After reading, it all makes sense and it even seems obvious in hindsight. Yet, I never put the pieces together on this subject matter, at least in this type of detail. Thank you for your curiosity, discernment and work to untangle this web. Praying for your family.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Unbelievably thorough article. This is investigative reporting! H Bush was a mastermind at deception and he learned that from his father, Prescott. Thank you for this article.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I was just thinking about Bush Sr yesterday and wondering if they got his confession on video before he left this world.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

You never disappoint! As soon as you mentioned Carlos Slim, I knew this read was going to be breathtaking! The corruption of the totalitarian Bush family to enlarge their bank accounts is maddening. I not only think of the millions of Americans who have died from the drugs that cross our borders which have enriched these evil scumbags, but the $millions Americans have lost at the thievery via NAFTA ! HW deserved more than a bedside tribunal/death! Looking forward to reading all about Jeb especially remembering his look of “I think I’m going to be sick” at daddy’s funeral. I think you should consider writing a book or a set of books on all research/writings..you would have a #1 best-seller book(s) for months! STAY SAFE!

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I wonder when we will find out what was in those "Special Envelopes" given to the wives of certain Presidents / VPs at Poppy's funeral?

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Any idea why oh why would The Donald want to get rid of NAFTA???

Who in Congress fought against getting rid of it?

Exposure exposure exposure! Luv it!!!! Looking forward to the puzzle piece with Saudi Arabia and the clowns in action.

Great article once again.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Well, Joe as usual you didn't disappoint. I look forward to your articles so much as my knowledge of these corrupt Americans was so dismal before you started writing. I so appreciate your diligence and true grit for composing and researching these topics.

Still can't believe how naive I was for so many years and practically worshiping the Bush family. As you can see I am a Floridian and loved Jeb Bush when he was governor. No wonder he looked like he was going to faint when Laura showed him the contents of the letter, What a group of wealthy evil people!!!!!!

Can't wait for the next installment. God bless you. Remember God wins in the end

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

NAFTA also eliminated manufacturing in rural America - ultimately moving the most labor intensive to Asia, and slightly less to Mexico and Honduras. Our middle class was completely screwed.

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Carlos Slim is also behind much of the illegal immigration happening at the southern border. He provides maps, who to contact and where to apply for benefits when they get here. Remember also Biden met with Carlos & Hunter when he was VP

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Great job Joe! Probably your best article yet.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

What a great article/research. I had never made the connection with NAFTA to the drug trade. Your research made everything make sense. I voted for Perot in 1992, mostly because he wanted to abolish to IRS, but also because of his opposition to NAFTA. Can I make an educated guess that he also likely knew that it was a cover for the drug trade??

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Wow, just read your outstanding article and as usual my mind is blown. You are so talented! I really pray that someday you and all the other great digital soldiers (especially those at Badlands Media) are recognized in a BIG way for your contributions to The Great Awakening. Thank you for all you do! ❤️

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This gets more unseemly each go round. Great job, Joe Lange. Keep laying it down as you are... UNBELIEVABLE, but unfortunately, believable.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Ah, yes. The gift that keeps on giving: public/private partnerships.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Great article Joe. I never knew any of this connection of Jeb Bush to Mexican cartels. Wow! And, I was brainwashed to think NAFTA would do what they said. I really hoped it would help the people of Mexico and Central America. Why am I so naive?

Perhaps you've said this, I'm not sure, someone did. I guess the amateur hour Biden corruption will prime the pump and soften up all of us "conservatives" for the counter punch when we find out that our heroes, the Bush family, were the real criminals. I suppose the reveal of that will then happen when Trump is back in office.

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Excellent and thorough article! I’m thankful all of these self-serving humans will be exposed for who they really were/are.

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