Ryan, excellent work on this topic, thanks! You’ve just described what I have observed about ALL of mankind’s discoveries, advances, etc., and that is that EVERYTHING created for good WILL be used for evil. We must fight all that removes the ‘individual’! However, I suspect that this will not happen until Jesus makes His return. Meanwhile I plan to, as always, not comply! Thank you, Ryan, for sharing gifts with your readers. God bless you.🙏🙏

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Thank you, Ryan for another informative article. I love how you make an almost incomprehensible subject very believable. There are so many just pure evil beings { I can't even call them humans } in this world that it makes you question your own acquaintances, Notice I said acquaintances not your true friends,

God bless you and please keep writing these amazing reports

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You almost got Urinal Harari's species correct. He is of a lower order of goblin, a hobgoblin. I am guessing the ghoul (Gates) is in a part of Africa where the peoples have not already went through the death-by-jabs he inflicted there a while back or the regime there will do anything for the fiat money the ghoul hands out. I believe that greedy species is called Ferengi. That species also covers most of Congress, world governments, corporations.... There is millions of Mothers in Africa & India that want a bit of time with Gates. ahem...

Those who want to go from system-lords to over-lords can kiss my hinny. I do not consent, I will not comply. Stand strong y'all.

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Very interesting and informative article. Thank you. A lot of my fears surrounding these “smart” homes and IoT seem to be a reality.

I had to chuckle at SMART ePANTS = “smarty pants”.

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Yes all these technologies are a technocrat’s wet dream.

However what has the WEF and that imp Harari spooked is the rapid advent of AI.

Harari is totally onboard with the surveillance state and you would think AI is the genie which could make this happen but it’s not.


AI is a wild card the Deep State thought they understood but underestimated its progress.

What scares the crap out of the Cabal is that they don’t totally control the technology and it’s already out there.

In the InfoWars sphere an advanced AI agent which can ‘think’ and respond a million times faster than humans is a massive threat to their secrecy and security apparatus.

Already the open source community is getting into AI in a big way, knowledge is power and this knowledge is not exclusively in the hands of the Cabal.


Harari is panicked because AI can and will be able to break any Digital ID and CBDC system on the fly, modern LLMs are already being trained to learn using various techniques such as adversarial training where you teach through a Darwinian process of the survivors get to go on to the next round and the losers are eliminated.

Yes AI is the ultimate spyware and prison warden, but what if that warden can be ‘persuaded’ to change sides?

Lookup AI jailbreak for examples of this, AI are also the ultimate detective which can create copies if itself to sift through petabytes of data looking and search for patterns, something the Deep State absolutely don’t want in the hands of ordinary people.

For a glimpse into the current state of AI:


The Cabal realizes there is a technology they cannot absolutely control which will render their technocrat paradise moot and it will resemble something out of the William Gibson novel Neuromancer.

Anything which make Harari very nervous is a good sign.

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In the cabal’s case, everything they create for evil WILL be used for good by the world’s patriots and that spells their demise from the world stage!

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I think the patriots already understood AI technology better than the Cabal and have already used it.

I'll give one example:

When the covid pandemic was unleashed by the Cabal to begin the process of the Great Reset, it was seen as something which could not be combated effectively with any known vaccine.

Certainly not the fake Big Pharma vax which was intended to gradually depopulate the planet while making big profits for the Cabal(ie rob the victims while killing them at the same time).

We all know the timeline of events, the Alpha strain of C-19, then the Beta stain followed by the Delta variant, all within 12-16 months of the beginning.

It looked like nothing could stop it and we would be in perpetual lockdowns and boosters for years.

Then the Omicron variant came out of nowhere in Nov. 2021, it was extremely contagious, but very mild. For 99% of people it was no more dangerous than a regular flu.

It's side benefits were that people who were infected and got over it developed immunity not only to Omicron but also the more deadly Delta variant.

In fact Omicron actually acted as a sort of natural vaccine to covid!

Once you got it you didn't need boosters.

When you look at the timeline after that the booster market dropped off a cliff and so did the fearporn, people demanded the end of lockdowns and mandates.

This blew the Cabal's plans out of the water.

Remember how confused and panicked Fauci looked? He didn't understand where Omicron came from because it wasn't part of the plan.

It also spread worldwide within 2-3 weeks and some scientists did a DNA sequencing on it and found it wasn't descended from the original C-19 virus but was a closely related cousin not seen before and it wasn't a direct mutation of the original C-19 virus.

What does any of this have to do with AI?

I suspect that the white hats knew about the C-19 plan of the Cabal, they didn't know the fine details of the virus they would release so they couldn't initially counter it.

