Shortly before a second assassination attempt was made on Donald Trump’s life, Trump posted on Truth Social, “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!”
Some could have read this as a hateful, if not immature statement by a 70-something-year-old billionaire towards a 30-something-year-old billionaire. Some may have read this post and rolled their eyes and thought, ‘why, why must you always draw negative attention to yourself?’
What must be understood is that everything Trump says has meaning. Everything he communicates has a purpose. When Trump appears to be drawing negative attention to himself, or doing what some think is putting his foot in his mouth, he is actually setting a trap or drawing attention to something or someone he wants the light shone on.
It’s time people who think they know better, that continue to want to give Trump advice on how to present himself, simply shut up. Trump knows exactly what he is doing. When will you finally figure this out? Every time he seems to have made a misstep, it doesn’t backfire on him, it explodes in the Deep State’s faces. How many times does this have to happen before it sinks into that brain of yours?
When Trump said he hates Taylor Swift, in all capital letters and with an exclamation point, he is actually drawing attention to her. I believe when he says he hates Taylor Swift, he is actually saying he hates the machine that created her. Taylor Swift is an American intelligence agency creation. Created to influence, if not brainwash young girls and effeminate men.
Swift is a role model to many future childless cat ladies. Twenty, thirty and forty years from now, many lifelong Swifties, at this point middle-aged women who chose not to get married, and not to have kids, will be sitting in their studio apartments listening to old Taylor Swift music celebrating with a Margarita at 11am on a Sunday morning, convincing themselves they are thankful they chose the path in life they chose to live. No responsibilities, no one to tell them it’s too early to be drinking and they have too many cats.
Obviously not everyone who idolizes Taylor Swift is going to end up here, but enough will. Enough will be influenced in some way.
Notice all the talk about cats lately. It’s not a coincidence. It all ties together.
You see, Trump doesn’t hate Taylor Swift—the empty shell of a human being—he hates what she represents, and the influence she has on millions of young women. He hates the Cabal system that created her. He hates that girls are being influenced and manipulated into pursuing unfulfilling lives. He hates the media and the people who control and manipulate it.
Bread and Circuses.
The expression ‘Bread and circuses’ goes back to the Roman Empire. The expression was coined by a Roman poet named Juvenal. He used this expression to describe how the Roman Empire kept the people under control. The leaders believed if they could keep the people fed and entertained, they would be more easily controlled. If one lacks hunger pangs and is preoccupied, it’s amazing what they can tolerate without standing up and demanding change.
The Cabal still uses this tactic very successfully today. They give welfare, food stamps and other financial assistance to the poor—just enough to keep them dependent on the government and to keep them from rising up against the system. The working and middle class, they keep preoccupied and entertained through TV, movies, video games, music and sports. But today, it goes beyond just distraction to include manipulation and mind control. It’s interesting, polling shows that the elite consume much less media than the lower and middle class.
While bread and circuses were very successful during the Roman Empire to keep the citizens under control, it lacked a few things that we now have today. Today, there is a better understanding of the human mind, and how to manipulate it.
To wit, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud and Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays developed and perfected techniques that could be used to not only keep people from thinking, but to change how they think.
With the techniques available to manipulate how people think, they now needed a way to get this messaging out to the masses. This would require unlimited funding and a dedicated and powerful group to facilitate this operation. The unlimited funding came from the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and the facilitating of this money kicked into high gear later with the creation of the CIA.
With the creation of the Federal Reserve, the Cabal now had the ability to print money out of nothing, backed by nothing. This created an unlimited supply of funding. The money created by the Federal Reserve would be paid for by the inflation it created, passed on to the people—Truly the greatest scam of all time. Notice at the same time the Federal Reserve was created, Hollywood and national radio took off.
The CIA was formed in the latter half of 1947. During the decade of the 1950’s, homes with a television went from 9% to 65%. By the early 1960’s, the majority of Americans had a TV in their home; it was at this time that the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird is believed to have started—a covert operation in which the CIA started funding members of the media to push forward messaging the CIA wanted the public to consume.
