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Excellent Erik and I couldn’t agree more. Diddy arrest is a huge deal. He was an “insider.” That’s why he could constantly laugh and joke about everything he was doing in a whole bunch of interviews and nothing ever happened to him. He was connected and protected.....until he wasn’t.

Suddenly the protected puppet is taken down and now every other puppet connected to him is also panicking because they know they are “no longer protected”either.

It’s not just “Panic in DC.” It’s also “Panic in the Entertainment Industry.”

I am going to predict that a major “media personality” will be one of the next big arrests, which will then cause a panic in the CIA controlled media too.

What a glorious time to be alive.

And Hillary is mentioning “Pizzagate.”

She’s panicked too!

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Thanks Joe. I think more will be exposed in the days to come.

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Do you think the Church of Scientology is involved? A lot of A-list entertainers are members? Curious for friend.

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Please, God let it be so!!! I’m tired of being labeled a conspiracy theorist.

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When some wacko calls me a conspiracy theorist, I tell them I'm a conspiracy realist which always gets them to STFU.

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Keep the faith Sharon, you are never alone.

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Thanks so much Will!

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🙏 MAGA 🇺🇸 Trump ‘24!

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Oct 9
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I prefer all the labels to have equal individual rights and responsibilities (they go together), not group rights (collectivism) which always violate someone else’s individual rights (name one that doesn’t). “Your rights end where mine begin and vice versa. Don’t tread on me.” It is the original American idea.

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Oct 9
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I don’t abide collectivism.

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Oct 9
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You can identify any group, it doesn’t follow that they have special rights. Be specific how I violate your rights or someone else’s. So far all I see is you not liking a group of people.

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Inane comment.

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He stands against The UniParty of Big Gov + Big Corp who will do anything to stop him. When you see Bush & Cheney teamed up with the Democrat Party it means they no longer try to hide it. It’s them against “we the people”. If you want One World Government run by the George Soros & Bill Gates crowd, that’s a choice, not me.

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Oct 9
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Your responses illustrate total lack of rational argument. You are the reason for having block buttons. I don’t mind it when you disagree, but try to say why, can you do that?

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Look up every one of his comments. It appears he is just here to stir up trouble and cause divisiveness. - One of the abominations that God hates.

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Oct 9
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You seriously need to find another hobby. You have failed at this one.

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Actually Jesus will save us, but I know DJT is anointed by God!!!

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You ARE a conspiracy theorist. Own your gullibility, Sharon!

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You are asleep. You will see. Just because you won’t face it doesn’t mean it’s not gonna hit you at some point.

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I'm awake. I wake every day, firmy face the future, and somehow make my way thru a world full of "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right."

Pick whichever group you feel represents you best, Sharon.

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Yeah, because FEMA is doing such a good job! Just about everybody is reporting that they are not only not helping but they are taking people supplies and not letting good people rescue the stranded. It’s sickening.

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You idiot. "Just about everybody" are ACKSHUALLY reporting that FEMA had 1000 folks on the ground BEFORE the hurricane hit, and Prez Joe mobilized another 1000 Natl. Guardsmen a couple days ago. Federal aid is STREAMING into NC, GA and other states affected, hindered only by Repudlikkkan authorities who want to fuck things up to "prove" the federal gummint doesn't work.

Look...the only reason you're here and able to publish your bullshit, uninformed and fanciful opinions is because all levels of government-local, state and federal-work in concert to keep the internet, and all social systems, running; therefore allowing you the luxury to be as uninformed and ignorant as you apparently desire to be. Fine, be one of the "stupids" amongst us -- BUT DON'T spread lies about what is actually going on down here in Reality. We live here. Who am I gonna trust-your lying eyes, or what I see and know?

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Don’t tell me what to do. You can believe whatever you want. You are the gullible one.

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What? Do what you will, as I said us normal 'mericans do all the work to support the stupid minority in their quest to be stupid.

Here's a link to a writer with more credibility in one thin hair than you have in your whole being: https://open.substack.com/pub/america/p/can-we-reassert-the-value-of-immigration?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=sfvq9

Repost this to your unbelievers. Chicken.

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Who in God’s name would just click on any link from a hostile stranger?!

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Go look back to both responses and you are the only one who has crazy ad hominem attacks in every post. I was minding my own business, talking to my own friends, and you interrupted with your ad hom. No one takes that kind of thing seriously. It looks really bad on you and no one will follow your Link traps.

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You are really not convincing anyone with your antagonistic postings. We don't care about your postings simply because of your nasty messages. regardless of the names you call anyone here, we don't care about your posts.

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You sir are an ass wipe. Conspiracies that the rest of us theorise about have so far all come true. You need to go look elsewhere for your friends, cause there aint any here for you.

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You live in the False Matrix, Mike.

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Whoa Mike….are YOU ONE confused, asleep and uninformed INDIVIDUAL! And on top of that irascible 🤔

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Considering how many ‘conspiracies’ have come true, I’d be embarrassed not to be labeled a conspiracy theorist, a name concocted by the CIA to cover up the JFK assassination.

It’s called critical thinking or common sense and as adults, we should all be conspiracy theorists for the sake of the next generations. 😎

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I’ve been wearing that label proudly for a decade. It saved my life during covid. I would not have survived the shot.

