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Part 3:

I'm not going to be covering the US because Eric does an excellent job of it and I think events in the US are more about optics than it is about real events taking place.

Not to say nothing will happen, but it won't happen the way people think.

Remember the words of Trump, things are going to be better a lot faster than people believe.

Once the Cabal start abandoning their positions in the US government hierarchy and start running for the hills, patriots will march into the power vacuum very quickly.

Also they'll throw everything at Trump to stop him including a 2nd attempt on his life, this time I think Trump really will be well insulated, to the point of where he's Fort Knox.

They'll try and invalidate and refuse to certify the election to cause a constitutional crisis and chaos.

But the Deep State will lose these battles.

Also note what had happened the day after the RNC closed and Trump played Nessum Dorma, the end theme from The Sum of All Fears.


The next day Sheila Jackson Lee, overseer of the Secret Service, dies of "cancer" the same way John McCain died of cancer in August 2018 but was "diagnosed" in July 2017!

In other words the gloves have come off, Trump and the white hats will now take out whomever looks to be a true threat, not only to Trump but to the country as well.

Things are going to get hairy and chaotic starting October, the DS rats will begin fleeing the ship closer to November and after Trump wins(but isn't declared the winner) you'll begin seeing staged accidents and deaths being reported in Dec and especially picking up after January when he's sworn in.

Hollywood is already a corpse, they just don't know it yet and the cult of celebrity is already toast, the few remaining "stars" will fall when the truth about Hollywood really starts to be revealed.

Also Disney as a company is going to collapse in the new year, it's financial resources have already been looted in case people don't understand that those billion dollar flops they've been making were never intended to make money but to transfer money to the deep state.

The same applies to AI and Big Tech, hundreds of billions are being laundered into Big Tech companies for their massive data centers they want to build.

Aside from Elon Musk who did build one, and Meta who halfheartedly admits they're trying to build one, all the rest of these "investments" into AI, hundreds of billions, are being transferred into DS accounts which will vanish, just like the Ukraine funding...

Trump is going to drop the final nuke on the US Deep State in the form of Schedule F, which I think he'll enact as soon as he gets back into office. This will flush the roaches and rats from the lower levels of the swamp and remove their power to obstruct almost instantly.

The rest of 2025 will be spent flushing the US and Canada of these rats and cornering them in Europe. The ones trying to hide in North America are going to find things a bit too hot for them.

BTW. Those billions of fiat dollars stored in Deep State banks, they're going to be worth less than Monopoly money, because I think the Alliance and Trump have an alternate currency system all waiting in the wings to implement, once they do that what are those "old" CB Petro dollars going to be worth?

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Looked up Schedule F to see what that is - "Schedule F is a classification within the federal government’s excepted service that was established by an October 2020 executive order from the Trump administration... It created a new job category for federal employees in policy-related positions, exempting them from civil service protections and making them easier to remove". Trump and his team are brilliant! Thanks for your insights, GRY.

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Sounds like Schedule F(lush)....lovevit!

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