Great info once again Ryan!!! Love it! Keep up the great work my friend!

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Thanks Joe!

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In addition to the criminal fiat system there is a massively more criminal off-the-books , very large banking system that is partly separate from, and partly integrated with the criminal fiat system. Its purpose is to launder narco, child sex slave, other human, and human organ harvesting, arms trafficking, and looting of national treasuries by puppets of the Nazi-Anglo-American-Zionist terrorist Fourth Reich International formed as part of WWII. Think the bank at Vatican City formed in 1946 by Nazi Reinhard Gehelen who helped the sexual deviant Alan Dulles form the OSS/CIA to launder narco, and later child trafficking proceeds. Or think of BCCI which became infamous when closeted homosexual abuser of boys, GHW Bush, was running cocaine for Iran Contra. Prescott Bush was a Nazi agent infiltrator for the Third Reich tasked with helping the Germans advance the 3rd, and 4th Reichs. Or think of all the offshore banks where trillions is parked by corporations, and wealthy individuals all exposed in numerous "hacks," or by Wikileaks. The missing $22 trillion looted from US taxpayers that Catherine Austin Fitts exposed didn't wind up in the criminal fiat system. It went into the darker banking system.

It's best to avoid debt as much as possible or use it to your advantage as mych as possible. Most Anericans are debt slaves.

My parents took on mortgage debt from a bank, sold a modest home in their 40's after owning the home for 25 years, used the equity to buy a much larger home, with some rental units too, but the owner financed it thus cutting out the criminal bankers. The only debt I took on once was mortgage debt which I exited quickly. Neither I, nor my folks take on debt now. Americans need to create alternative to the Fourth Reich International criminal systems. We need a revolution of people opting out if the system by creating more localized economic systems.

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Perhaps the Romans had it right: universal debt forgiveness each new year. Start fresh and reset.

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Four points of clarification:

1) The Constitution granted Congress the right to create money in Article I, Section 8, Clause 5. However, Congress surrendered that right to the Fed in 1913. Since then, the US Government has been borrowing money at interest. This is inherently unconstitutional. Congress should be managing the supply of money that is used as legal tender (the currency that is used to pay federal taxes).

2) If Congress only spent the amount it collected in tax revenues, there would be no reason for Congress to print more money, or worse, to borrow more money to cover its expenses.

3) Whether or not the currency of legal tender is backed by any real asset is a moot point. The currency would have inherent value because it is the only money accepted by the US government for payment of taxes.

4) Interest could be charged by private entities that loaned money, and their interest rates would be determined by the open market -- not by any agency of the federal government. And the money they loan could be any currency, not just federal legal tender. If their currency is backed by a real asset, it would be even more valuable and could potentially be worth higher interest rates.

I am describing an ideal economy, which could only exist if returned to our constitution.

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Well, I'm no banking major or business major, but calling it "a system," might be the answer.

That might be where the answers lies.

Now, let's move on to explain the "stock market."

Of, for the luvagod !, please don't.

Just kidding.

You really made things understandable, Ryan. Great Work. Thank You.

Our World Is Rapidly Changing.


Hears one on Tech-by-needle.

Protect yer brain, [they] like to consume the consumers.

It's almost like [they're]...

~ Jon Rappoport


"not from these parts."

~ "David Adair"

{Child prodigy rocket engine designer & builder. Made this quip when asked to inspect a captured engine, many stories below the surface of The Earth}.


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Something is up regarding the old FED financial system. Everywhere I go, the grocery store, any store, bank, even my favorite resell shop have or in the process of changing their payment computer systems. I did read about Quantum Financial System taking effect February 3rd ?? Anyone have a clue ?

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QFS Nesara/Gesara is BS imo.......have seen no actual proof of it just influencers/grifters fleecing their viewers on Social media....100% Hopium....Charlie Ward said it had ben implemeted a year ago FFS and he's in charge of the roll out !?!!!!

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Very well done! Thanks for all of your hard work and sharing this with We The People!

Keep up the great work!!

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The US dollar is not backed by gold silver or oil. It is, however, backed by the blood, sweat and tears of the US citizen, and the violence and the lies of the US government. It’s not just paper. It’s greif and evil.

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David Adair:

Child prodigy rocket engine designer & rocket builder.

Met & discussed rocketry with Werner von Braun.

Met Arthur Rudolf, Nazi rocketeer, who entered U.S., via Project Paperclip.

(Mossad finally grabbed Rudolf in S.A., & tried him in Israel).

Sent a missile up at Rocky Flats at ~age 13, with Curtis LeMay, in charge of Air Force Base.

Went "underground" 20 or so stories to evaluate a captured engine, to figure out its "non-electrical-wire circuitry.

He testified to Congress, in secret session, on all of this.

His testimony is kept secret.

Like everything else, of real import, these days.

Think of The Energy Sourcing, that may be kept from U.S.


Something to stretch The Mind.


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Also interesting is that David Adair met Curtis Lemay through his mother who was a nurse, I forget if Gen LeMay was in the hospital or his relative but that is how they met. And then David Adair grew up near Neil Armstrong and knew his family, was at his mother's house for the Apollo 11 launch, I believe. Adair knows what is going on.

