watching all of my loved ones happily marching off the cliff "together" while I was trying to wake them up to the horror of what they were doing, is the thing I never expected to see in my lifetime. That so many could be so caught up in the brainwashing, and yet it was clear to me that there was danger in going along with the crowd. (and how could these really smart people be so stupid???)

I appreciate your pointing out that we are all susceptible to brainwashing.... that led me to study hypnosis, as well. For the same reasons you mentioned. To possibly deprogram loved ones, and to possibly inoculate myself against any unrecognized susceptibility.

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Bottom line for an excellent article; one I’m saving to read again from time to time, ‘Make no mistake—the more of us learn how to spot weaponized hypnosis in action, the harder it will be for the controllers to continue committing more atrocities.’ Thank you!!

God bless.🙏

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Trusting the MSM implicitly is not the only thing that hypnotizes people. Trusting the “medical professionals” is another very problematic area in which people have been hypnotized.

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Yes. They love to drone on about doctor this and doctor that, specialist this and specialist that. And they go on and on about their medications as if they were Holy Communion elements.

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How about this, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Apostle Paul.

Essentially, immerse yourself in the prescriptive revelation of Scripture to know the will of God, in order to obey Him.

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Yes, but not only that - also to know Him, to know Jesus and His love and forgiveness and grace and mercy and the great victory He has won for His people!

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Crap. Hate when I push the return button by mistake! Like I was saying, it becomes a stronghold commanding absolute loyalty, such that if a contrary position is presented, it will sound the alarm like the Watchers in Mordor and it’s devoted subjects will cast aside all friendships and pacts to display their devotion to it - like sleeper cells. Like the homeless drunk in the subway station in the Matrix whose ‘program’ was suddenly commandeered by Mr. Smith in hot pursuit of Neo.

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it's clear they are running a program, isn't it? Especially when they start parroting the same several phrases heard on the news. It always makes me wonder what programs I might be running in the background of my own mind. But if you even ask that question of yourself, pay attention to how your focus shifts and you can thereby shift your perspective. Watch how the talking heads make use of nodding and facial expressions (approval, disapproval, appreciation, derision, and so on) to train the viewer into what they want us to think about the things they are telling us.

So, one of the programs being installed is that the viewer will be rewarded by having correct thoughts or viewpoints, and will be punished for wrongthink. (taken further.... the viewer then takes this program out into society and thoughtlessly rewards and punishes those around him).

Challenges to the programming are seen as threats -- almost as though life or death threats. but if you think of the program running in the background as a parasite, then absolutely the program is being threatened..... and may react violently. The person is possessed, in a way.

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Well said!

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Yes! Great insights. Sometimes they (if nonbelievers in Christ) are literally possessed by demons.

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Well said, Steve. I scrolled down to find the first part of your post. I have experienced the same thing, of people "turning on me" very suddenly. It feels quite demonic sometimes.

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I remember going into a trance when I was six, never since that I remember.

I was standing in the kitchen looking out the window. My mother seemed upset, she was calling to me like from a distance and I snapped out of it. I think I was a little annoyed at her for doing that.

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Another excellent and informative piece! It all makes sense, and I think the ultimate trance states are induced by that deservedly maligned alphabet agency in its MKUltra programming.

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That was great, sir. Jesus referred to a pathological trance as ‘blindness.’ Many decades ago, I used to just take this labeling of his as being figurative. But my whole adult life has been marked by being on the receiving end of people quite suddenly ‘turning’ on me for no apparent reason. One minute they’re this, then all of a sudden they’re that - and I’m the object of their aggression.

I finally came to the conclusion/realization that when (ultimately) self-destructive mental constructs take root in someone’s psyche, it becomes a stronghold commanding absolute loyaltythen when a trigger is activated, they will respond with blind

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Do you have Jesus in your heart. A personal relationship with Him? I think you might. I have encountered people throughout my life that do the same. I had one woman whose shoulder I touched and asked her if she was ok, she jumped away from me and hissed at me. That’s the worst I’ve seen but typically it’s what you described. Is it possible that they’re possessed by evil recognizing Jesus in your heart?

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The best process I’ve used is getting in the quietest place possible, which varies depending on the particular situation you are in, and letting all the noise filter through and away---maybe a few minutes maybe longer. Basically it’s a meditation technique or maybe reaching a preferable hypnotic state. Anyway, I really like the woods idea too. God Bless!!!

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Loved this article. Your work comes at the world from a very different point of view than I normally look at things and I l love that. You really make me think and I appreciate that.

Already looking forward to your next article 😀

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I've wondered why these protesters/agitators always use rhymes when screaming their messages. Could that have some correlation to the hypnosis we see going on today?

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Nah, rhyming just makes ur easier to remember.

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ear worms in ads and music are definitely trance inducing, powerfully so. We are entirely immersed in noise...

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Yes I believe you’re correct just like on msm that repeats narratives over and over again.

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This is a very important topic. Ironically it was my being subjected to a psychological experiment in college designed to push a mind into conformity that steeled my mind to manipulative tactics overall and led to awareness of Edward Bernays works. It was run by my best friends. I was absolutely certain I was correct, even though the test and my friends insisted I was wrong. Turns out I was correct, and the experiment was to study what % of respondents would conform to what they were told. But the side effect of this was reinforcement of my lack of trust in people which has stayed with me to this day...

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Thanks AH! Your posts always explain a lot, and do once again. I have found daily 20-30 minute meditation cleans the slate of all the narratives and hypnotic messaging. Twice a day is even better.

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Good article, especially since critical thinking is rare these days.

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Agreed. Common sense is lacking as well. Common sense says if a mask works for flu, why didn’t it work for Covid, or common sense says sitting as opposed to standing doesn’t effect a virus, or a witch hunt against one man the likes we’ve never seen, is quite obvious he poses a threat, the push to isolate, seperate and divide has an agenda.

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I love the method you described to reason with sleeping people. I will be using it this week. Thank you!

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Great article AH I learn from you every single time.

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