legally" exist. These original dejure people are properly termed State Nationals and it was them alone who wrote the founding documents and founded this country. That act, was an act that can only be taken by person operating in a Sovereign capacity AS a Sovereign. A subject cannot found a country as only a Sovereign makes Law and only State Nationals have unalienable Rights. US citizenship is an inferior class of citizenship enjoying only "civil rights and liberties" and do not have unalienable Rights via Kinship with God - their master, is the government. We have all been defrauded out of this knowledge and into an inferior class of "citizenship" and every Judge in the land knows this because whenever an actual Sovereign State National address any court, he always wins, if he knows the law.

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Exactly why we are in this battle!

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100% agree, however, in this collapsing economy, one has to choose between big corporations for goods & services that’s cheaper & easier to obtain than small independently owned & operated ma-n-pa shops that are understandably more expensive. ICYMI, the Fed raised interest rates another 25 basis points today. I just spent $2200 getting my daughters A/C replaced in her 10yo Honda w/190,000 on it bc I can’t afford a new car payment nor higher insurance for it. My car is 12yo. I can barely afford groceries to live, let alone car payments & other unnecessary expenditures. “The Best Is Yet To Come” can’t come quick enough, or will it, before it’s too late?🤔

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Always love your writing - you pack a lot of information without any fluff. It’s clear, easy to read and educational.

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It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Regarding the NEED of CASH:

I offer you having a look at this article/topic I just read on CourageousLion380's Substack:

"Only One Group Would Want a Cashless Society"



Very interesting and worrying at the same time !

GOD bless you !

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The black slaves in the south in 1860 were total slaves. The "99%" today are actually partial slaves because we still have Our great Constitution for the United States of America. If we didn't have the Constitution intact we'd be total slaves. So - learn, embrace, discuss, defend and be empowered by the Constitution and use this power to defeat the [cabal], or else.

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Thank you very much for this--you have done an outstanding job tying it all together.

I will share this far and wide!!

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