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In as much as I can buy into many points here, IF Trump cleans the Swamp, no way are these people going to be happy. Their fortunes will be in ruins/ confiscated. All Presidents found guilty of treason will be dealt with, but every law they signed, every award they gave, every judicial appointment they made will disappear; basically there will be nowhere for them to hide. Yes, your title imo is clickbait. Your points are valid, but I do not think any of them need or want what will come if / when Trump wins again ~ they truly will be TOAST.

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My point is that they don’t want trump back in office but not only do they know it will happen but they also realize things can’t continue on the way they are currently.

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They don't care bc people like them think only about themselves right now. It's taken my husband literally YEARS to understand that that kind of evil exists...he always wants to believe the best in everyone - well who doesn't? These people can't care about their children or their children's children.....which for people like us, we struggle to wrap our minds and souls around that degree of evil. But it exists....I fully understand what you are saying, but your own title fights with your own comment here. They know they can't have it all ~ but they're so caught up in their own evil, they can't fathom that their "empires" might actually be in jeopardy. They've gotten away with so much for so long, they can't bring themselves to actually believe it'll all come crumbling down.

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Tessa, I can see that you are a caring and decent person, but I have to tell you that one President cannot change anything in the larger unnoticed power behind the front. The British empire is and has been behind this for centuries. If you think we left them behind in 1776 then I will tell you that they retook America by stealth with anglophile plants into our government as well as Canadas. In the past there have been several statesmen that tried to enact the true American system and they were murdered, jailed on false charges or smeared by the operatives beholding to the empire. The Royals have always been about conquering, colonizing, bleeding any country of its resources, while relegating the people to slave status. They do not believe in human rights or human dignity. It is King or Queen by divine right. Tittles, land and privileges doled out by said Monarch. Nothing has changed in the entire history of this country and the Malthusian eugenics dream of world conquest, enslavement and depopulation is moving ahead. Americans think Canada is a Democracy! It is not and the British have used it as a means of blocking the kind of industrialization that was planned by Hamilton, Franklin, Lincoln, Rosvelt and Kennedy. Trump is the other who although has not been a moral man, did see the light and was trying to begin the same dialog with former allies that were made into enemies by these same powers so that we were at war all the time. I assure you this is accurate, and it is the reason why this country has turned into a dystopian nightmare instead of what it was intended to be. We are not the city on the hill, we are the slum pretending to be the city on the hill. China and Russia are actually doing what all these brave Americans and Canadiens tried to do, mutual cooperation with the belt and road incitive that would raise all boats. We have been lied to about the entropic universe as a closed system that is destined to heat up and burn, leaving humanity gone from the picture. Climate change, green new deal, great reset, human population being the disease are all lies. Jack.

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I am aware of the history that you describe above and more. Please note in my first sentence, I state: IF Trump can clean the swamp. I personally do believe we could actually see change if/ when Trump returns to the WH. In the meantime, my comment above is my personal opinion of Erik's title only.

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Thank you, Tessa! Are you familiar with Matt Ehret and Cynthis Chung? They are the Canadien Patriot, Rising tide foundation, Through a glass darkly couple. Must watch their videos and read every book they have published, Jack.

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My reading between Erik's lines is, [they] prefer jail and some form of 'real' justice, as opposed to street justice. Ten years in prison is nothing compared to being tortured to death by a revenge mob, which as Erik explains is what will happen if the system actually comes crashing completely down.

And like rats jumping ship, [they] are quietly trying to cut deals before all the good deals are taken. Typical snakes -- no loyalty to anyone but themselves. "You knew I was a snake, when you took me in..."

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Good point, WildBill…which I didn’t quite get reading the article 🙏❤️

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I’ll never forget the photos of Mussolini and his wife going down.

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Love your reasoning, Wild Bill. thank you

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Start hanging many of them for TREASON.

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We can hope. And if not, buy a flamethrower.

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