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I didn't know about the LeMay connection. But Armstrong yes.

David had dreams at a young age in which he got Inspiration for his engine designs. When he met WV Braun, Braun asked David where he got his ideas & David told him "my dreams." WVB said, "me too." WVB told his own mom, (maybe when in Germany), that he wanted to build a rocket to get to Mars. Supposedly, he also told his mom that he probably wouldn't succeed but someone named Elon would.

David did all his calculations with a slide rule (trajectories, etc.) & on paper. No calculator.

David's mom said to David, "you came through me, but not from me."

There is an old 2 hour program, featuring David, filmed at The Granada Forum. This forum was a small operation that had interviews with many interesting people, composed of a small dedicated working group of older people, I believe located in Orange County, CA. They also produced a 2 hour tape featuring Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips. Worth finding & viewing. Best Wishes.

Also, Arthur Rudolf, Nazi allowed in USA via P. Paperclip designed the Saturn 5 rockets. From this, via a series (Gemini, etc.), Apollo rockets & missions, were birthed.

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I think I saw that LeMay connection on the very first episode Adair did on GAIA. He is on youtube also, I need to re-watch these. Adair referred on air to the CIA as "Nasty Nasty." That connection of his mother meeting Gen LeMay seemed almost pre-ordained, or a "Synchronicity" as some researchers have referred to it. Adair has this great sense of humor where he can poke fun at things, such as their secrecy.

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I agree with it all.

Thank You.

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I forgot to mention, if I remember correctly, they took him to the underground base and the ET vehicle "recognized" him and communicated with him through thought. The workers there had not been able to access certain things and Adair was able to facilitate opening the craft, I think. I have to re-watch that. In itself, that action indicated perhaps that the ET craft, which was cognizant, had initiated the contact between Adair and General Lemay. Very interesting.

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This is what I remember.

Rudolf knew David was bright & might be able to solve "the problem" of the "wireless (essentially) framework of the ship's engine.

David, at the time, or sometime later upon reflection, realized the electronics were shaped & "constructed" similar-in-pattern, to the human brainstem.

[Brainstem: 3 portion, neural "connector" b/w spinal cord/brain. Midbrain, Pons, Medulla Oblongata. Contains nuclei (groups of nerve cell bodies) of most of paired (R/L) 12 Cranial nerves, for Special Senses, etc.]

He felt this portion was "sentient" ("constructed" from some hybrid of machine---living matter).

He said the metal was both heat-sensing, HOWEVER, also, emotion-sensing. The heat (thermal) that's fairly easy. But he was upset at Rudolf's questioning at the time, & when he touched metal envelope of ship, swirling patterns of energy appeared on metal surface where fingers made contact. It was fiery red & whirling. As he calmed down, & came down from ship (no appreciable heat change) the pattern at his fingertips upon again touching ship was much more calm in colour & swirling.

He explained how USA WAS WORKING ALREADY on ship drive & steering via hook-up to human pilot brain interface. But it was in early stage.

He surmised the ship was a hybrid & alive in a biologic sense. The ET pilot would merge with the ship to steer very easily with Thought Power.

(If you watch the "car race" in Star Wars, with Young Aniken, thru mountainous area, imagine instead of steering, with a slight delay, from brain coand to action hand, that you simply looked at a slit b/w 2 rocky caverns, & proceeded your ship, thru, henceforth.)

MindFully of course on course.

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How does the Quantum Financial System figure into this (if possible)?

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It's largely idiocy. The genocide using eugenics bioweaponry run by our Department of Defense was a Fourth Reich International systems test run. The ongoing starvation of humanity phase is to be followed by a digital gulag of currency, ID, etc.

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no such thing as QFS.....be carefull who you follow and always ask for proof/sources you can verify

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All aspects of this article + Bill of Rights + US Constitution + Magna Carte should be core components repeated every year of elementary school education in every school worldwide.

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100% reserve banking by process, not product - bankingwithoutbanks.com Hint - every bank in the country has this on the balance sheet but the trained monkey planners are taught to teach against for retail customers! You can't make this shit up! The path to be able to teach banking is to ditch being licensed with a broker/dealer. The cons are upheld by the compensation models and the chimps are too hungry to let go of the banana.

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Financial sin of omission: https://bit.ly/finsinomission The goal is to get the masses to put money behind a deduction wall and therefore has a gov lien against the account. They rehypothecate and you go long and naked crossing fingers, deferring taxes on accounts destroyed by the inflation they created. Golden Rule - He who has the gold makes the rules!

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The backbone of the con is rehypothecation: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/rehypothecation.asp#:~:text=personal%20finance%20areas.-,What%20Is%20Rehypothecation%3F,or%20a%20rebate%20on%20fees.

Rehypothecation is a practice whereby banks and brokers use, for their own purposes, assets that have been posted as collateral by their clients. Clients who permit rehypothecation of their collateral may be compensated either through a lower cost of borrowing or a rebate on fees.

In a typical example of rehypothecation, securities that have been posted with a prime brokerage as collateral by a hedge fund are used by the brokerage to back its own transactions and trades.

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