But then suddenly in 2021 Omicron came on the scene, very rapidly and out of nowhere, some scientists remarked that Omicron had the hallmarks of having been manipulated.

Very few news stories came out about this and it wasn't mentioned again.

But then this was announced:

DeepMind AI has discovered the structure of nearly every protein known to science


Protein folding is a part of the genetic engineering toolbox and allowed the creation of things like the spike proteins found in the mRNA shots.

What if the white hats already had AI technologies on hand to design and manufacture a synthetic virus which was capable to countering C-19?

Protein discovery normally takes years and massive computational resources, it's even garnered some attention back in Oct 2020 with the Folding@Home project to get the public to donate PC computer time to the effort.

But with AI it they were able to map out as yet undiscovered proteins in a very short amount of time.

From the linked article:

"Researchers achieved the feat using the program AlphaFold, which DeepMind first developed in 2018 and released publically in July 2021. The open-source program can predict a protein's 3D structure from its sequence of amino acids, the building blocks that make up proteins. A protein's structure dictates its functions, so the database of 200 million protein structures identified by AlphaFold has the potential to help identify new protein workhorses that humans can make use of. "

Alphafold was released to the public in July 2021, Omicron comes on the scene in Nov 2021 and essentially immunizes a massive segment of the population from C-19.

And where is the Cabal controlled company like Pfizer now?

Just before Omicron spread rapidly they were at $61 a share, today? $29.43 and they're laying off people and being sued.

"Speaking of which, Pfizer’s Covid vaccine reported $1.31 billion in sales, a 70% decline from the year before. Wall Street had expected $1.53 in revenue. Paxlovid suffered an even sharper drop, with revenue of just $202 million - 97% down from last year."


Where is the covid czar Fauci? in hiding I would bet.

This is one example of the power of AI as a tool and supports your statement that the patriots know how to use technology to it's advantage.

Remember C-19 was planned for years before being release, the Cabal poured billions into that project and where is it now in 2023? It's a boomerang which is returning to hit them in the face.

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Dear Lord, what a perfect example of why this is one of my favorite places to find truth!! I knew about almost all you’ve written here except about the protein folding and the role of AI! You’ve just educated many people to another way that God gifted mankind to thwart the evil. Thank you so much for providing this information to us; manipulated or not (as the lady mentions next), this is a win for mankind! God bless you.🙏🙏

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Hello Ryan !

Regarding this introductive sentence "[Zbigniew Brzezinski's] legacy is carried on today by the likes of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Hirari"

These last (but not the only ones !!) BIG NAMES aren't even ashame of acknowladging they're wanting to act and govern the humanity like "gods" !!

I can't imagine in any way God letting this going more farther this way without any divine and powerful / dramatic pushback of His own which they will amply deserve (as well as every of their minions throughout the world) !

🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God have Mercy and pity to [Them] and bless all of those who are fighting for His Word and HIS Truth ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

To complete your excellent article, I offer you to read this other one I found:

"Worldwide Digital IDs Will Be Required to Participate in Society by 2030"


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Take heart and take heed, none of what the Cabal is planning will come to pass, just as their pandemic plans failed so will Agenda 2030.

I've been monitoring the transhumanist community since the book, The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil come out back in 2006.

Not all transhumanists are nutjobs or con artists, quite a few are visionaries who want to use these new technologies to benefit humanity.

Within the community nobody accepts Hirari's ideas, as a matter of fact quite a few transhumanists disavow Hirari as being anything but a nutter and never acknowledge him as a fellow transhumanist.

The Cabal have as one of their central tenets, the idea of Man as (a replacement for) God, their hatred of God is almost genetic, it runs so deeply in their psychology that it's instinctive.

They seek to replace God in every way and become gods themselves using AI technology, this is for their elites, the fate of the rest of humanity would be similar to the Borg from Star Trek, mindless programmed obedience as drones in the hive. But that's only temporary, as once they ascend into their "AI godhood" they would eliminate the rest of humanity as useless trash and a big middle finger to God's finest creation.

Do you know why the Cabal is losing?

Because they've drank their own Kool-Aid and believe their own propaganda they've put out there about their own power, because they thought they were invincible and in control of everything.

They never thought there was a force out there which was able to so thoroughly derail and destroy their plans.

There is a living barometer of the current state of mind of the Cabal and it's puppets, a blindly loyal disciple of theirs named Justin Trudeau and his WEF handler Chrystia Freeland (architect of the Nazi spectacle in the Canadian Parliament).

