I’m not rural but I got STARLINK to get away from sucky AT&T. It cost more but I have great service without some disgruntled employee turning me off for a week because Google didn’t like me streaming Badlands media! I have peace of mind and peace of mind is worth every penny!
The Communists always get mad when they don't get their way. They're angry because Elon would not give them access to starlink to attack the Black Sea. Elon never agreed to be part of America's wars.
Well, He did agree to go to war against the satanic deep state cabal trying to take down America and it's constitution :-) And for that we all thank him!
Truth is the enemy of the deep state, Trump and Musk both are pushing for truth. So the deep state put targets on their backs and uses their media and judicial arms to attack. The deep state doesn't realize how awake America First people are and we see through their deceptions. We read the small print and research the hell out of everything because the truth has been hidden so deep that's the only way to locate it. They created us with their own deception and we now see through the deception as a minor fog that we use our powers of discernment to lift out of our way. Erik, Another awesome piece to spark the real discussions that need to be held to wake more of the sleepers. Once awaken it's hard to go back to SHEEP!!!! Peace...
God Bless President Donald J TRUMP... Musk is getting a taste of the world he has lived in. Both men are evolving...I hope both make better choices going forward. They are the FUTURE!!!!!!
The devil has always been a LIAR and the DNC with their UNI-partners in CHILD SEX ABUSE are his disciples.
I think perhaps Musk was a young opportunist whose wisdom evolved along with his fortune. Nevertheless, I think it's ironic that this Afrikaner evolved into a better American (flawed as he may be)
than some of us that were born in this unique country.
Excellent work Erik!! Bottom line: ‘Trump derangement syndrome’ has mutated into another dangerous disease, ‘Elon derangement syndrome’ and that shows both are on the same side and both are over the target!!
I didn't watch the Obama movie about the cyber attack, but I heard about it. My sister commented that it could be predicted programming, where they feel they have to tell you what they are going to do to you before they do it. Time will tell. I like Elon Musk. I am glad he is on the good side. But I like gas powered cars.
I believe that Trump and Musk are controlled opposition..If you read Revelations in the Bible it says that the harlot / deep state will be destroyed by the Beast and that the Beast will then try to kill most of humanity due to his hatred of GOD..So you need to ask yourselves if Trump and Musk were really that big of a threat to the deep state why don’t they just kill them like they did JFK and Lincoln ? Well because they can’t because they are protected by the beast system that is yet to come..My own opinion based on biblical prophecy and my personal understanding of the Bible..May GOD bless and protect all his children 🙏
Judging by the hydrogel filaments, micro dot technology, just to name a couple, that they’re finding in the live blood of the j a b bed and the unj a b bed, in anesthetics, in wild and domestic animals, food, water, the air, supplements, meds, etc., there no doubt in my mind that m u s k is absolutely thrilled over the merging of tech and human. I still can’t get the image out of my mind of the poor monkey’s brain that he’s had hooked up to a computer.
I’m not rural but I got STARLINK to get away from sucky AT&T. It cost more but I have great service without some disgruntled employee turning me off for a week because Google didn’t like me streaming Badlands media! I have peace of mind and peace of mind is worth every penny!
I am very rural and I have Starlink and love it.
Saves me money each month and the service is fantastic.
Thanks Elon... now I want my Pi phone too :-))
The Communists always get mad when they don't get their way. They're angry because Elon would not give them access to starlink to attack the Black Sea. Elon never agreed to be part of America's wars.
Well, He did agree to go to war against the satanic deep state cabal trying to take down America and it's constitution :-) And for that we all thank him!
Thanks Erik for your work on this article.
Trump & Elon are the bomb... the two best trollers on the internet! They are kicking the DS Rat Bastards asses... Glorious!!!
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Truth is the enemy of the deep state, Trump and Musk both are pushing for truth. So the deep state put targets on their backs and uses their media and judicial arms to attack. The deep state doesn't realize how awake America First people are and we see through their deceptions. We read the small print and research the hell out of everything because the truth has been hidden so deep that's the only way to locate it. They created us with their own deception and we now see through the deception as a minor fog that we use our powers of discernment to lift out of our way. Erik, Another awesome piece to spark the real discussions that need to be held to wake more of the sleepers. Once awaken it's hard to go back to SHEEP!!!! Peace...
God Bless President Donald J TRUMP... Musk is getting a taste of the world he has lived in. Both men are evolving...I hope both make better choices going forward. They are the FUTURE!!!!!!
The devil has always been a LIAR and the DNC with their UNI-partners in CHILD SEX ABUSE are his disciples.
I think perhaps Musk was a young opportunist whose wisdom evolved along with his fortune. Nevertheless, I think it's ironic that this Afrikaner evolved into a better American (flawed as he may be)
than some of us that were born in this unique country.
Whereas it used to be concealed as kayfabe... And was hard to see... It's now just openly obvious that Elon is on team Q with Trump.
Putting colorful personality and deep state shenanigans aside, electric cars suck for several reasons.
They definitely aren’t perfect. 😂
Allot more than several!
No doubt they are great for my little grandchildren but I would never own one
Excellent work Erik!! Bottom line: ‘Trump derangement syndrome’ has mutated into another dangerous disease, ‘Elon derangement syndrome’ and that shows both are on the same side and both are over the target!!
Thanks, Erik and God bless you.🙏🙏
I didn't watch the Obama movie about the cyber attack, but I heard about it. My sister commented that it could be predicted programming, where they feel they have to tell you what they are going to do to you before they do it. Time will tell. I like Elon Musk. I am glad he is on the good side. But I like gas powered cars.
Great piece, Eric! I laughed out loud half a dozen times. Keep up the good work!
I believe that Trump and Musk are controlled opposition..If you read Revelations in the Bible it says that the harlot / deep state will be destroyed by the Beast and that the Beast will then try to kill most of humanity due to his hatred of GOD..So you need to ask yourselves if Trump and Musk were really that big of a threat to the deep state why don’t they just kill them like they did JFK and Lincoln ? Well because they can’t because they are protected by the beast system that is yet to come..My own opinion based on biblical prophecy and my personal understanding of the Bible..May GOD bless and protect all his children 🙏
That's your belief, huh? Unh uh. God blesses and protects Trump and Musk.
Maybe maybe not I am just saying what is possible
Elon Musk IS part of the deep state otherwise explain the hundreds of millions of dollars SpaceX has in DOD contracts! It's ALL theatre.......
I think he built his fortune off Deep State money then turned against them. That is why they are so Hell bent to destroy him.
OR....he infiltrated the deep state.....!
Judging by the hydrogel filaments, micro dot technology, just to name a couple, that they’re finding in the live blood of the j a b bed and the unj a b bed, in anesthetics, in wild and domestic animals, food, water, the air, supplements, meds, etc., there no doubt in my mind that m u s k is absolutely thrilled over the merging of tech and human. I still can’t get the image out of my mind of the poor monkey’s brain that he’s had hooked up to a computer.
Blow the trump in Zion