Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

you folks at badlands are damn near impossible to troll. everything you say makes sense.

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An excellent article!! The parallels are clear and absolutely reinforce the principle- “ those who don’t learn from history, are doomed to repeat it”. I is with a heavy heart that I notice only 31 “likes”as of this reply. Perhaps because I was one of the first to read it

Because as usual you’re spot on!!! This will be sent to children and grandchildren alike!!

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I think a bit differently about this than you do. It may be the age difference but I think the reason why we are in this situation is because we allowed a few bullies with no real power to beat us down and slink away without fighting. God made us warriors for just this season and we failed.

We as a nation are down to only half the population who actually believe in God. This was an intentional act by the same CIA that created every monster like Obama. Make it hard for a family to get by on just one salary, make divorcé acceptable, take God out of our schools and sex, drugs, and rock and roll a way of life. I know this is a skinnier version but it has all led to the slow death of a once great nation, or we’re we? We have made war more a priority than peace and for what? Certainly not to make America great, but to make a few wealthy.

If we had strong leaders that didn’t take a knee to every thing that is anti American then we wouldn’t be in this mess. We have turned the other cheek and become so complacent that we, as a majority, seem to be the minority. I didn’t raise my children to walk away from what they believed in and they raised strong, independent thinking children, who do not still live at home.

I have a grandson who works for Boing. He is a fine, strong Christian man and I couldn’t be prouder of him. He told me it’s changed at work. He now is in a lead position but he has to be so careful of what he says. Most of those who he oversees are Asian and he’s concerned that the wrong term or joke or something and it’s not the same as when he wasn’t a lead. He’s a father of three and his wife is at home raising their children. He’s praying for a different position, but I can’t imagine working in an environment like that. We have created this mess becoming we have catered to, or ignored the slow progression of rot and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Our children are the product of our making. We have forgotten how to stand up and fight for what is good and right. Look at Poland and pro families who do not allow illegal entrance into their country and they do not have these problems. The government made it hard to focus on family, jobs and what they were doing the past 70 years and here we are. Country destroying countries. What a mess we are in and we allowed it to happen.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Amen, brother. If we only let God back into our (His!) country I believe He would turn things around on a dime. He’s just waiting for us to wake up and invite Him back. We’ve lost sight as a nation of our purpose in life. It is to glorify God. That’s it.

I would’ve been taken out back and shot as well ... 😄

Great article.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Excellent comparison ! In that Germany, a gun to your family's heads was pretty much a no-brainer. See the horrifically excellent opening scene from Inglorious Bastards. Today's 'consequences' for non-compliance are trivial in comparison, and not only a result of the 'Hitler Youth' type indoctrination written about in this great piece, but a tragic result of the fear and weakness of our current generation. WTF happened to you who knew better, yet still acquiesced? I am so done with anyone who knowingly exercised his/her free will so poorly, and STIIL cling onto their fearful beliefs. This is enough to drive out the compassion from even compassionate persons. Grow a brain! Exercise critical thinking! Turn OFF the corporate media shills !

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson


All anyone needs to understand the situation, there and here, is to read the Bible. It's clear, God gave Israel that land, they are His chosen people to be there forever, no matter how badly they screw up. And anyone who curses them will be cursed.

No man can defy God's will and God's purpose.

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Excellent comparison to today's youth and NAZI Germany. We also need to reinstate the Smith Mund Act. But I fear the damage has already been done as no one with functioning brain cells believes the Lame Stream Media any more. They question everything. Heck, my latest mantra is: "We know every war since Napoleon has been funded by the same bankers, and the winners of the wars write history. Our Revolutionary War was after Napoleon so who won the Revolutionary war, and how do we believe anything presented to us as History? Most have been brainwashed to think O'Bummer was a good thing because the media was covered up his truths. We need to realize just about everything we have been taught is a lie. Until you can confirm independently, you should assume everything you've learned is a lie. The money masters have used their magic spell over the populations... Great article...Peace...

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Erik! You’ve done a superb job drawing the parallel between the population in Germany during the Nazi regime and the population here. Best I’ve read! I lived Germany in the early 70s for over three years and the people there are absolutely no different than the people here.

Total agreement on Obama and his roles for the youth. The CIA will be destroyed when all is done, rightfully so. The true Manchurian candidate and we heard about it years earlier via a (CIA inspired) movie.

Today we live in a country where all of your readers would have faced dire consequences and your comment here describes our current time: “No one is truly free to think or say what they believe without fear of repercussions.”

But, many in the truth world know God and have tremendous faith. That faith in Him is all the difference and you’re absolutely correct that the path back to a normal life is bringing God back in our daily lives.

God bless you on a great take!🙏🙏

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Amazing article, thank you.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Brilliant 🙏❤️

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Excellent piece. I'm at a point in this war that I WILL NOT comply even under threat of death. Heaven is preferable to this ugly world we inhabit right now. These truths are ugly, but my faith keeps me grounded that this ugliness is temporary.

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I am so old, I remember reading from the Bible at school and the day the teacher told us that the Supreme Court had ruled that we couldn't do that any more. Most of the kids cheered because we were not very good at reading aloud yet, but I was sad because I was good at it and liked to show off. Since then, I have learned that the decision against school prayer occurred just one year prior--and was the very first Supreme Court decision to cite not a single precedent. There were hundreds of precedents. That means the court broke the law and should have been impeached.

Before that lawless decision, school discipline problems included such items as talking in class or running in the halls. By twenty years later, the most concerning issues included raping the teachers, violence,and bringing guns to school. Lots of kids brought guns to school when we were under the rule of Law--which includes the Second Amendment. It just wasn't a problem.

Since all the precedents say we can pray in school, Red State legislatures should cite those precedents and bring the prayers back, with instructions that no child has to join in if s/he doesn't want to. The matter will rise to the supreme Court again. Will they uphold the law this time?

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Excellent work brother 🙏🏻

Thank you for bringing up the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, and how its repeal brought forth a full court press of propaganda, commencing in 2013.

Now that the WWII generation of fighters has died off, the next generation must step up and fight for this nation, for our very existence depends on it. We can fight through finding our faith in God, repenting of our sins, and asking for His Holy assistance in fighting the evil ones! God promised Abraham that his children of Israel would be taken care of. God did not make the same promise that the United States of America would be okay.

Silence DoGood


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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I ask people all the time if they have heard of the Smith-Mundt Act and how Obama "modernized" it when he got into office. It's appalling how many have no idea what I'm talking about.

Loved your article Erik.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Why didn't Trump and his administration reverse what Obama did to the Smith Mundt act in the NDAA?

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In their defense when the Hitler youth were taken to see the death camps, not a dry eye. "My people did this?" "No, you did this." Were they innocent? Hell no. Merely ignorant, not a defense.

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