Music, movies, TV news and entertainment, newspapers, magazines … much of what the public consumed was being funded, created and manipulated by the CIA. No one would have suspected it, but the group that was created to protect America from foreign enemies, was actually controlling Americans through its news and entertainment. It wasn’t until Donald Trump started using the phrase “fake news” that most people ever considered that the information they receive on their TV might not be the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It’s a stark realization to accept that one has been manipulated their whole life.
I’ve written about this before, but every aspect of the 1960’s American culture was created and controlled by the CIA. Music groups were created by the CIA. Counterculture groups were created by the CIA. The CIA was heavily involved in the Civil Rights and Womens’ Rights movements. They even created serial killers and political assassins. Anything and everything to control America through fear and division. If anyone stood up to the CIA, they simply took them out, either by assassinating them or by assassinating their character.
It was smooth sailing for the CIA for decades until the birth of the internet. It was at this point that they had to pivot and deal with what was like a wild west to them. They lost control of the narrative. This is why they created Google and Facebook to better control what information people found, and what they said online.
If you remember, it was at this time that people started to stand up to the government, which meant the government needed to crush them—to not only make an example for anyone who might consider standing up to the government in the future, but to paint anti-government groups as crazy, hateful and violent people. It is not a coincidence that in the early 1990’s, when the internet went public, we also had Ruby Ridge, Waco and by the mid-1990’s, the Oklahoma City Bombing.
Here is the mistake that many people make about the media: they think it is a business; it’s not. They think it needs to be operated like a business; it doesn’t. The media is nothing more than a device to preoccupy and manipulate. The CIA doesn’t care where the manipulation and control comes from—broadcast TV, newspapers or online, as long as it occurs.
With the dawning of the internet, newspapers and magazines began to die. The CIA decided its money and attention were better served controlling the internet rather than print because the internet is where people were now getting their news and information. The newspapers began to die off, because the CIA was no longer funding them as abundantly.
Media companies are not real businesses.
With a real business, a company needs customers. If people don’t buy a company’s goods or services, the company goes out of business. It’s not like this with the CIA controlled media. As we have seen with CNN, MSNBC and even FOX News. While their ratings plummet, they still continue to exist. While their ratings fall, they continue to push the same disinformation, even though their customers have shown they don’t want to consume it. No real business is run this way, as they would go bankrupt. But most real businesses don’t have the government funding them.
2024 will likely be one of the worst years for the number of movie tickets sold. In 2020, they shut down movie theaters, so it’s easy to understand why it was so bad, but there is no reason for why 2024 has been so bad. No one is going to the movies because Hollywood isn’t making movies worth watching. People don’t want to see woke movies, and Hollywood isn’t allowed to make the movies people want to see. How are movie theaters still in business? This year there was maybe one or two summer blockbuster movies. In the past, one or two came out every week of the summer.
What about music? I understand this isn’t everyone’s music genre, but I use this as an example of how things were, and how they are now. In 1991, in a 44-day period, these seven legendary rock albums were released.
Metallica, Metallica
Pearl Jam, Ten
Guns N’ Roses, Use Your Illusion I
Guns N’ Roses, Use Your Illusion II
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Soundgarden, Badmotorfinger
Nirvana, Nevermind
I haven’t bought a record in years, but I bought all of these CDs within a month and a half. I understand that music is consumed differently today, but I can’t be alone in asking, “what happened to rock and roll, to music in general?”
Are woke policies stunting creativity? Have certain genres been left to rot on the vine while other genres are being pushed by the CIA? Genres like pop and hip hop, and artists like Taylor Swift and Beyonce?
God created Elvis Presley. The MI6/CIA created the Beatles and Rolling Stones.
This statement probably ruffled a few feathers. Only God can create, the Devil can only imitate. The Beatles were an imitation of Elvis. John Lennon said it himself, “without Elvis, there would be no Beatles.” He might have added ‘without the MI6, there would be no Beatles as well.’
Elvis spent his evenings singing Gospel music into the late hours; I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Beatle once mention the Judeo-Christian God that the majority of Americans profess to worship.
Taylor Swift is Gen Z’s Beatles. Now, I’m not saying their music is comparable, just that they were created in a similar fashion, for similar reasons, by similar people.
