Feb 1, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Thank you for posting this. After some dizzying research on this topic I was so ticked off I couldn’t think straight.

Best books I’ve ever purchased were “Everything You Know Is Wrong” and “Lost Rights”. I needed a valium or ten 😡🤬 but valuable information indeed.

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Great article Ryan! Some really great detailed history! Loved it and keep up the great work!!

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

I have close to 30 years into this subject and make my living pushing back the frontiers of ignorance surrounding banking. Only one man in the country, a friend of Ron Paul, wrote a book on the problem and solution. How Privatized Banking Really Works is about R. Nelson Nash's work called Becoming your own Banker. bit.ly/bankingwithoutbanks 100% reserve banking where you own your cash position without rehypothecation! Learn more at Freebridge.net

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Informative summary - thank you for this bit of history Mr. DeLarme. Not often mentioned in concert with this coup is the 17th Amendment, subjecting U.S. Senators to popular vote corruption (and control) by amending Article 1, Section 3. 17A was ratified (supposedly) April 8, 1913 - about two months after 16A, supposedly ratified February 3, 1913. I believe 17A's purpose was to render repeal of 16A and the Federal Reserve Act nearly impossible by effectively removing the voice of State's Rights from Federal legislative process. Blackmail, bribes, extortion, sweetheart deals, and other under-the-table criminality provide a secure backup control system for political and monetary subjugation. This was a brilliant coup, rendering U.S. citizens nothing more than indentured servants or serfs at best - or as I prefer more coarsely, slaves. Thanks again.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Woodrow Wilson most definitely solidified elite banking control of the US. Of course, Congress was complicit and did just as much damage. It’s all connected to the central banking system around the world. The good thing is that due to the connections, when the Swiss central bank, or another fails, it will bring down the entire system exactly like dominoes.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme


Thank You Professor.

& Your Whole Gang Too !


For BL Readers:

The beginning of this video shows the "creation process of money-making."

Krishnamurti is fine too !

EnJoy, Learn, & FEEL IT ALL !

Around & WithIn You.


Zeitgeist Addendum:


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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Question: If "Woody" was so disabled at the end of his life (that his wife performed his duties), how could he "say" anything? I'm having a very hard time accepting his "regrets" as a sincere quote...just sayin'. Thank you for the history we were never taught...GREAT information!

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Who died on the TITANIC?

What year did the TITANIC sink?

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This is a really great read/listen. 100 + years on - same players ( now descendants) interconnected- same playbook - same dangerous psychopaths - same monetary mess for the people. Nothing has changed

I learnt a lot from this piece. Just look at the modern day “owners “ of FED. 😏

Bank of England - HSBC - sinister history. Be good to a piece on them.

As they say “follow the money”

Good piece - well done

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"Thomas Jefferson saw it [The First Bank of the United States] as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation, and corruption."


GoodNess Loch Ness !

What could possibly go wrong ?

Perchance to dream of schemes.


"Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.”

~ Nate

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This is a great read! Thanks for putting it together.

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It is AMAZING how many Americans do not know that the “Fed” is a private banking system used to control We The People and keep us struggling. It is sick. Evil. And we let them do it.

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Thanks so much, Ryan. Well written. For the financial bears of little brain out here it reads like a FED for Dummies. 🤣

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"death pledge"


From Middle English morgage and Middle French mortgage, from Anglo-Norman morgage, from Old French mort gage (“death pledge”), after a translation of judicial Medieval Latin mortuum wadium, from mortuum + wadium, from Frankish *wadi (“wager, pledge”). Compare gage and also wage. So called because the deal dies either when the debt is paid or when payment fails.

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Good ole Woody, we've had some corrupt presidents! All picked by the hidden hand which I'm sure most of these men are. I understand Trump has picked all but one to serve on the board. Do you think that will help to dissolve this scam, or do you think it will remain as is. I read that somewhere it wouldn't matter even if he had. There has to be something done, I figured maybe Trump had devised a plan with the nominees to the board. Just a hopeful thought there. A girl can HOPE.

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