Watch him carefully and you'll see a mirror of the mindset of the Cabal, note his behavior over the past three years and you'll see an narcissistic and arrogant man descend into one of a man lacking direction/discipline and in a panic, blindly throwing things out there while every plan he put in place is falling apart.

Look back on the faces of Trudeau and Freeland and you'll see the evolution of insanity, both are looking more and more wornout, it's almost likely both are using high quality pharmaceuticals to hold themselves together and the tell tale signs of drug use are becoming more visible. Their psychosis is becoming more visible each passing day, this is the mindset of the Cabal.

Trudeau Goes CRAZY & Loses His Sh*t


This technocratic hell that Gates and his WEF buddies are cooking up won't work because they no longer have control of the financial system world wide, we can thank BRICS and Putin for that little trick, it was one of the reasons why Putin went into Ukraine, to destroy the money pipeline of the Cabal which ran staight through Ukraine(as well as their bioweapons labs and their human smuggling operation)

The Cabal now only have triggering WW3 as their final attempt at escape and reasserting control from their safe spaces but as we can see it's also failing as well.

Evil can only twist what God has created, it can never itself create anything original.

I believe in a few years time we will see these men and others like them swinging from the end of a rope for Crimes Against Humanity. If they even get to trial and aren't lynched by an angry mob.

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Thank you for your comments as you always mention God in your remarks and that makes me smile.

God Bless You and God will win in the end, but I wish He would move a little faster as these demonic beings need to receive their just reward.

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Hello Floridafan ! 🙋🏻‍♂️🇫🇷

I thank you very much for your kind comment I do appreciate ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

I concur 100% with your last sentence because I'm deeply convinced we're more and more numerous (President Trump himself included !) to await for God's will act as soon as possible !

But His timeline is probably not on the very same scale as ours ...

BUT who knows ??


🙏🏻🕊️✝️ God bless the Great America, President "45-19" Trump and The Plan God gave us ! ❤️🇺🇸🦅 !✝️🕊️🙏🏻

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One of these days the computers that collect and store data on earth and in space need to be destroyed. Personal medical data destroyed. I never consented to this illegal surveillance. I never surrendered my right to privacy. We never voted for cameras above every traffic light and our medical records on line. That was Obamas dirty work. Congress did this to us. They approved the stealing and the spending for all of this garbage. They trapped us in this matrix. The Bush's catapulted us with their planned 911 attack in coordination with the CIA to murder Americans and usher in this 24/7 surveillance POLICE STATE!

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👏👏 HILARIOUS: President Donald Trump lowers Ron DeSantis with Bluetooth Boots Lifters! 👏👏


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“...knowledge shall increase...”

“dark to light”

End of times?

Certainly, here are the verses from Daniel 12:1-4 in the New King James Version (NKJV):

Daniel 12:1-4 (NKJV):

1 "At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the book.

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever.

4 But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."

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Hi Rafael !

Your well-chosen quote remembers me the movie "The Book of Eli" (2010)

For those who don't know it:


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I would like to watch Gates eat his franken food! It’s in everything including saltines cereals , cheese, bouillon, soups. I spend so much time reading labels that I should get paid! 😡

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The KING of Pedos wants to ID and track and have voyeurism rights to your children, your banking and your where abouts 100% of the time. WHAT A SICKO! He doesn't want you traveling further than 5 miles from your home. The 6-foot rule during covid was because it took 6 ft of distance to biometrically get facial recognition on every one of us. It only worked properly at a 6 ft distance apart, thus, the 6 ft rule.

This cold blooded Vaxer Killer needs a trip to Guantanamo. Dragged along as bait from a rope all the way to the shore. An unforgettable excursion befitting this mega wealthy Nut Job. People better rise up and reject this LUNATICs grand ideas for his utopia of control. God knows this sicko wants to control children like he did at PEDO Island over 27 times per the flight-log. How many have been injured from 1990s jabs forward to today. How many babies died after their first jabs? According to newest stats from a doctor overseas, who did the research, SIDs occurred in 100% of babies within 24-48 hours after receiving first vaccination. His sicko x wife and business partner can take the excursion she earned alongside him!


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"...there are those who *where* Bluetooth earbuds..."


"...(IC) has already begun *it’s* effort ..."


(As I state each time I offer suggestions here: I'm a professional Copy Editor. Normally, I charge for the work but sometimes an article is so compelling and generally well written that I'll offer corrections for free. Otherwise I wouldn't waste my time.) This is a REALLY GOOD article, thank you! The points were well made and I enjoyed reading it.

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Thanks for the catches! Always appreciated

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If you’re connected enough & wealthy enough mass murder is permitted.

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