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Actually its not. Remember when everyone was saying the same thing when Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested. What'd she get? A lousy 20 years for a lifetime, yes a lifetime, of human trafficking. Diddy will be more of the same. He'll either walk and nothing will be exposed, just like Maxwell, to the public. Or he'll get a joke of a sentence. Either way it's a distraction.

My public debate offer still stands.

Why aren't you informing your readers of all the mass casualty events the government has been planning for and doing test runs? That's more important than this b.s.

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I agree. The timing of this seems very suspicious, occurring as a large number of mysterious government flights between Offutt AFB and Cheyenne Mountain have quietly been taking place. Congress critters’ families getting safely tucked away ahead of the Big Event incoming? Is Congress as a whole planning to stage a “mass death” event to cover for them actually disappearing themselves into Cheyenne Mountain?

At the very least, this proposed bill is a very clever way for the incoming Marxists to assure that their hand-picked successors will “lawfully” rule for term after term with no pesky interference from the plebes. Anybody who thinks special elections will be held if this law ever gets enacted, probably also believes in “safe and effective”.

BTW, I have no doubts that whatever happened at the P. Diddy freak outs or whatever they were, actually did happen. What I doubt is that any agency whatsoever in the US government actually cares. I think they’re just using the revelation and it’s sequelae as meta-entertainment to keep minds away from the coming war and economic collapse.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Trump’s name is on the list of attendees, too. But never mind, because a sleazy, womanizing, possibly adulterous, once bankrupt real estate developer who was rescued from debt by none other than the Rothschilds, is going to clean house on behalf of the little people. Sure. 😂🤣😜

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Now do Biden. Let’s wait to see what comes out before we jump on that train.

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Congress out of session until after election; coincidence?

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Well researched rebuttal, I might say, carefully gathered entirely from mainstream mouthpiece sources. You ARE aware, I presume, that our entire mainstream media is controlled by a grand total of seven families and organizations, each on the same end of the political spectrum? But of course it would be just plain silly to think that a oligopoly might all find a common interest in pushing a uniform narrative. Only dangerous, far right-wing terrorists would think so! So just for grins and giggles, let’s get some really crazy, live, “boots on the ground” perspectives from lyin’ locals actually dealing with the issues, shall we? Just to show people how nutty one would have to be to question the authorities and their totally independent spokesmen.

I had to dig very hard to find this stuff, because Google and the media, down to local stations in the affected areas, do an excellent job of protecting the general public from hearing what the out of control, nut job conspirators have to say. Praise Allah!

Please see the three videos I just posted on my stack. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, I couldn’t post them here but obviously you’ll be able to find them just by looking me up. But be careful if you choose to view this garbage, the obvious nonsense and doctored videos will give you heartburn. The people of Appalachia are both very clever at putting together their propaganda, and hell bent on creating stories to make themselves look good and the government look bad. If only they could channel their energy and intelligence into doing productive things, like encouraging everyone to go get vaccinated to “flatten the curve!”

I think they make it quite obvious that your sources are correct, and have quite the job battling the massive wave of anti-government, white supremacist insurgency that’s deliberately making Uncle Sam look bad. Which brings me to an interesting point. Of the dozens of videos I watched and hundreds of pictures of the storm damage I looked through trying to find good examples of the kind of nonsense you so kindly debunked, I saw one -exactly one- photo of a black person, and she was the wife of a Caucasian man. And I saw exactly two (2) photos of Hispanic individuals whose families had been affected by the storm. Every single other person in each and every photo and video - from authorities to victims to volunteers to politicians to citizens just going about their business in the background - was Caucasian. Every. Single. One. Hundreds of people across dozens of different, independent and uncorrelated web sites and You Tube sites. And on exactly NONE of them except the three mentioned, we’re non-Caucasian. It was eerie. Proof that the press and the people taking the videos are oppressing minorities by deliberately excluding them from being seen. Best darn example of Jim Crow the world has ever witnessed!!!

There were also exactly zero FEMA vehicles or personnel to be found, except on the last video I posted where the narrator pointed into the distance and said they were setting up a response base just about at the horizon. “Three days late”. Now, what are the odds that FEMA, who publicly states that their top goal is practicing “DEI”, would be dragging its feet to help a disaster-struck region that is quite clearly not, um, “diverse”? Or are they deliberately attempting to silence the suffering of the ethnic communities they insist they’re so intent to serve? No, THAT can’t be true! Well, I’m sure there’s a very logical explanation in there somewhere. I’m just too stupid to figure it out so you’ll have to explain it to me.

Oops, sorry, am I questioning the government? No, it only looks that way. In reality, I’m trying to point out that FEMA and our government are demonstrating the best possible operating practices, by focusing their money and effort on equalizing the care distributed to all the less fortunate communities suffering from major disasters right now. After all, there’s not enough resources to go around. Or there are plenty of resources, those in charge say both so obviously I’m confused and I need your expertise to tell me which statement to believe. Anyway, I know that the assertion that our government is taking care of the hurricane victims and doing the best job possible is true because ManBoobs Pete is nowhere to be found around Appalachia. He’s too busy resolving the pothole crisis in front of the Obama mansion in Martha’s Vineyard. Protecting the oppressed comes first! The government must distribute resources in such a way as to teach the people the correct priorities, after all. Thank God for the wisdom and compassion of our dear leaders in Washington! Whatever would we, the people, do without them? ❤️

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What are you taking about? Trump name is on the list of Diddy party attendees? What list anyway? Prove what you’re saying.

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Excellent response

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I have to agree

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Oct 9
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you are repulsive.

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