Media companies don’t need to make money like a traditional, real business. I believe in some cases advertising is simply money laundering, and is used to control companies. Currently, 75% of ad revenue on broadcast TV comes from Big Pharma. Does Big Pharma really need to promote their products this much while they have the whole government and medical community in their back pocket? No, but they do need to control what the media says about them; hence, they have become the media’s biggest sugar daddy.
I believe it’s not just about control, it’s also about money laundering. The CIA is the biggest gun running, drug running and human trafficking operation in the world. The money that is created through these illegal activities needs to be laundered. Advertising is an excellent way to launder money. How does one quantify advertising’s effect on people? Billions of dollars that go into advertising could influence sales, but again, how do you quantify it? This makes it a perfect vehicle in which to launder money.
How about the farce of social media sites making all their money through advertising? The bulk of what many of these mega corporations generates really comes from the CIA.
Think about it, how does Google make money from someone using their search engine? It’s like Starbucks making money when someone sets up shop in one of their stores, using their internet and bathroom without actually buying anything.
Google and Facebook exist because the CIA created their technology and fund them. Their job is to control what is being found and said online, while collecting personal information that they pass on to the CIA. Advertising is used to make cover for how they make so much money. Advertising is like the money generated from the money laundering car wash on the TV show Breaking Bad, while the real money Walter White makes comes from the meth he produces.
Money created out of nothing by the Federal Reserve, plus money generated by illegal activities like trafficking must be laundered some way. Why not launder it through an industry that can be used to control the people as well? A win-win situation.
It is said that the CIA created modern art as a means of money laundering. No, Hunter Biden is not an artistic genius. And no, a banana duct taped to a wall is not worth millions. Anywhere the value of something is subjective makes it a good money laundering tool.
Ask yourself, how is it possible that YouTube stars make so much money?
Yes, YouTube is used to preoccupy people, but it’s also used to launder CIA money.
When the internet first came out, it was considered a place where all information was available at one’s fingertips. It was like having the Library of Congress at our fingertips, but instead of using it to educate ourselves, we just use it to access the latest addition of People Magazine. Within a matter of years, the bulk of the internet bandwidth was being used to look at porn and cat videos. That ocean of information we have available to us online has been siphoned off into a tiny tide pool where most people now spend the bulk of their time.
Remember when Elon Musk bought Twitter? He immediately lost around 60% of his advertising. Did he, or did the CIA just no longer fund Twitter through the advertising of companies they control?
We later found out how involved the FBI and CIA were in Twitter, controlling what could be said and shadow banning some, while kicking others off the platform altogether. Is it a coincidence that when the FBI and CIA were kicked out of Twitter by Musk that the advertising also dried up? Again, is advertising a CIA money laundering operation?
How does one wrap this up?
Let me start by reiterating that it’s not a coincidence that once the Cabal created the Federal Reserve, creating and endless supply of free money, Hollywood was built in Southern California. It’s not a coincidence that Operation Mockingbird occurred shortly after the creation of the CIA. Unless you are over a hundred years old, your whole life has been spent under the media manipulation of the Cabal.
Trump doesn’t hate thirty-something-year-old billionaire cat ladies. He hates the system that creates and uses people like them. He hates that Americans are misled on their paths to fulfillment. He hates that a system is in place that enslaves us both physically and mentally. When Trump says he hates Taylor Swift, he is saying he hates the Cabal who runs the world.
Trump hasn’t had two attempts made on his life in two months because he makes controversial statements. The Deep State is trying to kill him because they fear he will bring down their system. The Pope said to vote for the lesser of two evils in this upcoming election. I will be voting for the man the Satanic Cabal desperately wants dead.
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What a brilliant 40,000 foot view and analysis.
Our whole lives have been spent in a box that we were never aware of until Trump and Q crashed the matrix.
The Great Awakening is accelerating and you my friend are a great contributor!
Wow! Excellent article 👏👏🙏❤️
This is one of your best yet, Erik.
Yes, Taylor Swift is a symbol representing the capture of minds (by design) that haven’t yet learned the value of self-reflection and the inner journey of being in the world but not of the world.
Great writing and subject. Thank You ❤️